What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 41. Awakening and True Form

Unknown Building

New York, United States

The atmosphere suddenly becomes tense, and Peter doesn't have any idea what to do right now.

"I recommend you stay away from him right now thieving cat." Baobhan stared at the black cat who hugged Peter's arms.

"Why? Is the hero's job to protect a damsel in distress like me? Do you agree little spider?" Black Cat teasing the couple.

"Girl, Please... It's not the right time to do this, We have more important things to do and black cat release my arms now." Peter tries to stop a fight between the two.

"Hehe, You are right little spider." She released Peter's arms. "Do you know what are these monsters?" Black cats see a horde of monsters below the building.

"What I know about this is limited, My friend tells me this monster was an army of Burning Legion, They come here to conquer our world," Peter explains to the black cat.

"Burning Legion? Conquer our world? Always no dull day with you little spider, How about we team...."

Black Cat's words are cut by an explosion sound near the demonic gate.

They all see in the direction where they heard the explosion from inside the building, Huge smoke rises from there and a demonic aura is suddenly unleashed reaching them.

The building was shaking because of it, Peter and Black Cat were in the urge to faint because they can't handle the bloodlust from Demonic Aura.

They both kneel on the floor and have heavy breathing, Their lung like stabbed by a knife from inside many times, and their animal instinct screams dangerously.

Baobhan trembling too, She never feels an aura this wicked and sinister.

"What actual hell happen in there? Are we gonna be okay?" It's the first time a black cat feels fear, She is very scared to the point that makes her want to run away from this place.

"Master, It's very dangerous. This demonic power was no joke, Even I never feel something like this in my life."
Baobhan said.

"I don't have any idea what you mean by Demonic Power vampire girl, How about escaping from this city and hiding somewhere until Avenger take care of this?" Black Cat suggests She doesn't want to die by this hideous creature.

Peter clenched his fist Did he gonna run away like a coward? No! He is not a coward, Even his spider-sense warns him about the dangers he gonna face soon, His pride as Hero is not allowed to go back off from this.

"I'll go and help whoever is there with my best abilities, You girl can evacuate and let me... Auchh!!! What is that for?" Peter kneels and hold the pain caused by Baobhan Sith and Black Cat.

Both girls punch his ribs, They dislike being treated like weak and useless women by this young man.

"Don't be full of yourself master~ You are just an adorable boy for me." Baobhan smiled at him.

"Who do you think I'm kiddo? Don't look down on me." Black Cat has an annoyed face on her.

"So-Sorry." Peter apologizes to both of the girls.

"Let's go then? Together." Baobhan offers her hand to Peter and he receives it.

New York, United States

The Dimensional Gate was finally destroyed, and the Hero and Soldiers who fought there were pleased about this.

Doctor Strange looks at Patronus with amazement.

'I can't believe he really can do it.'

Without knowing what horror will come to them.


Dek'sada is very angry and can't believe someone actually can destroy the Dimensional Gate.

Dek'sada unleashes a dark red aura breaking the chain made by Doctor Strange and throwing him out until his body crashes into the building.

Patronus now come closer to the demon.

"You done now Dek'sada, Whatever evil plan you accomplishing now, It's done."

"I definitely will enjoy your scream and flesh after slaughtering you."

Two figures ready to duel each other.

Unknown Location

From the other side, The evil of the cosmos watching the fight in darkness with some curiosity.

"Someone actually can seal the portal and destroy it?."

He bit angry with this result, When the portal is destroyed meaning his plan is failed.

"....Patronus, I'll remember that name."

Satria POV.

The five figures try all methods to kill this Undead Dragon but only without result.

No matter how many times they kill, The Undead Dragon gonna regenerated again.

"If this continues like this, This will only gonna tire us." Captain Marvel says with a tired tone.

Suddenly a big explosion sound was d heard from the gate located.

"What happened?."

"I don't know but we must focus on this first," Satria says while duelling with Doom Guard who hardly catches up with his speed.

Satria uses his super speed to vibrate his hand and place both of his fists in front of his enemy, It's a technique he copies from someone who uses wind as a tool to launch a devastating shockwave from his knuckle in a forward direction.


The Doom Guard is blown away and destroys everything in his path because of the powerful blast Satria used on him causing severe internal injury to the victim.

Satria coughs blood and kneels on the ground.

Unfortunately, the regeneration of Doom Guard is almost the same as Undead Dragons and his wound is beginning to heal.

'Brother, What you gonna do now? You are already on your limit.' Fatalis remind him.

'I decided Fatalis, I am gonna use that.'

'Fine, But don't cry when Kiyohime scolded you.'

Fatalis remembered when they trained this technique, His body can't hold it, Because he was still a normal human.

There is a way to use it safely, It was making him become a half-dragon, and Fatalis worried her blood will affect his personality.

She doesn't want her host to become something like an emo duck ass.

"Thor and Hercules, I have a way to defeat our enemy but can you buy me time?."

"How long?." Hercules asks him.

"Ten minutes is enough."

Thor nodded. "Okay young warrior, We gonna buy you time, For Asgard!!!" He comeback attacking the Dragon.

'Now Fatalis, Share me your blood.'

'You crazy, If you get my blood, I am afraid my evil side will take control of you.'

'Like I say before, Better die trying than die for nothing.'

'Okay-Okay, Don't blame me if something when wrong.'

Then suddenly Satria feels pain all over his body and faints.


'Nothingness is my Domain'

'Annihilation is my purpose'

'Destruction is my Dream'

Satria opens his eyes, only to find a gloomy panorama.

The sky above him was dark and he was surrounded by creepy trees.

'No way this is my mindscape, I was a good boy and man full of valour.' Satria makes a smug smile and walks aimlessly.

Until he found a big cave and hear strange whistling, like a strong wind through the treetops.

"Hmmm, Very suspicious. Hello? Permisi kak!!! Paket COD-nya sudah sampai atas nama kakak Fatalis." Satria shouts inside making his voice echo through the cave.

"Shut up and come here mortal."

Satria keeps walking until he finds a black dragon chained by a strange chain.

"Hey, You unexpectedly look cool Neet Dragon, How about you and me? Know each other more?" Satria winks at her.

"Silence human or feel my wrath!" Fatalis glared at him.

"You are not my Neet Dragon, Who are you, impostor? Answer my question or I will press emergency meeting then kick your ass from here."

"You are an Idiot, I am Fatali's other side mortal."

"Don't call me an idiot!!! No idiot was handsome, kind, smart, and charismatic like me."

"It's useless to talk with an idiot like you, Back to topic, You want my power, right? will you accept us and destroy whoever stands against us?"


"Your answer?."

"Is that a marriage proposal? I'm touched but you must ask permission to my Kiyohime and white dragon princess first." Satria smirked.

"It's not!!! Who wants to marry an idiot like you?" Fatalis make tsundere voice and look away from him. "What's your answer? I am serious."

"My answer is I'm will protect people who important to me, Like you Fatalis," Satria tells her his answer.

'Protect? We only destroy everything never protect.'

'Well, that's my answer why must destroy something sound troublesome and you menacing did ya? Never expect you to have a side like this Neet Dragon.'

"Don't call me Neet Dragon or I will eat you, Weak human like you want to protect me? Don't make me laugh." Fatalis shows her sharp teeth and tries to intimidate him.

"Look at my face did I not look serious enough? If you are my Fatalis you must know my answer too right." He pats Fatali's head gently without fear.

"...Idiot, I'm the one they call Calamity Dragon, One of the Elder Dragons. You're supposed to fear me."

"Why must I fear someone important to me? You idiot are you?"


"Then what's now?"

"Here." Fatalis bleed her finger and touches my head. "Don't misunderstand, It's not like I'm trusting you or anything like that, Leave now."

"Thank you Fatalis." Without his notice, another card had already been added to his deck.

Mindscape Out.

Satria undo his transformation and his body is now covered by a black aura.

"What's happened to him?." Captain Marvel asks Arthuria.

"I don't know," Arthuria answer her, She itself doesn't understand what this Shin wants to do now.

When Black Aura vanished, His Face and Body changed, Now he became more handsome and tall from 170cm to 182cm, It's like watching a prince from a fairy tale ascended here.


Captain Marvel blushed when seeing Satria's new appearance.

'He so damns Handsome and looks at that ABS? Mama likes.'

"Young man? Are you done?" Thor asks him while fighting their enemy but got no response from Satria.

'Bro? You okay?.' Fatalis ask him worried.

Satria suddenly makes a sinister smile.

'Hahaha, You a really useful tool for me Fatalis, Because of you now I'm already reaching new heights, With this power I'm will conquer anything and become Emperor of the world, This was the beginning.'

'What? It can't be, Now my Brother become duck-ass emo, Noooooooo.' Fatalis make noise inside him.

This is what Fatalis worried, His host will enter the dark path and become duck-ass emo.

'Wahahaha, I'm just kidding, You and Kiyohime fun to be teased.' Satria laughing.

'Fuck you bastard, Make me worried for nothing.'

'Now let's test our power shall we?'

'Absolutely.' Fatalis grinned.

He transformed once again into Calamity Rider form and walk close to Saber.

"Yeah, I'm done, Thank you already give me time," Satria replies to Thor.

"Good, I'll take care of this outside this planet." Thor throws his hammer at one of the Undead Dragons and sends him flying outside the Earth.



"I think it's time you show us, Why you called as King of Knight?"

'Did he know about my Noble Phantasm? Who is this guy truly? But... He is right.'

Satria leaves her and dashes to Doom Guard.

"Miss me? Big guy?" Satria landed his punch to his head making him blown away. "Let me take care of this old man, You can just sit and drink or whatever you want."

Hercules smirked. "What a cocky brat, Do you know who I'm for you to order me to stay out of battle?"

"You are the Son of Zeus, God of Strength, and top-class playboy," Satria replies to him.

"Wahahaha such bravado, Sure prove it to me, boy." Hercules takes a step back and decides to watch for now.

Doom Guard become more furious and charge Satria.

Satria takes out a card from his deck and inserts it in his Dragvisor.

{Final Vent}

Red lightning strike down on the battlefield and shows a giant black dragon appearing behind Satria making other surprised.

"Yo Fatalis, Let's do it."

Satria vibrate himself to make strong wind then jump out and Fatalis unleashed a blast wave from her mouth, It's their version of Rider Kick.

Satria kicks Pass through the Doom Guard and burns him into ashes.

Because of their combination, It's massively increasing the volume of fire and scorching, melting, and blasting away even metal and everything in an indiscriminate tidal wave of destruction.

Not long the Dragon went back to Satria's body.

"Hehehe, It's fun!!! I want more." Fatalis said with a childish tone.

Satria sees his surrounding, everywhere is on FIRE!!!

"I think not, Yes... Not gonna use it often for a fight."

Arthuria POV.

"Amazing, He defeats it." Captain Marvel watches Satria battle from far away with amazement. His abilities, his move, and everything he does are already well-trained, She must search for more information about this guy later and not forget this woman with a medieval knight costume.

"Yep, that kid definitely can be a good hero here." Hercules praises Satria's ability.

"Now the time to end this," Arthuria says.

(Play OST)

The sword in her hand shone brightly and revealed the true form of Excalibur.

Hercules can't believe what he seeing right now.

"It can't be... that weapon, Who are you?" Hercules asks Saber with a serious face.

"Finally, she let out her trump card," Satria smirked.

"This is the True Excalibur." Fatalis can not wait to see the power of Legendary Sword.

"That's so beautiful." Captain Marvel never sees something like this in her life, she is like standing in front of the King who promised victory only with her presence.

From her sword come out a golden particle and a dream that all warriors scattered in battle. Past, Present, Future.

Hold and mournfully exalt as their final moment approach.

She carries their will as her pride, Bidding them to remain steadfast in their loyalty.

Now, The Undefeated King sings aloud the name of a miracle she holds in her hands.

Its name is.


When her noble phantasm hit the Undead Dragon, The Undead Dragon vanishes without remaining.

Now Satria and Arthuria already defeating their enemy but the true threat is still alive.

To be continued.


Side Story: Part-time job

{Breaking News: Unknown entity killed university student in Tokyo with cold blood}

{What is the reason behind this murder of University Girl? Who is this Black Flash?}

{Alien is Real? Or does there exist existence except humans living on the earth without our knowledge?}

A tall man appears to be twenties with an average build, black hair with golden bangs, and a black goatee watching the news with curiosity.

"Interesting, Who is this Black Flash? Is he supernatural or someone with uncontrollable sacred gear?"

He replay the video about when this young girl was killed by this Black Flash.

"Fast... Very Fast, No way this is human and Tokyo, huh? I should ask him to investigate this matter."

He calls someone with his phone.

{What do you need from me?}

{I want you to investigate someone called Black Flash in Tokyo, I am afraid this entity is dangerous for us}

{Sure, Leave it to me}

{I count on you Tobio}

"Go to Tokyo and erase every hint about Supernatural, We can't let humans learn about us." He orders his subordinate.

"Yes sir."

"Is he gonna be okay?" She watches her grandson hole up in his room and refuses to step outside.

The doctor shakes his head.

"What he experienced made him have deep trauma, It will take a long time to heal his crumble mind." The doctor explains to her.

"What did he do to deserve this? Is police already have a clue about the culprit?"

"Unfortunately no, But they will do their best to solve this case."

Someone knocking on the entrance door.

"Wait, Let me open it."

A young man with black hair and pale grey eyes stands outside the apartment accompanied by a blonde-haired woman with a magician outfit.



"Excuse me, Is this where Kazuya Kinoshita living?"

"Yes? What do you need from him?"

The woman magician uses her magic to make Kazuya's grandmother sleep and take a step inside the apartment.

"Hey, Who are....." The doctor gets knocked out by Tobio immediately and puts him on the sofa.

They continue to walk to Kazuya's room and unlock his door with magic.


"Kazuya-san sorry about our rudeness but we don't have time, I have several questions for you regarding the incident in Tokyo public pool, Can you be cooperative and answer our questions?" Tobio asks him.

Kazuya only can nod.

Kazuya begins to describe this Black Flash.

He hates him, He demands justice and will do anything to put him down.

Unfortunately, The reality is cruel.

He is too weak and cowardly to do any of that.

But maybe, Person in front of him can do it.

"Thank you for the information, I feel sad about your loss Kazuya-san, Don't worry I'll search and defeat him for you," Tobio promised him. "Reni-san please do it."

"Sure Tobio-kun."

Lavenia Reni uses her magic to erase some of Kazuya's memory.

Satria Mansion

Kuoh, Japan

"Hatchuu!!! Why I often sneezed this day?"

"Danna-sama? Are you sick? Don't worry I am always ready to nurse you." Kiyohime says with a worried tone.

"No, It's must be someone talking about my awesomeness, I can't blame them too." Satria makes a smug face.

"How cute, Let this Dragon Emperor pamper you, darling." Valiant put his head into her breast and then pat him gently.

Satria enjoying it and purring.

He loves to be pampered like this by his girl.

"Oh~ You love to be treated like this huh? Who is the good boy?" Valiana asks him.


"Not Fair! I want to pamper Danna-sama too." Kiyohime steals him from Valiana's arms.

"Hey! It's my turn you cold-blooded snake." Valiana steals him back into her arms and hugs him tightly.

"The nerve! Danna-sama, Who you choose between us?" Kiyohime asks him.

"I choose both, because I love you girl so much." Satria hugs both girls and kisses their cheeks.

"Ba-Baka, I... I love you too." Valiana said blushing.

"I love you too Danna-sama, Love you Forever not even death can separate us hehehe." Kiyohime snuggle to him.

Satria already buys King size bed and renovates his room, Because he can't stand sleeping in his previous room full of weebs items.

Not saying Kiyohime and Valiana hate anime girl figures or pictures on the wall of my room and demand me throw all of them into the trash bin.

I don't have any complaints about that, Because they are waifu of my previous owner, not mine.


"Hm?" both girls look at him while cuddling with him.

"What type of bedroom do you prefer for yourself? I want to build it as your preference." Satria wants each girl to have their room.

"How considerate, Just make my room the same as in Tokyo Danna-sama," Kiyohime answers to me.

"You better surprise me, love, Maybe... I will give you some reward later if you succeed in it," Valiana whispers to my ears.

By the way, Is there an easy way to get money in this world? I want to have extra money after all.

What job is good for part-time?

Yes... I know the way.

"Super Idiot." Fatalis only can sigh when knowing what he wants to do tonight.

Black Flash is spotted in the city, it's running passing everything in its way until reaching its destination.

"It's the place right?" Satria sees his surrounding and sees four guards like Yakuza protecting the entrance. "Hey!!!" 

The guard was surprised, suddenly there was a strange cosplayer appearing in their base.

"Who are you?!"



The four guards surrounded Satria from all sides and Satria give two of them a beating instantly.

"Intruder!!!!" the remaining two warn their friend inside their base until Satria knocked them out too.

Many more Yakuza come out and face Satria with full armed.


Ten Yakuza with katana try to cut or stab him, without wasting one second, Satria already defeat them all.

"M-M-Monster, Don't move!!!" the remaining pointing their gun at Satria.

Satria keeps walking forward without care.

"KILL HIM!!!" 

They fired the gun at Satria until their bullet run out.

Only find Satria not damaged at all and catching all bullets they shoot at him.


"Who... are you?"

"What is your reason to attack us?"

"Just consider this day your Bad Day." Satria turns his voice to be menacing and vibrating his own body. "I AM THE NIGHTMARE, I AM THE NIGHT, I AM THE BLACK FLASH!" Satria throw back all bullets to the remaining Yakuza and anticipated them all. "Now bring me to your boss and give all your money to me or..."

"Yes... Yes... But please spare our life."

Satria counts all money in copper while sitting in the Boss seat.

"Is this all you have?" Satria asks the Yakuza leader who now doing dogeza for him.

"YES, 580.000 Million Yen all yours." He answers with trembling. "Please... don't kill me."

Satria makes a sinister smile. "Sure, I am not a bad guy for doing something like that but can you give me the location of another crime syndicate like you first to me?"


After the boss, Yakuza gives him all addresses of a crime syndicate.

Satria gets up from its chair and leaves the room bringing copper with money.

"Thanks for your cooperation sir, Have a Nightmare WAHAHAHAHA."

Side End. 

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