What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Chapter Twenty-Four A Chat with a Demon

Ivy glared at the young demon sitting in her daughter's tent, an eye still on the large phallic object that she was skillfully moving in and out of the depths of her tail. Nearby Lily was settled on her sleeping roll, but Ivy could see the clear interest in her eyes, as she watched the demoness work that dildo in and out of her tail.

The demoness shifted, a sly grin on her face, “I’m just masturbating, perfectly normal.”

“In front of my daughter!? By the Infernal Plains you are...!”

“A wonderful new friend, going out of her way to teach your daughter things you should have taught her earlier.”

“Magic, and Skills are one thing. This is entirely different!”

Asarya sighed, “Not really. Sex is as much a skill as anything else. Something that must be taught, and I just taught little Lily here a few things about tails. What have you taught her about sex?”

Ivy turned red, “She’s too young for that!”

Asarya gave her a look, “Not really, she is at just the right age to start paying attention. In a couple of years, she might even start experimenting herself. If she hasn’t already. Not that it would do much for her at her age, but the interest is there. Trust me, as a demon I can recognize that, and your daughter certainly already has the interest”

“You perverted Imp! All you’re doing is looking for an excuse to perform in front of my daughter.”

Asarya stood up, as her expression shifted, “I don’t need excuses!” She gave Ivy a look, “Perhaps you are the one looking for excuses? When was the last time you actually had fun? Why don’t you come over here and let me relieve you of that stress?”

Lily looked between the two, as Asarya gently deposited the little one in her arms.

Ivy sputtered, “Huh, what!?”

“Are you really that dense? Take your clothes off, spread your legs, and let me relieve you of all that heavy stress you have been carrying around. You certainly seem to need it.”

Ivy blinked, and then gave her a look, “certainly not!”

With those words, she slipped out of the tent, and retreated to regain her bearing. It would take her a bit to realize she had just lost that round. It would take her even longer to realize how badly she had lost that round. Behind her, she heard Asarya call, “Well if you aren’t going to let me do it! Have your husband take care of you! It’s what he is there for!”

Just after Ivy left, Asarya shifted, pulling the phallus from her tail. She sighed, “So where were we?”

Aki suddenly noticed a form above her, still nude, and smiling, it was the Gargoyle from earlier. “How are you feeling? I know the first time can be a little draining.”

 “I’m fine, I just needed a moment to rest. Would still like to have fun, just give me a moment to check something.”

Your dancing was quite something, you are a true natural and I feel I must thank you for aiding a few of my followers. Do enjoy my little gift.

New Blessing: Lesser Blessing of Mamari
Perks: Boosted mana pool, Improved Milk, Better Boobs, minor fertility boost.
Dick Growth Skills blocked, Permanent Lactation. Note if you are not already a pure female, you will be one soon.

Quite the industrious daughter of mine you are, barely out of the dungeon and you already have your first blessing. Congrats, and I have something for you as well.
New Blessing: Blessing of Dewari
Perks: Better Boobs, Better Pussy, Better tail, improved skin, improved fur. Fertility boost, improved pheromones. Minor boost to lust magic

Due to recent activities your mana regeneration has improved.
Due to recent activities, your mana pool has been expanded

Due to recent activities, your stamina has improved

Aki looked over the notification, not sure if that was a good thing or bad thing. Well at least both were fertility goddesses, and one was already her patron. Blessings were often considered good, and were basically traits, but they had their own list. She made a mental note to learn more about Mamari since she now had a blessing from the goddess in question. Overall it was very interesting, especially all the little bonuses. She actually kind of liked what she saw. In fact now that she was looking for them, she could feel the changes.

Closing the window, she smiled, and then pushed the gargoyle girl down. “Now, where were we?” In the same moment a second tail emerged from behind her, extending from beneath her main tail, this one was meant exclusively for sex.

Before the girl could so much as utter a word, she was already rubbing her tail against the larger girl’s entrance. The soft flesh was firmly closed, but the simple rubbing proved enough to elicit a small reaction. The girl giggled at the touch, and grabbed Aki’s head, pulling her into a deep kiss. Their tongues dueled for a minute or two before Aki surprised the other with a bit of mana. Triggering a moan which added to the sensations.

At the same moment, her questing fingers were probing the other girl’s wings. They felt like silk to the touch, but warm. Her motions elicited small gasps from her partner as their duel continued, and down below her, rubbing with the tail intensified slightly.

Of course, her partner was not idle either, as her fingers found a bare breast. Aki moaned a bit, as she felt her boob being kneaded under the soft touch of her partner. The rush of pleasure only emboldened her, and a moment later she deemed her partner sufficiently warmed up. The end of her tail was already starting to get slick with juices, both her own secretions, and her partners.

While allowing her partner to continue playing with her breast, she shifted her second tail. Repositioning it so that she could make a sudden penetrating thrust. She broke their long kiss, smiled, and asked, “Ready?”

Before the girl could process that, she struck. Her tail slipped right into the other girl’s depths in an instant, eliciting a strong gasp from the Gargoyle beneath her. The warm moist folds squeezed her tail quite pleasantly, as she began to move. At first she kept it simple with slow back and forth movements. Each movement elicited a moan from her partner, who had at this point forgotten to keep playing with Aki’s boob.

Aki simply kept playing, but only with her tail for a moment or two. Before suddenly her fingers found an unguarded nipple. A light tug, and then a roll with perhaps a bit of mana coating her finger, and suddenly the Gargoyle beneath her was spasming. Her eyes rolled up, and her pussy clamped down something fierce, as her juices gushed. With it came a rush of mana, and Aki enjoyed the feeling, and orgasmed lightly from the rush.

Before the other girl could recover, she changed her tail movements picking up speed, and adding little movements no penis could make. The girl let out loud moans in response, wholy lost to the pleasure, as Aki brought her into a second orgasm almost as soon as the first had ended.

After a few more fun orgasms, she allowed her partner to roll her over. She was soon penetrated by the gargoyle girl’s tail. She moaned as it moved up and down her depths. Quickly bringing her to her own long awaited climax.

The Gargoyle girl pulled her tail out, and Aki lay there in the dirt for a moment gathering her breath. She smiled, “That was a lot of fun. I needed that.”

The gargoyle girl nodded, “So did I. We should totally do this again sometime.”

Aki glanced at herself. She, like the gargoyle, was caked in dirt, and covered with sticky juices. “Yes, we should. In the meantime, why don’t we get cleaned up? I think we both need a bath.”

The gargoyle looked herself over, and then nodded, “Yeah, I guess we do.” She paused and then gestured towards the village, “This way, I know just the spot.”

Aki smiled and followed along. Maybe they could have some more fun in the bath? So far she hadn’t bothered to cum inside her partner here, and she wasn’t sure she should just yet. A kid might be nice, but her partner didn’t seem quite ready for that. Not to mention Aki had her duties to her Mistress. Perhaps if they had gone back to the dungeon she might have tried, but here it didn’t seem fitting. Of course that could always change later when the village is more settled.

Amy stepped out of the guild building. They had accepted the quest in general, and would receive an assignment when they reached a guild in Stormwind. It would take a bit to travel that distance, but there was something they needed to do first. Several things, they would need additional party members to fill out their missing slots. Amy was a backline fighter, with some scouting skills, while her brother Thomas was a frontline fighter and not much else.

She’d had him copy out his full status not that long ago for her to review. She needed it, as she mentally considered who to recruit to fill in their empty party slots. By convention it was generally recommended for an adventurer’s party to consist of five people, although smaller teams do work. Larger teams can also work, but it’s generally considered best not to make a team too large.

Name: Thomas Drake

Gender: Male

Race: Human


Level: 15

Age: 21

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Swordsman

Shields: 0/0

Subclass: None

Mana: 200/200

Titles: ??? (Title hidden)



 Novice Swordplay Grade E
Novice Guard Grade D
Novice Drake Family Style Grade C
??? (Skill Inactive)

??? (Skill Inactive)


Quick Learner

Improved Fertility

Drake Family Blood (Dormant)

Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Constitution

Natural Swordsman

??? (Trait Inactive)

Heavy Strikes
??? (Trait Inactive)

??? (Trait Inactive)

??? (Trait Inactive)

His status was not as impressive as her own, but it was solid. He had good skills and traits for the sword. The style he had taken on favored fast powerful strikes with a single blade. It did not employ a shield, and it had been in their family for a long time. Despite the lack of a shield, it did have a few good defensive moves, and Thomas could serve as a reasonable tank if needed, but frankly he was more of an offensive fighter. They both were, honestly speaking. So they clearly needed someone that could stand on the frontline and take hits if needed. It would complement Thomas’s skills nicely, and they could work together. 

That was one slot, they would also need another scout. She could do it, but frankly she was better in the backline, and they would need someone that could be up front. She had also been told that having multiple scouts was a good thing. Someone with healing magic would be nice, but that wasn’t essential. What was essential was having a supply of potions, as having those on hand was often life or death. She made a note to look for a healer anyway. Of course there was a good chance she wouldn’t be able to find one, magic users were always in high demand. She figured she’d fill the slot with whomever she could find if needed.

With an idea of who to look for, she shelved that for later, and focused on a more immediate task, supplies. It would take a couple of months to reach Stormwind on foot, by carriage they could get there faster, and make a little coin by signing on as guards to boot. Regardless they would need supplies for the trip. They already had tents, and bedrolls, but hers was getting a little worn out, so it would need to be replaced. Since the tents were fine she could leave those alone.

Toiletries would be important, they were running low on those. As an adventurer she knew a bit about foraging, but they would still need travel food, and water. Unfortunately neither one of them had an inventory, and their packs could only hold so much. At least she had the good sense to invest in enchanted packs so they had some space to work with. Potions were of course on the list, at last count they had three healing potions, and one mana potion to work with. Thomas had used up a good chunk of their other first aid supplies as well. Mentally working through it, she realized she had quite the list of things to do.

She checked her coin purse, she would need gold for supplies, and for recruiting. As leader she would need to pay out gold up front so that new members could equip themselves before an adventure. She counted her gold, and hoped she had enough coin for everything. If not, she knew where to go for help, but she didn’t want to go back to being in debt.

With all of that in mind, she made for the local market. It was a sparse affair, no surprise there. This small town was a bordertown, and while reasonably well off it was still fairly small. They had a few local adventuring parties, and enough trade came through to be worth something. As such there were a few shops in the market that might have what she needed.

Scanning the shops, she soon found an alchemist, and stepped inside. It was a modest affair, but seemed to be in good shape. The floors were solid, if a little well worn. From the look of it, it was recently maintained as well. There were a few decorations about, and a younger woman sat at the counter. She smiled when Amy walked in.

“Ah, welcome! What do you need?”

She walked up to the counter, “I’d like to restock on first aid supplies. I need a few healing potions, a couple of mana potions, bandages, the typical anti-venom, and anti-poison kit, and the typical preventives kit.”

“Of course, of course. I’ll have that ready for you in a moment.” She gestured at a bench, “In the meantime feel free to sit down while you wait.”

The girl then rushed into the back, and Amy sat down. It would likely be a few minutes, and while she was waiting. Amy counted out the gold she knew she would need. 

Sure enough, the alchemist proved to be done before long, and came out with the freshly packaged kit. “Here you are, a dozen healing potions, three mana, along with the typical first aid kit supplies you requested. That will be 75 gold!”

Amy blinked, “75?”

“Well of course, you are such a cutie, I had to give you a discount!”

Amy dropped a few coins back into her purse, and paid for the kit. Stowing it away in her bag, she left. One shop down, a few more to go. She made a note about this shop in case she ever came back. It was good for discounts, but there was something about that shopkeeper that had her slightly on edge. Not that Amy could put her finger on exactly why. No matter, she had a few more shops to pick through.

Passing a few people on the street, she soon arrived at a local tailor. The shop was in a good spot, but as she entered she noted the place didn’t seem as busy as she would have expected. Not to mention it was a little cluttered.

It took her a minute to find the counter, which was as it turned out was being watched by a little girl, who was maybe eight years old. The little girl smiled, “Hello!” she turned, “MOM! We have a visitor!”

There was a crash, a clatter, and then a tearing sound before a young catkin woman in a badly torn dress appeared, one that was falling off her admittedly excellent figure. The woman looked Amy over, smiled, and said “Welcome, what can I do for you?”

“I need a new sleeping bag, my own is admittedly a little worn out, and I need a replacement.”

“Sure, anything else?”

Amy scratched her chin, that covered everything they needed, but she would like a couple new sets of panties. Maybe a new bra or two. She was missing a few of those anyway, and needed to replace some lost clothing. "Yeah, I could use a couple new panty and bra sets. Maybe a couple new outfits as well."

The woman smiled, "Certainly, right this way and we can get you measured. Also out of curiosity are there any openings in your party?"

Amy frowned, "there are a few. Why ask?"

Her smile turned into a grin, "Great. You see, my daughter just recently joined the guild, but hasn't had much luck finding a party. You seem experienced, mind taking a rookie on?"

Amy shifted, now interested. "That depends, what is she good at?"

The mother's face swelled with pride, "She is quite something, my daughter. Kei has my talent with the needle and is a savant with knives and short blades. She also scored top marks as a scout. Her instructor was quite proud of her."

Amy beamed, "we could use a scout alright. Introduce me to her when I come to pick up my order?"

"Actually she is home now. I can introduce you after we are done taking your measurements."

"Perfect!" Replied Amy, feeling quite lucky. That was one slot potentially filled and she hadn’t even started trying. Perhaps a good sign? She was having good feelings about this.

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