What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 549 - Health Yoga

The mechanical keyboard in the study made a continuous tapping sound, and the story of “The Lord of the Rings” gradually came to an end under the continuous tapping of Li Chungang’s hands.

“Crack!”, “Crack!”

Sitting in front of the computer for a long time and lack of exercise has to be said to be a “chronic injury” to the body, not to mention those who sit for more than ten hours all day, as he is now, his hands are fast enough and time control is good enough It is still necessary to sit in front of the computer for 4-5 hours a day, which is not…

A slight movement of the body is a crunch of the bones and joints.

The voice sounds nice, but it’s not a good thing. It’s just a “vigilance” signal sent by the body, telling the owner of the body that he needs a good rest.

“When the rest of this big plot is finished, it is estimated that half of the content of the third part will be over. If you count the days and progress, I am afraid that this May Day will be completed without any need. I am really strong. I!”

I have to say that Li Chungang is still very strong in terms of self-control. Besides, if you want to be strong, you can’t do it. There is an ultimate humanoid reminder next to you, He Miao, like it’s time to eat, it’s time to rest, it’s time to She will remind her on time when she is exercising.

Only those who have experienced double opening, triple opening, or even quadruple opening can’t help but envy He Miao, who can open a single book and update it freely every day. Five chapters of nearly 10,000 words are updated every day. For professional writers in the industry, this is not something that can be done easily and simply.

When Li Chungang was coding, He Miao was coding;

When Li Chungang was still coding, He Miao was resting;

When Li Chungang was still coding, He Miao was using Douyin;

When Li Chungang was still coding, He Miao was watching movies and chasing dramas.

This is the most common situation between two people at home, especially Li Chungang intends to take the opportunity of the summer vacation to finish the “Full-time Master” in one go, and now the full-time master’s words have been updated with more than 2 million words and nearly half of it , during the rest of the summer vacation, the average daily update of 30,000 words will be able to complete the book as scheduled.

Take a look at the vast majority of the great writers who have become famous among the Internet writers. After earning a lot of royalties, they will inevitably be stymied by other leisure entertainment or various novel and interesting things. Only he seems to be standing in the turbulence. The smelly and hard stubborn stone generally persisted.

Don’t forget the original intention, you can always be.

Li Chungang’s idea is actually very simple and very real. Life is very short, but it takes hundreds of years. To be lucky enough to get [Literature Encyclopedia System] is like a sense of responsibility in the dark, so he just wants to spend more in a limited time. Those works are presented in front of readers in this world.

Who made him so ambitious!


Another few thousand words have been completed.

Li Chungang found that his head was a bit muddy. Don’t think that it is a very easy job to “store” the content of all works in memory, just like a network disk will have two functions of “reading” and “writing”. , the code word is like writing, but you also need to have a read before you write, which is also a very mentally consuming behavior!

He stood up, left the study, went to the bathroom, washed his face briefly, refreshed himself, and then took a bottle of zero-sucrose, low-fat milk tea from a certain Qi Forest brand from the refrigerator.

This is He Miao who directly ordered from a certain Dongdaojia and bought a whole large box of drinks that was stuffed in the refrigerator at home. As long as you open the refrigerator, you can see three rows full of this kind of drinks. Li Chungang in the past would definitely not drink this stuff. Yes, the suggested retail price of each bottle is ten yuan. Buying one bottle of this can buy as many as four bottles of Fat House Happy Water. The most important thing is that it is not as happy as Fat House Happy Water.

“From today onwards, you are prohibited from drinking all kinds of carbonated beverages!”

“Ah!? Why?”

“This is for your health. Drinking too much Pepsi will kill sperm, no!”


“No but, na~ From now on, if you want to drink at home, you can drink this. I bought a whole case, and I will continue to buy it when you have finished drinking.”


I don’t know if it’s because of the “ten yuan a bottle” factor or because of personal perception. The taste of this certain forest milk tea can only be said to be average in Li Chungang’s opinion. The selection of ingredients is exaggerated, but drinking it is not as good as the fresh milk tea bought in the milk tea shop outside.

In the spacious living room, Li Chungang placed his own blue yoga mat next to Hemiao’s pink yoga mat, and began to do health yoga.

This is an indoor exercise that he started to learn from He Miao some time ago. After doing yoga every day when his muscles and bones are tired after coding, he found that it is very helpful for people who have been sedentary for a long time to stretch their bodies. Relief effect, over time, it will be a habit to do it for a while after the end of the code word every day.

“Follow me and slowly lift your right leg!”


“Inhale~exhale~ while lowering slowly~”


Who knew that when he was relaxing his body and soothing his tired spirit, the phone that had lost its owner’s favor and was thrown aside suddenly rang.

Lin Meng on the other side of the phone was busy and busy. From the speed at which Li Chungang answered the phone, he could roughly judge that the other party was not next to the phone at this time, so he said, “My call shouldn’t disturb your writing, right? ?”

“Hahaha~ How could it be possible that when I was writing a book, I would be disturbed, but I just happened to be practicing yoga with Miao Miao. Before I heard Miao Miao talk about yoga, you taught her, and now she is teaching me, then I will Is this your son-in-law?”

Hearing the word yoga, Lin Meng was more than ten times more surprised than hearing that Li Chungang was writing a book!

“How old are you now? UU reading www.uukanshu.com started thinking about the issue of self-cultivation at a young age. Wouldn’t it be too early?”

“It’s getting late. There is no difference between morning and evening, so you don’t have to wake up one morning and look in the mirror and suddenly find that your hairline is getting higher and higher, especially for our web writers, who are using their brains all the time. I’m fighting against my thousands of hair strands.” Not long after I started doing yoga, the amount of exercise in front of me was at best a warm-up. Li Chungang took the opportunity to replenish his saliva and asked back, “Sister, you’re calling here specifically to talk to you. I’m talking about meditation and yoga, right?”

Only then did Lin Meng realize that she was being led astray!

She hurriedly shifted the topic back to the right track: “According to my preliminary consultation with Random House these days, the publication of the two authors you recommended to them has basically been negotiated. It will be officially released and published after the May 1st, I mean their popularity is definitely not as good as yours, since such a good person has done it to the end, please do a little bit of publicity on your Weibo.”

After all, this is among so many authors under Wen Si Quan Yong, except for the boss Li Chungang, it is the first time that an author’s work has cooperated with Manjinghua Publishing House, so her idea is to make it perfect, so that there is a A good start, it will be easier to push books to publishers or publish them in the future.


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