What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Chapter Twenty-One Building that Third Floor

Misaki took a glance at her status. She had a number of demons out helping the Gargoyles build their new village. Thanks to those currently out she was finding herself with quite the haul of DP, and her Mana was staying pretty consistently close to full. Even with her summoning demons at a fair clip. Her second floor already had about as many demons as it could support. Some of which had joined her scouting parties. Speaking of which, that had proven to be a good choice for her growth alright, and her monsters as well. Misaki had noticed that a few of them had really raked in the levels, getting close to the point of evolving.

In the meantime, she began to consider her third floor. As she felt she would have more mana to spend, and with all the extra flow of resources there was more variety in what she could do. With that in mind, she slipped into the store, and purchased a few things that she had her eye on. Including both Lesser Harpy Demon, and Lesser Arachnid Demon. She had ideas for the two of them.

Spending a little DP, she began work on the stairs down to the third floor, as she considered what shape she wanted the floor to take. She idly considered keeping the feel of the past two floors, but decided against it. It was time her dungeon opened up into a wider world. Given her new monsters, she needed to change up the environment anyway. The Harpies would need the ability to take flight to really use their ability. With that in mind, mountains came to mind, but then a thought occurred to her, why stop there? She was in a fantasy world, why not create a fantastical landscape to match?

With that in mind, she scanned the store, finding a few more useful items to help realize her vision. Misaki focused on the space at the end of the stairs, and focused on shaping it. Building out a large room, the walls were made of dark stone. The floor was flagstone, and before long it began to resemble a courtyard, well one with a roof, anyway. She put a few rooms off to the side, nothing special. They were decorated, to help make it feel like a castle. Opposite the stairs, she built another gate. Unlike the one on her second floor, this one didn’t have a gimmick to get it open. There was a lever to the left of the gate, that when activated would open the gate. Allowing people to proceed. The castle itself, as per the rules Dewari had told her, was a bit of a safe area. Rooms on either end of the stairs were intended to be a resting zone between floors, THEY WERE NOT TRUE SAFE ZONES. Adventurers could rest here for a while, but sooner or later monsters may attack them in those areas. For her third floor, she gave them a little castle as a resting area, but the moment they opened the gate, they would be at risk of being attacked there.

Misaki had dungeon law as well, which was needed to make safe zones, but so far she had not used it to make a true safe zone. She applied it here to set the rules for the room. That way adventurers would know that they could rest here safely, but only so long as that gate was closed.

The gate opened upon a craggy area that led to steep cliffs, giving the illusion that the castle was near the top of a mountain. Dotting the area around the castle were ruined stone walls, and destroyed structures. Giving the feeling of a fallen castletown. Surrounding this area was largely impassable terrain, forcing adventurers to proceed in one direction. 

Following that path led to the edge of a mountain cliff. A narrow stone bridge represented the only way forward. A bridge that showed signs that it had once been larger. Below, fallen stones and lumber riddled the deep canyon below the bridge. A floating island hovered above, out of reach for any that lacked the gift of flight. Here Misaki constructed nests for her future Harpies. This would give them a watchtower, and place of safety from which they could harass the poor adventurers as they navigated the treacherous mountain trails and crumbling bridges she had in store.

Of course, if the adventurers didn’t want to keep dealing with the harpies, past that first bridge there was an entrance to a network of caverns running through the mountains. Several of them led to other narrow paths between the mountains. She planned for the caves to be home to a number of Arachnid demon nests, as well. According to every source she had, Arachnid demons were known to lay traps of their own design, and she was curious as to what kind of traps they might devise to catch the unwary. Of course that didn’t stop her from placing a few traps of her own. Another thing she had to wonder about was their webs; the description merely said they were strong, but her bestiary said more. Claiming that even a dragon would struggle to free itself from the webs of Arachnid Demons. There were also notes about demon silk being very useful in the creation of enchanted clothing, and cloth armor. It was listed as being especially popular with mages, as demon silk was particularly good for mage armor, and didn’t interfere with mana flow the way other materials would. 

Very interesting stuff to keep in mind for her floor. She also had to think about her floor boss. Another dragon girl was tempting, but they were expensive to summon. Very costly, so it might not be worth it to summon another one. With her new influx of resources, she might be able to afford it, but she wanted a little variety as well. It wouldn’t do to be too predictable now, would it? Perhaps making the next one for the fifth floor? Yeah that seemed like a good idea, so which of her other demons would make a good floor boss? What she picked would shape the floor boss room. Hmm, she wasn’t sure, yet. Would a spider or a harpy be a better pick? Misaki wanted to pick between one of them, since they were new. Then again, she could always do both. Hmm that was something to think about alright.

Looking around, it had taken most of the day, but most of her third floor was done. She’d burned through a lot of DP and mana building it, but she liked what she had here so far. Might as well summon a few of the new monsters. That might help her decide on the boss, but first she checked her status.

Name: Misaki

Race: True Demonic Dungeon

Level: 17

Rank: E+

Alignment: Demonic

Attribute: Lust

Mana: 1475/1700

Mana Generation: 170/hr

DP: 815

DP Generation: 25/hr

AE: 745/850

AE Generation: 85/hr

She had, thanks to Aki mainly, managed to accrue 1565 DP, after building her new floor she had used up over seven hundred of it. With roughly half of that on the two new monsters, but it still went to show how quickly the stuff could be used up. Right now she had a fair amount of mana, and AE banked up, which gave her plenty to work with for summoning a monster. She was curious about both, and wasn’t sure which to pick first. Thankfully, she knew a time honored trick for this.

With a thought she produced a coin, dropping her mana five points for the silver coin she summoned. It was a familiar design from Earth, the standard minted coin of the United Earth Federation, the current government of her old world. It had formed after the Third World War and was structured as a federation, not unlike the United States, in which each country was its own state and government, but they all answered to the higher power that was the UEF. One benefit of this was that there was only one global currency now, not the hundreds they had to deal with in the past. Misaki recalled all of that while thinking of an old conquest of hers who had been an avid coin collector and enthusiast. That girl had been really cute and fun in bed, but she loved coins perhaps a little too much, and would go on for hours about this coin or that one. Misaki blushed at the memories of that girl. She had been quite the firebrand in bed as well.

She glanced at the coin, on one side it had an image of a large stone and mortar structure on an island emblazoned on the silver coin. It was a reference to the capital of the UEF which was located on an artificial island in the pacific. Misaki had been told the weather there was great, and it was an overall fun place to visit, but she had not been there before. The other side featured a sword, planted in a crater, with flowers growing out of it. There was symbolism there as well. She hadn’t really been paying attention when her old girlfriend had told her about that, she was too busy plotting to get her to drop her panties, at the time.

Pushing those thoughts aside she flipped the coin. Already she decided that if the crater came up, it would be the spider, and if it was the island she would go for the Harpy first. The coin tumbled through the air flipping several times before the edge struck the stone floor. It bounced, tumbled, bounced again on the stone, and then spun before coming to rest, island side up. Harpy demon it was.

She pressed her palms together and wrung her hands before starting the summoning process. Instantly she was greeted with a blank status that automatically filled in the key details for a very basic level one Harpy Demon. 

Name: None

Gender: Female

Race: Lesser Demonic Harpy (Lust)


Level: 1

Age: 15

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)


Shields: 0/0


Mana: 0/0


At the moment she had no class, no skills, and not even a name. It was time to create another status. Since this was her third floor, she could bump them all the way up to level twenty. So she did that, and consulted her bestiary. Harpy’s lacked arms, so they were unable to equip weapons such as the bow or spear, but their talons represented a strong natural weapon, and they had some magical talent. Their ability for flight allowed them to attack from the air as well, which made them dangerous. With those factors in mind, and her knowledge of what skills a demon of lust gravitated towards, she started filling in her status. First she picked a class, this time not a basic class like mage or warrior. The class was an advanced one.

With the class picked, she gave her skills like sexual technique, natural armor, and mana coat. All skills popular with her demons. Many of them had even gone out of their way to acquire skills she had not given them. She also picked out a few traits, including Minimalist Warrior, she knew it would be perfect for her demons. After she had found it and looked up what it does anyway. Not only that, but it seemed cheaper to acquire for a harpy, where she had found its counterpart Nature’s Embrace had been practically free for her dragon.

Now done, she reviewed the base status she had designed for her harpies. 

Name: None

Gender: Female

Race: Lesser Demonic Harpy (Lust)


Level: 20

Age: 15

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Aerial Lust Mage

Shields: 3000/3000

Subclass: Siren (Lust)

Mana: 4000/4000


The two classes had come cheap, and made certain skills cheaper. Apparently the harpies had a natural inclination for these classes. Which she supposed made a certain amount of sense.


 Apprentice Sexual Technique Grade C

Apprentice Natural Armor Grade C
Apprentice Mana Coat Grade C
Novice Aerial Magic Grade C
Novice Lust Magic Grade C

Novice Dark Magic Grade C
Novice Enchanting Song Grade C

Beginner Aerial Combat Techniques Grade C
Beginner Inspect Grade C


Demon Skin
Natural Weapons
Agile Flyer
Magic Affinity
Egg Implanter

Minimalist Warrior
Born Mage

Improved Claws
Improved Stamina
Feather Armor

Potent Mana
Enhanced Mana Pool
Enhanced Shields

She looked it over, and felt it was decent. With that feeling in mind, she picked a name, and mentally chose to summon her creation. Pink light flared in front of her, and in familiar fashion unveiled a naked demoness. She was petite, and very cute.

The small harpy girl was about a hundred and thirty centimeters tall, she had large fluffy looking wings like those of a hawk. Her legs started out human-like, with human-like thighs, but from the knee down they were bird-like, and ended with sharp talons, four elongated claws in the front, two to the rear. They were shaped much like those of a bird of prey. Her torso, and face were also human-like, and thankfully she didn’t have a beak. She had a soft child-like face with large expressive purple eyes, framed by long black and brown hair. Two short dark-gray horns poked up through her hair-line. Her chest was on the flat side, perhaps an A-cup if Misaki had to guess. She had delectable pink areola with cute little nipples, down below, her puffy little pussy was in full view, with neither hair nor feather to block the sight.

The girl smiled, looked around, and then noted one of the flying islands. Misaki, knowing what she wanted, gave her permission, and then focused on the next task. Summoning an Arachnid. It was time to see what she could do with one of those. It wasn’t long after that she was ready to summon one, with a status constructed.

Name: None

Gender: Female

Race: Lesser Arachnid Demon (Lust)


Level: 20

Age: 15

Health: 100% (Perfect Health)

Class: Dark Illusion Mage (Lust)

Shields: 3500/3500

Subclass: Webmistress (Lust)

Mana: 3000/3000




 Apprentice Sexual Technique Grade C

Apprentice Natural Armor Grade C
Apprentice Mana Coat Grade C
Apprentice Web Techniques Grade C

Novice Dark Magic Grade C
Novice Illusion Magic Grade C
Novice Lust Magic Grade C

Novice Web Magic Grade C

Beginner Inspect Grade C


Demon Skin

Demonic Pheromones

Lesser Demon Web
Paralytic Venom
Natural Camouflage

Minimalist Warrior

Natural Trapper
Gene Thief
Natural Illusionist
Magical Talent

Potent Mana
Enhanced Mana Pool
Enhanced Shields

That seemed good. The gene thief trait had seemed interesting, and it was an option not previously available for her other demons. Even if its immediate value was dubious. If she understood the description correctly, it would benefit her demon’s offspring by increasing the chance the child would acquire beneficial traits from the other parent, and guarantee that the child would acquire all of her mother’s traits. It also seemed to imply that the mother could customize her child’s inherited traits to some degree.

Mentally ready, she hit summon. A flash of pink light soon unveiled her new demon. A young half-spider, half demon girl. She was of decent size, but like all her demons, rather petite. Her spider body was much smaller than those other spider-girls Misaki had seen depicted in things like anime. The lower-half of her body was that of a spider with a black and silver carapace, each of her eight legs ended in a sharp point. One thing Misaki quickly noticed was her overly large human-like pussy with thick lips. It was quite hairless, and was gaping slightly revealing the softer pink flesh within.

Height wise, she was perhaps a hundred and forty centimeters tall. Her face was somewhat elfin with pointed ears, and her eight eyes were a piercing pink, two of them were human-like, while the other six looked like small pink gems dotting her face. A factor that just gave her an exotic allure. Framing her face was long silver-white hair that cascaded down her back. Her chest was a modest set of swells that seemed quite tempting to touch, and play with. Tipped with stubby little nipples, and soft pink areola. With the pale creamy white texture of her skin, they seemed to stand out more like two little gems upon her chest. The result was a girl that was both striking, and cute in a delectable way.

It occurred to her that both had potential to make an interesting boss in more ways than one. Her summoning also answered the question of what they would look like. So now she still had the question, which demon did she want for a boss?

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