Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 47 – Anger and Deicide


It's the first thing I felt when I started to awaken.

Usually the first thing I think about when I wake up is Alice.

But I decided to devour both Ghidorahs at once, to get it over with. That might have been a wrong choice, because they're the source of this anger. The Ghidorahs weren't really capable of feeling anything else. It's what made them such relentless destroyers.

The Ghidorahs didn't just come from space. They came from another dimension. One that is ruled by an enormous Ghidorah.

The three Ghidorahs who came to earth were sent to harvest the planet of life, to deliver it to their ruler, who then feasts on the harvest.

This dimension is ruled by the strong, everyone below a certain strength threshold is a slave to those above.

The three Ghidorahs who came here were among the ten strongest creatures in their dimension.

'No wonder Godzilla didn't measure up. I wonder if my presence here somehow has something to do with this.'

"He.. wa..ng..up."


As I regain consciousness, I hear voices. Undoubtedly human. Along with the rattling of chains.

As I try to yawn, I notice I can't open my mouth.

Having some idea as to why that is, I snap my eyes wide open.

As my eyes focus, I see gold colored chains wrapped around my mouth.

I try to move my head, but immediately notice my entire body is chained to the ground.

Already feeling angry due to the Ghidorahs, I feel the anger rise within me. Being restrained in ANY way, reminds me of the vampires who sealed me away and my family who they sacrificed to make it happen.

I look around to see where I am, but it looks like I wasn't moved. I'm still in my cave.

It does look very different. Someone hollowed out a large part of the mountain and built a palace.

Looking down I see a few men standing in front of me.

They're a little strange though, as they're all quite tall for humans. The shortest is two meters tall, whereas the two largest are about three and a half meters tall.

One of these two wears a long, dark blue cloak with armor underneath, I can feel magic in the man as well as his armor, but most magic is focused within the hammer he holds in his right hand.

The other one wears no magical armor but magic flows freely through his body, focused around a golden eye while the other eye is gone. He also carries a golden spear, which contains about twice as much magic as the hammer of the first man. He also has two ravens sitting on his shoulders and two wolves laying at his feet.

I've been using almost all my focus to restrain my anger, but upon realizing who these men must be, I nearly lose that control.

Using telepathy, I make my voice resound through the minds of everyone present.


As most people in the vicinity drop to their knees and grasp their heads in pain, only the two men are left standing.

"I cannot do that. 'Says the man with one eye.'

My name is Odin, son of Borr.

A great many years ago, my father came upon your cave and found you when he was still a boy.

You were breathing, so he knew you were still alive. But you didn't wake, no matter what.

Years later, my father's village suffered a food shortage. Many people starved to death.

That's when he remembered the great white wolf who would not awaken.

It took many years, but eventually they found out how to take your flesh. And you healed immediately so they took more and more.

They just took flesh at first, but noticed that from your blood, that trickled into the ground, plants would grow despite a lack of sunlight.

With an endless supply of food, the people prospered.

Those who ate fruits and vegetables grown from your blood, stopped aging.

But those who ate your flesh, gained special... abilities.

I am telling you this because I am grateful to you, and you deserve to know why you are chained up.

I can not let you go. People who stop eating the food that comes from you, lose their abilities and immortality.

So I had the greatest smiths create unbreakable chains that could hold you forever."

Every word that came from the bastard's mouth increases my anger and gives me less incentive to keep it in check.

Using my senses, I notice that there are ten huge ballistae aimed at me. If the chain loosens even a little, they will all fire huge bolts at me.

"You think you can hold me?! You're insane!" I say as I almost reach my limit.

I decide that it no longer matters that I only wanted to use my wolf form in this world. I shrink down and in a flurry of shapes and bright colors I take my human form.

Despite my smaller size, I can sense one of the bolts shot from the ballistae is still flying straight at me from my left.

I move my head slightly backwards as the bolt flies straight past my nose, I then catch the bolt with my right hand and throw it at Odin.

He dodges but the bolt still goes through his left elbow, cutting off his lower arm.

I'm surprised to find out that I'm even taller than Odin and Thor, standing at about 3,8 meters tall. My hair is extremely long and I have a long beard. 'Screw it, grooming comes later. First I need to kill some fuckers.'

Thor throws his hammer straight at me. I raise my hand and catch it with no effort. Immediately I feel the hammer being pulled back towards Thor but I hold it firmly in place.

"That's not possible." Thor says, bewildered by this turn of events.

"Child. You have no idea what's possible." I increase my grip on the hammer until cracks start to appear.


With a little more pressure the hammer shatters and releases large lightning bolts and loud thunderclaps.

As Thor is launched backwards towards his father, I look at Gleipnir, the chains that held me.

I pick it up and use magic to compress it to a smaller size while retaining its weight.

As I infuse it with my magic, I gain full control over its movement.

I spin Gleipnir forward at an insane speed, creating powerful gusts of wind. I then increase its length and slam it down to the ground, rustling up a lot of dust.

As the dust settles, everyone focuses on the corpse that was cut in two from the top of the skull to the base of his nutsack.

"NO! MY SON!" Odin screams in agony. While he's shaking he takes a few deep breaths and lowers his head.

As he starts shaking even more, he looks at me and screams out in furious anger. "I WILL KILL YOU!"

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