What should I do if I am critically ill at the beginning and divorced by my little diva?

Chapter 314 Big Boss Certification, Fans Transformation

When he saw the appearance of the visitor, the dean's expression changed.

Why are these old guys suddenly here?

I didn’t invite them~

Looking at the menacing people, he had a bad feeling.

Everyone in the room is a veteran in the literary circle, and they can recognize the person's identity at a glance.

They all took a step back and closed their eyes to rest, fearing that it would affect them.

Sometimes fights between gods inevitably endanger the fish in the pond.

"Lao Xu, Lao Fang, Lao Zhang and Lao Qin, how come you guys came without saying hello? Let me know in advance so that I can arrange for someone to pick you up."

His thoughts changed rapidly, and the dean had already stepped forward with a smile.

The visitors were some of the hot-tempered people in the group.

After the dean sent the photos and disappeared, they couldn't stay any longer, so they immediately booked the nearest flight and rushed over.

This matter must be made clear face to face.

There is also this master who suddenly appears, and they also need to get acquainted.

"Hmph~, you still have the nerve to say that there was no movement after you posted the photos this morning. Isn't this just to whet our appetite?"

As he said that, several old people glared at the dean.

Hearing that this was indeed the reason why they were summoned, the dean suddenly became a little embarrassed.

I wish I could give myself two slaps, yes, I'll make you feel guilty. If you recruit these people, your collection of calligraphy treasures may be in danger.

No, you must hold on.

That is my own collection.

Thinking about it, the dean's eyes became firm again.

"Let's not talk about this right now. The exchange meeting here is not over yet. We will talk about it in the office when it is finished here."

As he said that, the dean pulled a few people to stand beside the stage.

"Host, continue~"

Turning around, the dean winked at the host, which could delay him for a while.

"Okay, now please start commenting on this ancient poem to encourage learning."

Seeing that the exchange meeting resumed, several old people also became quiet. Now that they are here, Laoguan can still run away.

Ancient poetry?

The host's words aroused their interest.

Several people turned to look at the screen.

Looking at their actions, the dean knew that something was going to happen.

Sure enough, when several old people saw the encouragement on the screen, their eyes lit up.

Yes, that's it.

This handwriting is the handwriting of the unknown master.

It turns out that this song "Encouragement to Learn" was handwritten by Xiao Han. Although he used a signature pen, the skill can still be seen in each stroke.

Looking at the signatures above, several people looked at each other and smiled. This was really effortless.

Found the rightful owner.

Looking at the corners of their mouths, a wry smile appeared on the dean's face.

He knew he couldn't hide it anymore.

When the exchange meeting is over, it will definitely be a hard battle.


Everyone in the audience looked at each other, but no one took the initiative to step forward.

Xiao Han's poem uses simple words and the meaning he wants to express is easy to understand.

But the more this happens, the more his skills become apparent, and the easier it is to spread.

And this poem is full of positive energy.

Let them comment on a classic that may become a masterpiece. They don't want to die during the live broadcast.

The camera next to it is still on.

At this time, some netizens had already recognized the identities of several old men, and were so shocked that they almost threw their phones away.

Why are all the big names in the literary world here? Is something big going to happen?

"I just used facial recognition to check the identities of several elderly people. I was really shocked. I admire you, boss~"

"I also recognized them. I also read their articles in the textbooks when I was a child. I never thought that one day I would see their true faces again."

"Today's things are a bit big. What attracted them here? It couldn't be Xiao Han, right?"

"The people upstairs are overthinking it. Xiao Han's status is not enough to alarm them, so idiot fans are not allowed to do anything~"

"Do you upstairs have any misunderstanding about Xiao Han's talent? It was certified this morning. Xiao Han's calligraphy level is at the master level. This alone makes him qualified."

"It's said to be a master level. Does he have certification from the association? It's just a high-level hat given by you. Who knows what his real level is."

Because of the arrival of several big guys, the live broadcast room immediately started arguing.

Xiao Han's loyal fans refused to give in and argued with each other.

One-sidedly prevailed.

Time passed little by little, and seeing no one commenting, the host looked at the dean for help.

This situation can only be calmed down by his intervention.

"Ahem, since no one wants to say anything, I will just say a few words."

Just as the dean cleared his throat and was about to start commenting, a cheer from the side interrupted him.

"A good poem, a good poem to encourage learning."

But it was the big guys next to him who spoke up. At this time, they had broken away from admiring the calligraphy and looked at the content of the poem seriously.

At first they didn't pay attention, thinking it was just an ordinary ancient poem.

But when they finished reading it carefully, they were immediately attracted.

I couldn't help but cheer.

Not to mention how depressed the dean was when they interrupted him.

He turned around and looked at these old friends with resentment.

Today they are here to cause trouble.

When the dean looked at him like this, several big guys suddenly became a little embarrassed.

It is somewhat rude to interrupt someone while they are speaking.

"Ahem, keep going, we promise not to make any noise."

Several people looked at the dean with laughter.

In the audience, everyone's shoulders couldn't help shaking as they witnessed the dean's defeat.

It’s so hard to endure.

Xiao Han raised his head and looked at the roof, as if there was some wonderful scenery above.

It's just the trembling hem that tells the master's mood.

"Well, let me continue. Xiao Han's poem to encourage students to study is the most outstanding of all the poems to encourage students to study that I have ever seen. The words are simple, concise and sophisticated, and it is expressed in verses that ordinary people can understand. The idea of ​​encouraging learning.”

"I can only say yes, very good. If you ask me to write it, I can't write it. It can be said that not many of you here can write it."

As he spoke, the dean looked around the audience, and everyone bowed their heads in response to his gaze.

Several big guys nodded in agreement.

This scene was broadcast directly through the camera.

Friends in the live broadcast room looked at each other. They knew that Xiao Han's poem would be highly rated, but they never expected it to be so high.

This is the evaluation of a top figure in the literary circle, not to mention the fact that several of the same figures echo it.

It can be said to be an authoritative certification.

Is this still the Xiao Han they know? Writing is actually a master level.

Writing a poem can actually get high praise from top bosses.

What's wrong with this world? Is it the way they open it that's wrong?

Or is it that they have never discovered Xiao Han's inherent advantages, and now as the level of contact with him becomes higher and higher, it is gradually showing.

In the final analysis, their appreciation level is not enough!

Thinking about it, the fans were suddenly a little hurt.

Xiao Han's pace was too fast. As die-hard fans, they should work hard to catch up.

He must not be allowed to suffer from the cold at a high place.

Unknowingly, Xiao Han's fans also experienced a transformation.

Become more motivated and more united.

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