Well at Least I’m a Magic Pirate Now

Chapter 46: Well at Least her Earrings Still Work

Erastus 1

Hours later, near midnight, we clambered up a mountain path in near-utter darkness. The moon and stars were hidden behind a veil of smoke, and Dierdre’s fairy lights drew too much attention. The pale gravel crunched beneath our feet, and our heavy bags of loot weighed us down. We placed all our faith in Sosima’s memory to bring us to Aaron Ivey, former second mate of the Infernus.

“You see the smoke, yes?” Sosima whispered to me shortly before our arrival. “You will need to walk the last leg alone. If he sees me, he will surely open fire. Then he won’t let you into the guest house.”

“What if he sees you alive?” I asked with a smile, “Would he open fire just because someone looks like you?”

“Yes.” Sosima said bluntly. “He has done it before. He knows of my earrings, and exactly what they are capable of. A woman with my approximate build, facial structure, and hair would be turned away at best, assuming it’s one of his good days. If he’s having a bad day he could indeed open fire.”

“Shit.” I groaned, feeling a bit less confident about this whole plan. “Is there anywhere else safe to sleep nearby?”

“Oh certainly, I will be fine.” Sosima assured me, “I know of a treehouse nearby that is quite defensible and still intact. Besides, the gangs are most likely congregating around the northern tip of the island to assault your ship.”

Right. As much as I hate Plugg we have to get back there. Conchobar is still there, for one, and repairing the ship is my least stupid plan to get off this island. There’s also the question of getting Sosima resurrected; I probably need Plugg, or at least his stuff, for that. 

“Alright. Rowe, you’re in charge.” I declared, adjusting the small bag of magic items slung over my shoulder. “The outsiders and I are going to stay the night in that treehouse with Sosima. I have a plan to resurrect her, and I need to do it sooner rather than later.”

“Emrys, what the hell?” Cog grumbled, “It can wait, can’t it? Whatever you’re planning on doing, surely it’ll work better when we are all better rested?” If you’re planning on finishing her off, this really doesn’t seem like the best time. (Bluff to communicate a secret message)

Should I be worried that everyone in my party takes it as a given that I’m gaslighting this poor girl with the intent to kill her later? 

Yes. It’s because you give away secrets too freely after we lie. It ruins our credibility.

Ok fair. Plus I probably would just manage her until the quest was over if I didn’t have tools to spin this in my favor. This bitch is clearly unstable. 

“No, I don’t think it would.” I said, “I don’t want any misunderstandings when we bring her to meet the captain. It needs to be tonight.” I am not actually bullshitting I really do have a plan to resurrect her.

Sosima looked between the two of us, then narrowed her eyes at Cog. Her hackles were up. She’d caught on to what he was suggesting, and it was even more important that I get her away from the party. (Bluff to communicate a secret message 2+10=12. Sosima succeeded on sense motive.)

“Come on.” I said, stepping between the two. “I’m serious, Sosima. Bring me to the treehouse.”

I pulled out the potion of human form from my bag. The tan bottle contained a liquid that would turn any drinker into a living human version of themselves, both physically and mentally. The item description called out instincts specifically. It would probably work on an undead; there were even potions specifically made for undead to drink, and the process was exactly the same as for living targets. (Spellcraft 5+8=13) I waved it in front of my party.

“Resurrection isn’t its primary function, but it should work just fine for that purpose.” I assured them. “But she’ll be in a vulnerable state for a while afterwards. Meanwhile, Dierdre and the worm can head back to the ship to provide a report and help where they can. If you can, grab that coin I told you about and bring it back here.”

“Of course, milord.” Dierdre agreed with a bow. “I shall accompany you to your destination and return with tidings in the morning.”


When we climbed into the old treehouse, I was dead tired. I’d been hiking all day, not to mention climbing a sixty foot rock wall, swimming through riptide, and fighting for my life. I’d have waited another day if everything wasn’t so damn time sensitive, but I needed Sosima firmly in my debt and in my corner before I felt comfortable exposing her to Sebastien Plugg.

The decor of the small, dilapidated room was unimpressive. The pile of rotted leaves had probably once acted as a mattress, and the rusty bucket had probably been a serviceable chamberpot once. A few holes in the wall provided illumination, and the only way in or out was a rope ladder dangling from a trap door. Sosima came in right behind me, and crouched on the closed trapdoor.

“Why did you choose to be alone with me?” She asked, puzzled, “I could kill you, if I wanted.”

“You might, if you wanted.” I said with bravado. “But you don’t want to. Instead, you want to drink this mysterious potion. Take your earrings off first, so we can be sure that it works.”

Sosima complied, unhooking her earrings slowly. Her body stretched out to over six feet tall, becoming thin and wrinkled while her hair faded from existence. Her dark skin lightened to a pasty gray in low-light vision, and her mouth stretched and filled with razor sharp teeth. Her dress, still pristine even after our time in the caverns, hung limply from her emaciated form.

I stepped towards her, forcing a neutral expression, and handed her the potion. I took her gnarled claw in mine, and felt the tingle of her paralytic touch. I was immune as an elf, but I could still feel it. I looked up into her eyes, and smiled reassuringly. I hadn’t until that moment realized quite how large she was. If she wanted, she could kill me easily. We both knew it. I knew that she wouldn’t.

Sosima stared at the bottle, then poured the single mouthful of tan liquid down her throat. The change began, and the beast melted away to reveal a beauty. The burn of her paralytic touch faded immediately. Her hands softened, shrinking from long bony talons into warm, human hands. A wild mane of black hair burst from her scalp, before ordering itself with Gaston’s magic into a simple but even cut. As I watched, her round face smoothed and filled itself out, with her gaping maw shrinking to a pair of very kissable lips.

I looked down at her changing body, for scientific purposes, and saw her chest growing to fill her dress quite nicely. She fell against me as her legs shuddered and transformed, kicking her boots off to reveal hooves that twisted and reformed into a perfectly normal set of feet. This gave me an excellent opportunity to sneak a look at her long, athletic calves. She steadied herself, still holding my arm for support, and had shrunk to being only an inch taller than me.


Or an inch shorter than my real body. Why am I a shrimp now? She’d better not be like Rosie and only fuck taller men. 

Sosima gasped, sucking in her first breath of air in years. She stumbled to the window and vomited out a torrent of pale flesh, the remains of her grisly feast of grindylows. Thanks to Gaston’s magic, the blood and gore slipped straight off of her, leaving her face and dress clean. I walked up and took her hand again; after a few more rounds of vomiting she spat the last of it out, turned, and stared at me with wide eyes.

You have gained moderate sway with Sosima Aulamaxa. 

Sosima is Impressed with Emrys M’Dair. Emrys will gain +4 to all charisma based checks targeting Sosima while the condition persists.

That’s the ticket. 

I fingered the small wand in my pocket, but I still had one more thing I wanted to do before I used the Relationship Stabilizer. I hadn’t been idle during her transformation. I had monitored her character sheet, while Autopilot checked her sexuality. I didn’t really know this woman yet. She was a desperate castaway, and a former officer from an enemy nation. Every interaction I’d had with Sosima thus far had been filtered through undeath, the spirit of Gaston, and her desperation. I didn’t want to lean on Autopilot more than I had to, and that meant I needed to get to know her fast.

Pactsworn Diva? Seems to be a combat oriented class with some pact magic and bard stuff mixed in. Her fighting skills aren’t important right now, though. 

Alignment is lawful evil? Good to know. That could still work for a pirate as long as I’m the boss. Her stats are all good except for wisdom and dexterity, so I can probably charm her if I need to. Her will save is actually kinda abysmal; something to keep an eye out for later. Autopilot, what does she like in bed? 

She was open to an engagement with me, thankfully. I’d be in a far weaker position if she were a lesbian. Instead, she appeared to be bisexual with a moderate preference for men. 

Basically ideal for a harem, then. I’ll take it. 

She is attracted to commanding, passionate men. Intelligence, confidence, and ambition all appeal to her, as does possessiveness. She wants a man who is in control of the situation, who can turn situations to his advantage. Weakness and failure are a quick path out of her good graces, and indecisiveness is awful. 

I can probably manage that. I just mounted a rescue mission and I’m coming home with five more people than I left with. 

She has had sex in a professional setting, mostly with people that outrank her. Only occasionally was this because she found the other person particularly attractive; she has absolutely no objection to transactional sex.

I might need to ask her about that. Let’s get to the fun stuff: Kinks. 

Praise, though that kink seems to be somewhat magnified at this time. This is likely due to her current bound spirit. She enjoys roleplaying and sexual narratives. She also seems to enjoy having her tail and horns pulled, as well as overt references to her tiefling heritage during sex. She even enjoys being degraded in a sexual context, though only if it is mixed with sufficient praise. She doesn’t like overt insults, but being reminded of her place in society is fine as long as it is in a sexual context. Overt displays of power excite her. Magical, physical, or social power; anything works. Finally, she likes a man in uniform. 

Raceplay? Raceplay, when I just turned her into a different form? What a waste. Well, they are in order of intensity, and I can sure as hell manage praise. 

“So it wasn’t all a mask.” I said gently, . “You really are this beautiful. Strong willed, too, if you could stay yourself after all this time.”

“Warm.” She said blankly, squeezing my hand. “You feel warm.”

“By all means, you may touch me as much as you’d like.” I said, smiling in the dark. “I’d be happy to share my warmth with someone as pretty as you.”

The corners of her mouth raised into a giddy grin. Her hands crept up to my wrist, then my forearm. Her eyes, nearly blind without darkvision, were pointed at my chest.

“Is that so?” She said, playfully. “Don’t tell me you resurrected me just to ‘exchange warmth.’”

Ok Autopilot. This one’s on you. I’m too tired to be witty. 

“Why do you think I arranged for us to be alone?” I asked, snaking an arm around her back and pulling her close. She didn’t resist, though she could have easily overpowered me. “The beautiful tiefling girl I’ve seen all day intrigued me.” 

Her eyes narrowed, examining what she could see of me in the darkness. She wiped away the calculating expression, replacing it with a sultry smile. (Diplomacy to seduce 16+7+4=27. Success) The shift was too quick and complete to be entirely natural, and I recognized the true emotions behind that smile. I was valuable, and she wanted to keep me happy. (Sense Motive 20+2=Critical Success.)

I’ll take it, but maybe we can set up something a little more concrete? It’s better to be feared than loved, but both is best. Autopilot, I want her to like me. Make it good for her.

I palmed the Relationship Stabilizer, and leaned in to kiss her forcefully. Unfortunately she had already begun dropping to her knees, so my chin collided with her forehead. She lost balance, falling upon her posterior. I stared down at her in the darkness; she had immediately moved to pleasure me like a well trained male. Nothing could have shocked me more from a ranking female. (Perform: Sexual 2+4+4=10 failure)

Stop being surprised! Remember her kinks! Recover, recover! Take command! 

Overeager, aren’t you?” I said, rallying as best I could. “Does the little tiefling want to pleasure me that badly? You must ask permission before you may touch me.”

I was completely out of my element, but I did have a good model to follow. If I just emulated Mistress Dovnu and replaced the word male with tiefling, it might all work out. She always did enjoy reminding me of my gender and place during sex. 

“Of course, sir.” Sosima replied, with a too-demure expression. “I apologize for my impertinence. Would you allow this lowly servant to gaze upon your beautiful rod?” 

Oh yeah, that is definitely an act. Hot, but if I stabilize her here she might think of me as someone to be managed. 

“Far better; you learn quickly.” I said. “First, hold still. You may be a lowly tiefling, but I want you looking your best.” 

I leaned down and restored Sosima’s earrings to their rightful place. Mistress Dovnu would usually touch up my makeup and then have me thank her, but this would serve a similar purpose. Sosima’s face grew darker, and black horns seemed to sprout from her temples. 

“Good girl,” I whispered in her ear before standing. “Now that you are presentable, you have my permission to remove my trousers, tiefling.” 

She did so immediately. Her eyes remained downcast, both to maintain character and to hide her blindness, but she unlaced and removed my trousers with practiced efficiency. She had removed men’s pants in the dark before, it seemed. My penis was already moderately stiff; she couldn’t see it in the dark but she released a shallow gasp anyway. 

“Sir, may I please kiss it?” She asked, “it smells lovely.” 

That’s probably a lie. Even if you actually enjoy the musk, which I understand some ladies do, I smell like gore and low tide. I’m not actually sure if it would be hot or creepy if you were genuinely still into it. 

“Yes.” I said, “you may also lick it and take it into your mouth. Let us see what the devil spawn of Cheliax know about pleasing their betters.” 

She kissed it gently, exploring the shaft with her lips. Her pale tongue darted out, lapping salt from my cock as her hands stayed folded in her lap. She was deliberate in her movements, gauging my reactions. Knowing how nerve wracking this stage of the process can be, I provided her feedback while staying in character. 

“Good girl.” I whispered between pleased grunts, “just like that. Already you are paying back my generosity, devilspawn.”

She reacted to the improvised slur by finally taking me fully into her hot mouth, inch by inch, until I reached her throat. Her teeth brushed my cock ever so lightly, probing. She began to suck, gently twisting her head as she pumped in and out. (Perform: Sex 19+4+4=27 success.)

Don’t be a dead fish. Keep talking, maybe pull her horns? She likes that, right?

I grasped her horns, pulling her forward as I thrust lightly into her mouth. The horns bent unnaturally, and had the texture of woven hair. They were only an illusion, and apparently far more sensitive to pressure than real horns. Sosima grunted with pain, and for a moment her efforts ceased. (Perform: Sex 2+4+4=10 Failure!)

Abort! Abort! Do something else! Make this a transition! 

“On your hands and knees, hellspawn.” I commanded. “I am ready to truly begin.” 

She rushed to comply, as eager as I was to set aside the hair pulling incident. I flipped up her skirts, revealing a toned posterior crowned by an illusory tail. Her legs were spread, giving me full access to her nether regions. I reached down and stroked her lower lips. I was back in my element, at least to some degree. 

“Devil.” I said, gently teasing with my fingers. “You are far too dangerous to leave unchecked. Too powerful, too clever, and too beautiful by half. I will need to bind you into my service, if you are to be trusted.” 

“Huh?” She whimpered, then she caught on. “Oh? Are you sure? I can be very good to you. Surely there’s no need for that. My word is my bond.” 

“The word of a devil is indeed their bond.” I said, probing her folds. “And I have a perfectly reasonable deal in mind for you. If you agree to be my loyal pet and obedient servant for a year and a day, then I will show you great pleasure.”

“Those are your terms?” Sosima scoffed, getting into character as the unbound devil. “Who would ever accept such a one sided deal. I assure you, mating with me would be quite pleasurable for you as well.”

“We shall see.” I purred. “I believe you will change your tune. You will beg for release.”

Now it was my turn to study her body. She was unusually sensitive, I noted, likely due to having been undead for so long. To that end, I was careful with her clitoris. I wanted her to beg, and I truly believed she wanted to beg. If she climaxed prematurely, the scene would be ruined. 

“You will like being my slave, my lovely devil.” I assured her. “That is all your kind is for, isn’t it? To obey your betters? To be the very perfect tools for those stronger than you.”

“Your overconfidence,” she gasped out, “will be your undoing, mortal”

“Perhaps, but you are worth the risk.” I declared, “Perhaps if you can hold out long enough I’ll offer my soul. Just think, if you can contain your urges for long enough, you might turn the tables.”

I teased her for a full hour, unlacing her dress in the process so that I could access more of her skin. My attentions migrated across her body, always sure to move on if she seemed too close. Dovnu had once demanded that I keep her on the edge for five hours during some kind of ritual to invoke a succubus; Sosima had no chance. 

“Please, enough.” Sosima moaned, “I’m ready. We can stop.”

“Pretending won’t help, devil.” I reminded her. “If you want release, you need only promise me your unfailing obedience for a year and a day.” 

Despite my words, I pushed my tired fingers into her folds, just slightly further than I’d reached thus far. 

“Yes, yes,” Sosima moaned. “I submit, I will serve you for a year and a day! I’ll be your slave! Anything!”

Fucking finally! You weren’t the only one on the edge, lady. 

I rolled her on her back, and went to work with my mouth. It was childsplay to bring her pleasure to completion after all the build up. As her body began to shudder, I finally buried my rod into her body. (Perform: Sex 18+4+4=26)

Ok, now. Before post-nut clarity. She’s not going to like me any more than she is now. 

While Autopilot started fucking my newest party member, I pressed the relationship stabilizer into her shoulder. The small wooden rod melted against her skin, the magic flooding into her body.

You have used the Relationship Stabilizer on Sosima Aulamaxa

Sosima’s Impressed condition is now permanent unless her perception of Emrys is spoiled

Sosima’s disposition has been stabilized at Helpful

Emrys’s sway over Sosima has been stabilized at “major sway”

Sosima has gained a new kink: androgynous drow men

Hell yeah. Now then, I’ll take it from here. 

I kept thrusting into the red skinned devil-girl, pounding her down into the wooden floor. She pulled me down with her, her fingernails digging lightly into my back as I filled her. I felt the pressure mounting as I fucked her, in a split second decision decided that was just fine. I came inside of her, groaning with pleasure as I did. From her blissed out expression, she was too far gone to care and I didn’t expect any surprises. She’d only have this body for 24 hours; the morning after pill had nothing on dying and getting reincarnated.

I fished out one more item in the darkness; a scroll of hypnosis. Despite everything, I didn’t know for certain that she wouldn’t abandon me to return to her homeland. I didn’t want another Caulky situation, where I would need to compete with preexisting loyalties I could never stack up to. In the darkness, I could quietly hum to activate the scroll. I knew that she had a poor will save, so I felt pretty confident.

Hypnotism would allow me to make a request, and she would respond to it as if her disposition was two steps higher. There was only one step higher than Helpful: Fanatical. Whatever I asked her to do, she would obey as if it were a direct commandment from her god.

(Sosima Hidden Will save 20+1=21. Critical success) 

(Sosima hidden bluff: success. You do not know your spell failed.)

“Stay by my side, Sosima.” I said, my words laden with magic, “Everything before tonight, just let it go. Start a new life with me and my crew.” (Diplomacy 14+7+4=25. Success)

“You thought you could have anything, and you asked me to stay with you.” Sosima said with a sleepy smile. “You didn’t need to use magic, but it’s nice to know you care so much.”

She leaned in and kissed me, biting my lower lip. I reciprocated, but we were both too wiped out for a second round of fucking. We fell asleep on the floor of the cabin, still tangled together. There was no need for blankets in the warm tropical air. The first day of Erastus had been an eventful one with an excellent ending; I slept damn well.


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