What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 44. End of the Battle





"Don't GET CLOSE TO MY CHILDREN!!! Go away!!!"

The child looks down with a sad face.

Someone throws him with a stone making his head injured, so the child didn't close to his stall.

"Why do all people hate me? What makes me different from them? Did I truly demon child?" The boy with blonde hair is clueless about why they hate him. What is his fault?

The scene changed to a boy who is fighting Mist Ninja together with his teammates.

In his fight with Neji Hyuuga, he Fights with the jinchuriki of one tail, Sabaku no Gaara, and then rescues his friend Uchiha Sasuke from Orochimaru.

His fight with Pain, talking about destiny.

His fight against Uchiha Madara and last is his loss against the Juubi who gain its consequences.

Then losing his world.

He is a failure.

Someone who failed his people.

"I don't understand, Your people treated you very badly, Why you still fought for them Uzumaki Naruto?" Illidan never sees someone this foolish, He is too good for them. Even with all suffering he experienced, He never hold any hate inside him even to his enemy even trying to change them.

Naruto chuckled. "Nothing will end if I keep hating them, the circle of hate will continue and nothing will change Ilidan. You too must keep moving on and stop keeping a grudge against your people. Not saying right now I have many important people I must protect no matter what the cost."

Naruto remembered the new family he created in his journey.

His wives Saeko, Rhea, Medusa, Kuroka, and Lara.

His children Ashla, Masaki, Hagumi, And Fujimai.

His new friend he got from his journey and his teacher who guide him to be this strong.

He cannot disappoint them, Not saying he's a new friend from Dimensional Chat.

"Hahaha, Even with all the suffering you experience you never change Uzumaki Naruto, For that you already gained my trust and for protecting the people you love, I am Ilidan Stromrage the Demon Hunter choose you as my successor, From now on you're the Heavenly Demon God." Illidan sends his power over to Naruto. "Don't make the same mistake as me young warrior and always remember your fate is yours, Not some people to decide but you are the one who decides your fate." Illidan leaves Naruto alone in his mindscape.

"What? Wait... This power is so immense, With this power I maybe can defeat him." Naruto never expected the monicker in his childhood to become a reality, He embrace Demon Power inside him. He not yet can use all this power he received from Illidan but for now, this is enough to defeat him.

Flashback End.

Naruto POV

Dek'sada looks at the new form of Patronus.

(Play OST)

He turned into a huge humanoid winged with Divinity and a Demon aura joined together on him wielding a beautiful twin blade in his hand.

A bright white glow or his God of Hope aura covered his entire body, Making anybody who watches him fulfilled with hope.

"This can't be possible, How you can have Demon power on you and combined with your Divinity power?" This was the first time Dek'sada felt intimidated by another being except by his superior.

"Who knows?" Naruto answers but his voice is now different than before, His voice deeper and more intimidating.

"Then I will force you to tell me how you can have this power from your mouth." He readies his spear again.

"It's time to end this."

"End this? Don't be too confident just because you power up a bit." He is angry because this guy underestimated him.

Dek'sada move with incredible speed and tried once again to attack Naruto only to get kicked in his stomach.

"Urgh!!!" He thrown far away make three building destroyed in the process.

Naruto teleported to where Dek'sada fell.

"Wake up Dek'sada, I know you are still alive."

From rubble showing him with purple lightning covering him. "I'll kill you, Patronus!." Said Dek'sada with an angry face.

"Come then Dek'sada my fury will not calm down only just this, Many innocent live are dies because of you." Naruto ready his stance to face him.

"What is this transformation? When did he learn it?." Kurama doesn't know his host has this kind of power.

"Whatever is this it's enough to kick that guy's ass," Shukaku says.

"Hehehehahahaha, Foolish creature. You only witness a bit of my power. Vile Nature magic, Split Earth." He stomps his spear to earth and makes an earthquake around him. From earth appear many spikes ready to pierce Naruto.

But Naruto easily dodge it and fly to the sky.

'Look like he wants to buy some time and this guy has connections to Nature too but it's different like mine.' Naruto feels that nature on him is lurid and vile.

"Where are you looking at Patronus?." He suddenly appears behind him and attacks Naruto with his spear but is blocked by Naruto's twin blade.

They clash with each other weapons then Naruto makes the distance from him.

"Heavenly Demon God Style, Rage of Twin Wind Demon." He make two white-shaped slashes and aimed them at Dek'sada.

"Abyss Magic, Wall of Purgatory." He makes a huge firewall to protect him.

When they already standing on the earth again Naruto feels something wrong.

"Naruto, Something wrong here," Kurama warned him.

Naruto looked at the city now covered by mist and he noticed he was not in his realm again.


"You already noticed did you?." Dek'sada say making evil smile.

Naruto is now already in a known place with horrific scenery.


"Welcome to my Wonderland Patronus."

Satria POV

"Something like this is impossible, How he can obtain this power?." Doctor Strange says with a disbelief sound.

"What do you mean?." Tony Stark asks him about the blonde transformation, He never sees this man surprised.

"What he doing right now it's like when you mix order with chaos something impossible to do, But somehow this man makes it possible." Doctor Strange explains to him.

"How the hell did this guy become this strong?" Satria is amazed at Naruto's new transformation, It's radiating immense power from him.

'His power right now is frightening, It's made his transformation before look so cute.' Fatalis said the same thing as her bearer.

They watch the fight between Naruto and Dek'sada now already on equal footing.

The earth shakes and suddenly appears many giant spikes are aimed at Naruto but only get evaded by Naruto who now flies in the sky.

When the two figures are already done contesting their power and come back to earth, Something strange happens in the city.

Now the whole city is covered by some mist.

"Something strange with this mist, Be careful," Thor has a bad feeling about the mist that surrounds them.

"I'm feeling now we already not in our realm." Doctor Strange says.

"Avenger Assembled, Look at each other back." Captain America order his friend to stick together because feel danger will come soon upon them.

(Play OST)

When the mist cleared they were already in an unknown place with horrifying scenery.

"This is... reality marble?." Arthurian wondered, This demon surely not an enemy who can be underestimated.

"Whatever is this, My instinct says it's not good for us." Satria sees the horror sight in front of him, It's like entering horror movies in Silent Hill.

"No dull moment when adventure with you guys," Jiraiya says.

"This place is so scary, It's like I'm sent to some horror movie," Spider-Man feel scared when sees the scenery in front of him.

"Master it's dangerous!!! Something demonic coming to us and it's so many." Baobhan senses many demonic presences here.

Not long, They watch many demonic armies appear and are ready to feast on them.

"Now witness Patronus, Watch how my pet butcher your precious friend Hahahaha." They heard four-legged demons laugh.

"You Bastard! Your fight is with me not with them." Naruto says.

"Look like we are in another realm, Let's kill those abominations first," Hercules says.

"Can you make a portal? So we can escape from here?." Tony asks Doctor Strange if he can search way to escape from this place.

"I'll try, Protect me when I'm looking the way." Doctor Strange said to all heroes because he needs to concentrate to use his magic.

"Damn it another ugly monster again." Captain Marvel is already enough facing opponents like them.

Thor and Hulk already rush to the army of demons.

"Kill those monsters, For Asgard!!!" He throws his Mjölnir to a horde of Demons.

"Hulk Smash ugly monster." He punches some monster in his way.

"Henshin." Satria transforms again into a Calamity rider. "You guys ready?." He asks other members.

"More than you know." Jiraiya try doing Kuchiyose but failed. "Well, I'm not that ready to look like," Jiraiya told them with nervous smiles making other sweatdrops.

Satria takes a card from his belt and put it in Dragvisor.

'Strike Vent'

"Saber, Jiraiya, Spidey Protect me, Let me gather my power and destroy those demons," Satria tells to group members.

They nodded and were ready to buy time for him.

"Take this you damn demon, Odama Rasengan." Jiraiya use Rasengan to them but they are too much, He doesn't know if his chakra is enough to hold all of them.

Arthuria tries her best to fight the army of monsters, but they are too much.

Peter Parker POV

Peter and Baobhan watch each other back when fighting a horde of demons.

'Should I use that weapon? But there are too many people here.' Peter wants to use his secret weapon but fears it will harm his friend too.

"Baobhan, Do you have a plan to end this madness?" Peter asks his servant, He has limited knowledge about magic.

"We must defeat the caster of this spell but I think we are no match against him for now master," Baobhan speak the truth, His master and her is not ready to face the demon master. Not saying she can't use her Noble Phantasm often, Because it can make her mad.

Peter has a disappointed face, He must grow stronger to protect the people of his family.

Baobhan, Gwen, And Aunt May. 

I will never let my family be harmed by my enemy.

"Sixth Form, Mecha Spider-Suit!!!" Peter decides to use it, It's his secret weapon created by his forge stone and his tinker ability.


Suddenly giant robot is summoned to the battlefield makes some people surprised.

"This brat." Tony Stark is amazed at the trump card Peter brought here.

"Holy shit Spidey!!! How the fuck do you have something like this without telling me?" Satria said with a jealous tone, He wants to have his own Gundam for Godsake.

Peter rides the robot and charges energy in its hand, Its fired energy blast obliterates his enemy.

"Damn!!! You so cool right now brother." Satria's eyes become shining like a little brat when sees the attack of Peter's Gundam.

Baobhan makes a smug face proud of her master. "As expected of my little spider, You are my prouded boy."

__________ ________________________________

Man with Gender Equality: "I agree with Shin, It was Very Awesome brother @Spider."

Batman Junior: "He is truly incredible, since when did he build this?"

Evil Spirit: "Boy with their enthusiasm with Robot, How childish."


'That was incredible Peter-kun.' Jiraiya praises Peter's attack with his giant mecha.

"Holy Hell!!! I must talk with him after this shit is done." Tony Stark wants to know Peter's secret, how he can build something like this without anybody's knowledge?

Satria POV

'I must not lose to him, Damn this spidey brat. How he can have something like that?' Satria said internally and want to show off his power.

"Aw, My cute puppy is jealous. How cute~ hehe." Fatalis teasing him.

"I'm not jealous fool." Satria denies her accusation to him.

Satria gathers his energy into his arrow and is ready to unleash it on them.

"You guys fall back!!!" Satria shouts to the other hero. "Arrow of Calamity." He shoots the arrow with his bow and makes a great explosion that can even destroy the mountain if he wants.

"That amazing firepower you have Shin," Arthurian praised Satria's ability.

"You are incredible Satria." Susan doesn't know Satria was this powerful.

"Tch, They are too many," Satria says looking at the endless enemy in front of him even though he already kills many of them.

'Hee, Your power now improving since the awakening.' Fatalis praise him too, Now his Arrow of Calamity become more powerful than before.

"You have amazing power on you young warrior," Thor comments to Satria when he sees the impact of his attack.

"Thank you, Thor, But better focus on the enemy in front of us first," Satria says.

Thor nodded and back to the battlefield.

'Damn it, I'm too much using my power this day, I want to go home and be pampered by my Kiyohime or White Dragon princess.' Satria feels tired and lazy to fight, He wants to rest so badly.

Satria looks at the new card in his deck.

'Advent? Should I use it?.'

Then he suddenly felt something
dangerous when he watches Naruto battling Dek'sada.

Now there is a big magic circle in the sky and Dek'sada wants to do something with it.

"This is..."

Naruto POV

"You damn Demon, You're fighting with me, not with them."

"That...That is the expression I want to watch...Now shall we?." Dek'sada makes a pleasurable smile when sees his opponent's expression and he rained Naruto with a bolt of red lightning destroying the environment but Naruto counter it with his wind element magic.
"You can't escape from here Patronus, Surrender in the might of Burning Legion!!!" Now spear of Dek'sada makes a red glow and creates a wave of fire aimed at Naruto.

Naruto prepares his magic to defend himself from his attacks.

"Heavenly Magic, Celestial Water Torrent!!!" He makes a torrent of water contest it with Dek'sada fire.

"Hoo.. that water is different than your previous one, Interesting." Dek'sada senses different energy in his spell, Then he chants an unknown language and makes a big magic circle in the sky.

He flew to the sky and aimed his spear at Naruto.

"That's dangerous, if the hit landed he maybe can destroy the continent with it," Kurama warn Naruto about the dangers of his incoming attack.

Then he hears his weapon whisper something to him to counter the demon attack.

"Okay then let's try that." He prepares his twin blade to face Dek'sada's attack.

"Now try to handle this Patronus." Dek'sada's spear let out enormous energy and was ready to blow the entire place. "Abyss Magic, Spear of Destruction."

"Heavenly Demon God Style, Eraser." When the blade clashes with Dek'sada's spear it negates Dek'sada's magic and destroying his spear makes him surprised.

"How? What is that power?." He is surprised to see his most powerful attack blocked that easily.

Heavenly Demon God Style, Eraser is a new technique Naruto discover when he combined his power with Terrorblade. He can Negate everything like Supranatural Power, Magic, Divine power, Demon power, and many more.

Naruto is an irregular being who can combine the opposite power. It's like when you combined Chaos with Order, Something impossible to do it.

"Get ready to face your death, Dek'sada!."

"I...I never accept this. Abyss Magic, Abyss Walker." When he wants to attack Naruto from his shadow, Naruto cut his hand making blood spurting from the demon's hand.

"Damn you!." He wants to regenerate his hand but can't do it somehow. "I can't heal my injury? What the fuck is happening to my body?." He says with a panicked tone and sees a blue artefact in Patronus's blade. "That...That artefact is impossible, Eye of Skadi? How you can have it?." Dek'sada was shocked when seeing the item Patronus have in him.

"That's not your business Demon." He then comes to Dek'sada and separates his head from his body.

"I Dek'sada..can't end like.." After Naruto kill him, Dek'sada's body turns into ashes.

The horror scenery is gone and the city turns back to normal.

Satria POV.

"If this demon attack landed, We are Doomed!!!" Satria speaks out loud.

'This is bad, I don't know if this is exaggerated or what, But I feel his attack right now can destroy the continent and I'm not joking.' Fatalis warn him about the dangers of the Dek'sada spell.

"Satria, Did you have a plan to stop him?" Susan asks him.

"Unfortunately, I can't counter this yet but I can escape from here and rescue some people." Satria doesn't want to test his luck to face the demon attacks, He has a family waiting for him at home for god sake.

"Brother Satria, Please can you save my sister if the situation becomes bad? I beg of you." Johnny, the brother of Susan Strom pleas him to save his sister from danger.

"What are talking about Idiot? How about you?" Susan cannot believe what she heard from her brother.

"Nah, I will buy time for you sis, What I will tell Dad if I can't protect you?" Johnny said.

"You have a good brother, Just leave it to me to protect her," Satria promises him.

"Thank you, brother." Johnny grinned and fought the army of demons once again.

Satria now looking at Naruto, He must have a plan for countering this right?

"Now try to face this Patronus!." Dek'sada spear let out enormous power ready to blow entire place. "Abyss Magic, Spear of Destruction."

Naruto makes a stance and is ready to face his attack. "Heavenly Demon God Style, Eraser."

When two forces meet Dek'sada's spear is cracked and destroyed.

"How come this is possible?." Dek'sada was shocked his most powerful attack failed and his weapon was destroyed.

"Get ready to face your death Dek'sada."

"I...I never accept this, Abyss Magic, Abyss Walker." He wants to attack Naruto from his shadow but his hand get cut by him. "Damn...Damn you! Wait why I'm can't regenerate my hand" Then he notices blue artefacts in Naruto's twin blades. "How...How you can have the Eye of Skadi on you?." He says surprised.

Eye of Skadi was an artefact guarded by Azure Dragon and an item Terrorblade keep in his collection. Made the enemy unable to regenerate themselves.

"Someone trust me this power to destroy your damned kind." He charges at him and cuts his head separating from his body.

"I Dek'sada..can't end like.." After Naruto kill him, His body turned into dust.

Then the horror scenery is gone and the city turns back to normal.


Man with Gender Equality: "He...He won."

Ice Sadist: "Fufu, I can't believe the blonde boy I'm watching in Chuunin Exam become this strong."

Evil Spirit: "Ara-Ara, What an interesting man."

Batman Junior: "Such power, How he can become that strong?"

Silver Haired Half Elf: "He wins against him, I'm glad they are safe."


Satria now look at the city, Well this city is already done.

So many people dead so many destruction and he thought the devil in his world was already worst.

Whatever the most important is we won.

Finally, I can go home now. 

To be continued.


Side Story: Amazing Spiderman (Part 7)

Peter runs outside of the Oscorp Building to find his friend from Dimensional Chat.

"Hey guys, Sorry for waiting." Peter sees three people waiting for him.

"You are Spider-man, right?" A teenager with a superhero outfit asks him.

"Yes, I'm a friendly neighbourhood Spiderman. Can you introduce yourself to me?" Peter asks about their identity.

"Why do you wear a costume like that? You are like superheroes Peter-san." A man with an adventure outfit never expects will see someone wear a costume like this.

"Because he is you idiot." A beautiful woman with a gothic dress replied to him. "My name is Kurumi Tokisaki nice to meet you Peter-kun." Kurumi introduces herself and smiled at him.

"Hey!!! Don't call me an idiot and my name is Satou Kazuma, Nice to meet you spidey." Kazuma introduces himself.

"My name is Dick Grayson but please call me Robin, okay?" A teenage boy with a bat costume with the R-word in him introduces himself last. "So, What's our plan?" Robin asks him.

"We need to share our job and create a team, There are two threats in here. Team One handles the spread of infection because of Cross Species and Team Two handles the search for an antidote and then takes care of Dr Smythe." Peter told them the plan to clear this mission.

"I will handle these cross-species, My clone already spreading in this city to hunt them all," Kurumi speaks first and decide to take care of the cross-species.

Peter bit worried about this girl, Because he feels she gonna kill the threat instead of capturing them.

"I will accompany Kurumi, to take care of Cross-Species." Robin feels the same as Peter, He can't let this woman run havoc in here.

"What? Then I'm going to defeat this Smythe with Spidey?" Kazuma's instinct told him, It's gonna be hell after this.

"Yup, I'm counting on you Kazuma," Peter said to him.

Nano Robot Laboratory

Oscorp Building

"What are we doing here?" Baobhan asks Gwen what purpose they are here.

"I try to control the nanorobot of Dr Smythe, They are dangerous and can harm Peter," Gwen tells her the reason and continues reprogramming on the computer in the oscorp laboratory.

"... You truly care about my little spider are you?" Baobhan can feel love from Gwen for her master.

"Yes, When I heard about you and him it hurt for me, But if he is happy with you then I'm going to support you miss Baobhan." Gwen is often saved by him on any occasion, He is her hero it's a surprise when she learns his secret when he saves her from Lizard. With him, she feels safe against any danger because she knows Peter always does anything to protect her.

Baobhan was surprised when listening to her word.

What should she do right now? This girl is unlike others and genuinely cares for her master.


Wait... We can share him? I mean I live in the medieval era when something like that is normal.

Not saying, Master has a dimensional chat friend who can send us to another world where something like Polygamy is allowed.

Yes, That was not a bad idea and everyone will be happy.

Shame my mother and sister will never witness my happy moment with him.

"Say, Gwen, I understand your feeling to my master, How about...." When Baobhan wants to finish her word someone comes to them.

"Freeze!!! What are you doing here? Do you know this place is off-limits?" Oscorp Guard ambushes both of them.

"Oh no, I'm still in the process of reprogramming it, What should we do now?" Gwen speaks with a disappointed tone, Thinking she already finished and fail to help Peter.

"... Let me handle this. You gonna regret to disturb us human." Baobhan Sith summons her blood wire to combat the guard.

She let out an immense amount of blood lust to her enemy makes the guard intimidate by her

"Who is this dangerous chick? Attack her!!!"

When the guard shoots her with a gun it's not effected her because her strength as Servant is strong enough to defend her from attacks such as bullets.

She rips them all and drains their life force, Not until they are dead because it's an order from her master to not massacre them.

"You not kill them, Right?" Gwen asks her.

"No, Just make sure they are unable to move and they must be thankful because my spider is too kind," Baobhan replies to her.

Gwen was relieved when heard it. "Thank you Baobhan, Now let me finish this." She continues reprogramming the system in Oscorp Building.

New York Asylum

New York, United States

"Why we here Spidey?" Kazuma asks him.

"We gonna pick up Dr Connor to help us create an antidote," Peter tells his reason why he brought Kazuma here.

"Fine, Let's do this sneaky and don't let the guard catch us." Kazuma enters his stealth mode and enters the vent with Peter.

They keep moving and finally successfully enter the Asylum without being detected by security.

"Wait, Someone is coming." Kazuma hold Peter and fired his arrow with a tranquillizer to guard make them faint.

"Woo... What is that?" Peter asks Kazuma, What is he doing to the Guard?

"Don't worry, It's just a sleep arrow, Nothing dangerous," Kazuma reassured him.

"It was awesome, You use a bow like Hawk-Eye from Avenger." Peter praises Kazuma's ability to utilise a bow.

"Thank you, but we should keep moving forward." Kazuma reminds him about their mission.

Peter nodded and move fast with his web strike to Dr Connor's room followed by Kazuma.

"... Peter? You finally come again, How is the situation outside here?" Dr Connor asks him.

"New York is in chaos and I found information, Smythe wants to destroy all evidence about him practising your research about Cross-Species," Peter answers him.

"That's so? Then you must stop him because I need that to create the antidote." Dr Connor said to him. "Now release me, You must go to the control room and open my cell."

"Understood." Peter goes to the control room for the release of Dr Connor.

Kurumi and Dick Grayson walk together in the tunnel searching for Cross-Species who escaped from the Oscorp building.

"Uhh, I hate places like this," Kurumi complained, She was a girl after all and hate to walk in dirty sewers.

"Don't complaint and it's you who decide to solve this issue," Robin said to her and look at his surrounding. "Something passes here and it's not human." Robin sees green stains on the floor.

Then suddenly, They heard something hissing in front of them making both take their defensive stance.

Robin throws Batarang to a certain place but is repelled by a tail like Scorpion.

"Grrrrrrrrrr." The cross-species-like humanoid scorpion glared at them and was followed by two creatures similar to him.

"They are already infected by him, We must paralyse and bring them to Spiderman," Robin said.

"Why bother? Just kill them problem solved." Kurumi doesn't want to do something troublesome like that, They are dangerous creatures too. It's better if they are gone forever.

"No!!! We cannot do that, We heroes are not judges and executioners." Robin forbid her to kill them.

Kurumi smirked. "Admirable, But I'm not a hero little bat."

Robin stares at her and demands Kurumi stop her action.

"Fine, I will do your heroes ways kiddo. I am curious if my ability can cure them." Kurumi said nonchalantly and result in a Robin shocked at her word.

"You really can do it?" Robin wants her confirmation about this.

"Maybe? Let's find out then." Kurumi grinned.

Side End.

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