What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 574 - who is the big brother

“What if the system forces me to copy books( to find the latest chapter!

There is a lot of uproar on the Internet abroad.

The domestic network is not inferior at all!

Generally speaking, the number of people watching live broadcasts during the day is very rare, but the exception is on June 6th, especially on this day, there are many live broadcast rooms that open outdoor live broadcasts early in the morning. The “Lord of the Rings” is not about buying books live in a certain bookstore early in the morning, and it is not just one or two books at a time. For the anchors, such a good sky falls to win over the big brother and the audience in the live broadcast room. How can I miss a good opportunity? Thirty-five less and one or two hundred more are buying, all of which are used for lottery draws to give to the water friends in the live broadcast room.

“Yaomei will take you directly to the sale of the Lord of the Rings! 》

“Take the water friends to see the new work of the first person on the Internet, Chungang God. 》

“Tongzhou XX Bookstore delivers books to the water friends with brands on the spot! 》

“Live Unboxing The Lord of the Rings Collector’s Edition gift box, everyone, come and see if it’s worth it? 》


This situation is something that Li Chungang himself did not expect. The readers who got the book seriously should be immersed in the content at this time. Instead, these anchors from all walks of life took the lead in bringing the first wave of “rhythm”. There is a Weibo blogger, a certain fish anchor, and a Douyin anchor. Anyway, there is not much difference for him as a cloud anchor. The horizontal and vertical are “don’t know”, “don’t know” and so on. I just clicked on the link with the highest number of likes and comments below my Weibo.

“Yo hoo, I didn’t expect it to be this guy!”

After seeing the title of the live broadcast room, Li Chungang immediately understood that the emotional partner is still a well-known professional video sharing blogger on the Internet!

“Crispy Bear Noodles”, a series of videos called “Read XXX in Three Minutes” is launched every week on a well-known video website starting with B.

In that video, he will briefly introduce the context of the story and its highlights. Of course, the most important thing is to complain.

Before becoming famous at the beginning, “Crispy Bear Noodles” started with the production of the “Three Minutes to Watch XX” movie series, but compared to his own complaints and video editing speed, the filming and release time of the movie is far away. It is far behind, and not every movie that is released will be made into a series of videos. Most of the hot movies with hot topics and disputes will be complained about.

Relying on the initial “Take you to watch XXX” series of videos in three minutes, coupled with a fairly good video editing technique and humorous and humorous complaints, I quickly gained a large number of loyal audiences, but I have tasted “famous” The sweet and crunchy little bear face was not willing to stop there, and then inadvertently reminded by the live broadcast room manager during a live broadcast, he began to turn his attention from the movie series to the novel series.

So referring to the series of videos of “Reading XXX in Three Minutes”, there is another series of videos of “Reading XXX in Three Minutes”. The two can be said to be in the same line.

It’s just that it’s humorous and humorous or a poisonous snake’s spit. This kind of thing is strongly personal and subjective. This is true in movies, and even more so in novels! The same plot may be considered bad by the video UP, contrary to the plot of the story, etc., but in the eyes of others, it is a completely opposite feeling, and sometimes even make comments without really understanding a book at all, so that the real fans of readers are somewhat disgusted.

But the majority of netizens eat this set, and feel that this type of video is quite useful. It seems that as long as they have watched the videos that add up to only three or four minutes in total, they have really finished reading the book.

Laziness and tricks have reached a certain level!

It is estimated that among the 10,000 viewers who watch the video, not necessarily one person will really buy a book to read because of the evaluation in his video. Everyone is just talking and playing.

Only children will take it seriously!

At this time, there are about 10,000 viewers in the live broadcast room. This number may not be a big deal in the evening, but it is daytime. Except for those who have to get up early and rush to work, how many people would be willing to do this When I woke up early, I didn’t know how much water was injected at Station B.

Li Chungang recognized at a glance that it was indeed a collector’s edition of “The Lord of the Rings” issued by Manjinghua Publishing Company, and it was not a pirated copy, which reassured him.

Speaking of shame, what exactly is in this so-called collector’s edition, he, as the author, is completely confused, because this is actually operated by the Manjinghua Publishing Company, and it is also in line with domestic conditions. It is a special “product”. There are not so many things like collector’s edition and collector’s edition published abroad.

The event that books are on sale in advance does not occur alone in a certain place, and this situation inevitably occurs in bookstores in various regions and cities around the world.

Some bookstores are still holding on, and some bookstores can’t help but move the “Lord of the Rings” originally placed in the warehouse to the most conspicuous shelves after seeing that some bookstores are selling.

A very simple truth: if you don’t sell, customers will be attracted by competitors. Since everyone is selling, the default is not bad for your own!

The mentality of not blaming the public is there no matter where you are.

Under such circumstances, even those bookstores who had a firm position in the first place could not help but become shaken after being inquired by customers who arrived early one after another.

In New York, Random House’s few offline brick-and-mortar bookstores are full of customers.

This bookstore can be regarded as a “facade” used by Random House for pilot or external use. All the books sold in it are works published by their own hands, and there are no works published by other publishers.

At this time, the store was full of customers!

The location is directly selected in Times Square, Random House is also well-known, and the turnover of the bookstore is naturally high.

However, John, who is in charge of the store, was not too happy at this time. Instead, he frowned at the customers who kept coming to ask questions.

“Boss, even the Walmart chain has already started to sell. We don’t have to wait until the early morning! Hundreds of people have come to inquire since the afternoon.”

A staff member tried to persuade them that these are customers who are really willing to spend money, but they finally chose other places to buy because Random House did not start sales in advance.

John shook his head and said, “It’s already tomorrow, and it won’t be a minute less. It’s their business that the rest of the distributors don’t abide by the contract! But as the flagship bookstore of Random House, we must strictly abide by this!”

The “Lord of the Rings” in the main store is not impossible to sell.

Moreover, as the person in charge of this bookstore, John still has the right to self-determination. He planned a small event before, that is, he will sell “The Lord of the Rings” in the early hours of the morning on time, and at the same time, he will give every customer who buys a book. book!

Of course, he also has a small selfishness, that is, this kind of activity will definitely attract the attention of reporters. By the way, John is a member of the camp supporting Caitlin. Only “The Lord of the Rings” has such activities, and Kepper Ron’s “The Lost City of Time and Space” doesn’t have such good treatment. Anyway, it’s on sale at the same time. There must be a difference in the placement of books.

The bookstore employees have already adjusted their shifts so that they will be open until two in the morning tonight!

In front of the staff, John naturally couldn’t say that he felt sorry for the readers who had left, but after turning around and returning to his office, he began to feel sorry for the “turnover” that had slipped away.

“This time there are booksellers all over the world who are selling in advance one after another. I’m afraid “The Lord of the Rings” should be on the list ahead of time, right? I don’t know where it will be. Which, pulling the whole body, disrupted President Caitlin’s deployment!”

As the owner of the bookstore, John took the book of The Lord of the Rings and put it in the office to read when he shipped it.

Now out of sight and out of mind, he didn’t want to hear someone from outside asking if “The Lord of the Rings” had been sold in advance, so he simply sat in the office and read the rest of the content.

Penguin Random House headquarters is used to this kind of situation, and local publishing can still control a little, but as long as the global release is synchronous, it is difficult to avoid this problem. Many bookstores regard themselves as the last link of sales. Going its own way did not follow the rhythm of the propaganda plan at all.

To say it badly is to only care about the petty profits in front of him and ignore the overall situation.

What can be expected is that “The Lord of the Rings” is not the first book to be sold in advance, and it will not be the last book!

What Caitlin and the others were worried about was that if the work was sold in advance, some criminals would use the time difference to mix some pirated copies into the market, and the customers themselves would not be able to determine whether the books they bought were genuine books.

In the original words of a thinker Ma Ge: Once there is an appropriate profit, capital will be bold. If there is a 10% profit, the capital will be guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is a 20% profit, the capital will be active; if there is a 50% profit, the capital will take desperate risks; for the 100% profit, the capital will dare to trample all the world. Law; with a profit of more than 300%, capital will dare to commit any crime, even to risk hanging.

But don’t underestimate some of the actions that criminals dare to do for their own interests.

In addition, this will greatly hurt those consumers who participated in the pre-sale. They placed orders online or in physical bookstores in advance, but did not get the books in advance.

Those who did not participate in the pre-sale actually got it in advance, so what’s the point of the so-called pre-sale? Nothing more than a joke!

Unless consumers are masochistic, they will choose to continue to believe in pre-sales.

Fortunately, the secret sale did not come too early. If it were two or three days earlier, the impact of the situation would be much more troublesome.

Maybe Catelyn’s good publicity strategy has to be adjusted, and even the worst plan is to directly advance the launch date of “The Lord of the Rings”, but this approach will undoubtedly hurt the enemy one thousand and eight hundred, if not When the situation comes to the most urgent situation and is about to be completely out of control, it will not come to this step for the sake of it.

Two or three hours may seem like a lot of time, but in fact there is not much space left for operation. Those who want to pirate the book must first arrange for someone to complete the typesetting of the content before they can pirate the book. You must know that this is not an easy task. “All the contents of the three volumes are all published together, so much content you just need to type the content, not to mention that you have to print it and find a channel to sell it, etc…

“Fortunately, it’s “The Lord of the Rings”. A few hours of sneaking away will have little effect on the overall sales performance next week. If other writers were to do so, they might have lost several rankings for this reason!”

Caitlin is also very fortunate that the huge pre-sale number of “The Lord of the Rings” is enough to ensure that it will not only easily win the weekly championship next week, including the monthly championship and the annual championship, it seems that there is not much suspense now, which is good. The chemical reaction produced by the works and good publicity planning.

The only thing to worry about now is the sales performance of Kepel Ron’s “Lost in Time and Space”. Although one is suspenseful reasoning and the other is fantasy, it cannot be compared~www.mtlnovel.com~ But readers and netizens are not like this. Thinking about it, they don’t care so much about you in their thoughts. The sales volume is not as good as the person. This is an irreversible fact.

“Yeah, I don’t know how many copies have been sneaked out this time. Looking at the situation on the Internet, why are they selling all over the world.”

“Now the company’s distribution department has called one by one to warn them, and it is estimated that some of the timid people have stopped. These people are really, after waiting for so long, they leaked out in the last few hours!”

Although these pre-selling channel bookstores belong to the party that breached the contract, the publishing company is the weaker party. It is impossible to go to court because of this matter, so the books in the company can only be sold on the street by themselves.

“This is obviously a great opportunity for online sales channels to show their skills. They have been uncomfortable with brick-and-mortar bookstores for a long time. Now it’s a handle that brick-and-mortar bookstores provide themselves.” Caitlin’s words changed, “but these bookstores should also be better. Remember, let me collect the list of bookstores that have advance sales, and when their batch of books is sold out and need to be restocked, they will be ranked last and beaten in this way.”

This is also no way!

The sales channel side is the big brother of the publisher, and they decide what books to sell, but a top-selling author like Li Chungang is the big brother of the publisher and the sales channel side at the same time.

This time, it was because of Li Chungang that Random House and the domestic Manjinghua Publishing Company had the confidence to take the opportunity to beat it. If they were other writers, it is estimated that many bookstores would listen and laugh at the same time.

Li Chungang’s published works can bring them benefits, and his works can make bookstores and dealers make money. This is the biggest reliance!

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