What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Chapter Seven Lily Thorn

The young elf girl sighed as she stared at her ceiling. Life officially sucked. One moment you were having the time of your life, and tasting a bit of heaven with some risky sex with a cute boy, and the next you found yourself facing some strange being in a weird black space. She hadn’t quite taken things seriously then, but she seriously wished she had. The girl scoffed, now she was stuck in some weird fantasy world with a system. Worse, she was in the body of a young elf too young to even feel pleasure. Not the kind she wanted anyway. It wasn’t fair! 

With a sigh, she pulled up her status. Wishing that it would change.

Name: Lily Thorn

Gender: Female

Race: Elf


Level: 5

Age: 8

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Dark Champion

Shields: 4000/4000

Subclass: Dimensional War Mage

Mana: 4000/4000

Titles: Erosi’s Champion


For the most part she had a really good status. As she understood it at least, her mana pool was huge, and she had a lot of shield points. Her class was certainly unique as well. Most of the people in the village had more ordinary sounding classes, like Village Girl, Baker, Guard, Warrior, Hunter, Healer, and Woodsman. The only other person with a weird class was the weird nudist who lived about a kilometer north of the village. Her Mom, Ivy Thorn, forbade her from talking to that woman, whose class for the record was Nature’s Guardian. Lily was certainly curious about the woman, but she had only seen her once. From what she knew, the woman didn’t come here often, only once or twice a year.

Idly she stared at the little eight, she was stuck in the body of an eight-year-old elf. She sighed, as she considered what she had to look forward to, and she wasn’t looking forward to it.  She was going to have to experience puberty again. Keyword again, and that had been unpleasant the first time. She groaned at the thought, that was going to be unfun, and thanks to her new memories. The ones she had been gifted upon reincarnation, she knew she didn’t have more than a couple of years before then. Her species went into puberty a little later on average than humans did, but it was known to happen as early as nine. Although that was rare. The typical age was supposedly twelve.

Suddenly a notification popped up replacing her status.


New Quest!

Your patron Erosi requests that you travel to the Borderlands. There you shall meet your deathmate, now named Misaki. Erosi requests that you teach her about her new sex when you arrive.

Difficulty: C

Notice: This is a minor divine quest


New Equipment: Legendary Bra
New Equipment: Legendary Panties


New Trait: Erosi’s Lash


She blinked, she blinked again, and the window remained. She wasn’t imagining that, it seemed she suddenly had a new quest. She stared at it for a moment, in wonder about this. Perhaps a little longer, as suddenly there was a knock on her door. “Lily! Time for dinner!”

In response to the shout through her bedroom door, her stomach growled. She could worry about the quest later, it was time to eat. With that thought in mind, she jumped out of bed, and rushed to her door, slipping out into the hall in record time. Only to be stopped by her mother, who gave her a disappointed glare, and pointed back to her room.

“Lily! Put some clothes on, right this instant!”

“But Mom!” She started to protest.

“Now! Young lady.”

She sighed, and trotted back to her room. Approaching her dresser, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. She was a little small, with a cute face, lovely pink hair, large expressive blue eyes, and a delicate pair of elven ears. At the moment she was in a nice pink training bra with a matching set of panties. 

Lily paused for a moment, her figure was so cute. She shook, and pulled one of her dresses out of a drawer, it was fairly plain, primarily pink with a few frills. It was a child’s dress, and frankly, she didn’t like it. Lily much preferred walking around in only her bra and panties. Although sometimes she would drop the bra. She was no different in her last life. That thought caused her to sigh, to think just a few days ago she had been a mature school girl in the prime of her life, and now she was this little elf girl. Life was just so unfair. Glancing back at the mirror, it was kind of a shame that she was suddenly less than half her old age. Her body was cute, but not in the right way. It removed all the thrills she liked. 

A flash of memory reminded her of the other day when she had deliberately left her apartment in just a pair of panties. She had timed it just right to tease a certain boy, he was kind of awkward around girls, and it had been so fun watching his reactions. Especially when she had pulled the front down, at just that perfectly delicious moment.

Lily glanced at the mirror, and had to wonder how she could ever get that kind of thrill in this body. Well she knew how, wait to grow, but that was going to take so long. Why did she have to be an elf? Couldn’t she have been a human, or better yet old enough to actually feel pleasure?

“Lily! Hurry up, your dinner will get cold!”

“Coming mother!”

Lily hurried out of the room, it was time to eat, and afterward she needed to figure out what to do with this quest.

Lily stretched as she finished eating. Her mind drifted to the quest. Where the fuck were these borderlands anyway? She glanced at her two parents. Ivy and Thanton Thorn. Maybe she should ask them? Maybe one of them would know.  Then a thought occurred to her, traveling might be dangerous. Was she strong enough to make it? She really needed to test her powers. She had yet to try casting a spell. Mentally she brought up her skills list


Novice Lust Magic Grade B
Journeyman Dark Magic Grade D
Apprentice Infernal Magic Grade F
Initiate Teleportation Grade F
Novice Summon Lust Demon Grade F
Initiate War Magic Grade E
Beginner Champion’s Bulwark Grade E
Beginner Natural Armor Grade E
Unique Skill: Grand Curse of Nudity Affected by War Magic Skill


Honestly it was a cheat list of skills for someone who was only level five. Although she wasn’t entirely sure what all of her skills did, namely the last three. Her trait list was also a little weird.




Natural Ranger
Magic Affinity
Natural Mage
Natural Forest Dweller


Deep Mana
Magical Genius
Nature Affinity Grade A
Lust Affinity Grade A
Dark Affinity Grade A
Infernal Affinity Grade A
Lightning Affinity Grade B
Fire Affinity Grade C
Light Affinity Grade E


Minimalist Warrior
Exhibitionist Tendencies
Pleasure Seeker
Physical Immunity
Weak Fists
Strong Shields


Seriously, what was up with her acquired traits? They were just weird, seriously weird. She wasn’t even sure what to make of them, nor did she know what any of them did. Although one of them sounded really powerful.

She closed the windows, and glanced over at her mother. Mom was washing the dishes, and dad had left the room already. Now seemed like a good time to slip out of the house and try to test her powers. The village was located on the shores of a nice wide lake. There was a beach not too far from her house, and at this hour no one would be there. Perfect place to cast a few spells, and see what they can do. If she was going on a quest, she would need to see what she can do.

Misaki’s question was soon answered, as moments later Dewari manifested.

Dewari pulled Misaki into an embrace, and said, “I did try to tell you, but you didn’t want to listen. You see, Dungeons are girls, there is no such thing as a male dungeon.”

“What! You said no such thing!”

Dewari sighed, snapped her fingers, and illusion played, one that showed their earlier conversation when Misaki was presented with her choices to reincarnate. Misaki blinked, and then frowned. As Dewari said, “I did, you just ignored me. Allow me to say it again. All dungeons are girls. I’m sorry but with your affinities, being a man was never in the cards.”

“What do you mean! I’m a boy! How am I supposed to enjoy my conquests without a dick!”

Dewari smiled, “Well if you managed to get the right skill set, you could grow one, but frankly as a demon you have access to something so much better.”

“I DON’T WANT BETTER. I WANT MY DICK BACK!” shouted Misaki in response.

Dewari sighed, “I’m sorry my dear, but I can’t give you what you want. Even gods have limits.”

“Don’t give me that!”

Dewari just laughed, “I’m not lying to you, my child.”

Misaki pouted, and gave her a look, “How do I leave my Avatar?”

Dewari turned her around, and replied, “Planning to just hide in your core? I’m sorry that won’t really help you. Misaki, my girl, you need to face that you are a girl.”

Misaki’s pout deepened, “I don’t want to!”

Dewari sighed, “I know you don’t.” With that Dewari started stroking her back. As Misaki descended into a long outburst, her plans to join her demon, and the elf at the door long forgotten. Instead, she ended up venting her displeasure, and Dewari sat there for all of it. Until she tired herself out that was, and slipped into a state of slumber.

Dewari glanced down at the sleeping dungeon girl after she had tired herself out. She was so much cuter when she was sleeping. She stroked a stray hair out of her face, and thought of the girl’s future. Misaki had so much potential. She would make a powerful dungeon eventually, but for now she was young and needed to grow. It was a good thing she was facing this now, when she could afford it, and not later after she had been discovered. Idly Dewari wondered who would be the first to find her. Reiko didn’t count, since Dewari had brought her here. If she had to guess it would probably be the Elves, although there was no guarantee of that. Still she had little doubt that the Elves would be putting out a quest to find Reiko. They weren’t too far from where she had disappeared, although it was still a fair distance for mortals. Regardless, she figured a search party might come through the area, and stumble upon young Misaki here. Hopefully, by then, Misaki will be in a better mental state.

With a smile, she carefully stood up, as she didn’t want to wake the sleeping dungeon girl. Slowly she carried the girl out of the room, and into one of the bedrooms Misaki had created earlier. Dewari selected an empty bed, and carefully tucked her in. Once she was nicely nestled in her bed, Dewari left. She would have liked to stay, but unfortunately, duty called.

Hey girls! I hope you enjoyed the introduction of Lily Thorn. We will be seeing more of her than we did last time!

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