What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 536 - shrewdness of fellow

“What if the system forces me to copy books( to find the latest chapter!

The normal conference ends:

“Quick, quick, we have to get back to the company and finish the press release before everyone else!”

“And those photos you took when you returned to the company and immediately started processing them for me!”

All the media reporters started to clean up their eating guys non-stop. After cleaning up, they rushed to the exit of the venue and ran towards their parking position, in order to beat the time difference between their peers and get first-hand news. front page!

And this time the conference ends:

Media reporters from abroad are still in a race with their peers and against time in accordance with “conventions”. Only the media reporters from China are not like this. They were also packing things before, but after packing, they did the opposite. Follow the path, not to the exit, but to “squeeze” in the direction of the backcourt.

You read it right, and you didn’t understand it wrong, they just “squeezed” through.

There is only one entrance to the backstage of the venue, and there are really too many domestic media reporters who want to go to the backstage as if they “have a good heart”!

Thanks to the well-developed self-media and online media in China, and even Random House, as the world’s number one commercial publisher, it is impossible to recognize all the media in China. At the entrance of the venue, there was a large area of ​​media reporters who claimed to be from China, and the staff couldn’t screen them out one by one, so they simply put them in with a big wave.

Not to mention, no matter how many times it can come from the scene, it has a certain level, at least it seems that from the press card to the professional equipment, it looks like these foreign media reporters.

And the reason why they keep wanting to go backstage is not for anything else, but simply to find Li Chungang, the owner of today’s Random House global signing conference, since they are domestic media, everyone will also They are all compatriots. It would be great if they could take the opportunity to invite them for a personal interview. Even if they were not invited, it would not be a loss if they could take the opportunity to ask a few more valuable questions. .

After all, these domestic media reporters want to get more “materials” because they are compatriots with Li Chungang!

Really don’t say it.

Their behavior still had some effect.

“Mr. Li, a large group of media reporters from China gathered outside. They said they wanted to meet you. Look…”

At this time, Li Chungang is being retouched by makeup artists and stylists in the background. For others, the end of this global signing conference is over, but for him, he has to accept at least three to five companies. Personal interviews with American mainstream media.

This is what has been negotiated before, and replaces the planned show in the form of a “personal interview”.

After all, in terms of effect, personal interviews are still not as good as the gimmicks produced on the show, so we have to enlarge this base and accept several personal interviews from news media with sufficient influence at once, but this is still waiting for these appointments in the background. The media sent people to conduct interviews one by one, and the staff of Random House pushed open the door and came in to report.

“You are talking about a media reporter from China, who came to the back court to find me!?”

The staff at Random House speaks English both in their own daily habits and with a country accent. Forget it, and the speed of speech is extremely fast, which makes Li Chungang a little bit at a loss, and can’t hear it clearly. White, but fortunately, English words with clearer meanings such as “Huaguo” and “compatriots” can still be heard.


He is a small staff outside the editor who doesn’t even have a desk or chair at Random House, not even the most basic editor. Dealing with trivial work, so many reporters from China want to find Li Chungang, such a big matter is not easy to make up your own mind.

“How long will it take for the media to come for a personal interview?”

“Ten minutes to go.”

“That’s it… Please you and President Lin go outside to control the scene first. Don’t make the scene too chaotic. I’ll go out and meet them after I’m done here.”

After thinking about it again and again, Li Chungang felt that it was all from the domestic media after all. If he didn’t even meet him, it would leave a proud impression on these individuals. Maybe he would arrange stories randomly when he returned to China. Since So it might be better to just follow their wishes here and go out to meet. As for the things that follow, there is nothing more than the word “adaptation”.

As for letting Lin Meng go together, he was mainly worried that a staff member of Random House would not be able to control the scene when he could not understand the language. It would be much easier if Lin Meng was there to assist. Besides, Lin Meng, as the external “facade” of Vance Spring Company, can get acquainted with the domestic media on such occasions and broaden its influence, so why not do it.

“Mr. Lin, can you tell us the general content of your cooperation with Random House?”

“Mr. Lin~www.mtlnovel.com~ It is understood that Li Chungang’s new book “The Lord of the Rings” was created last year. Why did it delay the cooperation with Random House until this year?”

“Look here, Mr. Lin, what is your forecast for the global sales of The Lord of the Rings?”

“Mr. Lin…”

Lin Meng, who had just walked out of the backstage lounge, wanted to call him straight. There were not many media reporters who wanted to stand in the first row in front of a crowd of people. It was a rough calculation at first glance. There must be more than a dozen or twenty media outlets, and almost every media outlet has at least two people, and there may be three or five more, which means that she is surrounded by nearly a hundred people at this time.

If there is an accident, it will not end well.

“Everyone please be quiet!”

This was the highest volume Lin Meng could shout after squeezing out all the air in his lungs in one breath. Although it wasn’t loud enough, it was enough to instantly control the scene.

It is naturally impossible for these domestic media reporters to plunge into New York, the United States without any preparation. At least after Li Chungang’s identity became apparent on paper, he first learned about him in detail, which naturally also includes The Wensi Spring Company, which he controls, and Lin Meng, the general manager of the company.

The reporters who were already standing in the first row glanced vigilantly from left to right, and at the same time put their hands on their hips to prevent a colleague behind him from taking the opportunity to drill into the front row, and the media reporters who were behind had no choice but to accept this “reality”, otherwise it would continue like this. If you hate Lin Meng, and if you can’t see Li Chungang, then it will really be called a bamboo basket to draw water.

“I understand everyone’s intention to come to the backstage. When Chungang finishes his makeup in the lounge, he will come out to meet you all, so everyone stay calm!”

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