
Book 1 Chapter 10 – Bedding the Queen [Erotic Content]


In case you are unfamiliar with how I structure my work: the following chapter is a sex scene and only a sex scene. While there is emotional content to this, considering the circumstances, it is designed to be entirely skippable. You can expect other chapters marked with [Erotic Content] to be of the same design principle.

The only time in my life I had ever been this fidgety was after my first ever cup of coffee. Clean from the sweat of the day, I sat in my bedroom wearing a t-shirt, boxers and sport pants. Simply waiting for her naked had entered my mind, but I didn’t want to overwhelm or take the potential joy of stripping me from her. I certainly knew that I was looking forward to tearing the clothes from her body and assumed the opposite was at least partly true.

As per her plans, we had met again at home, after our other obligations were cleared, and had then gone through the motions of a mostly regular evening. The only fundamental difference was that we showered after dinner, not the moment we were back. On Esther’s insistence, I had hopped in first. Now I was left to wait for her and imagine what might happen soon.

I looked around the room. The thin darkness was tinted purple. The day was in its last hour and the sun about to set. Through the closed curtains only a little bit of dampened light entered. The lamps were off. If there was any light I would have accepted this evening, it would have been the honest gold of candles, but I had none and open fire was a terrible idea in a room that was almost exclusively made of bed anyway. Regardless of the lack of illumination, my vision was clear. There was enough ambient light to keep things from getting truly black.

Eventually, I heard footsteps approaching. The door opened without a moment’s pause. Esther was a silhouette against the light in the corridor. The flash left me momentarily blinded and the lady of my love entered into the room completely with fast motions, closing the door behind her. An audible ‘click’ echoed from the lock after she had turned the little knob underneath the handle. It was a motion without practical sense, but I loved the thoughts that went with it.

I blinked and got used to the resuming twilight, as Esther’s naked feet hit the mattress. She was wearing grey yoga pants and a black shirt that stretched enticingly around her sizable bust. “I apologize for the delay,” she said. Her soft accent and loving voice were as hypnotizing as the swing of her hips. “My hair is as awful today as it always has been, against my wishes.”

Once she arrived in the middle of the massive bed, in front of me, she lowered herself to my level. Tonight, she wore her hair openly. The wild cascade of wavy, unruly strands settled on her shoulders, ran down to her upper back and framed her face with curling tips. One of them ran across her face and she attempted to swipe it behind her ear with a move of her hand. It would be back, we both knew that. One of us enjoyed that.

“I fail to see what’s awful about it.” I was continuously devouring any angle of her I could see. Right now, only her hair, and a smile that travelled from her lips to her eyes were different from what she would show publicly. That was already worth so much, but I would get to indulge in more than that. I would enjoy every second of it.  “You just look beautiful, no matter how I look at you.”

Simple as it was, the compliment made her blush heavily. Her guard was practically non-existent at the moment. She had let it all down, alone with me, trusting me fully with her emotions and her body. Appreciating that trust, I placed my hand on her right cheek and slowly leaned in - just as she had earlier by the lakeside.

This time, it was on her to meet me halfway and she delivered. She was clumsy and she was a natural. Her teeth were in the way at first, making for an unpleasant, grating feeling when I first extended my tongue, and her responses were a bit slow and distracted. She quickly realized how to avoid such displeasantires. I grew more aggressive by the second, desiring to fall deeper and deeper into this moment, and Esther moaned in surprise when I grabbed her ass with such intensity it almost qualified as a slap.

“Karitas…” she gasped, when I stopped kissing her lips to give some attention to her neck instead. I basked in her little sighs. They were the music to which I squeezed her firm ass and to which I kissed my way back up her face, finally arriving at her ear.

“I’ll do my best to control myself,” I whispered sensually. “Whenever you feel like things are going too quickly or you are uncomfortable, interrupt me. There is no need to feel bad if you do. We have a life together to slowly expand on things.”

“Thank you,” she nodded and ran her hands through my white hair. “Kiss me again, beloved Karitas.”

It would have been rude not to follow such a courteous request and soon our lips resumed right where we had left off. The tiny sounds of our kiss became lewder as Esther grew more accustomed to the sensations. I felt the increase in heat radiating from her face, soon overcoming the summer night. Playfully, she pressed her tongue against mine and soon we wrestled for dominance. That playful contest extended to our bodies.

I tried to push her down and she met me with straightforward resistance. What followed was a joyful little competition, with her hands tugging at my shirt and her breasts pressed against my torso. I won it eventually, toppling her over onto her back. In doing so, however, I allowed her to pull half of my shirt over my face. Sight obscured by the cloth, I removed it with a laugh.

“Like what you see?” I asked, presenting my chiselled body to the hourglass-shaped Queen of mine.

She had to stop biting her lower lip to answer. “Intensely so.” It was exactly for moments like this that I kept in shape. “Let me return the favour,” she purred and reached up to the buttons of her shirt. I stopped her with a quick gesture.

“Please, let me,” I practically begged, leering at the rise of her breasts. “I’ve been wanting to do this for ages now.”

“An exaggeration,” she pointed out, but removed her hands regardless. They spread out at either side of her, just as her legs were angled to either side of me. “Resume the lead then, perverted Karitas.”

The good-natured insult had me smiling, as I grabbed the lowest button of her shirt. To my joy, I realized that these were the kinds of buttons connected by pushing two metal parts together, rather than the plastic ones that were guided through a slit. Not only did it make my job a whole lot easier, but I also could rip her entire shirt open in one motion.  A series of ‘pops’ later, I laid my eyes on her naked midriff for the first time.

Well, I had sort of seen it earlier, before she had gotten her shirt on again, but I hadn’t really paid attention to it. Her stomach was as flat as I could have wanted it to be, with her muscles shifting under the surface, just visible enough to give a nice outline. I put my lips on those subtle abs, right next to her belly button and then took a journey upwards with my lips. Her skin tasted like sweet cherry and mint, a mixture that was no doubt aided by her choice of shampoo and other conditioning products.

Artificial or not, it was enticing and a woman had to be complimented in her choices of additional products. It was only when make-up and perfumes overpowered all natural appearances that I took issue with it.

My trail of kisses brought me to her breasts. Without any shame, I pushed my face in the valley between the mounds covered by red lace. The mixture of soft flesh and firm bra offended me, and I reached behind her back to fix this. She raised her upper body off the mattress to make it easier on me, tensed a bit when I brushed over her scars, but otherwise encouraged me through little sighs and giggles. While I had opened more than one bra in my day, the fact that I managed to do it immediately and with one hand was nothing short of a miracle.

I raised my head from her chest to see the glory unfold, as I carefully pulled away her bra. The mounds of squishy meat dropped a little and parted in a jiggling motion, both in accordance with gravity. Crowned by delicious light pink nipples, whose centre stood at delectable attention, they came to a rest. They were firm, not impossibly firm, just firm for tits that size, sagging only the slightest bit. Their symmetry was near perfect, the left one was the slightest bit larger than the right. I didn’t notice that with my eyes, it was only when I reached down and had both in my hands that this difference revealed itself to me.

“Finally,” I couldn’t help but gasp. After feeling her tits through clothes so often, having those jiggly wonders squish out between my fingers was fantastic. Esther let out a sound that was more pain than pleasure and I dialled back the roughness with which I treated her chest. “Everything alright?” I asked, just to be sure.

“It’s an unknown sensation,” she reported and I was reminded that she hadn’t even masturbated before this. A large number of things I would make her feel tonight would be the first time she experienced them. That was a wonderful thing to know but it also came with a fair bit of responsibility. “Take it a bit slower.”

Although all actions I, the King of our Anomalia, did were naturally more pleasurable, this effect did not save me here. Reasons being that our Anomalia was new, and such things took a while to develop properly and that even those pleasure increases were only in addition to the one she felt naturally. Supernatural as our bond was, it didn’t mean I could just do whatever and expect her to cry out in ecstasy.

“I will,” I promised her and resumed my fondling with a focus on gentleness. There was plenty to play with regardless and the same sensitivity that made my manhandling painful could be exploited to make my caress pleasurable. I brushed over the tip of her nipple with my thumb, and her spine arched a little bit. I spent several minutes just playing with her chest. I found out the ways in which her body reacted positively, what she didn’t like, what tickled her and where I was sure I could make her like it once her body got more used to being touched like this.

  Once I felt like I had gotten a good mental grasp in addition to the physical one I clearly already had, I bowed down and licked her nipple. A loud moan and her arched spine collapsing onto the mattress left no doubt about her liking it. I continued, circling her areola with the tip of my tongue, then properly kissing, before finally sucking on it. Each reaction was stronger than the last, her legs stretching out and then angling again. It was one of many writhing motions.

“That… feels good,” she commented the obvious, likely only to give her mouth something to do.

In a moment of self-indulgence, I let go of her nipple and once more sunk my head between her breasts. ‘Those are definitely larger than just D,’ I thought, while enjoying the feeling of having my entire face covered by her sizable bosom. ‘Maybe DD or even E? Guessing cup sizes is torture…’

I decided to forgo putting a letter or number on things and just basked in being between her melon-sized mounds. Lingering too long would achieve fairly little though. As gratifying as the position was, neither of us were getting any physical pleasure out of it. Instead, I journeyed down, my lips brushing over her smooth skin, until I arrived at the rim of her pants.

I hooked my fingers under the stretchable fabric and peeled them off her as quickly as possible, tossing them to the side without a moment of hesitation. To my delight, I found a damp spot on the red panties she was wearing. ‘I wonder if she always colour-coordinates her underwear,’ I caught myself thinking and smiled, knowing I would learn in the future we would spend together.

Using my mouth to pay some attention to the inside of her wonderfully meaty thighs, being squishy and thick but not in any fat or unproportioned way, I closed in on that spot between her legs. “Wait,” she suddenly said and I, although I had to wonder what I could have done wrong, obeyed. My confusion was soon answered. “I want you to undress first.”

That seemed fair to me. “Alright,” I said and quickly got rid of my pants. That left me in my boxers, the only difference to me wearing my swimming trunks was the giant damp spot in my own undergarments. One could not expect me to work on those boobs for an extended period and not have that reaction. While I went to remove that last bit of clothing as well, Esther raised her hand to stop me.

“Let me,” her wish was voiced like a lustful sigh, making it impossible to resist. I waited for her to sit up in front of me. “This is the last area of your body that I have yet to see nude,” she said and grabbed my boxers. Not at the rim, but around the tent created by my sizable erection. I groaned, which put a lewd smile on her face. “It is rewarding to make you moan, after all this time.” Her hand moved slowly, my drenched undergarments made for a dangerously good ground for friction.

I clenched my teeth. I was more turned on than I had bargained for. Loathe as I was to admit it, I was much closer to the point of no return than I wanted to be so early in the night. “Please take them off,” I actually had to say, before I embarrassed myself. It was only a temporary measure. Normally, I managed to perform just fine the first time with a girl, despite my self-imposed rule of not jerking off.

Esther obeyed and removed my underwear with delicacy, stretching the waistband to the height of my dick before pulling everything down. The way she looked at my cock, impressed, fascinated, lightly taken aback, was every bit the reaction I expected from a lewd virgin such as her. “I have seen the representations in the Sexual Mastery class,” she said, leaning in so close I could feel her breath on the glistening head, “but the pictures and the real thing are far removed. You’re among the larger specimen, correct?”

There was an odd pride in her voice, as if having a man with a large dick somehow reflected positively on her. Not that I didn’t understand the notion, since I would definitely be boasting with her rack and butt at appropriate points. “I would say it’s at the upper limit of reasonable sized, yes,” I smiled. My equipment wasn’t monster sized. Something I was thankful for. I preferred my partners feeling stretched out, not perforated.

“That such a large thing should fit inside of me… it is more impressive than I imagined,” she mumbled, her hot breath brushing over my erection. That she had just admitted to imagining my dick in her free time didn’t phase her. Instead, she raised her gaze up to my face. Seeing that raven-haired beauty fixate her amber eyes on me, naked except for an open shirt and wet panties, kneeling on the floor before me, only a breath between her red lips and my cock, that was raw bliss and torture simultaneously. “You are about to cum.”

I didn’t even bother how she knew that; I had listened to the same lecture on being observant and what to look out for in the reactions of one’s partner as she had. “Yes,” I responded. “I can go twice though,” I added hastily, feeling a small chink in my pride as a lover. She was just too sexy, the depth of my desire for her threatening my ability to perform. What a cruel function of the human body.

“You will need time to recover,” Esther pointed out, again inspecting my cock with a deeply curious, perverted gaze.

“Only a little bit,” I tried to sound dissuading and it dawned on me where she was going with this. “Are you offering to finish me off right now so I can recover while I explore the rest of you?”

“That would be my thinking,” she confirmed and my eyes were naturally drawn to her lips. It wasn’t quite how I envisioned things would go. Me cumming before the virgin, when I was supposed to ease her into things. Denying the reality of the situation would do me no good, however. I could either take her offer now or unload inside her after two thrusts later. My pride would not be able to take that additional hit.

“If you want to suck me off then I would be a very happy man,” I finally responded.

Esther looked at my twitching dick and furrowed her eyebrows. “I don’t know how to approach such an activity,” she admitted. Before I could give any suggestions, all of which would have been likely useless to the one who actually had to overcome their gag reflex, Esther laid back down. On her back, she cupped both of her own breasts and presented them in the soft light. “This should be easier on both of us.”

Would I have preferred the blowjob? Yes. Was I about to deny the offer to fuck her tits during our first night together? My answer to that is that I had a pulse and a dick and a Queen that had an exceedingly nice rack. Enthusiastically, I straddled on top of her. “I love you,” I said with all the honest depravity I had.

“If it is this simple to make you state that, the value of your love is small,” she returned in a joking fashion, while we moved in unison. Her breasts wrapped around my cock. It was fantastic and I moaned to let her know that. Warm and squishy, I was engulfed by her. Her breasts were big enough that the entire girth of my shaft vanished. Distantly, I felt her hands through the softness, keeping up the pressure. “Should I just hold them like this or should I move?” she asked, honestly unaware.

“Whatever you’re more comfortable with,” I gasped my answer, slowly moving my hips. She opted to stay still only looking down on her cleavage as my dick slid back and forth in it. Lubrication and friction were not all that large but there really wasn’t much needed to send tingles up my spine. Every time I drew back so much that the sensitive glans was surrounded by her tits threatened to be the last.

My movements were slow, however, because of the suboptimal position needed to fuck her tits like this and because I wanted to bask in sensation and sight for as long as possible. Even though the titfuck itself was rather basic, seeing her boobs squished around my member was incredible. Additionally, even though I was the clear benefactor in this situation, the lady of my love did feel pleasure as well, made audible through numerous gasps. The valley between her breasts must have been more sensitive than I had thought. She panted audibly, her eyes glassy and her mouth wide open.

She seemed entranced by the motions, to the point that her tongue was now stretching out. It looked like she desperately wanted to lick my dick and I would have happily let her, if my brain wasn’t already fully aimed at finishing off and my lower body moved all on its own.

“I’m cumming,” I barely warned her. My hips naturally tensed and rocked forwards. Through fluttering eyelids, I saw her move her head forwards as far as she could. She was flexible, her breasts large, and she almost reached the tip of my cock. Thick and with intense spurts, my cum shot out.

Although some of it landed on her face and on that unruly strand that once again laid across it, most of it landed in her open mouth. I expected her to close it after the first load, but instead she opened it wider. The weaker spurts landed on her tongue and the last few drops puddled on her chest. I pulled back, only to see her visibly swallow and then scoop the remains on her chest up with fingers. Her curiously smelling it may not have been the sexiest thing, but her then licking it off like it was the natural thing to do definitely was.

“It’s kind of bitter, but largely pleasant in taste,” she muttered, reminding me to add more fruit to my diet. Noticing my gaze, while continuing to clean herself up, she asked, “Is something the matter, beloved Karitas?”

“You can’t just ask that after swallowing like it’s the most natural thing in the world,” I stated.

“Is it odd that I did that?” she tilted her head quizzically.

“Yes, I mean, it’s not bad, but it’s like seeing someone who never saw a scythe before clear the field as quick as the farmer whose lifework has been gathering experience with that tool,” I said. “All that hinders you from achieving a perfect score is that you didn’t present your full mouth to me before swallowing.”

“I shall keep that in mind for the future,” she answered, after raising an eyebrow, either in response to the metaphor or the oddity of what men wanted to see. Well, what I wanted, at least. “I didn’t want the sheets to get dirty.” With a few movements of her tongue, she cleaned her lips. The red in them glistened.

“Are you sure you weren’t simply curious because I wanted a blowjob earlier?” I asked.

“A certain wish to please may have played a role,” she admitted and averted her gaze with a blush. 

I would have kissed her on her adorable mouth, if it hadn’t been for the fact that she had just swallowed my load. There was an instinctual aversion I had to tasting that particular fluid. Even if her face was out for the moment, there was another pair of lips that I could pay attention to.

“Now it is my turn to please,” I hummed, backing away from her until I was between her legs. Despite having just cum, my mind was very much still in sexual mode. My erection hadn’t gone down much either. I was no longer hard, but I would be again soon. Being pent-up did have its perks.

Esther propped herself up with her arms to see what I was going to do. One simple kiss on the inside of her thighs had her sighing lustfully already. I wasn’t the only one turned on beyond reason. Her chest rose and fell in barely controlled intervals, worsening the closer I journeyed to the centre of her lust. The angle at which I viewed her face got more enjoyable as well. Seeing her flushed, panting expression between her quivering breasts, across the flat glory of her midriff, was all I could have asked for. Her eyes glowed with anticipation for my every move.

Her panties lay before me. The damp spot from earlier had grown to dominate the centre of the red fabric. I ran a finger over the length of it, made her purr and gasp with lust. A gooey, clear strand connected my hand to the cover of her cunt. Drenched was the only way to describe this.

Finally, my wait was over and I grabbed the string of her panties on both sides of her wide hips. To make my job easier, she joined her legs and stretched them straight into the air in a pleasant display of flexibility. The middle stuck to her crotch for a lot longer than it normally would. When it finally came off, I didn’t immediately pay attention to it. Only after I had gotten the panties completely removed, I allowed myself to devour her complete nakedness.

Well, almost complete nakedness. She still wore the long-sleeved shirt. If she had wanted to remove it, she would have done so already, and I didn’t press the issue. She had enough reason to keep it on and I wasn’t going to make her uncomfortable to have her arms displayed to me.

After all, I could see everything else I wanted. Her gorgeous face, her wonderful chest, her defined midriff, her thick thighs and now her glistening cunt, as hairless as the rest of her (and me, for that matter). She kept shaved, fit and took care of herself and all of those things made her attractive beyond what nature had endowed her with. My hands wandered down the outside of her thighs, as I wordlessly bowed down to her pussy. Her legs settled on my shoulders, making for a nice and warm embrace.

Before anything else, I took a moment to oblige my curiosity. My thumbs pressed on the soft, swollen tissue around her pussy and parted the outer lips to give me sight of what I desired. Her cunt had a consistently light pink colour, that was equally seductive, virgin and pleasingly affirming to behold. I didn’t see any form of hymen, not that I even had an idea what I had to look out for. Chances were she had torn it a long time ago during a workout or something. Since I wasn’t some noble from Earth’s Dark Ages, I preferred it this way. Blood in the bedroom was undesired.

At the top, I spotted her clit. It already poked out of the hood, thanks to the way I pulled at the surroundings and her own, horny state, and I gave it a gentle lick. A surprised shout of lust escaped Esther’s lips and her thighs pressed against the sides of my head. I looked up, only to see her trembling. Biting her lower lip, she reduced her sounds to throaty moans and groans. I circled her clit with the tip of my tongue for a little bit, tasted her as her love juices overflowed into my mouth.

A natural faint sweetness layered on top of the cherry and minty taste of her skin. It was a pleasant but not overtly distracting flavour. Every woman tasted different and I was happy to say that she was the most delicious I had the pleasure to ever get my tongue on.

After just a few seconds, Esther lost the ability to support her own upper body. Not wanting to lose sight of her face as ecstasy mounted, I put my hands elsewhere. I grabbed her by her perfect, round ass. Whenever I had the opportunity, I would give those buns a proper worshipping and, if she was into it, spanking, but for the moment I was satisfied with how my fingers dug trenches into her as I lifted her lower body off the mattress.

Once I sat straight, I looked down her midriff. Dominant as I was inclined to be, this position pleased me a whole lot more. It was incredible what difference an angle could make. Her large breasts slumping towards her face, in accordance with gravity, was also delectable. I could also see her arms, which was strangely erotic. Aimlessly, they trailed over or grabbed onto the sheets, as I properly pleased her virgin cunt.

I paid attention to more than her clit, although it was naturally the most sensitive part of her. Long and hard, my tongue slowly split her pussy. Even this shallow in, I felt her tightness. Licking along the length of her slit, I tasted the sweet honey. Carefully, I penetrated her with my tongue. I curved the tip in search. She gasped when I hit a sweet spot.

The lady of my love desperately tried to keep eye contact with me throughout the ensuing debauchery. It was one of the few things she failed at. Much like her arms, her head was moving involuntarily and her eyelids fluttered, closed and opened in irregular intervals. I could see all of her quivering more and more intensely. I felt it in the way her thighs tensed.

“This is so… so exhilarating...” she gasped. “I wasn’t aware it would feel like this… it just… keeps growing this… this…” her words trailed off into a drawn-out moan of my name, as my attention focused on her clit again. “Karitas… Kartitas… something is… I am… I am… so close…soooo…”

A sudden scream echoed through the room as all words and intentions she had were overpowered by the ecstasy of her first orgasm. Pussy juices gushed into my mouth, as I kept licking and sucking her clit, encouraged by the tension in her thighs and spasming of her body. My own arms strained in an effort to hold her. I maintained the assault on her pussy for as long as I thought it’d prolong her climax, then slowly eased off to let her bask in the entirety of the experience.

The shifting of her expression during that time was glorious. First, her entire face was wiped clean of all emotions except lust, her mouth wide open and lungs emptying. Once the initial rush faded, all of her was taken by the rapid need for air. Her chest pumped heavily, her mouth snapped, clenched and her closed eyes relaxed and clenched just as much as the rest of her spasming body did. Finally, sharp moans gave way to a relaxed expression and the occasional shiver from the aftershocks. She opened her eyes to look at me with satisfaction and intense adoration.

I smiled back at her. “Seems like you got a favourable impression of orgasms.”

“I… phew…” she gulped in an effort to calm her breathing. “I had foolishly guessed tales of this feeling to be exaggerated.” Shaking her head, while I gently lowered her onto the mattress, she continued, “It was more than I could have imagined. However, there is an issue in your statement. I cannot say what my impressions of orgasms are.” I raised an eyebrow and she sat up to face me with a smile. “A single one is not enough to make a generalization, my Karitas.”

“Kinky little angel,” I grinned and she raised an eyebrow at that particular title. Dwelling on it would have wasted time. I could use that time to play with her instead, so I just took her by the waist and pulled her against me, her back pressing against my chest. We found ourselves in this position a lot these days, but this time I had a more fun activity in mind than emotional rollercoaster rides. “I’ll show you more, if that is what you desire.”

My left hand brushed over her breasts on its way downwards. Sensitive as she still was, she sighed at that little touch. Nestled between her ass cheeks, my cock became fully hard again. That Esther gently rubbed her butt against my cock certainly helped with that. The steady friction felt good but, after having already cum once, I was better insulated against the immediate pleasure.

“Is it time for the course of the evening to continue?” she asked. There was a debauched need in her voice and gaze that was undeniably sexy.

“If you really want us to, we can move on,” I told her. My hand halted in its path, stopping on her midriff. “And believe me when I say that I can’t wait for it, but first times are to be enjoyed with a fair bit of caution – especially for women.” I kissed the rise from her shoulder to her neck. “That aside, I want you to feel everything I have to offer beyond a simple fucking.”

“I doubt it will be simple, knowing you,” Esther giggled and sighed when I moved on to gently nibble on her earlobe. I noted that she was sensitive there, such things were important to know. “I trust you to do with me as you may. Show me all these pleasures I did not try.”

“Do you regret that?” I wondered. “Now that you know it?”

“A little bit,” her voice, as velvety and caressing as ever, whispered into the quiet room, only for me to hear and enjoy. “Feeling those things from you, however, it makes the celibacy worthwhile.”

Her hair tickled my chest, when I let out a pleased laugh. “I’m glad to be worth that much,” I whispered and let my hand travel on further, arriving once more between her legs. Rubbing her pussy lips, I let my fingers get drenched with her juices. She slumped against me, as if my touch was sapping all energy and self-control from her. Heavily breathing and shivering, she was trapped in my embrace.

Shamelessly, I capitalized on her weakened state. At this very moment, nothing of her dignified and stern behaviour remained. She was my partner, to play with and to find where her boundaries lay. Greedily, I grabbed her left tit. Drumming heartbeats reverberated in my palm as I fondled it aggressively. Rolling her nipple between my fingers had her moaning at the ceiling. That initial discomfort she had felt, I had successfully eased her out of it. Curving a single finger into her tight cunt made her head fall backwards, resting against my shoulders. Masturbating her made her shout.

While I kept her torso bound to me, her limbs moved helplessly. Her fingers clawed into my thighs, though not strongly enough to cause pain, especially not with how short she kept her nails. Her legs repeatedly kicked the mattress, while my skilled movements caused wave after wave of pleasure to wash through her and mount to a storm.

I didn’t just finger her pussy, I paid attention to all of her. Brushing over her clit with the base of my thumb, or rubbing it specifically, caressing her chest and midriff, kissing the back of her head, and nibbling her ear, as I whispered sweet nothings to her. It was all part of the intimate and delicate process of our love. My rewards for the actions were her moans. Short and sweet, sudden and lustful, long and luscious, accompanied by the curling of her toes and her difficulty to breathe steadily.

I increased my pace steadily and, as I did, her voice became higher pitched. Erratic panting indicated that she was about to reach our goal. “Ka… ah… ah…” she tried to say something, but all that she managed to shape with her luscious lips were debauched gasps. Her back pressed against me, her heels dug into the soft floor and her hips shot up. With a fair bit of force, I managed to hold her down as her orgasmic squirming continued. Her pussy was gripping my one finger tightly, pulsing clenches making it difficult to move.

“You’re a beautifully sensitive thing,” I complimented her, while letting her pulse and body calm. Little breaks were important. There was a beauty in going completely ham and fucking like wild animals, but that primality was better left for very particular moods. Today was about the careful indulgence between new lovers. “Just a beautiful woman in general, really.”

“Your flattery has been... more eloquent... in the past,” she answered in a somewhat raspy voice. All that shouting must have gotten to her throat. “You had more blood available to think, at those times.” She once more rubbed her smooth butt, by now fairly lubricated by my precum, against the length of my shaft.

“As much as I appreciate your greed, I’m dictating the pace here,” I hummed, only half-joking and continued fingering her tight pussy. All potential backtalk immediately ceased, as the pleasure proved too distracting. Carefully, I pressed a second finger into her. A continuous groan let me know she was taking it without issue.

The deeper I drowned her in pleasure, the rougher, I realized, I could be with her. An accidental discovery, made when I grabbed her tit and mindlessly pulled on her nipple, lost in the moment. Earlier, her body had protested with pain to less, now she just gasped for air and cried with lust. As her subconscious got used to sexual pleasure, she became less sensitive to the pain, was my guess. The more previously untouched areas became stimulated, the less her previously unused nerves overreacted. Or perhaps she was just so pumped full of adrenaline and other chemicals that were unleashed during sexual encounters that she didn’t care anymore.

Whatever it was, I decided to test the boundaries again. Both to learn more about her and to satisfy my sadistic and dominant needs. I practically clawed into her tits and she squirmed. I bit her shoulder and felt her pussy contract intensely around my pumping fingers. I placed a hand on her throat and held her and she moaned loudly. I choked her. Softly, at first, barely a bit of pressure on her windpipe. I left her room for complaints, voiced or through unwilling struggles. Then I slowly increased the pressure.

She came.

I couldn’t hear it this time, all that managed to escape her lungs were choked gasps, but her body language was the same. The pressure I already had on her throat kept that part of her nailed against me, but her hips shot up again and this time I had no intention of keeping her down. Just as I had no intention of just letting her peacefully ride the orgasm out again.

Instead, I doubled my speed. In the absence of her screams, the wet, slick noises of my rapid fingering of her overflowing honeypot were all the more audible. I didn’t let up, and forced her to go through hellish pleasure that intensified and prolonged her orgasm. Her hips rose and fell with each spasm that travelled through her, each ending in her curled toes.

When her head started to turn a deeper shade of red, I let go of her in her entirety. Desperate inhales and an assumed lack of orientation followed on her side, while she dropped onto the mattress. For a moment, she got to just lie there and gather herself, then I was between her legs and my tongue once more found her clit.

I was aggressive and focused, so much so that I closed my eyes and only paid attention to the intricacies of pleasing her. “An…another…I’m…?” the disbelieving gasps reached my ears. A moment later, her slender fingers took hold of me and clawed into my white hair.  “Don’t stop… don’t stop… I’m… ahhh…AAAAAHHH!”

A second orgasm followed right on the one that had never really been allowed to end. This time, I calmed my assault, easing off while her spine arched off the mattress and she shouted my name. I would have completely pulled back to watch her orgasm in all its muscle-shifting, boob-jiggling, spasming ecstasy, but she pressed me against her cunt with all her might and, as a gentleman, I took the opportunity to taste more of her delightfully delicious love juices.

Once her hands calmed enough that I could sit up, I moved. She was still struggling to calm her breathing, still trembling, but she looked at me with firm eyes, as I grabbed her hips and pulled her a bit closer to me. I was quivering with anticipation myself, when I grabbed my cock and got myself in position.

 I didn’t immediately push inside. I wanted her to be completely calm for the next bit. My dwindling patience screamed to disregard proper procedure, but I managed to control myself. Taking her by the hips, I lowered myself on her until my shaft grinded over her slick pussy lips, stimulating them and her clit, as I slowly thrust back and forth outside her.

 Even that little touch had me groan. I was so close and nothing was going to deny me anymore. Just a change of angle and I would press into her sopping wet cunt. I had prepared her so much, even the inside of her thighs was wet with love juices. We were both beyond ready.

Esther slowed her breathing with controlled exhales. “Is your cock really going to fit inside me?” she asked with a bit of doubt. “Reproductive compatibility between humanoid species is a given. Regardless, your size is…” she swallowed audibly, something between uncertainty and boundless desire, “…respectable.”

“It’ll take a bit,” I said completely honestly. After how tightly her folds had gripped my fingers, it was no wonder that she was feeling a bit nervous. Nervousness, however, was among the worst emotions she could feel at the moment. “It might be a bit painful at the start. You need to stay relaxed and it will work out, alright?”

“Alright,” she nodded and made her lying position a bit more comfortable by taking a nearby pillow and putting it under her upper back. After learning how easily she collapsed under pleasure, that was the wise choice, if she wanted to see things as they progressed. Something I couldn’t blame her for whatsoever. My own eyes were glued to her cunt when I pulled all the way back and aligned myself with her entrance.

The engorged head of my cock split the soft labia without problems. Her and my wetness mingled in that simple motion. I felt her heat, that alone was wonderful and caused me to gasp, then I started to actually push into her. The first few centimetres were relatively easy. My head was enveloped by the areas I had already loosened somewhat with fingers and tongue. We both groaned in pleasure, as my slow push into her had my glans surrounded. The hard girth of my shaft followed thereafter, vanishing inside her centimetre by centimetre until I was about finger-deep inside her.

Already, her heat was intense. She was tight, extremely tight, and it was ridiculously good. Even with less than half of me inside her, the way her pussy walls pulsed and quivered was fantastic. Although her insides were fundamentally smooth and both of us were providing more than enough lubrication, the folds that made up the entirety of it caused it to be immensely pleasurable no matter how little I moved.

While I tried to push further, I listened closely to her every sound. My dick was now getting into completely unprepared and unused depths. I could see a bump in her slender body, where my cock was already sheathed. Esther reacted by accelerating her breathing in an almost panicked fashion. “Stop, please,” she gasped. I would have anyway, if those sounds hadn’t given away her discomfort, the way she clenched would have. I couldn’t move, backwards or forwards, her insides were too tense for that.

“Are you alright?” I asked and looked up to her. Her gorgeous face was a bit strained, eyebrows pulled together, eyes only slightly open, and her mouth parted with long breaths. I didn’t see pain there, just discomfort. Of course, the latter could turn into the former very quickly. “Anything specific that aches?”

“It’s even larger than I thought,” she swallowed and looked at me for comfort, something I was happy to provide. While she talked, I wordlessly put a hand on the side of her face and brushed back some of the unruly strands. “I thought the length would be the primary problem, but the girth is stretching me out.”

“Is it painful?” I asked, worried. Truth be told, deflowering succubae was a bit of a different matter than whatever species she was. Not one famous for fucking, that much was for sure.

“No,” she eased my immediate concern with a smile. “I like it, strangely. The heat your dick radiates, the stretching and the pushing, they all feel right. I want you inside me, want to have my insides widen just enough so they are melded to the shape of your shaft.” She moaned, as if the imagination alone was enough to pleasure her. Perhaps she also moaned because my cock quivered at hearing her say all of this. “I was afraid this would hurt more, but I only feel you. Take it slow, be patient with me and I will be happy to embrace all of you.”

For someone that usually tried to keep things to the point, Esther was a natural at saying exactly what I wanted to hear at that moment. “I love you,” I gasped and her smile widened. The intense clenching of her insides eased away and, soon, she nodded.

I didn’t immediately push on further. Instead, I gave her a little taste of where we would arrive eventually. I pulled back a fair bit and went back inside. She moaned and I even felt her pussy gush a little, and so I was motivated to do the same again. The result of the second thrust wasn’t as intense as the first, but enough to make me want to continue.

“By my…” she gasped as she felt those shallow thrusts. The shiver that went up her spine made her tits bounce more than my movement. “Oh, that feels good,” she purred. “Is it always like that?”

“It gets better,” I promised, happy to see that she was already getting something out of her first intercourse. “Slow and steady,” I said, just to say something that sounded reassuring, when I repeated the motion, only that, at the thrust back in, I tried to get in a bit further than before. I did it once and she yelped – in a surprised and near orgasmic way. Regardless of that intense reaction, I was cautious, as I went to continue on that pattern. “Tell me if I need to stop.”

“Don’t you… dare… to stop!” she exclaimed instead. “This is… what is this…?” her brain failed at an adequate comparison. I doubted she continued to search for one, as her wide-open eyes instead focused on the way my cock conquered her bit by bit, with every repeated thrust. Her moans became louder and louder. “So deep… so big…” she went somewhere else entirely. “It’s almost all the way in… you are almost… Karitas… you are so close and I think I’m...”

I saw where this was going, moved my hand from her cheek to holding her chin and forced her to look at me. In the meantime, I ceased to move. “I want you to hold back until I’m all the way inside you,” I told her in my most commanding voice. “Do you understand?”

“Yesssss,” she hissed lustfully, her entire body taken by a sudden quiver. I read her correctly, this girl was a sexual submissive and I just needed to push the correct buttons. She was my perfect woman, there was absolutely no doubt about it.

Bowed over her, I pulled back until I was almost outside her. Her eyes quivered, their gaze covered by a perverted haze, but focused on me regardless. Then I pushed into her with one continuous, excruciatingly slow thrust. It took an entire three seconds, which was an eternity in our situation. Throughout that entire time, she let out a desperate cry that became louder and louder. Her legs quivered beside my waist, her arms slung around my back and her fingers scratched the surface softly.

Then I was completely inside her.

“Cum,” I gave her permission. The fantasy mixed with the reality of her overburdening pleasure. Completely sheathed inside her, my entire cock was gripped by her orgasmic spasming. It was intensely different from the reactionary clenching of her body. The waves of tension and relaxation that rolled through all of her also pulsed through her cunt, making it massage my shaft in her tight quim.

I was completely taken by the feeling and the sight. Didn’t dare to move, lest I somehow destroy her experience. The fact that I was inside her alone intensified her enjoyment tremendously, if the volume of her screams and the clawing at my back was anything to go by.

All good things had to come to an end though and Esther rested her head on the pillow. “That’s number four, or five, depending on how you count,” I teased her. “You know, normal girls don’t climax that often, that intensely.”

“I’m not.... a normal woman,” retorted Esther within a moment, her eloquent manner of speaking broken apart by her heavy breathing. “You wouldn’t have… settled for… a normal Queen..., my King. Neither do I think that… a normal man… would be able to… make this so… ecstatic.” She really did know how to push my buttons. “You certainly do.... display experience with this.”

“Does that bother you?” I asked, almost apologetic. I didn’t plan to talk about any woman I had before her, especially not in this situation. The question alone was hopefully harmless, especially since she was still recovering. “That this isn’t my first time?”

“It is a... minor depression on my mood but I think I prefer that over us fumbling around with barely any idea what we are doing,” Esther smiled again. Words that sounded like silk whispering over smooth skin were formed by those luscious, pink lips of hers, full and made to berate, laugh and kiss all the same. “It enables you to dominate me right where we are. Something else I’m becoming vaguely aware I enjoy greatly.”

I grinned broadly, “Are you ready for the main course then? The proper unification of our bodies in sweat, love and screams?”


I remained motionless inside for a bit longer, letting her twitching insides get used to my full erection. A final bit of patience before I would fuck her thoroughly. Time I didn’t waste just getting lost in her amber eyes, although that was certainly a threat. Instead I pleased both of us in some other ways than simple penetration.

It started with me once more taking hold of her breasts. Esther’s immediate reaction to pleasure remained to gasp and become putty under my hands. I groped her as roughly as I desired and didn’t notice a single adverse reaction. At this point, I had her so turned on that I could do whatever I wanted. I indulged myself by rolling her nipples between my fingers and then pulling. When I let go, her magnificent breasts jiggled back into their slightly sagging base position. I loved the way her nipples bounced apart as her chest jiggled. I repeatedly indulged myself in this or other displays.

“You like being dominated, huh?” I asked in a playfully mocking voice, while squeezing her so intensely that the overabundant squish of her tits spilled between my fingers.

“No…” she whined in a perverted tone, “…I like being dominated by you, my Karitas.”

“What about a bit of pain?” I wondered and twisted her nipple. She shivered and moaned under me, louder than before. “Do you like that as well?”

“It appears so?” she sounded a tad confused about that. I could imagine why. Realizing that one preferred to be at the bottom was something that could be discovered in fantasies. Pain being something that could feel good, when inflicted by someone else in moderate amounts, was not as easily proven or even guessed at. “I’m not certain.”

“We’ll stick with the domination, then,” I promised and let go of her breasts. Enough experimentation had been done during her first time. It was time to stick with what worked. Not only because I didn’t want to ruin it at this point, but also because I couldn’t wait any longer. 

I took her hands in each of mine. Our fingers intertwined and I leaned on her with the majority of my weight, effectively immobilizing her. Holding her hands and pinning her down at the same time was the best of all worlds. I repositioned my legs a little bit to make the angle of penetration more comfortable to me.

Then I moved again. I resumed with the slow pace that I had used to ease myself into her. I pulled back until I was only a third inside her, then went back in just as slowly. It was much easier, but she was still tight. Esther whimpered in delight, her pink lips quivering, once she felt my hips press against her. I stayed inside her for a few seconds, only enjoying the massaging shifts of her cunt.

I repeated the motion, slightly faster. Then a third, fourth and fifth thrust followed, each accelerating from the first one. I stayed motionless for less and less time, until the little breaks between each thrust vanished completely. With more speed came more force. As our lustful vocalizations grew in volume, their song was soon underlined by the growing beat of the impacts. It started as small, wet smacks with long breaks between them, but soon changed into a steady slapping from the repeated joining of our sexes.

Esther shouted with every impact. The force rippled through her body, making it rock back and forth. She had loved the sensation of being stretched around my cock and now she came to adore the sensation of actually getting fucked. “So good… so hard… I lo-o-oveee, thi-i.i.is,” she shouted, the heavy impacts breaking her screams into bursts of ecstasy. Her hips writhed in circular motions, changing the angle and areas I thrust into. Whenever I pulled back, her entire being seemed to refuse to let me go. Her pussy clung to me, her hips moved along with me and she gasped my name.

Inside this gorgeous, raven-haired virgin lay a perverted, amber-eyed nymphomaniac, one that would be loyal to me and my harem, for as long as we loved each other. I was driven to make that as close to eternity as I could. I would satisfy her every need and it would be my pleasure.

Her tits bounced gloriously. Their sway was hypnotic. Hard nipples drew circles in the air, pink crowns on her firm, full breasts as they swung. Each jiggle of the magnificent volume was caused by my hard pounds into her wet hole. The force paired with her quivering, struggling breaths for a truly wonderful display.

The physical strain the continued fucking put on us had us both sweating and audibly gasping. Erotic cries and the smell of our exhaustion mixed with our natural musk and choices of shampoo for an intoxicating, sweet mixture. I took it in as greedily as I did her body, loved the way her hair went from wild to truly messy from the continued shaking, her quivering muscles, particularly the flat midriff, and the desperate movements of her eyes.

She tried to focus on any part of my chiselled body, but failed at every turn. Ecstasy had her in its grasp. Whenever she glanced at something in particular, soon her amber eyes glazed over and shifted elsewhere. Often, they closed entirely, accompanying drawn-out moans. I slowed my thrusts at those times to a torturously slow pace. It stretched out those sweet sounds.

The grip of her hands on mine intensified. She writhed under me. The only part of her that she could freely move were her legs. Arms and groin were pinned under me and her torso could only shift in the boundaries I allowed her. She screamed, as a sudden orgasm overtook her.

I didn’t stop moving, I couldn’t stop. My own pleasure was mounting, much more intense than the boob job I had received earlier. That had been a necessary preamble, this was the real deal. I had taken her virginity, I made her completely lost in pleasure, her pussy was holding me as tightly as was possible while still allowing me to move smoothly. I loved the way her tits bounced, loved the way her body shook, loved her – absolutely and unquestioningly.

“HARDER!” she screamed, a single word before pleasure absolutely overtook all of her. Her eyes rolled up in her skull, her mouth was wide agape, giving room to an ever-louder shout that stretched until a sudden silence claimed it. The tips of her hair bounced as I rammed into her with all my might.

I obliged her, of course I did. A request made by my Queen made at the border of my own climax could not be denied. Every last ounce of my strength went into those final thrusts. “I’m going to cum,” I groaned between clenched teeth. There was no risk of pregnancy, so I could finish wherever I wanted and inside her was definitely the most satisfying.

Esther’s pussy became tighter at the mere suggestion. Before I knew it, her legs closed behind my hips and pulled me as I plunged into her one final time. My cock quivered, I lasted for another three seconds, it would have been enough time for a few more thrusts, but her legs were uncompromising. She wanted my seed inside her and she wanted it now. Tense thighs and quivering, wet folds pressed against me, my balls contracted and the cum rushed up my shaft.

My vision became a blurry mess of white lightning and intense ecstasy. The screams, wet slaps and groans had all grown silent. I only felt her, through the warmth of her hands and the milking pulses of her cunt. Each spurt of cum into her was its own moment of glory, filling her up was a long-desired series of wishes all coming to fruition.

Each time my cock tensed and painted more of her insides white, a shiver went through her. As the height of our climaxes passed our voices and senses returned to us. Adoringly, she stared at me and groaned whenever another bit of seed filled her. I imagined I wore a similar expression, although I didn’t pay too much attention to my mannerisms at that moment.

“Stay inside me until the last moment,” the lady of my love whispered. “I want all of you inside me.”

“As you wish,” I said, not even pretending that wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear. While I did remain inside her, I changed our position to be more relaxed. We rolled onto the side, lying on the mattress, the outline of her body visible in the dark sheets. As we embraced, I combed through her hair. She kissed my shoulder. Little gestures of affection, so crucial after the intense experience we enjoyed.

“I love you,” her smooth voice caressed me, slightly raspy after all the shouting. It withdrew from the pleasantness it usually had, but added an erotic note. “I love you and who you are. Patient and assertive, I couldn’t have ever arrived at this point had you been only one or neither.”

“I love you too, for being in my arms tonight,” I answered with a smile and kissed her scalp. “Will you stay the night?”

She laughed softly; the question was admittedly ridiculous. “For as long as you keep holding me,” she answered and hummed a little song. I had never heard it before, never had I ever heard her sing. It was another part of her I couldn’t wait to explore more of, now that all but the walls around our secrets had fallen.

Guided by her melody, I soon drifted to sleep.

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