What Do You Mean I'm The Captain Of A Yandere Mercenary Company?

Yes, My Ship Has Beds

Amber stepped past the doors and entered my ship.

Right now we had just started up our ships' travel drives and we would be flying in the direction of the asteroid field.

I also got a good look at her ship while she was trying to dock with mine. It was a B Class Heavy Fighter that specialised in speed.

It seems like she had equipped her ship with two short range ballistic cannons and one medium range laser, which pretty much told me she was a hit and run type of pilot. Not to mention the fact that it was even painted in a strikingly conspicuous red.

In other words, she's the all or nothing kind of person.

The Merc in question looked around my ship's interior with a face of wonder, "Oh wow… How much did you even pay for this ship?"

I shrugged, "Don't remember. Memory's a bit hazy after that anomaly."

"Right… Oh damn, you even have a storage room? I am so jealous right now."

"It's not even that big…"

She gave me a pointed look, "Do I really need to point out how small my ship is compared to yours?"

"But yours is faster and more manoeuvrable."

"Heh heh~ That is true, got me to Gold rank all by herself she did. Named her Lightning Lotus. You got a name for yours?"

I shrugged, "I just call it by the model name, Verlandi."

"Oh, are you one of those people who think that naming their ships is a bad thing?"

"Eh? There's such people?"

"Yeah, there's captains out there who think that naming their ship will make them too attached to it and make the decision to die with the ship instead of running away when they have the option to."

"I don't actually care about naming honestly…"

Truth be told, I do name my ships but that's after I get a ship that I really like or it's some kind of legendary ship. Since trading ships was something that you could do in the game, there's not really a point to name a ship that you'll just trade away anyway.

And since this was a starter ship, I wasn't expecting myself to keep it for long anyway, especially with how much money I might be making in the future.

The average B Class ship should cost around a million Credits so three million should net me a pretty decent upgrade from my current ship.

But then again… I would also need to worry about supplies and stuff so I won't be able to use the full three million anyway so I'll hold off on buying one so soon.

Amber grinned at me, "Well, there's people on both ends of the spectrum anyway. I like my ship, but I like my own life more so yeah~ Anyway! Where's the bedroom? That's what I'm here for!"

I tapped on my Codex to display the time, "But… It's still early? You already want to sleep?"

"No, no, I just want to see the room! Come on! Show me, show me!"

"Why are you even that excited over a bedroom? It's literally just a small room with an attached kitchenette and bath."

She froze and stared at me with wide eyes and her mouth agape, like as if I had just told her I was an alien.

Oh wait, aliens are normal here, so I dunno why she's making that face.

"You… Your ship has baths… And a kitchen? Is this some kind of luxury ship or something?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Is that not normal? I travelled here with a freighter and they had the same setup too."

"Not on a Heavy Fighter it's not! Who the heck even designed this ship to fit these amenities in here?! StellarTech?! No wait… Definitely not them… Then who… Who did you get this ship from?"

I shrugged, "I don't remember, sister."

"Damn… You're not from another Universe, are you?"

I chuckled, "Maybe I'm not, who knows? Maybe I transmigrated here from another World and lost my memories in the process."

She rolled her eyes, "Sure. Alright, let's see that room of yours!"

I pointed to the room in question and she practically sprinted towards it, almost squeezing herself through the gap before the door could fully open.

"Oh my gosh!! A bunk bed?! I thought you might only have a single bed but wow! Ohhhh!! A kitchenette! And is that… Waaahh! It's an actual shower!! This is the best!! I don't need to just be content with dry scrubs anymore while travelling!!"

She then turned back to me with sparkles in her eyes, "So!! Which bed is yours?! I don't mind taking either the top or bottom bunk!"

I blinked at her before pointing to the side, "My room is over there."

She went back to being surprised as she took about a minute to comprehend my words, "You… Have two rooms?"

I nodded.

"Can I see?"

I stepped aside and she stepped out of the room and followed me to mine.

My door slid open and instead of rushing in like she did before with the other room, she slowly walked inside as though she was afraid that she might break something.

There's nothing inside this room anyway since I haven't been here long enough to have any personal effects, so it's not like there's anything here for her to break in the first place.

She looked around the room silently, first inspecting the bed, then the kitchenette and then the bathroom.

Once she was done, she slowly turned to me and asked me with a serious face, "What kind of alien ship is this?"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "What's weird about it?"

"I don't get it?! How does this ship have so much room?! It's only a B Class ship right?! Yet you have space for two rooms and a storage yet still have enough space for your engine and generator?! Just how?!"

I shrugged, "How should I know? I wasn't the one who built it."

"Ugh, I'm so jealous right now… If this ship had been in the market, I'd buy it immediately without a second thought…"

Now I'm a little concerned that the ships in this universe might suck…

She then continued with a sigh, "I guess you must have gotten your ship from one of the colonies nearer to the centre of colonised space. That's where all the good stuff is."

Ah, I guess maybe that might really be the case.

Perhaps models of my ship are more common there instead of out in the fringes here.

I scratched my head, "Maybe. I don't know for sure though, I don't even remember what those places you mentioned look like."

She gave me a look, "At this point, if you told me you're actually some daughter of a noble family, I'd believe you. Hey, promise me that you'll give me some benefits if you actually turn out to be one?"

"I'll err… Be sure to let you know if I remember that."

She chuckled, "I'm just kidding. So… I don't suppose you have an entertainment room in your ship either?"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh sorry, that room is still under construction, come back next time and maybe it might be completed."

Unexpectedly, Amber stepped close to me and leaned in, "Oh~ Is that an invitation to come on your ship again? Or maybe… That was a proposal for a permanent partnership? Because I'm not going to say no to that~"

I couldn't tell if she meant the Mercenary kind of partnership or the other kind of partnership.

I cleared my throat, "Ahem… Putting that aside, how about I make us some food?"

She seemed quite surprised by my proposal, "You can cook?"

"What? Why is that so surprising? What did you think the kitchenette was for? And didn't I mention that I'll let you eat something after that horrible place?"

I mean… I haven't exactly tried to actually cook something in this universe yet, but I have at least cooked for myself in my original World before.

I live alone after all, so that was unavoidable since eating out can get tiring sometimes.

Besides… I'm pretty sure that cooking should remain the same even in another universe right? Especially when the things here all look pretty much the same.

Look, I see the frying pan, the pot and there's even a wok. I could probably do something with that just by using my old knowledge.

"I mean… I thought you were joking and that stove might just be to heat up the sealed food or something? I dunno? These are like luxury stuff on ships, you know? Most of the time I just eat those packed foods cold while I'm on my ship."

"Well, why don't you go take a seat and I'll see what I can whip up for us to eat?"

She giggled, "Oh wow~ I get to have my date cook me a meal on our first date out~ How romantic."

I know she was just teasing me so I just ignored her and shooed her away, making the blonde Merc giggle as she sauntered into the room to take a seat on the bed.

Now… Let's see what I'm working with here…

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