Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 31 – Falna and the guild

"Alright, so how does this work?"

"Simple, you take off your top and lie down on the bed, face down. And then you let me do all the work." I quickly stop myself from joking, 'just like usual.'

"Alright." Then Alice begins to do exactly as instructed. When she lays down I sit on the bed and place both my hands on her back.

I take in some ambient magic and combine it with my aura. I then pour the combination through my hands into Alice.

A beautiful bright blue glow shines brightly from my hands and magical sparks start to fly from them as well.

Until the sparks come to halt in mid-air. I look around and nothing is moving. It's like that time Rob appeared after the Volturi slaughter.

Then another letter pops into existence right before me and it opens itself again.

'Hi kid, remember that wedding gift that would be waiting in the next world? Well, it was supposed to be a vial with pure liquid magic for Alice. Basically she'd gain a few abilities from different vampires in different worlds. But now that you've gone to Danmachi let's make it a little more interesting. Every time Alice levels up, you get to pick a vampire from a different world. ANY vampire from ANY world, no limits whatsoever. Then you can give Alice one ability from that vampire and you can NOT pick the same vampire twice, unless it's Dracula. But it must be a different version everytime you pick him. For now you can pick 2 vampires to start, just think of the vampire and the ability and they'll appear on her status.'

'Wow, that's an incredible wedding gift.

For now, something that would allow her to survive against far more powerful opponents would be nice.

Cadis Etrama Di Raizel (Noblesse), Hemokinesis (Blood manipulation and creation.)

Dracula (Castlevania), intangibility.'

Focusing on the abilities I finish applying the Falna.

The light fades and her status appears.

Alice Cullen

Fenrir Familia

Level 1

Strength I-0

Endurance I-0

Dexterity I-0

Agility I-0

Magic I-0


Blood manipulation A: The ability to create blood and manipulate it. It can be used offensively as well as defensively.

Intangibility A: The ability to temporarily become intangible and phase through solid objects. Will allow physical attacks to go through you, having no effect whatsoever. Certain types of magic may still work. Consumes magic per second.

Precognition S: The ability to see the future.


Quick explanation for those who don't know. In Danmachi, the base stats are ranked from 0 to 999, where 0 to 99 is I, 100 to 199 is H, 200 to 299 is G and so on until 900 to 999 is S which is the best you can achieve. These levels can be increased by gaining excelia (experience) from killing monsters or training. Everyone starts out with 0 regardless of race, ability or previous experience.


I then take a piece of paper and put it on her back and infuse it with magic. Her status is immediately transcribed on the paper so Alice can see for herself.

"So what do the letters mean? Like the A and S after the skills?"

"That's the grade of the skill, the more powerful the skill the higher the grade. Form highest to lowest it's S, A, B, C all the way to I."

"So, if all my abilities become S I can level up?"

"No, while technically you'd be ready to level up. Doing so requires you doing something special, something that would impress even the gods. For now I suggest you just get used to the dungeon and using your new skills. Don't worry about leveling yet."

After explaining everything to Alice I continue to give the wolves a Falna as well, which has some unintended yet not unwelcome side effects.

Right now standing before me and Alice are five Werewolves. They've all gained shapeshifting as their ability, allowing them to take on a human form.

Luna looks like a beautiful middle-aged woman, while her kids look like... well, kids. Teenagers, but still kids. The boys look like exact copies of each other while the girls couldn't look more different. Athena is a brunette while Twilight is a blonde. Athena is tall, Twilight is short.

"You are going to have to get used to your new forms. You should not use this form tomorrow in the dungeon, instead use it when you're at home, doing mundane things. When you're ready I'll teach you how to fight as a human and then you can start using it in the dungeons.

Now that we've got that taken care of, let's go over our plans for tomorrow.

First we should all go to the guild, where I have to pay for the land. Alice, you need to register yourself and the wolves as adventurers and get a guild adviser for yourself, Luna and the kids. They'll tell you everything you need to know about the dungeon. Once I'm done in the guild I have to go see Ganesha.

I'm sure your advisor will tell you this but for your first time in the dungeon don't push yourself. Stick to the first few floors. It's important to get used to your new abilities before you try to go deeper into the dungeon."

Alice then nods. "Got it, long day tomorrow so let's get some sleep."

The next day after a hearty breakfast we all set off towards the guild. Carrying a crate with 300 kilo's of gold on one of my shoulders is a lot harder with my abilities sealed, luckily I can enhance my strength.

As soon as we step inside we're greeted by a very large group of beast humans who all seem to be waiting for something. 'I've got a bad feeling about this.'

Before one of them sees my face I carry the crate in front of my face just in case.

We then walk to the nearest receptionist and I hand her the receipt I got for the down-payment. "We're here to pay the full amount."

"Yes sir, that'll be one hundred thirty nine million five hundred thousand Valis please, how would you like to pay?"

"Gold." I put the crate on the counter.

It's obvious she won't be able to carry it at all. So she walks to the back and returns with a very large, muscular man who appears to be a Boaz, a boar beast human. When he sees me his eyes widen for a second but he quickly regains his composure and gives me a small bow. He then picks up the crate with ease and walks back to the room he came from.

"Evaluation will take a few minutes."


She nods and walks up to the counter.

"I'm a new adventurer and I need an adviser, and so do they." she then points to Luna and the kids in their human forms.

While they're taking care of that, I enhance my hearing to listen in on some conversations among the beast humans.

"Are you sure he's coming here?"

"Yes, the people who were in the guild yesterday all said the exact same thing. He's a tall man with long unruly white hair that goes down all the way to the back of his knees, he also has a scar on his left cheek."

"Hmmm... Hey, tell me something. How often do you see a tall man with long hair that reaches the back of his knees who also just so happens to have a scar on his left cheek?"

"I've never seen a man fitting that description, why?"

"Look at that man over there, he fits it perfectly except for the hair color. And did you see that earlier? The Boaz bowing to him? Very suspicious."

"Suspicious indeed. Do you think..?"


'Damn it.'

I return my attention to the receptionist. They seem to be about done with their conversation.

Right then the boaz comes back and hands the receptionist a piece of paper. She then puts it on the counter and slides it over to me.

"Here you go sir the deed to your land."

"Thank you.

Alice, I'm going to see Ganesha. When you're done in the dungeon meet me at Darum's Tavern where we stayed last night."

"Alright, see you later."

"Good luck in the dungeon. And be careful."

Before I walk away I see Athena and Twilight giggling.

"Bye bye FENRIR, see you tonight FENRIR."

'Well, shit.'

"""IT'S HIM!"""

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