Welcome to the Charlotte Family; a One Piece Fanfic


Chapter 16


This time, I didn’t bother taking much people. My own personal vessel the size of the Going Merry (but much better tech) had the same crazy Big Mom Style design to it. The Sails flew the Jolly Roger of Big Mom but the sail in the front had my name on it in ALL CAPS, as if making sure that everyone would know that I was on board.




*sigh* At least I was recognized as a threat by even the big names in the world. My actions of attacking head first...after a warning and declaration and still managing to destroy everything to the ground has got me quite the attention. Most times, I brought Big Bro Cracker’s biscuit soldiers along and put it in the spotlight so the Marines would think that it was his handiwork but often times they fond out it was me.


Chef of Death Charlotte Syrup 700 Million Beri


Compared to my skills, it wasn’t much but it helped if my opponents (especially the stronger ones) looked down on me a bit. Of course, not that an 700 million beri is low in any way, especially for a 14 year old.


Homie: Syrup-sama! We are approaching the Red Line!


It’s been a couple of days sailing at max speed through the Calm belt and soon enough I saw the massive and only continent in this world. Even I have only seen it a couple of times before but it was still a jaw dropping view. To have something so massive exist in the world, as if someone had intentionally put it there...oh right, Oda sensei.


Me: Change directly towards the line. We’re not stopping for Fishman Island. We don’t have our ship coated and nor am I waiting for that to be done.


Homie: eh? But how will we get through?


Me: Just have faith in me navigator...Kitchen


As a massive cube surrounded the ship, I tried to put ourselves at the very edge of it and the long end to face the red line.


Me: Just before we make contact with the Red Line, I’ll teleport us to the other side....If what I know about the width of the Red Line is true...when we might just make it. Barely.


Actually, it was impossible. At least it should be but tinkering with my Devil Fruit, I’ve found other loopholes and powers I can exploit. It wasn’t much like teleportation like I have sued against Big Bro Katakuri but rather it was an entirely new Kitchen altogether. By connecting the two areas, it was more like a mini version of a wormhole. I developed it myself after trying to imitate sis Brulee’s Mirror world abilities and this was what I came up with.


Homie: Brace for impact! We are crashing momentarily!


Who was he yelling at? There were only a few other homies on board and they weren’t on deck right now. Weird.


Focus! This is not an easy task.


From beyond the Red Line, I sensed my small cube pop up and open with just enough time to...


Me: Transition-Warp!


I felt strength leave my body as I’ve never moved something so large before but I could tell that I’ve successfully made it across.




I hit the ground as I was completely drained of my energy.


Me: Change the course of the ship to Sabaody Archipelago. Wake me up once we arrive there...and make sure to lower the sails. We don’t want to attract attention as the Big Mom Pirates. Especially not with the Marine Headquarters so close.


Homie: Of course!


With that, I let myself fall into darkness...well, it was just sleep. Teleportation of such a magnitude took way too much out of me still. It was only since I researched ow to manipulate the shape and size of my kitchen that I can even bullshit my way through the Redline. Even after two years of constant training, warping things the size of a proper vessel easily dozens of kilometers was not something I could pull off everyday.


I woke up after what seemed to be a couple of hours. Like I have instructed, the ship sails were changed to plain white ones with no emblem or mark on them. If my estimations were correct, this was a couple of days before Luffy and his crew arrived on the island. I wouldn’t want to be recognized by Kiazru or any of the supernovas.


I ordered the homies to stay on the ship (since they don’t need sustenance), grabbed a pretty large hoodie, took out something like a Kakashi (from Naruto) face mask to cover my face before leaving. My face wasn’t as well known here in Paradise as compared to the New World, but I didn’t want to take any chances, especially not with those Pacifistas now rolling around; those must have some face recognition function or something.


I strolled around the groves looking for something that might help me or simply trying to entertain myself. Perhaps I might be able to meet a few key figures in the story; that might be fun. Or maybe even be there when the Straw Hats are utterly and completely defeated?


Letting my observation fly wild, I found the place I was looking for. Shakky’s bar. I doubted there was anyone else that would have such a strong presence on the island, not to mention another one that was about as strong as her’s.


Me: Rayleigh...so he didn’t hand himself into the human trafficking auction yet.


I opened the door to see no one but the scene I saw in the manga so many years ago. A pretty lady manning the bar and an old man sitting down with a drink; sake...he’s drinking sake at a bar. What’s the point?


I just sat down and pulled down my mask down to my neck (so it became something like a scarf) and looked at Shakky.


Shakky: Never seen you around, new?


Me: Complicated story. I’m new, but it feels nostalgic in a sense. Though I don’t think you won’t believe me since there’s crazier stories out there.


Shakky: True, and what would you like little lady?


Me: Anything nonalcoholic...but please don’t bankrupt me. I may be rich but I have plans on where to spend my money. I ain’t ordering until you tell me the price.


Shakky: *sigh* And here I thought I can rip off another customer. Hard to get new ones around here with that nickname, you know? I can get you a Bloody Queen cocktail without the alcohol part. 5000 beri


Me: Rip-off bar indeed...but I’ll take it, thank you.


She got to work behind the bar while the old man looked at me curiously. I could tell he was trying to read me through his observation but years of fighting strong opponents had taught me how to hide my presence. Of course, someone like Rayleigh must feel that I was hiding something...just couldn’t tell how strong I was.


Rayleigh: From the New World, aren’t ya?


Me: Yup. Just arrived at Paradise a couple hours ago...I have a favor, may I request that you coat my ship? It’s not for Fishman Island though.


Rayleigh raised an eyebrow


Me: I’m here to save Fire Fist Ace but I thought that rushing into the middle of that hellhole would be something akin to suicide. I’d rather bade my time and wait at the bottom of the Ocean until it’s the right time to pop up. You might not know me but I’m not too weak as well...my observation tells me that I might even be able to match you for a couple of minutes, Dark King Rayleigh.


He paused for a bit before hunching forward in laugher. Compared to the ones I was used to, it was much more smaller in volume but I guess that talks about his age and tolerance of crazy shit in his life.


Rayleigh: One of that old beard’s or hag?


Me: Big Mom, but with some private affiliations with Ace I guess. May I ask you for the job?


Rayleigh: Hehe, it’s been a while since I had this much excitement...very well. It’ll take 2 days for it to be coated if it’s a small ship and 3 if it’s rather large.


Me: I sail alone except for those soul things and maybe one or two of brother Cracker’s soliders. It’s a small ship.


I gave him the pass (docking rights) I got from the Marine officer when I docked that showed him where my ship and how to identify it.


Me: You’ll find that the hull slightly resembles crackers and chocolate. That will be because it actually is, though it shows the hardness and traits of Adam Wood so it’ll work fine with the coating.


Rayleigh: The faster I coat the ship the faster I’ll get paid...well then little miss, I’ll be off.


Me: Good luck, trouble is brewing over and I can feel it.


Rayleigh: You look quite the distance into the future.


With that, he left the bar...without paying for the drink. When Shakky turned back, she just sighed before putting it on his tab.


Shakky: *sigh* He’s going to need to sell himself to slavery again to pay back this amount.


Me: That much huh? Is it because he was broke before he came to your bar or did you make him broke?


Shakky: Both; that old man has been lacking money from the first day I’ve met him. If it was not for his strength, then I swear the loan sharks would have already got him.


I took a sip of my drink to find it was actually pretty good. Much better than all the chocolate crazed drinks back home. What’s all the sweetness to a nice fresh taste of mint? (Though I guess that is why I guess I like mint chocolate).


Me: Well, it was nice meeting you Shakky. Do you have any prophecies for me or anything?


Shakky: I don’t know who you think I am but I’m not an oracle. Why?


Me: Don’t know, you just seemed like the type. I know that I’ll have to go to fishman island if I want a proper one but...actually, nevermind. I know where to find the best fortune teller...


I flew my observation as far as possible, to all over the Archipelago until I sensed a couple. I looked into the individually until...


Me: Bingo~ And the prophet is right here.


I paid the bill and waved goodbye as I exited the bar. It wasn’t much but it was nice getting to meet some of the actual characters in the One Piece world other than the ones in the Big Mom’s crew. Made the world feel more alive, should I say?


I kept my observation active in order to avoid some troublesome people, of course that didn’t include most bounty hunters or no name pirates as they were too weak to differentiate, especially since this was in Paradise. It took a while going from grove to grove but eventually I found the man I was looking for.


Just like in the manga, he was simply sitting there, completely uninterested in his surroundings, even with his crew trying to divert his attention elsewhere. As expected of the super rookies, they had a different aura around them from others.


Me: A pleasure to meet you...may I ask what my predictions are?


Basil Hawkins: ...


Looking at him once again, it was strange and that meant a lot. I lived with the Charlotte family which was full of weird things and people. Races of all kind (except giants) and a paramecia heaven with so many people having the weirdest possible abilities, but Hawkins was definitely on that level of weirdness as well. Especially with those triangular eyebrows that looked as if it came straight out of a trigonometry problem.


His face looked at me, or rather scanned me, with absolutely no emotion before he went back to his tarot cards. Reading the numbers and chances as he read out his possibilities, or future.


Hawkins: Chance of defeat...99%; chance of escaping...7%.


Me: Why don’t you check you chance of death? I do believe you should take for your life as well.


Hawkins: Chance of death...0%, I see, you do not intend to kill me today. Either that or I receive outside help.


Me: Possibly, but I do not intend to kill you today. I came to ask for a...prophecy of sorts. To see my future. If I am not wrong, you have never failed to predict the outcome of something before? Or at least the possibility of it?


Hawkins: That would be correct.


Me: Good, then show me the probability of the death of Portugas D. Ace.


Hawkins: 100%, he will die. Even with the full force of the Whitebeard Pirates and Whitebeard himself, the Marines and the Seven Warlords will successfully carry out the execution.


...! I knew it, that really did go against the will and laws of the world. Back in the manga, Ace was not killed due to the execution but rather murdered by Akainu while trying to protect Luffy. Thus already, Hawkins’ predications are wrong. The will of D does go against the set rules of the world.




Me: Want to make a bet?


Hawkins: I will have you know that I have never lost a bet before in my life. Would you still like to wager against me?


Me: Yes. I will bet that Ace will survive and escape Marineford. How about that?


Hawkins: And what will I gain?


Me: Let’s say...yes...once you come to the New World, I won’t attack you while you are not on Wholecake Island or Wano unless you strike first. How about that?


Hawkins: Connections to an emperor of the sea? I see...well then, I accept.


Me: I haven’t said my conditions for victory yet, have I?


Hawkins: I will tell you now, it is useless...but a bet is a bet no matter how futile. Go ahead, name your condition.


Me: If Ace survives...then your entire crew will owe me a favor. pirate’s favor that holds the honor of the captain. I trust you understand it’s importance? I will call upon it once I ever need it. Should I ever do...


Hawkins: I look forward to not being attacked by you. Being in a state of war against someone of your strength frightens me. Tell me...who are you?


Me: You’ll find out once the bet is over, one way or another. Now then...I believe we’ll see each other soon. That may be tomorrow or in a couple years but a bet is a bet. Remember to uphold it, as I will do mine should I lose.


Hawkins: Of course.


Of the eleven supernovas showcased in the series, Hawkins was the noblest one. Not the kindest nor the strongest but the one who cared most about his reputation and honor. With his ability to predict outcomes of the future (to a degree), this was why I chose to make this bet with him with my conditions.


Also, this bet has no losses for me whatsoever. I had no intention of attacking anyone anyway if they were not an attacker or intruder in Whole Cake island. In the case where Mama dragged me to Wano, I also added in the clause as well but I hoped that would not be necessary.


As I walked away from the crew with the rest of them crowding over Hawkins trying to ask questions about who I am, I ignored their antics and continued to move forward. Right into a man I recognized almost immediately.


He was fine dining at a pretty high quality establishment in which I decided to enter as well. It would be nice to make connections like these ahead of time. Of course, I didn’t think we would ever become true friends but we would still temporarily become allies... if not by crew then by family.


Eating like a true mafia boss was Capone Gang Bege, the captain of the Firetank Pirates. It looks like I had arrived early (by days) since I was pretty sure this was not the same diner where Capone and Bonney had met. This was an entirely different place, so no trouble of Kizaru rushing over anytime soon.


I sat down directly in front of him and ordered a fish dish, or rather sushi. Despite literally being an in the ever changing New World, Whole Cake’s and most of Totta Lands’ fish produces were always somehow sweet. I often needed to go out into the Calm Belt myself and hunt a Sea King, shove it into my inventory and cook it myself if I wanted to have Seafood that matched my tastes.


It might not be Japan or Wano but this establishment still served some of the richest people in the world, they knew how to prepare fish properly...so obviously I was pleased when I saw the food. Carefully, I picked up a sliced slice of fish and put in onto the palm of my right hand. Then carefully with my left, I mushed together the rice, added a tad of wasabi and clapped my hands together...forming what I would call there perfect sushi.


Most people don’t know but it’s not proper or traditional to eat sushi with chopsticks. Sushi was traditionally consumed with our bare hands. Holding the now perfectly formed sushi on my right palm, I dipped the fish part only (and not the rice) in the soy sauce, twisted my hand as not to cut the flow and directed it into the mouth where it exploded into the flavor I had waited for so long.


It was bliss...away from Mama, away from Totta Land, eating the food I loved. Of course, there was the constant form of stress about saving Ace but since I already had a plan...it was really either a ‘it works or it doesn’t’. I needed to take good care of myself until the war as to make sure I can perform my best when it was crucial.


I looked to my front to see Gang Bege looking at me with some confused eyes. Probably as to why a teen girl was eating here alone, or more specifically, how does she have the money for this place.


Me: Capone Gang Bege...pleasure to meet you.


Bege: ...who are you little lady?


Me: No one important as of now; I just wanted to see the Fire Tank pirates, one of the Supernovas who will be making their way into the New World. For all I can say, I’ll wish you good luck, though I will warn you; there is a reason why this part of the Grand Line was named ‘Paradise’...you’ll see once you get there.


Bege: You’re from the New World?


Me: Yes, and I have a feeling we’ll see each other there soon as well. I believe you have little business here in Paradise anymore? You should be getting your ship coated by now if I am not wrong...


Bege: Humf, is that not the only way?


Me: No, in fact There are other ways across the Red Line, it’s just that the way to access it is so rare and hard for most others despite being the fastest way. You’ll learn about the monsters that exist on the other side of that line. Though I do believe you will be fine with that brain of yours.


Bege: Hfff, right. Now little lady, why don’t you tell me where this way could be...?


He pointed a gun at me, which I had already expected he would. No matter how much of a doting father or an ally he would become in the future, he was a mafia boss and pirate at his core. He was not above killing or harming people for his smallest gains.


Me: Watch yourself Rookie


Perhaps it was my voice or the threat he faced but after pointing the gun at me for a couple more seconds, he decided it wasn’t worth the risk and put it back down. Wise choice, I wouldn’t want to eliminate a Supernova already. That’s Kizaru’s job.


Suddenly, his crew around his disappeared in what I expect that they were sucked into him. He stood up, left his bill on the table and slowly walked out of the place. It’s amazing what family can do to a person; to someone like that. I already knew from the manga but he was obviously a tough, chaos causing, mafia boss type of guy but the moment he married Chiffon and became a father...his whole demeanor changed.


It would be nice if I can be included in that loop once Chiffon and Bege marries...while they would be named traitor eventually, I would like to enjoy their joyful presence until that happens.


I continued on with my joyful meal until I was full before I walked out.


Sabaody Archipelago...in my opinion, it was one of the most important islands in the entirety of the One Piece World. With so many overlapping layers of conflict in that short amount of time both before and after the timeskip (though mainly before).

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