Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 50 – The little girl and the big bad wolf

As I'm back in my cave, I'm about to go to sleep when I hear a pack of wolves outside. As I listen to find out why they're so close to my cave, I notice they're tracking something.

I take a whiff of the air and spread my senses to find out what it is.

A few kilometers away from my cave, I hear a small soft voice crying, I smell fear and confusion.

It's a small child. A little girl.

I lay down, close my eyes and sleep.


'What the hell am I doing?!

Before I devoured the Ghidorahs I wouldn't have hesitated even a second before helping the girl.

I don't like this. I don't like this at all.'

I get out of my cave and quickly make my way to the girl.


"Mama, Papa.  'Sniff' someone help me, please."

In the dead of night, a little girl, no older than 8, is sitting beneath a large Oak tree, seeking shelter from the rain.

As she looks around into the dark woods, she only sees the glistening of the moon reflected in eyes.


The light of a lightning strike, suddenly brightens the world around her and for just a second she can see who the eyes belong to.

A pack of grey wolves.


The girl buries her head between her knees and closes her eyes.

She can hear the wolves growling as they walk closer.


Suddenly the wolves' growling turns into whimpering but her little body continues to tremble in fear as she cries and waits to be devoured.

She waits as seconds pass and turn into minutes, but the wolves don't come no matter how long she waits.

She slowly opens her eyes and lifts her head. Still trembling, she looks around into the woods but doesn't see anything. Not even the eyes.

In fact it's gotten darker. The faint moonlight no longer shines on the woods.


Another lightning strike lights up the world and she can see two large white tree trunks in the woods.

As she looks closer she notices a few odd things about the two trees. They weren't there before for starters. They also seem to be covered in hair instead of bark. And there are claws coming out of its roots.

Confused, the girl slowly looks up along the tree trunks until her gaze meets the two largest eyes she's ever seen.


As another lightning strike lights up the woods she sees an enormous white wolf staring straight at her.

Feeling absolute terror, she takes a few steps backward and trips over some tree roots.

She hits the back of her head on the tree and loses consciousness as she sees the wolf's head coming closer.

"Papa, mama, I'm sorry."


After the stupid little runt passed out, the rain turned to snow.

She was already shaking from the cold, but now she'll definitely die from hypothermia.

I lie down next to her, put my tail over her little body like a blanket and go to sleep.



I wake up the next morning and look down at my tail. I lift it up and.. She's gone.

'It's freezing. She won't make it far.'

I start sniffing the air and pick up her scent. It's already quite faint. She left at least an hour ago. Still, she can't have gotten far.

I follow her scent and track her for about 2 kilometers.

The trail stops at a little bump covered in snow. I increase my body temperature to melt the snow, revealing the little squirt.

I take my werewolf form and carefully pick her up.

I use Aro's ability to see memories through touch to figure out where she's from.

Lagertha. The girl's name is Lagertha. She's from a little town called Kattegat.

Having no idea where this place is, I enhance my senses until I find a place that matches the girl's memories.

I immediately start walking, carefully so the girl is not disturbed.

I channel some light into my palm to heal her as she slowly opens her eyes.

She then slowly raises her head and meets my gaze. Immediately she's as terrified as she looked last night.

She quickly starts crawling backwards, not realizing she's in my hand, at least 100 meters above the ground.


She slips through my fingers and falls.

Lucky for her, I saw it coming. I catch her and bring her up to my eye level.

I make a telepathic connection and say.. "Stay. Bad girl."

With the tip of my finger I rub her head and continue walking.

After a while she becomes more confident I won't eat her and starts looking around. She slowly crawls to my index finger, stands up and wraps her arms around it.

She looks down enjoying the view for a while until  she turns and looks at me, smiling.

'At least she doesn't appear to be afraid of heights.

In fact, she might actually be quite brave.'

As I continue walking to the girl's village, my senses suddenly scream at me.

I cover Lagertha with my other hand as I turn my back to where my senses tell me the danger comes from, shielding Lagertha from whatever it is.

Not even a second later I feel pain in my back as I fall forwards. I manage to twist my body a little so I don't crush the girl.

I stand up and lift my hand to see if Lagertha is alright. She was clearly tussled around between my palms but she seems to be okay.

I turn around to see what attacked me and see three large, golden heads connected to extremely long necks coming from three seperate portals.

'Really? 66 million years and this is when he chooses to strike?'

It's the Ultimate Ghidorah, the ruler of their dimension.

Lagertha looks at the heads coming out of nowhere and starts trembling in fear again.

I get down on one knee and put Lagertha on the ground.

"Run." is all I say to her as I stand back up and get ready to fight the Ghidorah Overlord.

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