What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 49 - literary agent

Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower.

“Hello sir, which package do you want? We have three packages A, B and C to choose from.”

“Package A.”

Li Chungang opened WeChat and scanned the QR code handed over by the other party. After paying 220 yuan, he successfully entered the elevator of the Oriental Pearl Tower through the entrance and waited to go up to the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Standing in the elevator, he recalled a phone call he received after leaving Longteng Chinese.com…

“Excuse me, is this Mr. Zhichun Zhigang? Can I ask you to give me three minutes?”

“I am, now you have three minutes!”

I was willing to give the other party a three-minute chance, not for anything else, but Li Chungang just stood on the side of the road waiting for the taxi to arrive, and just had this free time.

“My name is Luo Wen, and I’m a literary agent at Wenquan Literary Agency! I think an excellent literary creator should devote more time to creation, but in the era when excellent literary works are increasingly IP-based Under the trend, there are more and more things that need to be taken into account!

Just like the relationship between an artist and an agent in the entertainment industry, an artist focuses on their own performing arts career, and all other business can be handled by an agent.

Professional things should be left to professional people to handle!

The emerging profession of literary agent was born, which aims to help writers deal with various things other than creation, such as the productization, commercialization of works, various copyright sales, price negotiation, etc…

Whether it is a super-selling old writer or a newly emerging writer, they will need professionals like us…”

The call time had already exceeded the originally agreed three minutes, but Li Chungang didn’t mean to hang up, because he did agree with what the other party said in his heart, and it was more of an empathy.

Imagine this: If there is a copyright issue for the publication of “Ghost Blowing the Lamp” this time, if he has a literary agent, and this agent participates in the negotiation between Longteng Chinese.com and Manjinghua Publishing Company on his behalf, will he win the battle? to better treatment?

There is also the question of whether to renew the “Great God’s Covenant” with Longteng Chinese. Would it be easier to save time and effort by letting a literary agent go to the Longteng Chinese website for skin resurfacing?

This is still because he only has the book “Ghost Blowing the Lamp”, and there will be second, third, and countless books in the future. At that time, will he be busy with these things every day, and will he still have time to focus on writing books? ?

If things like film and television adaptation rights and game adaptation rights are left to literary agents to discuss?

Li Chungang believes that the answers to these questions are all yes! From the bottom of his heart, he has actually been tempted by the other party, but there is still another question, which is also the most core and crucial question: how can you guarantee that you, a literary agent, can serve me as an author wholeheartedly?

As Rowan said, the relationship between a literary agent and a writer is like that between an artist and an agent, and is it not uncommon for an artist to be deceived and exploited by an agent?

From a distance, it seems like a vivid example of a certain Baoqiang is still in front of us, and from a closer perspective, it is also vivid in my mind that a female star with an L prefix in Bangzi country was deceived by her former agent.  … .

“It is undeniable that I do need a literary agent like you to help me with many things, but I have a question for you to answer.”

“Mr. Zhichun Zhigang, please say it!” Luo Wen sat at home and resisted his nervousness, trying his best to keep his tone calm when he spoke, but his trembling legs clearly betrayed him.

However, his other free hand was tightly clenched into a fist, and he cheered for himself fiercely in his heart!

From the initiative of self-recommendation to the present, according to the plan that Rowan has simulated no less than a hundred times, as long as the other party does not hang up his phone immediately and is moved by his next words, the whole plan is already 100% completed. Of……


The person who has traveled a hundred miles is half-ninety, and the current Luo Wen lacks the last step: if he wants to persuade Li Chungang to let himself become the other party’s literary agent.

After taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth and said, “I can’t show my sincerity to Mr. Zhichun Zhigang on the phone. I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to dinner at the Oriental Pearl Tower?”

“Is it the revolving restaurant in the Oriental Pearl Tower?”


“What about the time?”

“It’s seven o’clock in the evening.”

“It just so happens that I also want to see the charm of the Oriental Pearl Tower, see you later!”

“Wife, I love you, Mua!”

After getting the answer that the other party was willing to go to the appointment, Rowan rushed into the toilet frantically while cheering, hugging his wife who was washing clothes by hand, it was a good kiss. Happy and excited!

Wife Lin Yimin wiped her face with disgust in her hands, but her expression was full of joy for her husband. She knew better than anyone how long her husband had been preparing for today’s plan and this call. How much effort was spent.

What kind of tenacity that never sleeps and eats, does not give up until the goal is achieved, and does not turn back when it hits the south wall, it makes people feel distressed to see it! People who are willing to live up to their expectations, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, Lin Yimin is happy for her husband Luo Wen’s success, and it is more of a kind of confidence as it should be!

After sharing the joy and excitement in his heart with his wife, Luo Wen did not get carried away. He knew that the meeting tonight was the decisive key. generally remove a blue file bag from one of the drawers.

Careful movements are afraid of damaging the file bag, because this boxy blue file bag carries Rowan’s great expectations and full sincerity!

After changing into the most appropriate and formal clothes, Rowan stood in front of the mirror to cheer himself up, then went out with the document bag…

Before leaving for Shanghai, Li Chungang was not completely unprepared. Instead, he searched the Internet for the ten must-see attractions in Shanghai. Due to limited time and funds, he finally screened out two places that he was most interested in.

The Oriental Pearl Tower, known as the landmark building of Shanghai, and the Bund with the most beautiful night view!

Luo Wen’s agreement coincided with his plan. Only at this time did Li Chungang appear at the Oriental Pearl Tower. He watched the night scene of Shanghai’s Bund as the elevator slowly entered his eyes, which made him look forward to coming tonight…

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