Werewolf Lord Through the Multiverse

Ch. 75 – The Denatus and angering Gods

After Huginn and Muninn left to kill the captain and vice-captain of the Apollo Familia, I told Alice to get Luna and the wolves and investigate what happened in the dungeon.

As I'm standing outside the mansion to see them off, I notice the Titan party has returned.

Leading the party together are a large, black man wearing nothing but a red towel covering his waist and a tall man whose shoulders, arms and legs are covered by green, armored scales.

King and Gojira.

They're followed by Mothra, Rodan and Nagoraiar, who looks eerily similar to Necalli from Street Fighter with his V-Trigger activated.

They're carrying a few injured Familia members who I recognize as members of the party that got ambushed and a few members of our quick-dive rescue team.

I approach them as healers come rushing outside and the Titans put the injured people down on stretchers.

"King, Gojira. What happened?" I ask them.

"We were returning from our expedition and found them fighting a group of adventurers from the Apollo Familia. I killed them all and we came here.

Could you update our falna? King and I killed Balor together on the 49th, so we think we can level up." Gojira says as he gets in front of me and shows me his back so I can update his falna.

"Alright, well done." I press my thumb on one of my fangs and smear a drop of blood on Gojira's back as I infuse magic into it.


Godzilla (Gojira)

Fenrir Familia

Level 5 -> 6

Strength: S-999 -> I-0

Endurance: S-999 -> I-0

Dexterity: S-910 -> I-0

Agility: S-929 -> I-0

Magic: S-999 -> I-0


Atomic Breath: S

Burning Rage: S

Alpha Roar: A

Transformation: A


"Congratulations, you're level six."

"Thank you." Gojira says as he stands up and walks towards the lake followed by Mothra.

"My turn" King says as he gets on one knee in front of me as well.


The next day just minutes before noon.

I'm walking up to the top floor of the tower of Babel.

I enter a large, white room where dozens of gods and goddesses are gathered.

As I'm the last to arrive, and everyone else has already taken their seat, all eyes are on me.

I walk across the room, straight towards Apollo.

"W-What are you doing?" He asks nervously. "Hey, s-stay away from me!"

As I keep getting closer, he stands up and walks backwards away from me.

"Don't come any close*MMRPH*" I put my hand over his mouth as I grab his face firmly with one hand, lift him up and push him against the wall.

"I've been very patient with you for the last four years. You've always been a pain in the ass.

But in all that time you've never done anything quite as stupid as what you did yesterday.

Now it's become too much. I'm all out of patience."


I channel as much aura as I can into my free arm and slam my fist against the wall, creating a large hole.

I hold Apollo outside, dangling two hundred meters above Orario as he desperately clings to my arm.

"Consider this mercy." I say before I let him go and give him no other choice but to return to heaven.

A bright pillar of light shines into the sky as Apollo leaves the lower world for good.

I turn around and face the fifty or so gods who are all looking at me with mostly baffled expressions. A few of them seem somewhat amused, some angry while I notice Freya and Ishtar in particular looking at me with lustful expressions.

"Why did you do that?" Astraea asks.

"Because, like I said, he's been trying my patience for the last four years. Also, he's an arrogant, egotistical, narcissistic, self-absorbed asshole with absolutely no redeeming qualities.

I realize that that perfectly describes almost half the people in this room but don't worry, as long as you stay the fuck away from me, you have nothing to fear.

Unlike most of you, I didn't come to Orario to have fun, be entertained and relieved of boredom. I came with a purpose.

I despise how some of you look at your Familia members like they're your playthings. This isn't a fucking playground and you're not five year old children, so stop acting like it."

Having insulted and alienated enough deities for the day, I decide to leave.

I walk out of the room under the gaze of at least a dozen gods and goddesses who went from feeling indifference towards me, to full on hatred in the span of seconds.

I get down to the 23rd floor of the tower, where my Familia has a room we use as a control room.

Through the use of communication crystals (enchanted cosmic crystals), the people in the control room keep an eye on what happens in the dungeon. If an emergency occurs with one of our parties, they can send in a quick-dive rescue team for backup.

I enter the room and I'm immediately greeted by Huginn and Muninn. "Lord Fenrir. Is the Denatus over already?"

"Not quite. Where's Alice?"

Huginn looks on a crystal plate, the shape and size of a tablet. "She's on the 35th floor sir."

"And where are the Titans?"

"The 28th."

"Good. Have Luna and the wolves join the Titans and tell Alice I need to see her." I say as I sit on a couch in the corner of the room.

"Yes sir."

Twenty minutes later Alice comes flying into the room as a small swarm of bats that reforms into her body, sitting on my lap.

"What happened? Did you get us a War Game against the Apollo Familia?"

"No. I was going to, but the moment I saw his smug face the anger..."

"You didn't devour him in front of all those gods did you?" Alice asks, a little worried.

"No, but I did force him to return to heaven. And I also might have insulted over half of the other gods."

"Wha... Why?!"

"Because I'm sick and tired of their bullshit. And I don't regret saying any of it."

"Huginn, tell everyone in the dungeon to avoid contact with other adventurers due to possible retaliation." Alice says as she stands up and walks over to one of the crystalline monitors in the room, displaying the position of our parties in the dungeon. "And Muninn, contact the mansion. Tell them to increase security measures for the foreseeable future. And keep the children underground in the compound for now."

""Yes, captain."" Huginn and Muninn answer simultaneously.

"I don't think they'll actually do anything. I only insulted them a little."

"Nevertheless, we'll be taking precautionary measures." Alice says as she walks back towards me. "Now, as for you... What are we going to do about this anger of yours?"

"I guess I should go to that demon world sooner than expected. The only problem is you. We were supposed to go together but you're nowhere near powerful enough yet to take on the endless demon horde I plan on facing."

"That's alright. You need to get better that's what's important.

And maybe when you get back we can go on a little vacation together. Just you, me, a beach and cocktails."

"Now that sounds like music to my ears."

"Perfect. Let's go home. I don't feel like going back into the dungeon today."

We leave the room and walk down to the ground floor, where a group of familiar gods is waiting.

Hephaestus, Ganesha, Hecate, Miach and Njord.

"Fenrir! What the hell did you just do?! You can't just pick a fight with everyone all at once." Hephaestus says immediately the moment she sees us.

"Although I agree with much of what you said, I'm afraid I must agree with Hephaestus. What you just did doesn't seem very smart." Ganesha says.

"I know. I was supposed to just challenge Apollo to a War Game but when I saw him I got angry and lost my composure."

"Yeah, obviously haha." Hecate laughs. "I especially enjoyed the part where you dangled him outside like a helpless little child."

"I'm pretty sure everyone enjoyed that! Even Astraea. Hahaha!" Njord laughs. "But unfortunately I seriously doubt this is the last we've heard of Apollo. He's not the kind to just let something like this go."

We all walk towards the exit of the tower together.

When we get outside, I immediately feel danger from above in the form of an enormous amount of energy infused with magic that's coming straight for us.

Having no time to do anything else, I release a blast of aura in every direction to push Alice and the gods out of the way.

I then make a rudimentary shield of aura and push it in the air as the blast of solar energy infused with magic makes impact.

The blast pushes me down on one knee as it incinerates my clothes and causes my skin to blister and burn.

"Fenrir! No!" Hephaestus screams out as she's lying on the ground.

As the shield starts to crack, I release my seal as my hair turns from black to white, my body grows to two and a half meters tall and way more muscular.

I immediately let go of the shield and let the solar blast wash over me.

After about twenty seconds the constant stream of concentrated solar energy stops, revealing me standing naked but unharmed surrounded by a circle of molten rock.

"That motherfucker!" I scream angrily as I infuse my claws with aura and swing them upwards. 'Heaven, Danmachi. Wherever Apollo is.'

The hole I made through space stabilizes as an incredible amount of magical and divine energy comes pouring through, into Orario.

I step through the portal and immediately close it behind me.

Everything around me is white and gold. But not in a nice, heavenly sort of way. More like gaudy and tasteless.

I'm in a very large room, the ceiling is at least four hundred meters high. I'm surrounded by giant statues of Apollo.

At the far side of the room, I see Apollo sitting on a golden throne.

Seeing me, he gets an ugly, furious expression on his face.

As he stands up from his throne, his white toga burns into cinders and transforms into a golden armor and as he holds out his left hand a bow appears which surprisingly actually looks pretty cool.

"I don't know how you got here so fast but at least now I can kill you with my own hands."

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