What Do you Mean All Dungeons are Girls!!!? Enhanced Edition

Interlude Dewari’s Heart

Dewari turned her attention away from Reiko’s dungeon run. She’d done even worse than Dewari had expected. Reiko totally could have won that first fight, it was only two demons, and while yes they were magic resistant they weren’t immune. Of course, Misaki’s mage had a good head. Many dark magic spells had secondary effects, in this case the spell she had chosen had two secondary effects, both of which were piercing in nature. Spells with a piercing effect could bypass the target’s defenses, and deal damage directly. This spell only had a lesser piercing effect that applied only to its secondary effects which allowed a protected target to be partially affected by the spell. 

That was bad news for Reiko as not only did the spell occasionally disrupt her, but each hit cumulatively built up, and slowed her movements. Allowing the warrior to do more damage. As for the warrior, she had done a good job of disrupting Reiko, but a bad job of keeping her occupied. A bit disappointing, but she was young, she could learn. As Dewari saw it, if Reiko had taken care of the warrior first, she would have then been able to focus on the mage. Once it came down to a simple one vs one mage duel the victor would have been obvious. Unfortunately, it seems no one had taught that spoiled princess tactics.

Now that she had time to cool off, she had a feeling she may have also gone a little too far with that quest she dropped on Reiko. Was there really a need to go for giving her the trait simple-minded? Unfortunately, it was too late to change it, and that was a trial quest. Only way to undo its failure effects was with a redemption quest. Still, there may be a couple of things Dewari could do. 

Her mind then drifted to Misaki. She had gone ahead, and designed a cute little avatar for her. As she knew Misaki wasn’t going to be able to do it once she decided to use her avatar for the first time. Dewari hoped Misaki would love it, but she had a feeling the girl might have some trouble accepting her gender. Not that Dewari had any choice with that. Misaki had very high Lust affinity, along with strong affinities for Dark, and Infernal. She had a few other strong affinities, but those three in particular were problematic, especially in a world with high mana. Solkira’s mana levels weren’t what they used to be, but they were still high. If Dewari had reincarnated her as a human, she would have just ended up evolving into a lust demon later on, and since the only male lust demons were first tier Imps, that would mean a girl. Better for her to face becoming a girl now, rather than later. As there was little chance she would stay a male if Dewari had reincarnated her as a human boy. 

Idly Dewari considered how she would help her young charge through the coming ordeal. At the moment the young girl was enjoying a period of blissful ignorance. One that came about due to her own making. If the girl had listened, perhaps things would be different. Actually, she had an idea about that. There was a reason she had stopped herself from making Misaki realize her only options for reincarnation were girls. While she wasn’t as good at it compared to some of the older gods, like many gods she had the ability to perceive time. All gods had it to some degree, but the gods of the primal era were something else. The one that created her was a paragon among them, able to peer millennia into the future when most gods could only see perhaps a century or two. Rarely did she bother to try, few did. Since the further you looked, the less accurate your predictions may be. The only places that really mattered were points of convergence.

With a sigh, she focused her mind, and took a dip in the river of time to perceive its flows. If she was truly to help her charge, she wanted to know what path the future may hold. She saw many things, but individually they were but grains of salt. It would take her time to piece them together and form a plan. 

Done with that, she turned her attention to the prayers she was receiving from her followers. As a fertility goddess, it came as no surprise that many of them came from young women seeking a child. She noted a few who had gone quite far with their quest for a blessing, and she blessed them accordingly. Those girls would find great success the next time they partnered with someone, even if the other party was also a girl. It was the highest form of her blessing. She granted everyone who showed the least bit of respect a blessing, those who showed more gained a better one.

It took her only moments to go through her prayer requests, and it was a job she took most seriously. They only had a mere hundred years before that seal would break, but long before it happened, the evil it held back would start to gather again. Not today, they had years yet before the first signs would break. Time enough for her dungeon charge to grow, and begin to play her part in things to come.

With that done, she turned her attention to Misaki’s former partner. Who had also died in that rollercoaster incident. Dewari wasn’t that girl’s patron, but she had good qualities. That girl had been reincarnated as a young elf named Lily, and she was now living in a village in the Kingdom of Bluewood. Dewari was, however, good friends with the god who did reincarnate her, and it seemed to her that Lily might prove useful in helping Misaki adjust. Now it was just a question of getting her to the borderlands. Of course Dewari already had a plan in mind, but first she needed to have a chat with the young elf’s patron, Erosi the Dark God of Pleasure. An interesting figure at the best of times, and the two of them got along well. Perhaps they could have some fun after the chat?

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