What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 553 - Creation is the hardest

Just the Weibo News, the first certified Weibo account of the “New Decoding Method”, has published nearly seven or eight related Weibo messages in a row. It seems that their reporter editor has been following Li Chungang’s Weibo news all the time.

Whenever there is a little trouble, it will be quickly forwarded, and this approach has earned enough attention from netizens today!

Of course, the person who made a lot of money is undoubtedly Li Chungang. As the initiator, there are already more than one million comments in just one or two hours on the Weibo update, not to mention the exaggerated number of retweets. By the way, it also attracted a lot of fans’ attention.

His ability to do things like this really makes the entertainers and stars in the entertainment industry so jealous that they are about to be separated from each other. If they can be like Li Chungang, they will enter the top three on the Weibo topic hot list and go on the hot search. How wonderful it would be to have a homely meal just like going to work~

Some long-established Uranus superstars can’t guarantee that a single Weibo post can create such a sensational effect.

Before Tu Jianguo, an in-service professor of cryptography at Yanda University, came forward to speak, most netizens and Li Chungang fans had the same idea, and generally did not take this new code-breaking method too seriously.

Anyway, since the answer to the puzzle has been deciphered, it has a lot to do with how it is deciphered.

However, the cryptography professor who was in his sixtieth year praised it greatly under the interview of the Weibo news reporter: “Just now, the reporter of Weibo provided me with the screenshots of Li Chungang’s Weibo, including the deciphering corresponding chart and There is no trace of this deciphering method in my memory. I tried to decipher it myself. It seems that it only takes a little time and enough logical thinking to get the final answer. It is not difficult to see that this is just a kind of The most basic deciphering method is used, but there is no doubt that … this is already an independent and perfect code-breaking method.

In order to prevent mistakes, I also specially found a few old guys to discuss it.

After our unanimous determination, this is indeed a new way of code breaking that has never appeared before! On the road of cryptography, which is about to be completely forgotten, it is very remarkable that a young man can create a new way by himself.

If Li Chungang is interested in the development and research of cryptography, I am happy to provide him with the opportunity to study for a postgraduate study without trial! “

Perhaps the vast majority of young people do not know Professor Tu Jianguo Tu, but the pile of titles that are about to be squeezed on his Weibo certification can’t help but be awe-inspiring at a glance.

The leader of the domestic cryptography discipline, the academician of the National Chinese Academy of Sciences, is not only an in-service professor of Yan University, but also a member of the national academic department, the honorary director of the Institute of Cryptography, etc…

Therefore, as soon as the invitation of “Exemption from Examination and Postgraduate Study” came out, it immediately caused an uproar among netizens!

No one would have thought that Li Chungang would take great pains to create a brand-new decoding method in order to advertise a new book to be published. Why did they hear that the other party has been busy with the collaboration with Penguin Random House to publish The Lord of the Rings globally. Now it seems that the so-called “busy” is mixed with water that is not ordinary water, said If you squeeze it hard, it will be a vast ocean.

This time, he was a little unhappy about urging the larger army to be quiet recently. This guy always said that he was busy and busy, and he was so busy that he was so busy that he was fooling them.

In a small group of core members of the Great Army, whose specific names cannot be disclosed.

“I suggest that we can continue to increase the intensity of urging!”

“A few levels?”

“Let’s go to the third level first, if there is still room, go to the fifth level.”



“Agree +1”

Within their urging army, different urging methods and urging strengths were divided into five levels.

Level 1-2: The urging force is soft, and the urging method can be used according to the circumstances;

Level 3: The urging force is moderate, and the urging method is mainly based on the main battlefields such as reader groups, Weibo, and book review areas;

Level 4-5: The urging force is strong, the urging method is full of firepower, and there are no dead ends in all directions. Let the author Zhichun Zhigang feel the urgency of their urging!

From the current perspective, the works that Zhichun Zhigang need to complete include “Full-time Master”, “Jianlai”, “Dragon Race” and “The Lord of the Rings”, all of which are of high quality. The best of the best, if you add the new work “Master of Mysteries”, which was revealed some time ago, it will be the number of five fingers! Considering that normal authors struggle to write a book, and Zhichun Zhigang is in a state of opening at the same time, urging the greater army to be in a soft and flexible way during the previous period.

I didn’t think so…

This is still far from Li Chungang’s limit.

No one mentioned this before, so I don’t think so, but now such a prestigious domestic titans have come forward to speak out in person, and all the talents have come to their senses to create a new way of deciphering from zero to one, from nothing. of hard work.

It is said that “it is as difficult as going to the sky”, but with the rapid development of modern technology, it has long been no longer difficult for humans to enter the sea.

If you didn’t put yourself in the turbulent era of that year, you would not be able to personally feel that so many elites and talents gathered together at that time, and it was hard to create a password method that has good logic and is infallible and not easy to be cracked by others. .

【Oh my God! 】

[To be honest, I just want to ask what else in this world Li Chungang can’t? 】

【Boss, please accept my knee! 】

[It turns out that geniuses are so capricious. 】

At this time, Li Chungang in the study was not idle at all~www.mtlnovel.com~ He was holding a stack of printed paper and practicing the different languages ​​of different races in the book “The Lord of the Rings”, which is also a kind of Learn new ways to learn from the past.

You must know that before the official global release of “The Lord of the Rings”, the person in the world who probably knows the different languages ​​of different races is only himself. Until now, it is difficult for him to imagine how the original author, Tolkien, based on a lot of theoretical research, used overhead and replayed the cultural changes of Middle-earth for thousands of years, which seems to be tantamount to God creating the world.

Perhaps no one would dare to imagine before seeing the content of “The Lord of the Rings” with his own eyes—

A book can tell the difference between good and evil with just words!

The Quenya language used by the elves is full of melodious voiceless sounds, loud vowels and rich flow sounds, coupled with a simple syllable structure, which makes Quenya verses read soft and peaceful, making people feel as if they are in Kai. Ranchell’s elegiac murmurs sing.

And the half-orc was a desperate roar from the depths of his throat.

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