What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 32. New Member and Unknown

[Ding! God of Hope joined the chat]

[Ding! King of Knights joined the chat]

[Ding! Batman Junior joined the chat]


"Hoo, there's a new member! Let's see who they are." Satria looks at Dimensional Chat with amusement.

Spider-Man: "Welcome, new member."

Pervert Sage: "Welcome new member."

Evil Spirit: "Hello newcomer, Welcome to the group."

King of Knights: "What is this? Who are you, guys? What magic is this? Explain to me."

Shin: "Calm yourself and welcome to the group. Here you can talk with people outside your world or another dimension or whatever you call it. I'm the admin here; call me Shin."


'King of Knights is surely Arthuria Pendragon, Batman Junior? That much it's can Dick Greyson, Tims, or Damian, if I'm not wrong, not too much watch or read DC' Shin is guessing the identity of a new member.

But one person makes him confused: Who is this God of Hope?


Man with Gender Equality: "Eh, you guys already know about this group's purpose. How about introducing yourself to us?"

King of Knights: "..."

God of Hope: "..."

Batman Junior: "Hey, why is my name, Batman Junior? I demand you change my nickname!"

Ice Sadist: "I don't know and I don't care brat. Go introduce yourself first."

Batman Junior: "You think I will tell my real name to Shady Group?"

Shin: "Calm down, @Batman Junior, or can I call you Dick Grayson?"

Batman Junior: "How do you know my name?"

Shin: "I have my way, King of Knights, or can I call you Arthuria Pendragon?"

King of Knights: "What? How do you know my real name?"

Shin: "Like I said, I have my way, but don't worry, I'm not your enemy and I'm going to help you if you have some crisis in your world."

Pervert Sage: "Trust him; he saved my village leader and my village from enemy invasion before."

Man with Gender Equality: "He says the truth. Go check the live stream option and watch it."


The new member watched the live stream.


Batman Junior: "I can't believe it. This is real, right? Not some high-tech or someone pranking me?

Shin: "For what am I pranking you?"

King of Knights: "Group who connected another world, huh? This is weird."

Silver-Haired Half Elf: "Excuse me, but there is one person again who has not yet introduced themselves to us."


"Who the hell is the God of Hope? If from Greek it's the Elder God Elpis, if not wrong, Fatalis, help me." Satria says.

"Okay, brother, wait, let me search in your memory," Fatalis say. "Go guess Madoka or Militia Brother."

"Okay, please be right, or I'll be embarrassed showing myself," Satria says.


Shin: "I guess you are Militia God of Hope? @God."

God of Hope: "No."

Shin: "Then you are Madoka?"

God of Hope: "Who the hell is Madoka?"

Pervert Sage: "Wow, This is the first time I've seen Shin-kun wrong-guessing people."

Ice Sadist: "......"

Shin: "Are you a student from school for God?"

God of Hope: "Huh? Is there a school for God? But nope."


"Bastard, all our guesses are wrong, Fatalis; I can't show myself to the group after this," Shin says he is embarrassed.

"Well, only that God of Hope in your memory, nothing more?" Fatalis already search everything in his memory about the God of Hope, She only can find that information.

"Then this is my last guess."


Shin: "Then are you Elpis, the God of Hope? The Progenitor."

God of Hope: "Interesting, did you know Elpis-chan? But nope."

Shin: "....."

God of Hope: "Hehe, guess later. After seeing the live stream, I want to meet you, Shin. Let's meet in the next quest."

Shin: "...."


Who is this guy? And he says He wants to meet me? Satria is a bit curious about this new member.

"This interesting brother, Uknown Factor, has come to our group," Fatalis say.

Then Shin heard a sound calling him.

"Danna-sama, dinner is ready," Kiyohime calls him.

"Yes, wait a second."


God of Hope: "The most important thing is, can you tell me how this group works?" When I checked the shop, I wanted to buy something from there."

Shin: "Okay, @God of Hope, @King of Knights, @Batman Junior, Now I'm going to explain how to get coins. First, you can get 200 coins per day in daily login, and the other way to get is by clearing quests."

God of Hope: "Can you explain another feature of group chat?"

Shin: "Sure, you can gift people something from your world as an option gift. "Scan the item you want to send and select the recipients; tada...the item has already been delivered."

God of Hope: "That's useful and interesting."

Shin: "Yup, there's a camera too, so you can take pictures of something in front of you and share them with the group, and there's a live stream option so you can show what you're doing right now in here."

God of Hope: "That's nice, and we really can do live streaming?"

Shin: "Yes, for the time being, only that option is available; other options will be unlocked in the future."

God of Hope: "Thanks, Shin. I'm going to sleep soon. My wife is already calling me."

[God of Hope Logout]

Pervert Sage: "...."

Shin: "...."

Spider-Man: "Of course, the rich always eat in front of the poor."

Shin: "I want to log out too. My girlfriend is calling me, Bye Guys."

[Shin Logout]

Man with Gender Equality: "Damn those normies. Always show off here."

Spider-Man: "I know your feelings, Kazuma."


Unknown Location

The blonde man looked at the moon and only sighed. "My life has become more and more interesting. Well, the most important thing is the safety and happiness of my family."

He was interested in a man called Shin. He watched videos of the first mission of the group chat and was touched by his words.

For a stranger to care about a lonely blonde boy who is called Demon is his past life.

Not to forget, where the hell is my inheritance? I never knew I had something like that. At least give me a Jutsu set from my father or mother.

He also saves the old man, who was a significant figure in his life.

I should give him some reward.

"You never changed, did you?" The Giant Nine-Tailed Fox grinned.

"Go to sleep now. You've already won a great battle." Cat with blue fire: tell him to rest.

"Dear, come to bed quickly."

The man smiles and goes to his loved one's room to rest this night.

Satria Mansion

Kuoh, Japan

"What happened, Danna-sama? You look strange." Kiyohime asked him.

"Someone unknown joined my chat group and wants to meet me; I can't wait to meet him," Satria says.

God joined the chat, huh? This becomes more fascinating.

"That's so. Just be careful, okay?" Kiyohime says She is worried about his safety.

"Hmm, this is delicious. You are the best girl, Kiyohime." Satria praised her.

"Don't tease me, Danna-sama. You always say that every time we eat together." She blushed.

Her Danna-sama always praises her in every occurrence, and she never gets tired of listening to it.

My Beloved Danna-sama.

Kiyohime will go to the end of the earth and the universe if it's for my beloved Danna-sama.

No one can separate us, even death itself.

My love for you is eternal.

Our bond is unbreakable.

Whatever you may become, I'm going to follow you no matter what, my beloved.

I'm going to burn whoever dares to disturb or harm our family.

It's my promise.

As your wife.

"I'm not teasing you, but only saying the truth, dear." He smirked.

"You teaser, if you keep doing this, I can't hold myself back from..." Kiyohime licked her lips.

"Very interesting, but I'm not ready, dear. Give me time, okay?" Satria refused it and kiss her forehead only.

Kiyohime pouted. "Not fun."

Satria and Kiyohime watch movies in the living room.

She lent her head to Satria's shoulder.

"Kiyohime, Where do you want to go for vacation?" Satria asked her.

"How about your homeland? I want to learn about your culture and learn to cook your favourite food from there." Kiyohime replied.

Satria was moved by her intention. "I'm really lucky to have you as a girl...." Kiyohime shut his lips with her finger.

"From now on, call me wife, not girlfriend, understood?" Kiyohime is smiling at him.

"Okay." Satria nodded.

"Good Boy." Kiyohime patted his head. "I love you very much, Danna-sama." She kissed his cheeks.

Satria is happy with her affection for him. She is too good for someone like him.

He opened his phone and checked his bank account.

Yeah, like Kazuma, he published and sells Ero-Sannin books.

It's one of his businesses in this world.

Satria grinned like an idiot when she saw so many zeroes in his bank account.

People in this world are truly perverts.

In a short time, this book has already given me a fortune, unlike others.

With this, he can open chain restaurants or cafés, invest in tech-focused companies, and build his own company in the future.

I can't wait to spend my life in luxury with my family without caring about others.

"Why are you smiling like that, Danna-sama?" Kiyohime sees Satria have a strange smile right now. Usually, he makes this smile when happy about something.

"Yup, do you smell it, dear? The smell of victory! Wahahaha!" Satria is laughing like a villain.

'He is weird; I still love him though.' Kiyohime has a small smile and pampers Satria to the fullest.

To be continued.


Side Story: The Amazing Spider-Man (Part 3)

Peter uses his personal computer to search for information about the girl who will stay in his room from now on.

Yes, about Baobhan Sith.

from the internet and folklore.

Baobhan Sith is a female fairy from the Scottish Highlands. They appear as beautiful women who seduce their victims before killing them.

Peter has a chill and looks at Baobhan Sith, who reads manga in his bed.

'She's not going to kill me, right?' Peter said internally

Peter sent a private message to Satria.


Spider-Man: "Brother Shin, I want to ask something of you."

Shin: "Sure, what do you want to ask?"

Spider-Man: "You remember when I asked people in the group about the surprise box?"

Shin: "Yup, then what?"

Spider-Man: "I summoned a woman from it, and now she seizes my room as hers."

Shin: "Huh? Do you want to brag about your new girlfriend to me? I think you should brag to Kazuma or Jiraiya to get a better reaction, dude."

Spider-Man: "No! I don't want to brag about you. Do you know someone called Baobhan Sith? She is a woman I've summoned to my world."

Shin: "Did she know about the Holy Grail?"

Spider-Man: "You know about it too? Yes, she knows it."

Shin: "Okay, wait for the second dude."


Satria POV.

"Fatalis! Search information about Baobhan Sith in my brain." Satria orders his partner.

"What do you think I am? Google?." Fatalis yelled at him.

"Shut up and go to work, you lazy dragon," Satria said to her

"You're the one to talk, Hikki-neet." Fatalis insults him.

"How dare you call me Hikki-neet? I'm the Great Satria and I'm not going to let this slide, you Neet Dragon." Satria talks back to her.

"When I get out of here, be ready for your eternal damnation, you Hikki-neet!" Fatalis said.

"Bring it on, You Neet Dragon!" Satria exchanged insults with her until Fatalis found the information.


Spider-Man: "Hello? Are you still there, brother Shin?"

Shin: "Ahhh, sorry, there are technical problems, dude. Here is the information about your Baobhan Sith: she is a member of Fairei Britain's Knights of the Round Table. A fairy knight who assumed the name of the Saint Graph of Tristan and belongs to the Proper Human History's Knight of the Round Table. For further information, please pay me with a McD's Big Mac and a large Coca-Cola, dear customer. Thank you."

Spider-Man: "Wait for a second."


Peter called the MCD and told them to send food to his place.

"What are you doing, Master?" Baobhan asked her master.

"Nothing; I just ordered food for someone," Peter replied to her.

Baobhan has a suspicious look at her master.

"Is this for a girl other than me master?." Baobhan asks him, Her tone is terrifying right now; makes Peter scared of her.

"No, no, I swear it's not for girls," Peter said to her, Trying to convince her.

"Really? Why too you send dude food? Don't tell me you walk on that path. No way, Maybe that's why you refused to sleep together with me." Baobhan was surprised. No way she was defeated by a man.

"I'm NOT!!!" Peter denies it; he is not gay, damn'it.

"So, what's the reason?" Baobhan is curious.

"It's secret." Peter looked away from her.

"Look at me." Baobhan grabbed his head, and they faced each other very closely.

'Too close!!!' Peter is blushing. It's the first time he's this close with a girl.

"Now tell me the truth, master," Baobhan said with a commanding tone. 'If you tell me the truth, I'll give you a reward, master.' She whispered to him.

"The truth is..." The house bell is ringing, and the delivery man has already arrived. "I will pick up the food first, Baobhan." Peter gets out of his room.

'That's dangerous. Why did my heart skip a beat when closer to her?" Peter feels strange when close to Baobhan Sith.

He immediately picked up the food and sent it to Satria.


Shin: "Thanks for your offering to me, chosen one. Please tell me what you seek from me."

Spider-Man: "Now give me more information about her."

Shin: "She is the daughter and successor of Morgan Le-Fay. She likes blood and is weak to sunlight. She is broken but can be repaired, and you, my friend, are the only one who probably can fix her. Baobhan Sith had once been a very kind fairy who worked tirelessly to help others. However, just like her adoptive mother, the ungrateful Fae betrayed and savagely attacked her. Morgan found her after one such betrayal, having had her limbs torn off, and adopted her as her child. Unfortunately, Morgan has a bad mother who praises her when she torments the weak."

Spider-Man: "Thank you, Shin, for the information."

Shin: "Sure, bro, I'm ready for help anytime you need me."


Peter didn't expect Baobhan to have a horrible past like that.

What should he do now? Can he save her?

He is just a brat who knows nothing about the suffering of others.


Why am I thinking like that?

I'm Spider-Man, the hero who's going to make everyone happy and safe under my watch.

What kind of hero am I for not trying to save her from darkness?

I decide to help her to the best of my ability.

Peter goes back to his room and sees Baobhan sitting in his bed, looking at him.

"What took you so long, master?" She asked him.

"I'm thinking about us," Peter answered her with a serious face.

"What? About us? Fufufu, Do you mind telling me about it?." Baobhan smirked.

"I promise to save you, Baobhan, and make you happy with me," Peter spoke to her with a confident tone.

Baobhan is blushing a bit. "Idiot, what the hell are you talking about? Small fry like you want to save me? And make me happy? You're funny master." Baobhan mocked him, But she was secretly happy at his words.

"Yes! I'm going to make sure you enjoy your new life in this world, Baobhan, and I hope you can tell me about your past by yourself in the future." Peter said to her.

Baobhan has a small smile on her face. This man is an idiot. Someone who puts his life for others without the need for fame, reward, or anything like that.

She never met someone like him in her entire life.

He is kind, pure, brave, and selfless.

He is the true hero.

But so naive, he's going to die if this continues.

That's why she needs to help him and torment every enemy who wants to harm her favourite toys.

"You're an idiot, Master. Do as you wish."

Side End. 

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