Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 124 – Claw Maga and Diana

Themyscira, 2900 B.C. a hundred years have passed since Fenris woke up. After the first few decades, spent together with Alice doing almost nothing but relax, Fenris restarted his training.

He limited his strength, speed and durability to the human limits and went through his training all over again. He destroyed and rebuilt neural pathways to forget certain things only to learn them again, but this time better.

He even created his own martial discipline. He took a mix of only the most deadly techniques and aspects of various Martial Arts combined and then reimagined them around using his claws. He jokingly called it Claw Maga, but never out loud.

There are three sets of techniques, one for someone of baseline human strength, one for someone who's enhanced and then there's one for someone who has godlike strength and speed. The last one is particularly useful,  since it remains effective no matter how powerful the user or the opponent is.

The last set also incorporates Fenrir's aura into every strike, ensuring maximum destructive power.

Standing in a large open space with nothing visible but the night sky, a beautiful full moon and a layer of water covering the ground as far as the eyes can see, Fenris stands in front of a copy of himself.

The Mimic has Fenrir's strength and speed, and can even use some magic. The only thing it lacks is his Aura and his fangs. And while Fenris knows his new Martial Art, the Mimic only uses Fenrir's old style of combat, a mix of Spartan wrestling techniques, Pankration and freestyle.

After a quick staredown, Fenris and the Mimic launch towards each other simultaneously, clashing their claws. Fenris immediately follows up with another slash, aimed at the Mimic's throat. As the Mimic leans back, a small line of blood droplets flows though the air.

The Mimic attempts to retaliate with a kick towards Fenrir's left side. Anticipating the kick, Fenris defends his side by poking his right hand claws towards the Mimic's foot. As the kick lands straight on the outstretched claws, the Mimic's foot is impaled on them.

Fenris immediately steps forward as he slashes his claws along the leg, slashing it open from the ankle to the knee. As he slashes the leg with his right hand, he uses a left uppercut, slashing his claws along the Mimic's chest, straight upwards along the throat to the chin while the Mimic leans back, trying to avoid the claws and failing spectacularly as a wave of blood is drawn from the deep cut.

Fenrir's right hand, now recoiled, then launches forward towards the Mimic's exposed throat, burying his hand inside, Fenris pulls out the Mimic's thoat, ending the fight in overwhelming victory as Fenris doesn't have a scratch on him.

As the Mimic dies, another cloud of smoke forms. Once it subsides, the silver blob is left behind.

Fenris stretches his hand out towards it as it springs to life and latches onto him and starts reshaping itself into a suit of armor. "Well done Genisys, rest now."

Getting no response back, other than a small vibration from the armor, Fenris waves his hand through the air and suddenly his surroundings change as he's standing on the beach in Themyscira.

Noticing his presence, Alice walks out of their bungalow, along the pier and straight towards him. "It's time, love."

"Are you sure? Don't you think you should just do it yourself? You're the one she keeps praying to after all." Fenris asks apprehensively

"Yes, and I'm responding to her prayers by sending you. She's been building them for months now." Alice responds with some pity in her voice. "Besides," she continues, "from what you've told me, this world will be a much better place for it."


Fenris sighs and looks off into the distance. "That much is true."

"Then let's go." Alice says as she suddenly grasps his hand and teleports them both to the other side of the island.

They appear out of nowhere in a treeline on the edge of a clearing. In the middle of the clearing they see Hippolyta kneeling down on the ground, sculpting something out of clay. As they approach her, they can slowly make out what she's sculpting. A baby.

Alice lets go of Fenrir's hand and he immediately looks at her. She smiles at him and nods towards Hippolyta's direction.

Fenris nods and turns to the Queen of the Amazons.

Hearing footsteps behind her, Hippolyta turns quickly and finds herself startled seeing the God that made the island she now calls home.

"Lord Fenris. What are you doing here?" Hippolyta asks, moving to shield the clay sculpture behind her.

Without answering her, Fenris walks past her and gets on one knee next to the baby sculpture. Though Hippolyta is by no means an unskilled artist, the sculpture lacks quite a few finer details.

Fenris puts his index finger to the forehead of the sculpture and immediately it becomes an incredibly detailed sculpture down to the eyelashes. A skillfully sculpted baby is almost instantly turned into a near perfect work of art.

Fenris reaches his index finger out to Hippolyta and elongates its claw. "Prick your finger on the claw and drop some blood on her forehead."

Hesitating for only a second, Hippolyta reaches out and does exactly what Fenris asks. As Hippolyta's blood falls on the baby's forehead, Fenris fills the same claw with his aura and pricks it into the thumb on the same hand before he drops his own blood on the baby's  forehead.

Looking on, fascinated at the light emitted from Fenrir's claw, Hippolyta fails to notice him putting his palm on the baby's chest and forehead until suddenly a bright, blinding white light shines from his hands.

As Hippolyta's vision clears, she notices the baby, now made of flesh with a healthy pink glow, sleeping peacefully in Fenrir's arms.

He stands up as Hippolyta does the same and he hands her the newly born, "Diana, Princess of Themyscira. Daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons and Fenris, God of Beasts and Monsters" Alice says, now standing next to her husband as she smiles at the child.

"She'll be raised by you, but when she becomes curious about where she comes from, do not lie to her or try to hide it. She will be an Amazon, but she will also be a Goddess. One day her powers will awaken and whatever form they take, I'm going to have to teach her how to control them." Fenris says stoically, not a trace of emotion on his face.

Hippolyta nods. "Yes, Lord Fenris. I will take great care of her. Thank you, thank you both so much." She says, looking at Fenris who just nods and Alice who returns a bright smile.

Fenris then holds out his hand for Alice to take, and when she does, Fenris looks at the baby one more time before they both disappear instantly.

Fenris and Alice appear back in their bungalow. "Are you sure that was alright?" Fenris asks. "It may not have happened the traditional way, but technically I did just have a child with another woman."

"First, there were no feelings involved between you two. Second, there was no betrayal here, since I literally told you to do it. Besides, if I didn't feel confident enough in our marriage, do you think I'd let you live on an island with nothing but women?"

After thinking about it for a second, Fenris responds, "Huh, right... fair point."


Over the next seven years, Fenris would keep an eye on Diana, watching her grow up from a distance, disguised as an animal. Sometimes a bird, a wolf or even a stag, but always with a pristinely white coat of fur or feathers.

Often she would ride towards the south coast of the island, drawn by something she did not understand, but would be stopped on top of the cliff and be warned to stay out of the forest below and off the beach.

She'd always ask her mother why, but never got an answer, until one day she did.

Later that night, under the cover of darkness, Diana tries to sneak out of the palace unnoticed. She makes decent progress as she sticks to the shadows, until she has to pass a corridor that is covered in moonlight. She picks her timing and she's off by only a second as a patrol walks by and spots her.

"Diana? What are you doing out of bed?" The Amazon asks. But she gets no response as Diana starts running.

"Diana stop!" The woman tries again, unsuccessfully.

The little girl jumps out of the window and makes a run for it, as the Amazon immediately gives chase. They make their way to the stables where Diana takes a horse and rides it out of the town, while she's pursued by what has grown into a group of half a dozen Amazons. But having picked the right horse, and being much lighter than the armored women, she keeps ahead of her pursuers as she makes her way to the southern coast.

Meanwhile, Antiope has been awoken and notified of the situation as she makes her way to the Queen's bedchamber. She walks through the door and gets straight to the point. "My Queen, Diana has run away."

"What? Where to? We're on an island..." The Queen says before she gets lost in thought for a second. "Oh, no."

"What is it?" Antiope asks.

"I told her everything earlier today."


Fenris is lying on the beach, watching the stars as he notices someone looking in his direction from afar. He sits up and turns around. Looking in the distance, on the top of the cliff, he sees Diana riding a horse and immediately smiles.

After a few minutes, she's made her way down towards the beach and gets off her horse. She slowly and carefully sneaks towards the treeline before she sees the tallest person she's ever seen already looking in her direction. "Hello Diana."

Hearing the greeting, she stops sneaking and walks out onto the beach.

Standing before him, he gets down on one knee, but even then she still has to look up. "I'm.." Fenris tries to introduce himself before she interrupts, "Fenris, a God."

"Yes, that's right." Fenris nods.

"A-Are you my father?" She asks, a little nervously.

Fenrir's only response to that question is a warm smile, telling Diana enough as she steps forward and hugs him.

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