What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 46. Good Bye and Roll

New York, United States

"I can explain this Arthuria-chan," Naruto said with a terrified face.


Kazuma-sama: Bastard and I thought you were an innocent boy before, I'm jealous."

Esdeath: "Oh my, This is interesting."

Evil Spirit: "Ara-Ara, Who knows innocent boys we see before is such a beast and that fox is so cute, Can I hug him? @God."

Emilia: "Ha..Ha...Harem? 😨"

Robin: "How the hell he can handle many women like that? Even dating one is troublesome enough."


"Explain what to me Naruto?." Arthurian raises a question without expression.

Naruto explains why he can't choose only one woman and many more stupid reasons for her.

'I know you're feeling Naruto.' Satria remembered when Kiyohime and Valiana were fighting because of him.

He cannot blame the girls when he is this handsome, kind, genius, and romantic.

"More like a super idiot, weird, unpredictable, and... Only the handsome part is true." Fatalis correct her bearer self-claims.

"You're the Idiot and Weird!!! Fuck you Neet Dragon." Satria was annoyed at her comments to him, Can this Neet Dragon not insult or tease him for once?

Arthuria listens to Naruto's words and it's really sincere, Her experience becoming King can tell if the people she talks to are lying or not.

"I'm not mad at you and your word truly sincere." Arthuria knows this man loves his wives equally. "Perhaps... when we meet again can we spar or...?" She doesn't understand why but something inside her is relieved when hears a man beside her probably still can accept another in his life.

"Why are you acting like you never gonna meet him again in a long time? You can visit him with a Dimensional Chat ticket Saber." Satria cut their flirting line and reminded them about the ticket that allowed the member of Dimensional Chat to travel to another world.

"You... right? Do you allow me to visit your place later Naruto?" Arthuria asks for his permission.

Satria only watches that with deadpanned. 'What the hell is fucking happening? Did he without effort already conquer King of Knight?.' Satria is amazed at the development of the romance between them.

'It's like I'm seeing some drama, Even I don't know what the fuck is happening.' Fatalis say.

Naruto nodded. "Sure Arthuria-chan you are always welcomed to visit Uzumaki's household feel free to visit us anytime soon, If something you must know about Uzumaki Naruto, It's that he never breaks a promise, Believe it!" Naruto speaks his iconic word once again.

Arthuria only chuckled upon hearing his phrase. "You unique man are you? I've never met someone like you Naruto."

Naruto blushed upon hearing that. "If that praise from the famous King of Britain, I'm Uzumaki Naruto Feel honoured by it, My King," Naruto speaks with a smile on his face.

'This guy did he realize what he saying?.' Satria sweatdropped when listening to them flirting with each other.

"Naruto... You are truly a gold mine, You must share your secret." Jiraiya speaks with a proud face while bursting into tears and writes something on his note for inspiration in his stupid book.

"Brother Naruto smooth did he?" Peter whispered to Satria.

"Even I don't know what is happening here," Satria has no idea how to react to this.

Baobhan Sith moves closer to Peter and hugs his arms.

"They make me jealous~ Master, How about we show your friend how much we love each other?" Baobhan requested Peter because she didn't want to lose against Naruto and Arturia.

"It's not the time Baobhan." Peter blushed and refused his servant's weird request to him with a soft voice.

Satria becomes more annoyed watching the lovebird in his surroundings continue their flirting.

If my Kiyohime or Valiana were here maybe I could have tolerated this bullshit.

"Okay stop the drama, Can you explain your transformation recently? I don't remember Kurama having power like that?." Satria deliberately asks Naruto so they can change the conversation and is interested in how he obtained his new transformation.

Satria suspected an entity called Ilidan or Terrorblade was the one who granted him the power.

Because their model is similar according to his memories but for what reason?

Illidan is someone who hungers for magic and no way he shares his power with others.

"I can't explain much but someone trusts me with this power to vanquish the Burning Legion and like what you heard this is Demon power from someone who I cannot tell you his identity yet." Naruto is still not perfectly in control of his new power, He is afraid this power can bring harm to a person near him.

Naruto did not too much explain about his power that maybe it's his secret.

This Naruto is insanely strong, He knows all Jutsu except kekkai genkai Jutsu like Sharingan and others, Has nine Biiju inside him, Can use magic, Wielder of Legendary weapon and have impressive sword techniques, And that last transformation he used when winning against Lieutenant of Burning Legion.

Satria now thinks maybe this is the true potential of Naruto if he does not become Hokage, He starts thinking that becoming Hokage is a mistake.

"Guys, Just want to remind you. You only have 10 minutes until transported back to your world by the system." Peter reminds them.

"What we gonna do until then?" Jiraiya asked members of Dimensional Chat.

"Let's open the surprise box from our reward, What do you think?" Satria suggested filling the free time by opening rewards from the mission.

"Good Idea, I cannot wait to see what I will obtain from it." Arthuria agrees with Satria's suggestion.

They all begin opening their reward.

Satria POV.

Satria got the unique book, From the description it's the journal of the Emperor who united all land in China into one under his banner.

Private Journal of Qin-Shi-Huang.

'This is Magnificent!!! What secret lies inside this book? I cannot wait to check it later.' Satria grinned.

Even if it does not increase his power the wisdom of the Emperor is a weapon in itself, For him knowledge is a weapon.

I will learn everything about his path, His path who led him to be the Greatest Emperor in China.

Don't take me wrong, Like before I hate to be someone at the top.

It was a troublesome job after all.

Let's see where this is going to lead me in future.

Naruto POV

After opening the surprise box, Naruto is surprised by what he got from it.

'Looks like destiny never let us separate old friends.' Naruto said internally and remembered the nostalgic memory of his emo friend.

"WOW!!! This Dimensional Chat is Rock!!! Father must be surprised when sees his pupil already surpassing him." Son speaks with a cheerful tone.

"Now Ying-Yang element has finally been learned by our Jinchuriki. Just a matter of time until he mastered father jutsu, Creation-of-All thing." Kokuo pleased her Jinchuriki become stronger now.

"Congratulations Naruto-kun, You are already at the same level even higher than our father in his prime." Matatabi congratulated her Jinchuriki.

Naruto put his hand to his eyes because he felt pain in it. When the pain is gone, Naruto opens his eyes slowly. It was changed to red sclerae and irides, with a ripple pattern spreading over the eyeball and nine tomoe. With Asura and Indra's power coalesced, the new Rikudou Sannin is born.

Peter POV

Suddenly, Peter had a headache in him and made a pained expression.

Never had he felt something like this in his entire life.

Unfamiliar memory inserted into him forcefully.

"Master!!! Are you okay?" Baobhan held Peter's body and caressed Peter's head worried about her master.

Peter only nodded, It was all because of the strange card he obtained from Suprise Box.

It was a sad memory, He watched someone walk alone and work alone. It's what I truly want to become, Become Heroes of Justice. To save people and make them happy without worrying about danger outside. I saw this man working to save humanity, to save people's lives, and to make people smile without caring about himself. He was infatuated with making people happy to the point that he did not even care about himself, he didn't have any pride or feel any happiness other than saving people and had discarded his friends and allies in the name of justice, to the point that even his friends had chosen to betray him out of their fears toward him, who was so infatuated with the symbol of 'justice'.

"Shirou.... Emiya?" Peter murmured the name of someone he didn't even know. 'Is this what I'm trying to archive?' He took a glance at Baobhan, No way he gonna betray her or his family for anything.

Peter for the first time crashed the wall of reality, No matter how much he saved them. Human... No, Any living being will be always the same. There will be a conflict in every era. He realizes how naive and childish he is before joining the dimensional chat but now Peter understands his flaw.

He promised himself not to end up like this forgotten hero and would cherish his family more.

That's why he will put an end to everything that has proven to be a threat to his family.

"Trace... On."

Arthuria POV

Arthuria held something in her hand, From one glance she knew this golden ring with a strange sigil was created beyond human comprehension similar to her Excalibur.

In the description written, The ring was created by an ascended God called All-mer as a miracle device capable of altering the fabric of reality, resurrecting the dead, And many more. The last one is what Arthuria focuses on, It allows her to travel back to the past.

She doesn't have any idea who is this All-mer but this man has been called as Saviour of Humanity in the past. A human who can rival the old God and unite the world under his order.

Now something odd happened in front of her. The screen offers her to be this unknown God champion in exchange for power.

If I refuse the offer, I only can perform one miracle with this ring then the ring will disappear from the world, But... If I accept the offer there will be another benefit, The example is I can use the ring's abilities continuously and obtain a unique skill from this Unknown God.

My experience as King told me, There must be a price to pay if I accept this offer. Nothing is free in this world after all.

'... What should I do now? With this ring, I can fix my mistakes in past. After that maybe I can start a new life and have a peaceful life outside the battlefield.' Arthuria said while looking at Naruto's direction.

Jiraiya POV

"What will I get from this I wonder~ I hope it's something that can increase my inspiration for my work." Jiraiya giggled like a Pervert.

When he opened the surprise box, What he obtained was an Elixir of Life.

It's written in the description, This Elixir can give back my youth.

What a Pure Bliss!!! Tsunade and others must be jealous when see the gallant Jiraiya return to his prime.

With this, I can be more active in my search for inspiration and maybe with this second chance, I will get a harem of beautiful women hehe, What a lucky day indeed.

Satria sees the expression of each member after opening his reward.

There is Naruto with a face of Nostalgia and his eyes change into red eyes like blood with a ripple pattern. Is that Rinne Sharingan? Impressive.

Second, he looks at Peter who getting cuddled by his girlfriend. His expression changed like someone who reached enlightenment. What the fuck is happening to this lad in short time? Not long he chants something from his mouth and forms twin blades with the colour of black and white from nowhere.

'Puppy, It's the twin blade from the Archer in Fate series. I think this boy obtained his ability and memories.' Fatalis guessing.

'Really? Then it was bad. What path are you gonna take Peter? Will you continue to be a Heroes of Justice after realising that what you do is worthless or you will surprise me?' Satria said with an amused tone.

When Peter creates the weapon, Arthuria reacts to it. It's like she is familiar with Peter Twin-Blade but cannot remember it. Not saying what in the hell Ring she held in her palm? I can feel an ominous aura and the ring gives an ancient vibe. Arthuria's expression tells me this woman planning something stupid. Does this girl still want back to the past and change history like in Fate Stay Night?

Naruto checked out Arthuria, He noticed the strange ring in her possession and examined it from a distance.

Jiraiya? Same as usual with his stupid perverted smile. What did he obtain to make him this happy?

Suddenly their body releases a white bright light meaning their time is up and group members will come back to their world.

"It's goodbye then? Thank you for coming here and aiding us in fighting Invader, I owe you all one." Peter bows his head to them, From Emiya's memory this is how Japanese people give their gratitude.

"You can count on me, Peter-kun." Jiraiya thumps him up.

"Don't worry about it, Just inform me if you need help with anything," Naruto replies to Peter. "Arthuria-chan, Please visit us later and don't use the ring in your hand yet. I sense strange energy emitted from it." He warns the blonde woman.

"Yes, I will heed your warning Naruto and visit you later." Arthuria nodded at his words.

"Peter, If you are in danger you can evacuate to my world with your family. Because of this incident, many people will put their attention to you. Just be careful out there understand?" Satria gives him a warning too, The Government or Shady organizations surely will seek his secret soon.

Peter nodded and understood the consequences of bringing the group member into this world.

He will be more careful to move outside here, Not saying New York needs a long time to recover.

When the white light was gone, group members finally returned to their world.

"They finally gone huh? It was a crazy day indeed master?" Baobhan sits in Peter's lap and clings to his neck.

"Yes it was, I need to be stronger. First I must search teacher to teach me to use a sword and bow." Peter said with a determined tone.

Without warning Baobhan kissed his lips and their tongue battled each other. "Enough of that for now, Let's clean our bodies first and let me help you to relax. Consider this your reward my darling," Baobhan spoke with a seductive tone and undressed her gown leaving only lingerie making something in Peter rise because of her.

Satria Mansion

Kuoh, Japan

Satria finally came back home after clearing the mission.

"Who the hell are you?!" Valiana was surprised beside her suddenly there was a white-haired handsome man with a tall and muscular body.

"It's me, princess. Your beloved Satria." Satria said with a playful tone and smirked at Valiana.

"Huh? How? When?." She was confused by this unusual occurrence, How could her cute husband transform into this hunk?

Suddenly Kiyohime show up in the living room already wearing her Kimono.

"Ara-Ara, Danna-sama how did you look different than before? Are you perhaps doing some quest again with your friend in Dimensional Chat?." Kiyohime instantly knows this is her Danna-sama because she already marking him.

"What do you think about my look now my dear? Are you falling deeper on me?" Satria made a weird pose and winked at her.

Kiyohime only replied with a chuckle. "No matter what goes on to you, I always love you for eternity Danna-sama."

"What a coincidence, I feel the same as you sweetheart. It's like we are Husband and wife." Satria lifted her to his arms and kissed her cheeks, Kiyohime was very happy her Danna-sama had not changed in personality and kept loving her as usual.

Valiana is jealous and decides to step into their conversation. "Quest? What do you mean? Explain to me first and stop flirting in front of me!!!" Valiant doesn't have any idea what her sister's wives talking about.

Kiyohime explains the Dimensional Chat to her making Valiana and Albion speechless.

Then she grabbed Satria's shoulder and shook it.

"You!!! You Must Invite me to your group, Right now!!!" Valiana speaks with a demanding tone because she wants to fight against a strong enemy.

"Waaaaaa!!! Stop shaking me you crazy women," Satria told her to stop shaking him like a madman.

"You... How dare you call your wife a crazy woman?! I demand you to invite me right now or no cuddle for one week." Valiana shakes him faster and threatens him even in reality, She is the one who always implores Satria to pamper her rotten.

"My group still don't have an invite feature yet you stupid girl, Listen to me and stop shaking me," Satria told her to stop her action.

Valiana stopped shaking him and made cute pouting.

"What kind of enemy do you fight in there?." Valiana is curious about what kind of enemy her man facing in another world.

Satria remembers the atrocity in New York, Numerous disturbing things happened like monsters mutilating humans, demons eating Humans, Turning humans into undead and turning them into their army.

"That's... something I don't want to speak, I'm just saying this simply, We facing True Demon," Satria spoke with a serious tone and face.

"Demon? Like Devil in Underworld?." Valiana never saw his serious side, The truth is it was kind of hot. His heavy voice and handsome face are so sexy. I wish he would punish me in bed with this persona hehe.

'My bearer is hopeless.' Albion groaning.

Satria shakes his head. "Demons who we face can't be compared to the Devil here, They are True Evil with a purpose to doom every Universe to Darkness in every place they step into. They called Burning Legion." Satria told her the simple version of his story.

'Interesting, Valiana is not wrong to choose this man as her mate, This is something I've never heard in my long life.' Albion says.

The Heavenly Dragon never heard about this Burning Legion. Somehow only mentioning its name sent chill all over his body.

Kiyohime had never seen her Danna-sama serious like this, His enemy must be truly strong and dangerous.

"Hmmpphh, I'm still jealous. You really can't invite me to your group?." Valiana asked once again because she wanted to join her mate's adventure.

Satria pats her head. "Don't worry dear, Now we have something called Dimensional Ticket so you can travel to other worlds with me." He tries to cheer up his White Dragon Princess.


Satria nodded.

"Yes, You are the best husband I have." Valiana is happy and she hugs him so tightly.

"When I become your husband? We not even married." Satria doesn't have any idea why his two girls proclaimed he is their husband.

"I don't care~ My husband is my husband," Valiana spoke with a joyful tone.

Satria only smiled, He could not win against his girls. "Okay-Okay, I want to take a bath first then rest." Satria gets up and goes to the bathroom.

"Sure Danna-sama."

"...." Valiana followed him silently from behind for some reason.

"Haa~ This is paradise." Satria enters the bath with hot water and lavender mixed, It makes him feel relaxed and calm.

Not long after, He sees the silhouette of someone from outside the bathroom door. When the door opened it was Valiana who covered her body with only a towel.

"Can I... Join you, Hubby?" Valiana asks him with a bashful face.

Satria sighed. "You girl love to stimulate me, are you? Better you back down princess before I do something unspeakable to your naughty body."

Instead of retreating, Valiana marched forward and smirked. "Really? Please prove it to me and shower me with your love~ Hubby." Valiana took off her towel and now is bare naked.

Valiana cleaned herself first before entering the bath and showing off her good figure to Satria. She gives him a seductive smile and lets out a sexy moan to tease her hubby. Her boobs jiggle every time Valiana rubs it.

Satria Junior turns on when sees her intentionally do this in front of him.

'Damn this girl, She's too hot to be ignored. Stop making a strange noise damn'it.' Satria said while stroking his junior.

"You can't hold back yourself on me dear? Need me to help you?" Valiana walked to Satria and entered the bath. 'Now where is the big talk from you gone beloved? Or don't tell me all of that is just bluff?' She spoke with a disappointed face.

The couple is facing each other, Satria suddenly freezes and doesn't have any idea what to do now.

'Puppy!!! What the fuck are you doing? Show this woman her position.' Fatalis speak loudly to return her bearer to sense.

"I... I can't do it yet, Like I told you before My first gonna be with her." Satria blushed and avoided her seductive gaze.

'Really? Why do you suddenly act like a stupid dense protagonist? No wonder you are called a puppy but your dedication to Kiyohime is commendable.' Fatalis said with a disappointed tone.

Valiana giggles and tolerates him. "I'm sorry beloved, It looks like I am too far teasing you. Don't take too long with her okay? Because I can't hold myself on eating up you." She lay down her head on his chest and stroked his junior with her soft hand. "Allow me to calm the mini you, Did this feel good?"

"Yes, It feels good dear. Let me do you the same." Satria hand rubs her womanhood with his finger gently.

"Hmm~ Keep doing it that way beloved, I am almost..." They keep doing it until the couple reaches a climax together. "Ahh~ Yes... doing this with the person you love is better than doing this by myself." Valiana said with a satisfied tone then resting her back on him.

"Valiana." Satria hugged her from behind. Valiana's skin is quite smooth for a fighter and she smells so good.


"I was a lucky man to get a wonderful woman such as you. I love you dear." Satria confesses his love to Valiana and kisses her neck.

"I know it, You already told me that many times beloved. I love you too hehe." Valiana knew his feelings for her were genuine.

Satria feels the same too but there is another reason why he accepts her entering his family.

First, this girl is not loyal to her faction and acts as a double agent. With her at his side. He can get access to information about the Biblical Faction and Khaos Brigade move from her.

Second? The tomboyish girl is his type and she is fun to be teased. She is loyal too because of her nature as a Dragon and it was proven because he used Kiyohime's ability to detect if she lying to me about her feelings or not.

Third? She agrees to betray her faction for her new family when the time is coming. He doesn't need someone who will stab him from behind to live among him.

He not gonna make a move until he finds a way to checkmate both sides and hide his identity as long as he can.

He will be one step ahead even two of his enemy.

After he took a bath with Valiana, He checked the new feature of the Dimensional Chat.

Of course, it's the Gacha!!!!

"Let's try this gacha." Satria grinned, He was very sure his touch now would bring him to Maxwin.

[Welcome to Gacha Shop]

[The Prize will be random, We don't have grades because the system is too lazy]

[2000© For 1 Spin]

[10000© For 5 Spin (Guarantee Prize)]

[Free 1 spin for the first timer]

"Okay, let's Roll baby!!!."

[Congrats, You get 10000©]

"Not bad, Maybe let's just spend it all for five spins."

[Congrats, You get Sarung Wadimor]


[Description: Nothing better than using Sarung when you relax at home]

"....Gak jelas anying." Satria is annoyed he waste 2000© for fucking Sarong. "But it's okay, At least now I have Sarung in my life." He tries to keep PMA.

[Congrats, You get Dress up Camera]


[Description: Cut out your favourite clothing from a fashion magazine or catalogue, When you insert it on the camera and then focus the viewfinder to the person you want instantly wear said clothes]

"Not bad."

[Congrats, You get unlock chakra, Chuunin level]

[Description: "You can perform ninjutsu with Chuunin level jutsu]

"Nah, This is what I'm talking about." He has a ninja god in his group If he doesn't have chakra it is such a waste of opportunity.

[Congrats, You get Vaporeon]


[Description: It's water type Pokémon, She has many useful skill and take care of her well understand?]

"....." Suddenly something soft snuggled to his leg. Satria saw a blue creature with aquatic physical traits and light blue with dark blue markings around its head and a spiky ridge down its spine, It had black eyes and a tiny black nose, There white fin encircling its neck and three fins with cream-colored webbing on its head. "She... is so cute." Satria lifted her and rubbed his cheeks on her until he was satisfied then he checked on his last roll.

[Congrats, You get Cosmo Plug]

"...Ini seriusan?."

To be continued.

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