Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 39 – Into the Monsterverse

Author's Note:

I've never done this before (write an author's note I mean) but in this case I believe it's necessary.

I'm going to take some liberties regarding the abilities some Titans in the Monsterverse possess. Such as Ghidorah for example, his gravity beams are just high-voltage electricity, they have absolutely nothing to do with gravity. But for my story he can actually manipulate gravity to some extent.

I'm doing this because I want all the abilities of these Titans combined to allow Fenris to terraform a planet to his liking.

I hope you've enjoyed my story so far and will continue to do so in the future. Enjoy the chapter!


"Time to hunt some monsters... but when?"

'In the Monsterverse Titans have been on earth since before the Permian period 300 million years before the dawn of mankind.

Also the list of Titans I want to devour is not that long. Godzilla for his Atomic breath and other powers pertaining to nuclear energy. Scylla for her ability to breathe in air, which consists of mostly nitrogen and then convert it into liquid nitrogen which has a temperature of at least -210°C (-346°F).

Rodan for his ability to manipulate heat and magma, allowing him to burn at extraordinary temperatures reaching at least 1500°C (2732°F).

A MUTO for their ability to create an electromagnetic pulse that can even weaken Godzilla's atomic breath.

And of course last but not least, King Ghidorah for his gravity beams and various other abilities.

And who knows? There might be some monsters that were never shown in the movies.'

After deciding to enter the Monsterverse at the beginning of the Permian period, during the formation of the supercontinent pangea, I raise my claws, fill them with my aura and slash downward, creating a rift in space. Looking through the rift it looks like a night sky filled with stars just like last time.

The rift slowly stabilizes and turns into a portal. After stepping through the portal it immediately closes behind me and I'm launched towards a bright star in the distance again.

Just before actually reaching the star, I come to a halt and another portal, the exact shape and size as the one I just made appears before me.

I step through and immediately notice there's way more oxygen in the air, which actually makes me feel a little lightheaded for a few days. During these days I just lay down and let my body slowly adapt.

Luckily my body, being in a constant state of evolving, quickly adapts to my new environment. About six days after my arrival in this world I no longer notice any adverse effects from the change in atmosphere.

I've been keeping local predators away by releasing tiny bursts of aura periodically. But now I no longer have to.

I turn into my wolf form and decide to get the lay of the land.

During the next two weeks I don't come across a single titan, despite running all over the continent. A few days after I started scouting I realized I don't have to hold back here. Habits die hard I suppose, but there are no humans to look out for, no cities to avoid, the only thing to watch out for are the titans.

So for the first time since I woke up from my 2500 year slumber, I'm entirely free to run around and hunt with no consequences.

I'd hunted before, in the Apalachians and Yellowstone but I took the size of a normal wolf then. But now I can go full-sized.

So I enjoyed hunting for a while, which was interesting. Due to higher levels of oxygen in the air, insects are much larger. I came across spiders as big as dogs and dragonflies with wingspans of 75cm (2,5 ft.). At first I had the urge to take a flamethrower out of my storage dimension, but I figured 2 billion Asians can't all be wrong, so I tried a few and they didn't taste all that bad.

I had fun doing that for a while but the apparent absence of titans started to bother me. I can't track their scent because I have no idea what they smell like in the first place, and I can't seem to pick up anything using my other senses either. In the movies they figured out that titans traveled across vast distances using a large, subterranean network of caves deep beneath the earth's crust. That's where they might be for now.

So at this point there are two options. First, wait it out. They'd have to appear at some point. Or two, lure at least one of them to me.

The second option carries more risk since I don't know where any of them are. My plan is to unleash my aura to its fullest extent, which is basically akin to announcing the presence of a new alpha rival to Godzilla's race. There should still be more than 1 of them at this point and Ghidorah is probably not here yet. My theory is that he arrives inside the meteor that wipes out the dinosaurs 240 million years from now.

But to get back on point, it's risky because I don't know who will respond and come to investigate. They might all decide to come.

After weighing my options for a while I decide that even though I'm a patient man, we're counting in the millions of years right now. And who knows when they decide to go above ground.

So I go with option two. I have plenty of time to do this properly so I pick my battlefield carefully. After weeks of scouting possible locations, I decide to pick a large valley that's pretty much closed off at 3 sides leaving only one entrance or exit for a creature as large as Godzilla. Because I don't think a creature that large is an adept climber.

Using my claws that are sharp and strong enough to cut through metal, I dig a cave through the mountains surrounding the valley in all three directions in case I need to escape. I made it small enough for me to fit through as a normal sized wolf. Don't know why I'd have to escape but better safe than sorry.

Now I'm ready to announce my presence to the titans. I enlarge to my biggest size, standing at 7 meters (23 ft.). Rookie numbers compared to Godzilla's astounding 110 meters (360 ft.), and yet I can't help but feel excited.

I close my eyes, take a deep breath and let it all go. I give in to every predatory instinct I have within me. Unleashing my aura like an explosion of pale blue energy in all directions, accompanied by an incredibly loud roar that parts the clouds above and the earth below for at least three miles.


Not even two minutes passed and I sense something coming straight towards me, but it's not what I expected.

I turn around and look to the sky. It's covered by the clouds but I can make out the shadow of a large bird.

'It's Rodan. Or at least a member of its species.'

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