What is this ‘Dimensional Chat’ ?

Chapter 72. Trial for Black and White

A/n: Sorry for the long update guys.

I have important work to do in real life and it's hard to find free time 🤧

We are now in the training arc to prepare for the storm that will come soon.

Can our Heroes of Kindness solve the problem that will come to them in future?

What new power the girl will obtain after the hell training?

Keep your attention to the next episode of Dragon... Well wrong channel.

Here we go the new chapter🎉🎉🎉

Enjoy 😉


(One week later)

Kuoh Academy

Kuoh, Japan

It's already been a week since the incident with Kokabiel in Kuoh, and school is back in session.

Satria's clone is taking a nap on the roof, but is disturbed by some people who are bothering him.

They are Ria's and Sona's clansmen, who are surrounding him with many questions.

"Can you leave me alone? I know I'm the most handsome and amazing man here, but this is the very definition of disrespecting someone's privacy. For the last time, I don't want to join your little band of jesters, Road Gremory".

"MY NAME IS RIAS Gremory! Not Road Gremory! And it's not about that. Just come with us for a moment, it's an important matter". Rias is furious at Satria, this narcissistic weirdo is so irritating.

"It's true, Shin-san! Koneko... Koneko-chan is in great danger! We need your help to save her." Issei begs him to save her from a dangerous person called Black Flash.

"What?! Tell me the details Issei. What threat are you talking about?" Satria acts angry in front of them, but laughs inside. 'Idiot~ to think you ask me of all people, I can already smell an extra fortune here hehe.'

"Someone has a soft spot for our junior look like Fufu." Akeno chuckled to see that this guy unexpectedly cared about Koneko's well-being.

"Don't waste my time, now tell me what happened to Koneko?" Satria asked with a straight face. Shit!

"If you want to know, follow us and let's discuss this matter seriously together in the conference room. We also have some questions for you about what you did before the Kokabiel accident. Don't worry, it's not a trap, I assure you in the name of the Sitri family." Sona promised him.

'I bet the Maou are here, trying to find out any information about me. Fine... Let's go with the tide. I want to meet them too.'

Satria rose from his seat. "Lead the way, today is an exception because my favourite junior is in danger... This one will lend you a hand."

In the meeting room, Satria sits on the leg over the leg position, indicating that he will not accept any suggestions they make to him if it is not to his liking, and showing them that he is not someone to be trifled with. He faces two important figures of the Devil Race and inspects both of them, behind their silly personalities they are monsters not to be taken lightly. As expected from Demon Kings.

"You're Shin Matsumi-kun, right? The one who saved my little sister from Kokabiel." The red-haired man in the formal suit asks him with a polite tone.

"Yes, that's me. Well... Can we get straight to business?" Satria lit his cigarettes and spoke in a relaxed tone.

"Mind your manners! You are in the presence of the leader of the underworld!" Rias is angry at Satria for disrespecting her brother.

"Do you know that smoking is forbidden here? And you are a student, please respect the school rules, Shin-san." Sona reminds him in a stern tone.

"I don't care if you're a king, a god, a demon or something like that. Do you want my respect? Prove yourself to me first, brat." Satria doesn't care and speaks rudely.

"You!!!" Rias doesn't like his tone and wants to scold him, but is stopped by her brother's hand holding hers.

"It's okay Rias, you are an interesting man Shin-kun. Who are you? Are you really human? How did you become so strong?" He asks him many questions at once.

"I am who I am. My name is Shin, an ordinary high school student. Someone lucky enough to have a good master who taught me to be the person I am now." Satria answers him with a random bullshit.

"Master? You have a master?!" Rias is shocked like everyone else when they hear there is someone out there teaching him.

"Excuse me... Would you mind telling us who this Master is you are talking about?" The woman with the magical outfit and the twin-tailed hair asked him curiously.

Satria has a nostalgic face. "He is the leader of a group called Shadow Garden and the darkness of the world itself. Someone with principles of gender equality who does not hesitate to drop-kick women and fearsome individuals who protect the innocent from the Shadows. I can only tell you this because my teacher chose to live a peaceful life with that annoying water goddess, but if you need anything like protection or a kick in the ass, I'm here to help. You can contact me as a way of communicating with our group if you need our services, dear customer". He spits out some bullshit with a straight face.

"So... you are a mercenary group? I have never heard of a group called Shadow Garden. Is the woman with the Excalibur-like weapon part of your group too?" He had never heard of such a strong group existing in this world, this requires some investigation to know more about this group.

"Yes... She is one of us. Like me, she went through hard training with my master to become who she is now. Don't worry, our group won't bite anyone if you don't look for trouble with us first". Satria reassured the Maou and gave them a fair warning not to cross him. "It's your turn to introduce yourself, it's not fair that only I do the talking".

'The darkness of the world? And he also lives with the goddess of water? Who are they? This Master Shin, who speaks with such pride, must be a powerful person, whoever he is.' Grayfia, like her husband, is interested in the leader of the Shadow Garden, to think that there is someone who can teach and gather such powerful people outside their radar is unimaginable.

"Sure, my name is Sirzech Lucifer, one of the four rulers of the underworld, and the woman next to me is the same as me, her name is Serafall Leviathan." Sirzech introduced himself and his fellow Maou to Satria.

"Just call me Levi-tan~ I'm everyone's favourite magical girl, nice to meet you, Shin." Serafall acting cute in front of Satria, from the explanation everyone tells her this guy fights Kokabiel with a strange costume and calls himself God of Vaporeon. Maybe she can get along with him as a fellow cosplayer and become a friend later.

"You're both the Demon King? You two don't look like it, hahaha. Especially you Magical Girl, but the costume suits you somehow? Maybe this is what they mean by "Don't judge a book by its cover". Satria speaks without nervousness and jokes with them.

The two leaders are quite surprised by his attitude, usually, people are afraid and try to get on their good side, but this young human talks as if they are his equals. It's quite refreshing to be treated like that by someone.

"Thanks, Shin-kun, it suits me, right? And they said I'm the strange one." Serafall appreciated his compliment on her magical girl costume with a happy face.

"Do you know? I can help you become a real magical girl. Seeing your enthusiasm for your character touched me. Don't listen to what people say, just be yourself. Everyone is unique, everyone is special in their own way, embrace that uniqueness and you are beautiful as you are, Serafall". Satria said with a soft smile that made some girls feel enchanted for a moment.

"Really? I... Beautiful? And... Can you really help me to be the real magical girl?" Serafall had never received such praise from anyone, not even her family; it was the first time in her life that someone didn't look at her strangely, and somehow she was strangely happy when this young man praised her. 'What happened to me? Just simple words and my heart skips a beat when I am near him. I... No! It's simply impossible! Wake up, Serafall! It's not you! My heart belongs only to Sona-chan!'

"Nothing is impossible in this world, and this is a gentleman who can make the impossible possible," Satria spoke proudly without hesitation, his confidence leaving everyone speechless.

Serafall laughed when he saw this side of him. 'At first, I thought he was a serious or boring guy like other guys I know, but it seems I was wrong.'

'Sona-sama, do you think they are suitable for each other? I mean... You know? Their tastes are so similar? Have you ever seen Serafall-sama so comfortable with the opposite sex?' Tsubaki whispers to her king, interested in her comment on their chemistry. It takes a weirdo to understand another weirdo, and here comes the man who would probably be suitable for her King's older sister.

Sona raised her eyebrows. 'One Serafall Nee-san is already hard to handle, another one is not a good idea.' She has a feeling that this guy is bad news, the combination of two oddballs will be a nightmare for her.

"Truly fascinating, but let's get back to the main topic, shall we?" They all agree and turn their attention to Sirzech. "There is a new threat called Black Flash that is roaming around in Japan and now this man is taking Koneko, the rook of my little sister, hostage, do you know who this Black Flash Shin-kun is?" Sirzechs asked Satria, hoping that he had some information about this mysterious man.

"No, who is this clown? It's the first time I've heard about this Black Flash." Satria played dumb and pretended that he didn't know anything about this Black Flash.

"He is an entity that appears out of nowhere to create chaos in Japan. From the information we have gathered. His first crime was the killing of an innocent student named Chizuru Ichinose, his second crime was the forced extortion of crime syndicates organised by humans or Yokai and violating the rule of the supernatural world. He is even called the bogeyman of death by some people in Japan's underworld, and his final crime is to use the name of the Shinto pantheon for personal gain, angering the god in that pantheon. Because of his actions, the peace between our factions is almost crumbling. We are already coordinating with the Shinto Pantheon to bring this Black Flash down and have decided to place him as an SSS-rank criminal." Grayfia replies with details that make Satria sweat.

'Well... Shit. What I crashed into in the past is a person, my deep apologies lady gonna look for a way to resurrect you later and I underestimated this world of information networks. Original won't like this news.' The Satria clone thought of a backup plan, not expecting the error of his grand plan to earn more money from them. "Wow! He's a total asshole, isn't he? Don't worry ladies and gentlemen, I'm Shin and nobody gets away with kidnapping my favourite junior and causing trouble in my country. As a righteous man, let me help you defeat this Black Flash who wants to disturb the peace. Satria explained, making everyone happy to have him on their side. It is better that way, to keep your friend close and your enemy closer.

"Thank you Shin-kun, you are different from what my little sister told me. He is a good guy, right Rias?" Sirzech asks his sister and Rias looks away from her brother's gaze. "As a thank you for saving my sister from Kokabiel, I want to take part in this mission. Tell me what you want, young man, and I will do my best to grant you whatever you wish."

"I also want to reward you for saving Sona-chan, how about becoming my queen Shin-kun? I will give you everything you want if you want to be part of my royal family. We can have a lot of fun together, what do you think?" Serafall offers him, but the others can't believe that this girl finally wants to use her evil pieces on someone.

"I refuse!" Satria refuses immediately without a second thought.

"He rejects her immediately!" Issei and Saji say together, surprised by Satria's rejection.

"How can he refuse Maou's invitation?" Sona and Peerage were shocked by his refusal.

"Are you an idiot? It's Maou Leviathan who invites you to join her peerage. You should be honoured that she invited you to be a member of her peerage and her queen on top of it." Rias cannot believe that someone would reject such a rare offer from the Maou, everyone in the underworld would kill to become a member of the Serafall Peerage.

"Can you explain why you refused my offer, Shin-kun? Being part of the Demon King's peerage gives you many privileges, you know? Our evil pieces are more special than normal pieces. It will give you immense strength and drastically increase your magical power, advanced translation magic will allow you to understand any language, even ancient languages, and being part of my pieces will instantly elevate you to the rank of High-Rank Devil, the richest that you don't have to work for all your life, you can even build up your peerage if you become mine, eternal life and much more. Maybe you should think about it again? It's a waste for someone of your calibre to remain human." Serafall told him the benefits of being her peerage member, she invited him because she had an instinct this guy was more than he showed it was proven by how he behaved from the beginning, he knew how to put his self-worth like a professional and most important point is he, someone who maybe can understand me. 

"Firstly, I was born as a human and I will die as a human, secondly, I don't want to have eternal life, thirdly, your offer sounds too good, I wonder what conditions are attached to this offer, and I'm not the type of person to let anyone put a leash on me. Let me remind you of something. Never underestimate the human race, devil!" the air in the room turned cold as Satria spoke his last word, putting pressure on everyone in the meeting room, especially the young devil, who found it difficult to even breathe. "You know nothing... Of humanity's infinite potential for evolution!"

For the first time, both Maou are afraid of this young human, this man before them will become a serious threat to their faction if he or his group decide to turn their fangs on them. His words are no mere boast, but the truth itself.

"Oops~ Sorry about that." Satria released his killing intent and the atmosphere returned to normal. "Just forget what I said before, hahaha, for my reward, I really appreciate it if you want to fund my project."

"Don't wish for the impossible." Sirzechs, Serafall and Grayfia said together.

"What project may I ask Shin-kun?" Sirzechs asks Satria, curious about the project he needs to finance.

Satria takes something out of his dimensional storage, it's his sponsorship proposal. It contains the mission and values, the business model, the target market, the marketing objective and much more.

"Here, so you have a better understanding of what I want to achieve." Satria hands the proposal of his project to both Maou.

Sirzech and Serafall read the proposal carefully and were amused by the business concept he showed them, they had not expected this guy to have a creative and playful side.

"You have a brilliant idea, Shin-Kun, for a high school student, I don't mind investing in your business." Sirzech wants to sponsor his business, his eyes look strong and that speaks to what he is doing will be a success in the future.

"Online platform that can sell the games on a worldwide scale, huh? Can you truly create this virtual reality? How long do you need to bring all of this to this world?" Serafall loves his unique idea and this can also benefit her if he succeeds in this project. 'As I thought, you are an interesting man, unlike many other Shin-kun. For some reason, I feel the connection between us hehe.'

Satria smiled. "About that..."

(Koneko POV)

Uzumaki Training Ground

Forested Massachusetts

Koneko's clothes were so thin compared to others, that she was now under the tutelage of Satria and Naruto to control her chakra from easiest to hardest, improve her balance and speed, how make quick decisions in any situation, harness her technique, and many other.

It's already seven days since she endured this torture.

For two days straight she was forced to walk on boiling water and control the pulsating chakra while learning hand-to-hand combat on top of water. There is no rest when she is exhausted Satria or Naruto will recover her stamina.

If it's Satria that sadist senpai will order her to do push-ups with one finger, hold a leaf on her head using nothing but chakra, she needs to switch every finger every five minutes, she was also forced to split with her leg while balancing two bucket of water with her hand or feet.

She does all of this while balancing in spike Naruto-san created for her training. Koneko is forbidden to use her flying ability if she falls from her spot and there will be punishment if she does not follow the rules of this hell training.


In Naruto case. She would be forced to refill the water buckets, and then climb back up to the top of the spike until she could set herself back up again.

"Gotta say... You look good in that outfit Koneko. I can even imagine we doing that kind of play on top of this while watching beautiful stars in the night sky now. What do you think love?" Satria raises a perverse question to Koneko trying to disturb her concentration, he same as Koneko sitting on top of Spike while reading Jiraiya's holy book.

"Pervert senpai! You are worse than Issei senpai!" Koneko blushes red when imagining that scene on her mind but because of that her balance crumbles and she falls from the 300 feet height to the ground. "Aghhhhh!!!" She lets out her devil wings as reflect and this moment gonna make Koneko regret her decision forever.

Satria caught Koneko with his telekinesis power and brought her closer to him.

"Remember what we warned you kiddo? No wings are allowed in this training. How lucky of you to get this rare opportunity in my turn! We gonna have much fun after this." Satria smiling weirdly makes his girlfriend shudder all over her body.

"Please... Be gentle with me senpai." Koneko have a bad feeling right now and makes a cute face hoping he has mercy on her.

(Fran POV)

Savage Land

It hurts.

My body has never been through this kind of pain in my entire life.

It's new for me even from all the pain I've experienced from all those bastards inflicted on me in the past when I was just a worthless slave.

My clothes are all tattered, the ache can be felt all over my body even moving is almost impossible, I'm so hungry, thirsty, tired, and terrified.

I want to cry but I can't show such weakness to him.

Yet... I'm not angry nor resent him for doing all of this to me, I... Surprisingly glad he does not treat me like a weak girl who needs to be cuddled.

"Stop!!! You DAMN MONSTER!!! It's enough!!!" Bobon cannot bear to see the girl he considers as daughter suffer like this.

"Hey, don't just lie there. Are you done already, Fran? Where is the spirit you showed to me on the first day gone? It's laughable to see the one who claims to be my blade this weak." Satria mocked her with a straight face, he wanted to see how much fortitude Fran had on her. 'Show me Fran, you are someone capable of surpassing your limit and not just a little girl who needs to be pitied.' 


Fran training is something other can be deemed as cruel, inhumane, and very brutal.

On the first day, it's just normal training nothing out of the ordinary. Like giving her lessons in hand-to-hand combat, Fran has a small figure and relies on her speed. Silat is the best martial art suited for her in case she separates from her sword, next Satria give her many pointer in using magic even though his knowledge of magic is limited. For him to be a Magician in Fran World you need to conceal the amount of mana you have to a limited degree, Never let anyone learn what can you do with your power only show them 10% of your ability nothing more nothing less. Be creative when using your spell the example is like mixing them, from water and wind you can create wood, fire and wind you can bring greater fire, and wind and ice you bring ice. When Satria told Fran to put her mana into a paper that absorbs mana he bought from Dimensional Chat, First He explained that a lightning nature would cause the paper to wrinkle, while the wind would rip it; the fire would burn it, water would make it wet, and earth would cause it to crumble. The result? surprisingly she possesses five elements Fire, Water, Earth, Lightning, and Wind like Avatar but the most standing out are lightning and wind. Now Satria knows what he must teach her later. After finding out her talent Satria has a fun conversation with Fran and cuddles with each other.

Second day they went to the middle of the Savage Land many dangerous beasts were blocking their path but with the combination of trio teamwork, they could take care of all of the beasts that wanted to attack them.

This is the beginning of the nightmare even in Dimensional Chat mission is generating for Fran to survive in Savage Land.

Satria put a weight seal gifted by Naruto on himself and Fran, the weight is around 30-50 KG for Fran and for Satria, it's 75.000 tons to make it fair for Fran to remember how tremendous the strength of Ultraman is. The seal makes it harder to move around and she is not used to fighting in this situation.

From a kind and funny guy, Satria suddenly turned into a cold and terrifying person in the blink of an eyes.

He landed surprise blow after blow to her non-stop from early morning to night without rest and gave her many tips on how to counter his attack and survive in this situation. When night comes he leaves Fran alone in the middle of the forest to rest and many horrific creatures come out from their hiding to attack Fran troubling her rest time.

Fran and Bobon have no choice but to fight to survive in this damned forest, they don't even know where they are right now so there is no hope to escape from this hell.

Third to six days Satria teach her how to use her body as a weapon. It's his version of Shigan and Rankyaku from One-Piece. He teaches the basics and how to do it with the help of her magic enhancement. It's quite fortunate to have the magic it's sort of like a life hack and when she look like understand his explanation, Satria throws her immediately without wasting time into a nest of Raptor to learn Shigan and next to the nest of Pteranodon to learn Rankyaku without her sword assistance. 

The process is very harsh especially the accumulated damage she receives from all the dinosaurs or giant bugs that sometimes make her bleed heavily and the seal makes it even harder to move.

Thanks to Satria's tips and the willpower she has to be stronger. Fran successfully survives the challenges Satria give to her but the damage she receives is too much it's a miracle she is still conscious. 

Her sword is crying when see his wielder's condition right now and despises Satria for doing all of this to her but he ignores all of Bobon's hate comment to stop this training.

Whether someone in the dead door want it or not they will do anything to surpass their limit to survive and it's proven in Fran's case, she only requires three days Fran to master the basic of both skill and evolve from black cat to heavenly tiger kin after slaying many dinosaurs in her trial.

Why does Satria do all of this to her? It's trust.

Fran is Kind, Smart, Merciless, Sweet, Fearless, Brave, and Loyal. 

He trusts she can endure anything to be more than she is right now and it's the quickest way to have someone become more stronger.

Fran stands up and makes a battle stance once again even in bad shape. 

"No... Fran stop! Don't stand up anymore, you've already done more than enough!!!" Bobon doesn't want to see her get hurt more than this.

"As I told thou before my beloved, I will endure everything thou give to me until thou deemed me as someone worthy to stay on thou side. My name... is Fran... The Blade of Satria is ready to receive your guidance, my lord!" Fran declared gloriously and Satria caught a silhouette of a red-haired woman with golden armour behind her.


Satria smiled in excitement. 'Yes... That is the attitude! I always know you never failed my expectations, Fran. At this point how can I let go precious gem like you from my life? Allow me to polish you my adorable kitten to be someone worthy as my blade.' He takes out a blindfold and gives it to Fran. "Good... Let's begin the next phase."

To be continued. 

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