What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 38. Anomaly

Spider-Man: Guys, help. Suddenly there's a giant gate appearing in New York, and something comes out from there."

[Ding! Grup Quest Active]

[Anomaly Detected: Kill all of Demonlord Archimonde's army in New York and destroy his portal to enter Spider-Man World]

[Required 4 Participants]

[When the mission-on-going time will be stopped in the participant world]


'How the hell does the Burning Legion appear in New York? This is very bad.'

'Then we're going or not brother?

"Of course, we go Fatalis."


Shin: "I'll go. Who's going to come with me?"

God of Hope: "I'll go too; I want to test my new power and prove whether this group is real or not."

Pervert Sage: "I want to go too; I think it's the right time for some exercise."

King of Knights: "I'll go too, then. I'm interested in this chat group and certain items in the shop. So, I need some coins and am going to meet @God of Hope too, plus maybe give punishment to this pervert sage."

Pervert Sage: "..."

Shin: "Okay, are all participants ready? We gonna go now."

[Participant Requirements Full, Ready teleported participant to Spider-Man World]


A bright light enveloped Satria, and suddenly he was already in an unknown place.

Then he saw three figures.

First, the white-haired man who claims himself to be a super pervert. Yes, he is Jiraiya.

The second woman with blonde hair wearing attire befitting the King, The King of Britain Arthurian Pendragon

And last, the man wearing attire from Assassin's Creed? It's the unknown member of the group, God of Hope.

Then Satria greets them.

"Hello, Are you the God of Hope and King of Knights?" Both nodded. "Okay, let me introduce myself first. I'm Shin, whom you know as the admin of the group chat." Satria introduces himself again.

"I am Jiraiya the Legendary Sage, Nice to meet you." Jiraiya introduces himself shortly.

"Can you introduce yourself again to us?" Satria asks two new group members.

"You may already know who I am. My name is Arthuria Pendragon, King of Camelot. Nice to meet you, Shin and Pervert Sage." Arthuria introduced herself.

"And you?." Shin asks the hooded one.

"You can call me Patronus." He replied to Satria.

Satria nodded. "Excuse me, Patronus-san, Are you an assassin? Or can I call you the Hidden Ones?" Satria asked him.

"... That's true," Patronus says with a surprised face.

"Excuse me, Shin-kun, But what is the hidden one?" Jiraiya is interested.

"The hidden one is Assasin, who protects humankind from the shadow, and make sure human have the freedom to evolve to be better. Put simply, Hidden One is like a ninja but has some differences." Satria explains to him.

Patronus POV.

'How did he know about the Hidden One? It's supposed to be secret organizations that are impossible to know outside my world. Who is this young man actually?' Patronus wondering.

'Hahaha, as I suspected, He is perhaps Reincarnation like a novel I'm read on the internet and we are fictional characters in his world' Nine tail fox guessed.

'You too much-playing internet idiot fox.' One-tailed Tanuki responds to his chunnibiyo brother.

"Who are you calling an idiot, you damn RAT?" The nine-tailed fox was angry at him.

"Rat? How dare you call me Rat? Want to fight?" One-tailed Tanuki challenges him.

'You both Shut UP!!! Just watch and learn about him for now.' A five-tailed horse with a dolphin head scolded her siblings and ask Naruto to learn more about this Shin.

'.... No, It's too fast for us to decide that too soon, and we must be careful with him. His eyes... It's like a predator learning his prey's movements before jumping on them. This young man is trained as a soldier.' Patronus keeps his eyes on him.

"Amazing! You somehow know about the Hidden One's purpose, and hello, Your Majesty." Patronus applause him and go ahead to Arthuria. "My name is Patronus, and I appreciate your beauty, and maybe after this quest we can know about each other." He kneeled and kissed her hand.

'What? My beauty? No one ever praised me about my beauty, And his hand was so strong yet gentle.' Arthuria was flustered because of him.

Satria looked at Arthuria, who somehow blushed right now.

'Wow! This guy works fast, Incredible.' Satria sweatdropped.

'Be careful, brother, This guy has nine great powers inside him. I don't know what that power is, but it's like you have nine Albion inside you, and there are others too, but I can't explain it.' Fatalis warns him.

'Really? Hahaha, let's see what this guy has in his pocket.' Satria has a small smirk on his face.

"You can call me Arthuria or Saber; Don't call me your majesty." She said it with blushes on her face.

"As you wish, My King," Patronus accept her request.

Jiraiya already wrote something on his notes for some reason when looking at their interaction.

"Now let's contact the Spider Boy first." Shin opens the Dimensional Chat.


Shin: "@Spider Where are you? We have already arrived in your world."

Spider-Man: "I evacuate my family and other people to the safe place first outside this city. They're too much, and I can't handle them all. The Gate... We must close their entrance to this world, I or Baobhan don't have any idea how to do it."

God of Hope: "This is serious; I feel a demonic presence in there. We must destroy their portal before more come out of it."

Pervert Sage: "Do you have a plan to close the gate, @Shin?"

Shin: "Unfortunately, I don't know how to close the gate; I'm not an expert on sealing technique."

Kazuma-sama: "It doesn't look good."

Shin: "Peter, where is the Avenger?"

Spider-Man: "Mr Stark is still searching for solutions and talking to the government. They want to drop nuclear bombs on New York, and the other has already gone out defending the city."

Robin Junior: "Are they nuts? Damn government."

Shin: "Okay, Let's gather and make a plan first before we go out to the battlefield."

Ice Sadist: "Can you guys open the Livestreaming? I want to see you guys in action."

[Shin open livestreaming]

[God of Hope open livestreaming]

Shin: "Can you come to our location first, @Spider?"

[Shin shares his location]

Spider-Man: "Wait, I'm coming to your location soon guys."


Peter Parker's POV

The situation in New York is very chaotic.

They are now in an evacuation area outside New York and have already been quarantined by soldiers of the US. Inside the tent, there are Peter, Baobhan Sith, Gwen, And Aunt May.

Peter doesn't know what to do in this situation.

He sees men, women, and even innocent children turned into disgusting creatures like undead by enemies who invade New York.

Because he has hesitation to kill his enemy, many people are killed by these hideous creatures.

"Peter, are you okay?" Gwen asks him, She is worried when she sees him who has a guilty face.

"I was a failure as a hero; I failed to save them," Peter says with a guilty tone, he remembered the moment he decided not to kill his opponent and make innocent people die on his watch.

"No, It's not your fault, sweetheart. You're a kind boy, and you already do your best to save people in need as Spider-Man." Aunt May cheered him up.

"She is right, Peter. You're not a failure as a hero. Please stop blaming yourself, okay?" Gwen caressed his face and their forehead touched each other.

"No, I am a failure. If I'm not a coward, maybe they're still alive right now." When Peter was still blaming himself, He slapped Baobhan Sith in the face and she hugged him immediately.

"Stop speaking nonsense words, you dolt. You're the hero everyone needed, and my proud IDIOT, Never forget it." Baobhan Sith comforts him. Her master is too kind and foolish; He always sacrifices himself for anyone who needs his help without a second thought.

But It's what makes him special to her.

That's why she must do her best to protect him from any insects who want to harm him.

"Thank you, Baobhan." Peter hugs her back. "Now I must go out and save innocent people from these monsters," Peter says, and he wears his mask once again.

"But... It's so dangerous. You can't go out from here; I'm forbidding it!" Aunt May tried to stop Peter from going back to New York.

Gwen holds Aunt May's hand. "It's okay. There's Baobhan who's going to protect him from dangerous auntie. He's going to be fine." Gwen tries to convince her.

"... Okay, I leave my son in your care, Baobhan. Please be safe out there." Aunt May trusted her to protect her boy.

Baobhan smiled and nodded. "Just leave it to me, Mother-in-Law, and let's go out from here, Master."

The couple leaves the tent and goes to where Group Chat members gathered.

May sighed. "They both are really weird couples. By the way, Gwen, what is your relationship with my boy? I thought he dated her?" She asked Gwen because she saw the closeness between her and Peter in front of Baobhan. What's weird is Baobhan didn't look jealous or anything like that when Gwen was close to Peter.

Gwen was startled when she heard it. "W-We... Share him, auntie." She said the truth to her.

"...... Huh?"

Unknown Place

New York, United States

Now the four members are looking at the situation in the city from the rooftop of a building.

"What is this? There are too many monsters surrounding the city. We must make a move; we can't let those monsters escape from this city." Satria looks at the horror of this place, monsters kill and eat people, and some people look like necromancer-resurrected humans who have fallen to become their army.

The three, except Satria, know about war but not about this horror. This is a massacre.

"Kagebunshin no Jutsu." Patronus create a hundred clones and makes Satria and Jiraiya surprised.

"You can use ninjutsu? How?" Satria is confused, Did chakra exist in Marvel World? He wondered about it.

"You four create the four-red Yang formation so these monsters can't escape from here, and others help civilians escape from this city or kill as many monsters you found. Go!!!" Patronus orders all his clones.

"Yes, boss!!!" They all left him and did what Patronus ordered them to do.

Not long after, the Red Four Crimson Formation covered the whole city.


"How do you know Ninjutsu? And this is Shinsekiyojin's, Impossible!" Jiraiya says with a shocked tone, To create this barrier, you need four men with Hokage level, but this guy can do it on his own.

"It's not an illusion, but a solid clone." Arthuria was surprised too. She thought it was just illusion magic. Without notice, this hooded man had already covered the entire city with a red barrier and killed many of these hideous creatures with his clones.

Someone is coming near the group. It's a man in a spider costume jumping around in the building with a web, and a red-haired woman with pale skin flying with fairy wings following him.

"Peter!!! Over here." Satria waved to him, and Peter landed on the rooftop where Group Chat members gathered.

"Hello, brother Shin, Uncle Jiraiya, Arthuria, And God of Hope, Welcome to New York, even though now is not a good time for having a vacation here." Peter welcomed the group chat member.

"Don't worry about it, lad. By the way, who is this beautiful lady beside you, Peter-kun? Hehehe." Jiraiya sees Baobhan's body with a perverted smile and is punched in the face by Arthuria, burying his head on the rooftop floor. "Hey! It's so damn hurt Arthuria-chan!"

"My name is Baobhan Sith, And you don't come closer to me." Baobhan takes some distance from Jiraiya, She gets a bad vibe from this perverted old man.

"Then stop being perverted." Arthuria and Baobhan stared at him with disgusted faces.

"It's not a good time for it, Ero-sannin, Do you have any information about the enemies we are going to face soon?" Patronus asks the group chat member, looking at Satria.

Satria closed his eyes. "The story is long. What you must know is these dark forces are enemies you shouldn't underestimate. What you see in front of you is just a small remnant of their dark army, and the purpose of this army was to purge all life in any world they step into. They're called the Burning Legion, created by a dark titan named Sargeras." Satria tells them about the enemies they will face.


"Sargeras, I never heard any Titan called that." Patronus is sure, There's no Titan called Sargeras in Mythology.

"Of course, It's a threat outside this world, dude. The question is, how the hell they can enter this world?" Satria wants to know about it.

"We must hurry. Their forces already wreak havoc everywhere. What's our plan to face them?" Arthuria asks a group chat member.

"God of Hope? Is this Red Barrier you doing?" Peter asked the hooded one.

"Explain can do later. Now let's go help people escape from this city and kill all those monsters. We must go to the Portal and seal or destroy it immediately. Let's create a team. Shin, Jiraiya, And Arthuria will go to the portal. I, Baobhan, And Spidey will focus on evacuating people first from this city." Patronus tells the group chat about their role in this mission. "Here, take this. If you're in a dangerous situation, throw it, and I'll instantly appear in front of you." Patronus gives each person Hiraishin Kunai.

All group members nodded and entered the battlefield.

Satria POV.

'That guy surprised me. He somehow can use Jutsu and make barriers that can cover the whole city plus that many Kagebunshin. He needs so much chakra to do something like that, and he does it without difficulty.' Satria says internally, He wants to know his true identity.

I'm surprised too, brother. How is chakra used in Marvel's world? This is confusing.' Fatalis say.

Satria keeps going and kills all monsters like ghouls, hellhounds, and abominations in his way, He uses super speed combined with dark elements of Fatalis.

Then he sees four familiar figures using the clothes of the Fantastic Four to fight monsters and the undead.

"Let's go Fatalis, Henshin." He transformed into Kamen Rider form and was ready to help Fantastic-Four members.

"Those guys never stop coming out to us, dammit!" A man with his body covered by fire says

"Stop complaining, Johnny." Then she looked at the red monster behind her brother, ready to attack him. "Watch your back, Johnny!" She was shouting at her brother.

"Dark Flash Lance!"

Suddenly dark lightning appear to help Johnny, Satria stabbed the monster's body with a heart jab, using Fatalis power combined with his super speed instantly disintegrating his enemy.

"Whoa!!! Thank you, whoever you are, brother." Johnny was surprised to see a man in black armour saving him.

"Thanks for saving my brother; I promise to pay the debt later." The beautiful blonde woman is thanking Satria.

Satria nodded. "Save your thanks later, lady. We have something more important to do right now." Satria says to her.

Member of Fantastic Four with rock body called as thing smiled at him. "You got it."

Satria is ready to fight alongside the Fantastic Four.

To be continued.


Side Story: Amazing Spider-Man (Part 5)

Peter Parker, Gwen, And Smythe head onto a large glass cage that contained cross-species animals with the characteristics of humanoid rats.

"Hello, little fella." Peter is smiling and waving to the creature.

The creature hissed at him as he responded and jumped above, hiding somewhere.

"Why do you cage these creatures in here Dr.Smythe?" Gwen asks his reason to keep the cross-species in the Oscorps building.

"These creatures are very contagious. Just touching them can lead to death by infection or make you cross-species like him, We try out best to search solution for this problem, Miss Gwen." Smythe explains the dangers of crossing species.

"Is there a cure for them, doctor?" Peter asked Smythe, Did he have the intention to save the cross-species?

"For these things? No, They're not humans, to begin with; They were born in a petri dish." Smythe continued to walk, followed by Peter and Gwen. "For poor humans who have been infected, unfortunately, attempts to develop an antidote have been unsuccessful." He was stopped by scientists who needed his approval for something, and after he gave his approval to the scientists and the documents shown to him, they went back to walking again.

Baobhan Sith hate him and stared at Smythe with cold eyes.

'This bastard human is the same as them. No matter what I do, they always treat me differently, even when I already try my best to help them. They don't deserve a master as their protector.' Baobhan says internally.

"Creature like this brought Europe to its knees with plague and must be killed. You need to understand, Mr Parker. This may sound cruel, but vermin like them deserve to be killed." Smythe said it without remorse.

Suddenly, The creature jumped in front of Peter, surprising the Group and showing hostility toward them.

Why is this creature doing that?" Gwen asks Smythe about the strangeness of the creature's action.

"It's probably my fault to be so handsome, hahaha." Peter is making a joke to liven up the atmosphere.

"Unlike robots, Biological creatures like him are always unpredictable. That's why I much prefer things I can control." Smythe, tell Gwen the reason.

"Unpredictable, Huh?" Peter says with a sarcastic tone, Of course, this man is another power-hungry guy.

"Master, I don't like him. Can you allow me to kill him?" Baobhan whispers in Peter's ears.

"No! You can't kill anyone here, Baobhan." Peter forbade her from killing people in this building.

"Muuu... You're not a fun master." Baobhan pouted, disappointed at him.

They go down with a lift and see other cross-species species like humanoid rats, It's characteristics like humanoid scorpions and iguanas sleeping on the test tube.

"What is that? Is that an iguana? This is the strangest tour I have ever been on." Peter was surprised there was more of it.

"Don't worry about it, Parker. Our next stop is the nanobots lab. Once you see it, you won't want to leave." Smythe reassured him.

"Humans in this modern world are very interesting masters, For they can create this weird beast. It reminds me of the past." Baobhan remembers her past; there are many weird creatures, like cross-species, wandering around in Britain's land.

"Really? So, All of the mythology creatures in fairy tales are real?" Peter is curious about it.

"Of course it is real; I mean, you having me as your owner is proof of it," Baobhan stated the facts.

"Since when you were my owner?" Peter sweatdropped.

"Since you summoned me as your servant, fufu," Baobhan chuckled.

Gwen sees Peter with a weird look. 'Who's this guy talking to?" I didn't see anyone except us.'

"Excuse me, Dr Smythe, I need someone to help me and take this to sector B." Scientists ask their superiors permission to take the test subject to certain places.

"I don't have time for this. Gwen, maybe it's a good thing you're here. You can deal with this bureaucratic nonsense, A Punishment for trespassing." Smythe ordered her to handle this. Later, you can catch up with us."

"Doctor, I think I'll escort her, You know? Make sure she doesn't get eaten." Peter's spider-sense alerted him: There will be bad things going on after this. 'Baobhan, Can you protect her for me?' Peter asked his servant for help.

'Worried about another woman other than me, huh? I didn't expect you to be secretly a playboy, Master. fufufu.' Baobhan says it with a scary tone.

'Please, Baobhan, I'll do anything later.' Peter begged her.

'.... Okay.' Baobhan agreed to his request.

Smythe makes a small smile. "I understand that the beast is enthralled by beauty as a man, Meet me in the lab when you're done and don't wander; that's order, Miss Gwen." He warned her before leaving them somewhere.

"Sure, doctor Smythe, Come on, Peter, follow me," Gwen asked him, and Peter followed her.

"Ehmm, Nice to meet you, doctor." Peter greets the scientists.

"Like a wise Parker." Scientists respond to him.

"Is this not going too far? I mean....." Peter didn't believe that man wanted to stop the experiment about crossing species; for him, it went too far.

"It's a terrible legacy, but Dr Smythe said we're putting it in the past. I believe in him." Gwen told Peter the reason for this.

Suddenly, the test subject wakes up and tries to break free from the tube glass.

"What the fuck?" Peter was surprised when this beast with a scorpion tail suddenly woke up.

"What're you doing to him?" The scientists ask Peter.

"Huh? I didn't do anything." Peter doesn't have any idea of this sh*t.

"Peter! I think it's your blood." Gwen thinks it's Peter's blood that makes him wake up from his sleep.

"No, It's reacting to something; I've never... Oh, My God! It's breaking the glass." Peter saw the beast crack the glass with his punch and suddenly heard something from Dimensional Chat.


[Ding! Group Chat Mission Active]

[Defeat all cross-species who break free from Oscorp building and stop all Smythe nano-robots in Spider-Man's world]

[Participant 0/3]

Spider-Man: "No way, My luck is really bad 😭."

Pervert Sage: "Who wants to go on this mission?"

Shin: "I'm passing for now."

Man with Gender Equality: "Why do you pass on this mission?"

Shin: "I'm in heaven right now. Only people who have girlfriends know what I mean 😏."

Pervert Sage: "Can you share your experience with me, Shin-kun 😳?."

Shin: "No, It's my private time with my girlfriend hehe."

Man with Gender Equality: "Bastard is always showing off to us. Let me go because I want to get a reward from dimensional chat and become OP Isekai MC."


Evil Spirit: "Ara, let this one-san help you, Peter-kun."


Batman Junior: "Let me help you too; I want to see the difference between our worlds."


[Participant already full, ready to teleport participant to Spider-Man world]


The beast broke out of the tube and attacked scientists near him.

"Dr.Smythe! Unit 04 is breaking out. What should we do?" Gwen asked for a solution from him with a panicking face.

"They're all breaking free. Go evacuate from here, Everyone!" Smythe ordered all people to leave the Oscorp building.

"Is there no other way?" Peter asked him.

"No! Go left, and I'll activate my security robot to kill them all." Smythe doesn't have any choice other than that.

"Sorry kids, You gotta get out of this area." Scientists push Peter into a room protected with anti-bullet glass.

"No! I'm not leaving you." Peter wants to stay with Gwen and protect her.

Gwen shakes her head. "No, It's my responsibility, Peter; I must clear this situation by myself, and because of me, You're dragged into this situation. I want you to be safe." Gwen locked Peter in the room.

'Baobhan, I'm counting on you.' Peter trusted his servant to keep Gwen safe from harm.

Peter sees scientists who push him killed by a cross-species with a Scorpion tail.

Suddenly, the humanoid rat he saw before came closer to Gwen.

"No, Go away from me!!!" Gwen try to chase him away, but the beast, instead of going away, went closer to her.

"Pathetic, But your kindness and bravery to save my little spider is praiseworthy. Be grateful this knight wants to help you, little lady." A red-haired woman pierced the beast's body with a red string from her hand and drain the beast's life force.

"Gwen!!!" The beast was killed by her instantly with horrifying methods.

"Who are you?" Gwen asked the beautiful woman with red hair behind her.

"My name is Baobhan Sith; I'm his owner." She pointed at Peter. "Now go hide behind me, little lady, and let me take care of this. It's time to demonstrate the power of Fae Knight Tristan."

Side End. 

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