What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in


The mood in the hall was not only one of celebration, but also one of confusion from the nobles, who were probably aware of the situation to some extent.

The two of them were walking around proudly in the midst of such a situation.

The aristocrats who had been welcoming the guests were pulled along by the confused aristocrats and decided to see what was going on, and a slightly disturbing atmosphere began to fill the hall.

"Oh, Khalil-sama, ......"

"Don't worry, there's nothing to worry about."

We, too, felt as if we were being watched by the nobles around us.

The people who don't know the details of the situation are just watching to see if they know anything as a fiancée, like onlookers.

I want to make them quit immediately because Mina is worried, but I can't speak up now.

"Duchess Ewell, Nora Ewe..."

'Enough, step aside.

'...... Excuse me."

The king is treating her roughly, and the nobles around her are sneering at her.

At this party, the main guests are the son and daughter of the king and the nobles are allowed to be a little rude to the king and the higher nobles because they are still in their infancy.

It is very rare to be treated roughly by the king at such a party, and the fact that it was a person belonging to a ducal family of a high-ranking noble family is probably the reason for the large amount of ridicule.

"It appears that the Duke of Ewell has failed to train his successor".

"He was probably too busy dealing with the red stone disease."


It's a small conversation, but here and there, there are conversations making fun of the Duke of Ewell's family.

A hunch!

Just as the noise was getting louder, the sound of the Prime Minister prodding the floor with his cane rang out, and the nobles stopped talking.

"The young people who will carry the kingdom into the future are yet to come.


The mood in the hall turned serious again with the Prime Minister's words.

"Yes, right

To continue..."

This time, the Dukes of Ewell are the highest ranking of the nobility, and next are the two princes and princesses of the royal family.

When there is more than one royal, they will enter at the same time, in other words, four people will enter this time.

The reason for this is to eliminate the possibility of a difference in the order of entrance, considering that the candidates are competing to see who will be the next king.

"Enter Prince Akto Wengarten and at this time Princess Meldena Wengarten."

Two children of the royal family, two people who will join the Revolutionary Army, although I do not know whether it is because they entered the academy at the same time as the protagonist or whether it is because of the disposition that they originally had.

Of the four who walked up to the king, only the royal family remained in front of him, while their partners passed to the side.

"My son, my daughter.

Show me your excellence and lead this nation in a better way."

""I will devote myself every day to living up to my royal blood.""

Hearing these words, the king stood up and the nobles in the hall bowed their heads.

The nobles in the hall bowed their heads, "Tonight is a good day, the future is bright for all the noble families except one, and I am confident that our country will continue to prosper!"

The king gave the signal, and the doors of the hall opened, bringing in the tables and more food.

From now on, you are free to spend the rest of the night talking with those of the same faction, making connections between noble families, or discussing business matters!

The wine is handed out to the heads of the noble families, and those who have received it look up and gaze straight at the king.

Of course, I received one too.

"For the future of this country!"

Finally, the party started in earnest with the king and drinks being consumed at the same time.

As the king had said earlier, it was basically a standing reception for the purpose of socializing, but this time the party was much more relaxed.

No matter what you do, you are free to go home after the king's speech, and you will not be blamed for anything.

Of course, that is just a front, and no one would be stupid enough to leave. ......


"What's wrong?"

As the nobles were starting to greet each other to solidify among their factions or to rub up against the higher nobility, I was thinking it was time for me to move on, when Mina spoke to me.

'Um, can I get a meal ......?'

The meal that was brought to the hall looked very delicious, but the nobles did not touch it.

To build relationships with the aristocratic families, this is the place where the mind is made up.

In order to build a relationship with the aristocrats, I must be patient here.

"I want you to be patient for another half hour or so..."

"Count Dicaman, excuse me for interrupting."

While I was making a brutal request to Mina, one of the maids approached me.

There are only so many things a maid in a royal castle can do to interrupt a nobleman's conversation, and I can count them all on one hand.

The Prime Minister has summoned you, and will you please follow me as I show you the way?"


"Yes, ......."

Mina, who had been left without a meal in front of a delicious meal, looked sad.

}Of course, you should bring your partner}.

}Umm, yes."

I feel so guilty. ......

On the way to the dining room, I whispered to the maid to ask her to bring us some food.

"Count Dicaman, may I have a moment now?"

The moment I was about to enter one of the several doors in the hall, a pale-faced Duke Ewell spoke to me.


"I am sorry, Duke Ewell, but Count Dickerman has been summoned by the Prime Minister, Miguel Vallesen, and will take care of business afterwards.

Let's go, then."

The maid who was supposed to guide us quickly intervened and pushed the Duke away from us. She was so deft that it was frightening.

It seemed that even the Duke could not stop us after the Prime Minister's name was mentioned.

The door was closed and the noise of the noisy party suddenly decreased, and I began to feel somewhat lonely.

"The room is this way, .

I am sorry, but I do not have the authority to open the door, and the items requested by Count Dicaman will be brought by someone else."

Well, thank you for showing us the way."

After about two yards down a not very spacious corridor, I came to a door.

"This is Count Dickaman, may I come in?"

"You may enter."

"Excuse me."

Inside the room were the Prime Minister who had summoned me, Duke Miguel Vallesen, and Count Dickerman,

"Greetings, Count Dickaman, and let me see your right hand."

Carius Guillaume Wengarten, the king of the land, was waiting for me.

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