What if the villainous aristocrat who is the middle boss remembers his previous life and gains knowledge of the game – I will never accept a future in


"Tonight, Bosco and I will be going out for a bit."

I was speaking in the study where the servants were gathered, all of whom were responsible for their roles.

'This is an errand that cannot be done without Master Khalil and myself, so I know it will be a hardship for all of you, but please do not hesitate to ask for our help.'

Of course, there was no need for this. It was part of a mission to find the spy.

The gathered responsible persons are still puzzled. I guess they are worried about who will manage the work of the mansion while neither I nor Bosco are in the mansion.

Maria was only able to serve as acting head of the house because of Bosco's support, and it is impossible for her to manage the house alone.

"I decided to entrust Mina with the management of the estate.

She is now exempted from her duties as a servant, so I have decided to temporarily leave her in charge, so that she can support everyone.

I'm counting on you!"

Mina is a little pale.

Well, if the head of the house and the steward suddenly came to visit her room and asked her to act as acting lord, there is no doubt that she would do so.

"Substitute? I'm sorry, I've never done this before. ......"

'I will be back by tomorrow morning."

Worst case scenario, I'll get the job done when I get back so all you have to do is get it together."

"'Yeah, uh, sure. ......"

"Mina can do it, for the sake of the Countess and the master Khalil, please."

"I'll do my best."

I remember now that it was a pushy request with no right of refusal.

I feel like I will be stabbed in the back someday.

I would have stabbed myself for sure if I had been asked to do a new job four hours after being told that it was my day off.

But Bosco didn't tell me why, but he said Mina was unconditionally trustworthy, and what we were going to do was impossible for just the two of us, so I had no choice but to ask Mina to do it.

'Khalil-sama, I'll do my best. ......!'

She whispered so that no one else could hear.

I'll definitely give her a ...... bonus, and if she wants, I can give her a magical tool from the temple.

'Afterwards, make sure you don't enter my study.

Of course I don't expect you to touch it without my permission, but I can't afford to lose the magic potion I'm about to finish, so consider it a light check."

"Yes, of course."

Now, it's time for me to explain the plan that Bosco and I have come up with.

Briefly, we'll use my lab as bait.

Not long ago, I would have let them in to clean the lab, but these days, the servants are only allowed to enter Bosco's place.

A spies would want to find out what is in there, but they would consider it too risky to break in when either one of us is there.

Therefore, I would intentionally create an opening.

When Bosco and I go out at night, I will greet him in front of the servants to show that there is an opening.

It is a simple way, but the success rate will be high.

However, this is a pattern where everything went well.

If there were more than one spy, if Bosco and I, two of the most important members of the Count's family, were to go out without telling anyone where we were going, we would be followed without a doubt.

The person following us could easily be detained by using my jealousy ability, but it would not be good if he took advantage of that opportunity to enter my laboratory.

In preparation for such a worst-case scenario, I have installed an ore called an explosive rock in my laboratory. It is an ore that will explode if the conditions I set when processing it with magic are met.

Rather than have the information on that magic potion stolen, I would rather process the magic potion in the process of creation by exploding it.

Although it is not something I would like to do because it would postpone the plans even further, there is no future for the Countess if the possibility of a spy from the Duke's family, who is likely to be an adversary, is not thoroughly eliminated.

As a result, we will be able to capture one of the spies alive, no matter which way it turns out.

I don't know how many people have entered the house, but I'll use my jealousy ability to make them give up all their memories and secrets.

"All right, back to work."

"Excuse us."

The gathered men are to be dismissed.

Now it is only a matter of time before the order is passed among the servants.

'What sort of things do you mean by "administration?"


Your job is to compile the reports brought by the servants in an easy-to-read format, and to examine them in detail to see if there are any irregularities in the money used, improvement plans, or requests for days off, as well as to give permission for such things."

Like this, Bosco explains, showing his notebook to Mina.

"Wow. ......."

From the look of Mina's half-open mouth and darkened eyes, I could tell that was a look of abandonment.

Maybe the job description and the way Bosco explained it to me was so difficult that I gave up trying to learn it right now.

I was shown that notebook, too, and I got the strange feeling that it was very easy to understand, but I didn't understand it.

'Then I will go and prepare the carriage."

"Oh, please."

He let out a light sigh and began to prepare for the operation.

Bosco is about to leave the room, and Mina is about to get up from the chair and follow him.

Then, I'm also coming to assist you ......."

"Mina doesn't have to go, but I was wondering if you would like to talk with me for the first time in a while."

"I'll talk to you!"

Oh ......

I didn't expect her to be so happy just because I asked her if she really wanted to talk to me. ......

According to Bosco, the servants who adore me are in better shape when they are working.

In other words, telling Mina to rest could have had the opposite effect, and even though Mina was a little unsteady right after I called her out on this case, she was fine after I apologized and asked her to work.

Among the servants, only Mina would smile and stand until the next instruction if I told her to stand near me.

It's almost like brainwashing.

Maybe the count's servants are workaholics.

I'd like to improve it, but it's a little difficult to say whether it's a bad thing or not.


"Is something wrong?'

"No, don't worry about it."

I've been thinking about it again.

I've gotten into the habit of focusing on thinking after I've acquired knowledge.



...... Apparently I can't have a conversation when I'm conscious.

"How are you doing these days?"'

And after much agonizing, I started the conversation like a father who has grown up and no longer knows how to be around his children.

'Yes, I'm doing fine,'

I'm perfecting my beginning level magic, and I'm being asked to help other fellow maids fall asleep."

'Well, I'm glad you seem to be on good terms with the others.'

"Yes,! I'm glad!"


Conversation, end!

What a surprise.

I would have been able to have a conversation without thinking about it before I acquired the knowledge, but I didn't know that my slightly different personality would affect me in such a way. ......

"Would you like me to make you some tea?"

"...... please."

Sipping the tea Mina brewed for me, I was painfully aware of my own inadequacy until Bosco came back after he had finished his preparations.

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