What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Chapter Eleven Designing that 2nd Floor

"Um, uh, mistress? Are you going to get me some clothes? Or are we just going to spend all day naked?”

Misaki blinked, and then stood up. Reiko was right, she did need some clothing. Misaki scratched her chin, as she considered what to put her little pet princess in. She needed something with the right mix of cute, and sexy. Reiko had such a cute figure, it would be a shame to cover it.

Misaki waved her hand, and produced a small dress. It was a mini-dress with a rather revealing cut, and a hem that ended about a centimeter below her pussy. Thanks to the cut, she would flash people with every movement, and the dress itself would look quite cute on her. Misaki figured it would be perfect for the perverted elf princess.

“Here, I think this will suit you.”

Reiko frowned, “Um, could I have a bra and panties as well?”

“Why would you want those? I think the dress would work better without, given your perverted tendencies.

Reiko turned red and pouted, “I’m not a pervert. Only reason I was in my underwear was because I lost my clothes!”

“Yeah, sure. That sounds like an excuse. Just put the dress on.”

Reiko sighed and attempted to put the dress on. Only for it to teleport onto the ground about ten seconds after it settled on her frame. With Reiko staring into space, a confused look on her face. At least for a moment, then she fidgeted, “Um, mistress? It seems my new trait doesn’t let me dress myself.”

After sorting out her pet’s clothing issues, Misaki turned her attention to another matter. It was time that she got to work on her overdue second floor. She also figured she could spruce up her entrance, as it was rather basic, and there was the matter of the boss. She had a design for her dragon girl all picked out. Unfortunately, she could only summon them as bosses right now, but she planned to buy the regular template later. That would allow her to summon more of them, and the boss version had certain limitations.

One interesting thing she had learned was that while her monsters could grow, the system set a limit for monsters based on the floor. Specifically for level, and ability. Outside of roaming mini-bosses, monsters on her first floor could not exceed level ten. Also they could not use skills more advanced than Novice Grade D. The Boss of the floor was allowed to be stronger, but could not be more than level fifteen, and skills capped at Novice Grade A. Each new floor would raise her cap for monsters by five levels, and boss monsters by ten. The skill cap thing supposedly only existed for the first five floors. Why these rules existed she wasn’t certain, but they were interesting to note.

Supposedly, if a monster on the first floor did level past the limit, their strength would be restricted to the cap on the first floor. Unless she granted them status as a roaming mini-boss, who has no cap. A mini-boss could even be stronger than the floor boss. From what she understood, they were meant to be a challenge with great rewards for those who defeated them, and since they were roaming were free to move. As such, adventurers were not sure to meet them. But if they knew it was possible for one to be in a certain area, they could plan for it. At least, as she understood it from skimming the additional material Dewari had given her.

In the meantime she considered what she wanted to do with her second floor. Right now her entrance wasn’t much, just a structure built into a hill. She wanted it to look like a proper keep with a small castletown, but that wasn’t yet in her reach. Too costly at the moment. Her first floor was also fairly simple, from the entrance an intruder was greeted with a corridor, the walls lined with dark stone bricks, and lit by the occasional torch. Not the oil burning kind, but rather the kind that used a small stone at the end to cast a magical light.

The corridor was angled down gently, and ended at her first room. Built with dark stone bricks, and lightly decorated to look like a room in a castle. Its size was modest, and provided enough space to fight. On the other side of that room was another passageway leading deeper into her dungeon. Following the public path, the corridor would come to a fork about five meters down. Turning left would lead deeper into the dungeon, while taking the right path would lead to a dead end. Right around that fork was also her first trap, a pitfall. On the right was a strategically placed deadfall trap that would block a retreat. Forcing them to fight in the arena styled room at the end. If they won there was a chest that would generate loot for them. So the detour might be worth it.

The other path was simply a long path through a few rooms, and ending with her core room. Once she started her second floor her core would drop to the second floor. The room immediately before her current core room was the first floor boss room. It was where adventurers would fight her floor boss before they could proceed. The current core room would be replaced with a stair room that would lead to the floor below, and would have a few chests to generate loot. Dewari told her that three F-grade loot boxes were common for the first floor. Her dead end room actually offered an E grade loot box. Dewari had also suggested that she put a mini-boss in there and upgrade the loot to D grade later.

Thinking about her current set up, it was rather simple and straightforward. It might be best not to make the next one too complicated. A shape bloomed into her mind.

She got to work, building the stairs, and tunneling out a new room for them to lead to. It was a simple room with three exits, and she marked it as a safe room. No monsters would be in that room. 

With patience, and getting used to the feeling of growing, she built out three paths, one of which led to a fortified boss room. The middle path to be specific, a heavy gate was placed in front of it, one she reinforced with AE to make it stronger. Breaking through it would be hard, but on the two paths, she placed both treasures, and more importantly the key to opening the gate. At the end of each path, she created a simple puzzle that when solved would reveal an activation lever. Misaki didn’t bother with putting a timer on it since that seemed like something to do later. Once both puzzles were solved, and the two switches activated, the gate would open. Allowing a party to challenge her boss.

For the boss room she went all out, creating a nicely sized arena for the battle. The aesthetic of it fit the rest of the floor with dark stone bricks, and magical torches. Albeit perhaps a bit more grand in scale. 

Misaki also spent a bit of time building out living quarters for her demons. Including bedrooms, kitchens, storerooms, and even a nursery. Given their nature, she had a feeling she might need it. Little did she realize how true that would be. Demons could be quite prolific.

With the floor built, she stretched, and glanced at her resources. It seemed she was not going to be populating the floor today. In a few hours her mana would recover, and she would be able to summon something, but in order to afford her boss, she would have to wait until tomorrow, as it would take a bit for her mana to reach its cap. A glance at her status revealed that she had leveled up a bit. It seems she had missed a level up from beating her first intruder which netted her some extra DP. That was useful.

Name: Misaki

Race: True Demonic Dungeon

Level: 13

Rank: E+

Alignment: Demonic

Attribute: Lust

Mana: 45/1300

Mana Generation: 130/hr

DP: 265

DP Generation: 0/hr

AE: 540/650

AE Generation: 65/hr

Nearby, her pet Elf shifted. “Are you done?”

“For now, I don’t really have the Mana to populate my new floor, but the floor itself is done. My core has already been moved into the new core room behind the boss room.”

She replied, “Sounds nice.”

“It would help if I had more resources to work with, though.”

“I guess. I’m kind of bored though. Play with me, mistress?”

Misaki sighed, “No. I’m not in the mood. Go play with a demon or something.”

Reiko gave her a look, and then left after a moment.

Lily looked around, they had come to a stop in a small clearing. The adults were busy setting up tents, and preparing camp. The sun had not yet set, but it was evening now, and it would not be long before it did. Apparently it was a good idea to set camp while there was still daylight, as it was much harder to do so once the sun went down.

She had to admit that it made a certain amount of sense, and she was getting tired. Not to mention hungry. Lily couldn’t wait until dinner was done. At the moment her mother was preparing that, and it was going to be some kind of rabbit-like creature her father had hunted moments ago. He caught three of them. She had seen them, they had coarse fur, a dark horn on their head, and some really big paws. Apparently they were low rank monsters that were avid diggers. Typically found between levels 5 and 10. They were dangerous in number, but weren’t much of an opponent.

In fact, dad even let her kill one. Which was practice for her smaller spells. Unfortunately she had picked the wrong spell. It did score her a kill, but in the process she had destroyed the rabbit. The infernal bolt simply disintegrated anything edible. At least she had gained a little bit of experience. Every little bit helped, she had a long road ahead of her. Not to mention she was finding some joy in traveling. This was nice, really nice.

She took one last look over the camp, and then climbed into the back of the wagon. It seemed it would be awhile before dinner was done. Lily decided that she might as well find something to do, and at the moment Mom’s books seemed tempting. A few of them even looked to be spell books, and having experienced magic, she was eager to learn more spells. Maybe she would come across something juicy?

Hey Girls! We are here at the end of the year and our sprint is nearly over. We have a few more chapters before that point. I hope you have all been enjoying the story. Feel free to leave a like and a comment. Also consider joining me on Patreon where advanced chapters are available.

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