What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 180 - new year new grade


Readers who are accustomed to reading novels on the Longteng Chinese website can find any list on the homepage at will, the first one must be “The Swordsman in the Snow”, and jump directly to it.

The scroll wheel in the middle of the mouse swiped, and the author’s information on the right side of the page has changed dramatically. The pen name “Zhichunzhigang” has always used the position of the author’s own avatar on Longteng Chinese.com. I don’t know when Since then, it has been replaced by Li Chungang’s personal photo.

Judging from the ratio of pixels to the whole body, as well as the back behind him…

It is no accident that this photo should have been taken at the entrance ceremony of Tsinghua University at that time, and I have to praise the person who edited this picture for their skill, because if there is no mistake in memory, the original picture of this photo is in front of Li Chungang. There is a black and thick support frame that supports the speech microphone. Now it has been repaired so that there is no trace of it at all, and there is no sense of disobedience!

The most important thing is to perfectly reflect Li Chungang’s upright and heroic appearance.

The addition of a real photo belonging to the author is not too surprising. What really surprised readers was the change of the author’s rank title under the avatar.

Originally, all author grades were in the form of Lv1-Lv5. All the great gods and supreme gods are nothing more than the common appellation of readers. Now it is different. This common appellation has really become the new author classification level of Longteng Chinese. At this time Under the avatar of Zhichun Zhigang, there is a new word “Great God” with white characters on a red background.

It seems that the editor-in-chief Hua Chen is very eager to further improve Long Teng. After the end of the meeting that day and the new author classification, he immediately contacted the technical department for the first time arrangement. On the first day of 2020 and the new 2021, it has been officially launched.

At the same time, the backstage announcement of Longteng Chinese website also announced their new author grading system. Of course, this is just a title. Many authors don’t care. That’s what the authors care most about.

As long as the signing is successful, becoming a signed author of Longteng Chinese.com will automatically become an author of Lv1 level. In the past, authors at this level had almost no benefits. What about the next author? Priority signing, guaranteed minimum recommended resources, etc. It has nothing to do with its dime.

But this time, while reclassifying the author’s rank, Longteng has also greatly improved the welfare of the authors, especially the authors at the bottom, purchasing insurance for every author starting from Lv1, and then customizing the new book for the first time. The opportunity to “test the waters” is directly written into the benefits.

The strength of this recommendation increases as the author’s level goes up!

After some readers discovered this latest change, they immediately backhanded a screenshot of “CTRL+ALT+A” and sent it to the reader group of small partners, and it quickly attracted the attention of a large area of ​​readers.

“However, there is no culture, and a word of a lie goes around the world, and Long Teng quietly arranged the title of Great God.”

“This is the card surface! I think with the current achievements of Chungang boss, it is no problem to be a platinum author directly!”

“Platinum? I’m still in silver and gold. What does Long Teng think? This style of painting is too out of place. The front is a minimalist style of Lv1-Lv5, and then there is an inexplicable great author, and finally a nine Ten-degree sharp turn platinum?”

“Zhichun Zhigang: ‘Hello, I’m a platinum-level author’ When I think of Chungang’s introduction to others like this, I don’t know why, I have an inexplicable feeling of awkwardness, as if I came to the set right away. Ah, the rankings.”

“However, I seriously doubt that the new platinum-level author created by Long Teng has ulterior motives, because I just took a look, and even the current title of the supreme **** of Taizhu, Yaoyang, is a great god, which means that the platinum level is temporarily empty. One’s!”

“Am I the only one who thinks that the picture on Chungang’s husband’s head looks good? Sisters, don’t be polite, I’ll lick it first as a respect!”

“Since joining this group, I haven’t learned anything else, but I have learned to pretend and shout 666…”

Not to mention that most readers are talking about the new author level and the new welfare system. At this time, as long as all the author groups affiliated to Longteng are like blowing up the pot, in the past few hundred years People who didn’t appear to bubble up once, and who haven’t even spoken a word since entering the group, all surfaced at this moment.

The new writer level and the new writer level benefits, as well as the most striking new “Platinum level”, are like Long Teng is revealing some kind of unusual signal, and these authors just can’t guess it for the time being. The real intention, but there is no doubt that Longteng must have made a big move!

Before this, Longteng Chinese.com had not disclosed any news to any author at all. Even the editors of the website only learned the details from the group announcements and group documents issued by the internal group after the official launch today. of.

On the other hand, many authors are beginning to speculate: if nothing else, this new great **** level should be the corresponding author who signed the great **** covenant, then this new platinum level above the great **** means… …

Matching Platinum Contract! ?

If there is only one author on the entire Longteng Chinese website who can obtain the platinum contract, then this person is definitely Yaoyang; if there is a second person, there may have been different opinions and disputes among the congregation in the past, so now the words are naturally pure and pure. Gang is none other than that.

The authors that the two are currently serializing belong to the fantasy channel, and naturally they are also in the author group of the Longteng fantasy channel.

After the authors learned the latest news, they couldn’t wait to start madly Aite and the two came out to speak. As for the Aite editors, it’s not that they don’t want to, but they have to be useful. If the editors really want to be able to say, they don’t need their Aite~www.mtlnovel.com~ has long been announced in the group announcement or group file.

Such a big event, no matter how slow Li Chungang’s response is, no matter how he doesn’t care, now he knows it from other people’s mouths. When he opened the button and saw so many people in the author group, Aite himself, he replied casually:

“Like you, I just found out about this, but I’m less than five kilometers away from the Longteng headquarters now, or I’ll go over and ask Huachen to torture him for a confession? Don’t worry, I have prepared stockings and sacks!” The skin is very open now.gif]”

As soon as these words came out, the entire author group exploded in the blink of an eye!

These authors usually talk about Huachen, the biggest head of Longteng Chinese website, in private, but like Li Chungang, they don’t hide the fact that they are directly on other people’s sites (Dragon Authors Group) and in front of others (every author The group has the presence of Brilliance) such a mouthful of people…

One thing to say, Li Chungang’s realm is completely different from them!


One thing to say, one thing, preserved eggs need your support very much, how can I ask for a reward!

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