What should I do if I am critically ill at the beginning and divorced by my little diva?

Chapter 36

Just now, Liu Yuan's phone call shocked Xiao Han.

He leaned back in his chair to soothe himself.

Before he could recover, the phone on the table rang again.

Xiao Han frowned. The call he received today made his head hurt. Now that he has a lot of business, he needs to find an assistant as soon as possible.

He reluctantly took the phone and took a look. It was a harassing call from a stranger, and he directly pressed reject.

He threw the phone back casually.

As soon as he sat down, the phone rang again, it was still the same number, Xiao Han pressed down irritably to reject the call.

This time, before he could put it down, his phone rang again.

Still him.

What’s going on with this guy, there’s no end to it.

Xiao Han picked it up directly, his tone already filled with anger.

"Hello, who is it?"

"Hello, Teacher Xiao Han, I am a staff member of Tomato Literature Network. The two short stories you submitted have passed the preliminary review and both entered the top [-] in the preliminary round."

"From now on, there will be an online voting for five days to select the ten most popular works. Do you want to disclose your personal information now, or wait until the end."

The person on the other side said politely.

This is a bit embarrassing. It was a misunderstanding. It turned out to be a staff member of the Literature Network. Today is already the 25th.

"Hello, personal information will not be disclosed for now, thank you!"

Xiao Han quickly replied.

"Okay, if your work enters the top ten, your personal information will be disclosed when the awards are announced. Now let's confirm with you again whether "A Chinese Ghost Story" and "Painted Skin" are your works and whether there are any copyright issues. ?”

The staff finally confirmed.

"Don't worry about this, it's all my work and the copyright has been registered."

Xiao Han said seriously.

"Okay, Teacher Xiao Han, I wish you good results in advance. Goodbye!"

With that said, the other party hung up the phone.

Xiao Han touched his nose. He was so busy these days that he forgot about the short story essay contest.

Opening the Tomato Literature website, Xiao Han found the competition section and clicked in.

Sure enough, it has now become a voting page.

At the top of the list are several works whose author names have been disclosed.

Xiao Han checked and found that these are all well-known authors and have their own fans.

Curse your lips, isn't this cheating, or is it saying you can't afford to lose?

Xiao Han dragged down the page and found two of his works in the middle. There were already thousands of votes behind them.

The ranking is okay. With the quality of these two articles, people will always find them.

Silently casting his vote for "A Chinese Ghost Story", Xiao Han closed the page.

This is just the beginning. I believe the ranking will change when real literature lovers start to work hard.

When you are busy, time always passes extremely fast.

At [-]:[-] on Sunday night, Xiao Han, Li Wei and the others stayed in front of the computer early, waiting for the show to start.

Since moving to the studio, Xiao Han has never returned to the small apartment. All the important things there have been brought here.

In the morning, he found an agent and listed the house. He will have nothing to do with it from now on.

"It's about to start."

Li Wei shouted excitedly behind him.

Xiao Han retracted his thoughts and refocused his eyes on the screen in front of him.

As the commercial ended, the music of "Serving the Country with Loyalty" sounded, and "The Legend of the General" finally started broadcasting.

The barrage function has also been opened.

Looking at the barrage of songs discussed on the screen, Xiao Han and Li Wei clenched their fists.

"It finally started. I waited until the flowers withered..."

"Looking forward to it, I've never been disappointed with director Wang's dramas."

"What kind of song is this? It's so shocking. When I hear it, I want to ride on my husky and go out to fight for [-] rounds."

"Upstairs, are you sure you are riding the husky and not it dragging you?"

"I just searched and couldn't find this song. It seems to be a new song. I must save it when it is available for download. It will be my war song from now on."

"Same as above."


Netizens were shocked by the opening song and listened to it with excitement.

Seeing the constant barrage of positive comments, Xiao Han and Li Wei looked at each other and laughed heartily.

Regardless of whether the TV series is successful or not, this song is.

The song ended quickly, and everyone was still enjoying the song.

There are many messages on the barrage urging it to be released, but I really can’t get enough.

As the plot unfolds, General Yue appears in front of everyone in his boyhood.

He practiced martial arts hard and read military books intensively, looking forward to serving the country and going into battle to kill enemies and expel foreign invaders.

Xiao Han and others were also attracted by the plot. Director Wang is indeed a well-known director, and his level of filming is really unparalleled.

After watching only two episodes, Xiao Han has already given his own evaluation.

This is another classic TV series that will be played repeatedly in the future.

Good songs and good drama, the two complement each other.


Xiao Han seemed to have already seen tomorrow's hot search content.

"Old Xiao, China Television has updated its Weibo account, @Our Studio, please take a look."

Li Wei shouted, handing over the phone.

Xiao Han stretched out his head and looked.

'Tonight's prime time "The Legend of the General" will be released. In response to the requests of the audience, the theme song "Loyalty to the Country" will be released on Huayin in the early morning. Please listen with us. "

"At the same time, I would like to thank the songwriters and singers for creating this stirring and magnificent movement. @小汉Studio, @小汉, @李伟.'

Looking at the content above, Xiao Han opened his mouth wide.

Is this direct praise by name?

Xiao Han tremblingly took out his cell phone and dialed Wang Ping.

Needless to say it must have been his handiwork.

The call was quickly connected, and bursts of cheers came from the other side.

"Xiao Xiao, why are you calling me now?"

Wang Ping's words were filled with irrepressible joy.

Xiao Han suddenly realized that now that the two episodes of the TV series have been broadcast, they should have received the approximate ratings results.

It seems that the data is good, so we are starting to celebrate.

"Congratulations to Director Wang, the TV series is a great success. We just finished watching it. You did a great job."

Xiao Han congratulated sincerely.

"Haha, thank you! The response to your theme song is also good. I have asked Xiao Sun to post it on Weibo. By the way, the rest of the promotional itinerary has been sent to Li Wei and asked him to go directly to the destination to gather."

Just now, Wang Ping has obtained the approximate ratings data. Just two episodes after it aired, it has already firmly entered the top three TV series ratings this year.

This is partly due to the theme song. The good theme song makes the TV series more attractive.

I was so happy that I couldn't help but help Xiao Han and the others.

"Director Wang, thank you so much. Next time we won't come back to Kyoto until we get drunk."

Xiao Han said gratefully, this kindness is owed more and more.

Wang Ping was still celebrating, and the two chatted for a few words before hanging up the phone.

"Brother Wei, please forward it quickly, China Television must get on board. We can't let Director Wang's efforts go to waste."

With that said, Xiao Han opened Weibo and retweeted it using his personal account and studio account respectively, and added the @华TV and Wang Ping accounts.

Given the size of China Television, I don’t know how much attention this wave will bring.

Xiao Han held his cell phone and watched helplessly as the number of fans began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This wave took them flying directly.

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