What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 623 - Do not commit suicide

, the fastest update system to force me to copy the latest chapter!

The sins committed by God can be forgiven, but the sins committed by oneself cannot live!

Originally, for Kepel Ron, readers all over the world knew that the release of “The Lost City” and “The Lord of the Rings” on the same day was definitely meant to be a competition, and the final result was a little bit below. Glasses, many people in the circle thought it would be an ups and downs plot on the first day… No, even in the pre-sale, the “suspense” was completely killed, and “Lost in Time” lost completely. .

But for individuals, this book is indeed a rare masterpiece in the genre of suspense and reasoning, and it is worthy of the name of Kepper Ron, a famous reasoning expert.

To be honest, he still has to turn his head and thank Li Chungang. If it weren’t for the direct fight with “The Lord of the Rings”, “The Lost City of Time and Space” naturally would not have reached the level it is now, which is what Li Chungang and Caitlin didn’t expect at the beginning. The former is inexperienced in entering the international stage for the first time, while the latter still underestimates the charm of “The Lord of the Rings”.

The original plan was to use the fame of Kepel Ron, but it turned around just one day after the release, allowing “Lost in Time” to borrow the east wind of “The Lord of the Rings”.

If things end here, it can be said to be a win-win situation for both Kepper Ron and Li Chungang, even though Kepper Ron has published various Terrible racial knight rhetoric, but time always dilutes everything, doesn’t it?

At least Li Chungang, who was one of the parties and victims, would have almost completely forgotten about it, if it wasn’t for the media reporter in front of him to bring up the old story.

Originally, when Li Chungang decided that his new book was “The Da Vinci Code”, he had no other ideas, but now that Kypel Ron, a thief with a heart, actually sent his face up to be beaten, then he would be very welcome!

“There is an idiom in our country called ‘the king loses the pirate’, here I want to give this idiom to Kepel Ron, who is a defeated general, and since he has challenged me in suspense and reasoning novels. …..

If he wants to fight, I will fight! It just so happens that my next new book is in the suspenseful reasoning type, and I hope that someone who loses again will not make excuses! “

The voice just fell-

There was an uproar in the pick-up hall of the entire Los Angeles Airport, and the media reporters frantically moved the pens in their right hands to record the contents without omission. The most important thing is to dig out the first-hand news with “breaking points”. Most of the previous questions are quite satisfactory, but only the last question made them excited and shouted that the trip was worthwhile.

“The author of The Lord of the Rings, Mr. Li Chungang, confronts the famous reasoning expert Keppel Ron head-on!”

“The author of “The Lord of the Rings” himself admitted that the next new book will be a suspenseful reasoning type!”

“First-hand information on the new works of well-known writer Li Chungang is here.”


In such an instant, media reporters have already begun to quickly calculate the headlines that are suitable and eye-catching enough in their minds. Don’t think that the headline party is a unique product in our country. It should be said that this technology is the whole news media circle. Practitioners are one of the skills that practice makes perfect, but because a domestic UC browser is more proficient than its peers in using this skill, it was dubbed “UC shock department” by netizens.

And the readers and fans who still stayed in place and did not leave said they received extra joy!

“Harvest the autograph of the author you like” has already achieved the most basic and most eager request of readers and fans. As for some people, they still have the idea of ​​​​seeing the author himself and taking a photo with the author himself, but how? It will not include the idea of ​​learning about Li Chungang’s new book.

Not surprisingly…

They are likely to be the first lucky ones in the world to learn about Li Chungang’s new book!

In particular, there are many readers who are both fantasy fans and suspense and reasoning fans. After hearing Li Chungang announce that the type of the next book will be suspense and reasoning, his whole body seems to have been overcharged with excitement and excitement. I can’t stop shaking, I can’t wait to see this new book right away.

The media reporters who were able to stick to their professional ethics and talk about one person, one question can no longer hold back at this moment. Anyway, with the lessons learned from their colleagues who squeezed up to ask questions, they won’t appear so hated if they do so. Besides, the news of Li Chungang’s sudden release of a new book made them feel like flies that smelled fishy.

In the face of the headlines, work ethic doesn’t matter anymore.

“Mr. Li Chungang, can you reveal a little more about your new book?”

“Mr. Li, can you tell me the title of the new book?”

“Mr. Li, do you have this idea for choosing the type of suspenseful reasoning in your new book, or did you deliberately choose it for the challenge?”

“Mr. Li…”

Looking at the media reporters who suddenly wanted to throw themselves in front of them, for some reason, Li Chungang had a sense of instantness that he had seen in the zombie-themed TV series “The Walking Dead” by Milliken, and the media reporters seemed to want to pounce on a living person. The zombie that was bitten fiercely, and the living person who was the target must be him.

Fortunately, the security forces at the airport are quite reliable. When he saw the situation was not good, he immediately gathered together to form a block in front of him, and blocked the media reporters who wanted to go directly over the fence. People take a step beyond the pond.

And Vincent, who had been acting as a little transparent behind him, had to stand up to Li Chungang at this time, and suggested in a low voice: “Mr. Li, you have already answered these people’s questions, and now it’s no wonder that they want to make progress. Why don’t I ask An Bao to send you to another place to sign some autographs for the readers? So many people here have affected the passengers on the following flights a bit.”

In fact, Director Vincent is not alarming. On the contrary, he has been talking about this issue as euphemistically as possible. Thousands of people are besieging the exit at the same time, if these people do not give up their seats~www. mtlnovel.com~ It is impossible for someone to walk out easily, not to mention that most of the passengers who take the plane will have carry-on luggage, which undoubtedly adds a bit more difficulty.

“Then do what you said, Director Vincent.”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Li. Jamie! Jamie! Where did you die, Jamie!?”

As Vincent picked up the walkie-talkie on his waist and called out the same name, one person in the “human wall” that had been in front of him found the right time to get out of the team. It was the security duty in the mouth of our supervisor. Squad Leader – Jamie is also.

“What’s the commander’s order?”

“Jamie, you take some of your men to **** Mr. Li to wait in the VIP lounge of No. 3, and then leave some of your forces to cooperate with me to guide a small number of readers who need to get their autographs as soon as possible. Prepare enough paper and pens, and distribute them to everyone present to register their contact information and collect the books in their hands, do you understand?”


“Why are you still here when you understand, why don’t you act quickly!”

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