What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 633 - Flower drop house

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“Universal Pictures has made a lot of money to shoot the “Lord of the Rings” series this time. These three directors are well-deserved one of the big directors in Hollywood. Usually, the film production company asks them to nod and agree. kind of.”

When Li Chungang took over the three directors’ materials and watched them in detail, He Miao and Thompson, who followed him to Universal Pictures, were not idle, and watched them side by side.

He Miao, who is a serious movie fan and only has a deep impression of some characters in the movie, knows almost zero about the behind-the-scenes production team of a movie, just like you go to a Michelin restaurant to enjoy food, you only need to enjoy the chef’s cooking. Delicious food is enough, as for what the chef who cooks these delicious dishes looks like, what achievements have been made, etc…

Whocare! ? (who cares!?)

“Which of these three directors do you think is more suitable for directing our film?” Evans asked. The salaries of these directors are actually about the same. He would rather spend more on hiring directors than Hire superstar actors at high prices.

Newcomer actors and unknown actors are more malleable, and the audience does not have a fixed image cognition to them, so they will not have a sense of disobedience.

A large-scale film naturally needs to be matched with full stars, but sometimes good actors are not the most expensive actors in the world, but the most suitable actors.

There are many examples of small actors who were originally obscure and became popular in the audience after starring in a series of movies. There are many examples in Hollywood. Hermione, the “Fast and the Furious” bald man, etc…

A bad movie may need good actors to make it happen, but for a good movie, it can make a lot of actors in turn!

The protagonist in “The Lord of the Rings” is Frodo the Hobbit, but characters such as Aragorn and Gandalf are very eye-catching, and if they are played well, they can even steal the protagonist’s attention.

And in terms of the content of the whole book, the importance of these supporting roles is even more important than the protagonist in some plots and occasions, especially Gandalf, the originator of the “Battle Mage” genre, “First-Class Illumination” Learn the rest of the melee abilities to fill up the legendary character.

Li Chungang looked at the quotations of the three directors below this list, and said in a low voice, “I personally prefer the latter two, Alfonso and Lin Yibin, the former’s style is enough to control this movie well, and it can be considered in the use of special effects. It’s a good thing, plus the salary of 12 million US dollars is reasonable, and there is no sky-high price; the advantage of the latter is that he has experience in shooting a series of movies, and he has good control over the transition between big scenes and details. I have seen it. Fans of the Fast and Furious franchise will probably agree with that.”

The remuneration of well-known commercial film directors is generally around 5 million. If it is a literary film, the big director will not take too much remuneration to increase the production cost in disguise.

Alfonso Cuaron’s directing ability and status are very high. The most important thing is that the director is a frequent visitor to the Oscars. He won the 86th Academy Award for Best Director for the first time with the sci-fi film “Gravity”. “Won the 91st Academy Awards for Best Director, Best Foreign Language Film and Best Cinematography.

If it was the previous Oscars, which paid more attention to the artistic, profound and ideological aspects of literary films and films, Alfonso Cuaron would not necessarily be the first choice among the three directors, but with the gradual reform of the Oscars, he also began to pay attention to commercial blockbusters. Since then, this award has become more well-deserved, and Alfonso Cuaron, who won the Academy Award for Best Director in 2019, is also very valuable.

Li Chungang is very optimistic about the director’s strength, and the other party has advantages in shooting science fiction films, movies combined with special effects!

Many people’s impression of him remains on the director of Harry Potter, and his presence is not very strong. He is a rare director whose work is more famous than himself.

As long as you are a movie lover, you should have seen or heard of his films, but only a few people can tell who the director of the film is.

The famous Oscar best director Alfonso Cuaron only asked for $12 million, but Zach Snyder, who has no A-C in his heart, dared to ask for $10 million, probably Warner Bros. What kind of misunderstanding has been caused to this guy’s brokerage company by the usual lavishness over there.

One of Zack Snyder’s most acclaimed films, “Spartan 300 Warriors”, was criticized by many film critics in the circle, saying that in many ways, it was borrowing from “Gladiator”, and its achievements were somewhat inaccurate. In addition, among the three candidates, it can be said that one of the three directors is the least good at combining technical special effects pictures with movie pictures.

You must know that “Gladiator”, which was used for reference back then, swept the awards season and box office charts, was nominated for 11 Oscars, and finally won the Best Actor and Best Picture, with a global box office of 460 million US dollars, both fame and fortune!

“Apart from these three directors, Evans, do you have any other director candidates you are optimistic about?”

To be honest, these three directors are not the best director candidates for the “Lord of the Rings” series in Li Chungang’s mind. In fact, he wanted to find Peter Jackson to direct and shoot.

Because he really wanted to find out, between two different planes, the same “The Lord of the Rings” was adapted and filmed into a movie and shot by the same person. Will there be any difference? Will there be any difference between the two planes? The difference between them, or there will be some unknown “correction power” in this world, which will subtly correct everything to be exactly the same as in his memory.

“If you don’t ask, I don’t want to say, don’t say I really have a better director candidate. I’m not afraid to tell you, in fact, I like director Ridley Scott the most. He has performed in epic movies. Very strong, especially good at genre films, that’s why Oscar doesn’t want to see him, but what really worries me is…

Ridley Scott is too old. I am very worried about whether he can continue to complete the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, so after weighing the pros and cons, I still put him on the list. Go, switch to a safer option! “

Evans accidentally told the truth, Ridley Scott did appear on the list of directors selected by Universal Pictures, but unfortunately after considering various factors, it finally stopped at the final stage. In addition, for a large-scale production project with an investment of more than 500 million US dollars, it is not incomprehensible that the company wants to be stable.

Li Chungang: “Is it Ridley Scott? Can you show me the information about this old man?”

James Cameronka is probably the only one he really knows about so many famous directors in Hollywood, so after Evans said the name of the big director, the expression on his face will be changed. He was a little hesitant and puzzled like this now, but from the tone of Evans’ introduction, you can still hear a little–

The status of this old man Ridley Scott is definitely not low!

It seems that Evans really likes this old man Ridley Scott, because when Li Chungang asked about the information, the former took out a document from his handy work bag. How does it look? There is a feeling of being prepared, maybe even if Li Chungang doesn’t take the initiative to choose other directors, this cunning guy can’t help but find a reason to lead the topic after a while.


five minutes.

Even with Li Chungang’s current reading ability, it took about five minutes to fully digest the information. The main reason is that the old man’s “resume” is too strong. Now, not to mention the many movies that have been filmed, the achievements that have been obtained are even more densely covered with information.

One of the points that impressed him the most was the one highlighted by Evans: this Ridley Scott was very disliked by the Oscars. He is crazy in love. If there is such a director to shoot “The Lord of the Rings”, presumably book fans will be relieved.

If even Ridley can’t adapt this, then there are not many big directors who can do it in Hollywood!

Originally, in Li Chungang’s heart, he never thought that Ridley Scott, the father of aliens, would come to film “The Lord of the Rings”. The first reaction was to make The Lord of the Rings terrifying and bloody. In fact, this is a great misunderstanding.

There are brokerage companies behind the three directors. At this time, not only the directors need to work hard for Universal Pictures to see, but the brokerage companies also have to exert their efforts.

“Evans, I can see it, you guy is ‘waiting’ for me here!”

“No way, although I’m one of the producers of this project, it’s still too condescending in front of the company’s leaders, but if you add the weight of you, one of the writers, screenwriters and producers, it will It’s completely different.” Now, Evans didn’t need to hide it any longer, he just opened the skylight and said something bright, wanting Li Chungang to help him.

“there is a question.”

“Lee, if you have any questions, feel free to say it.” Since Li Chungang was to come to the united front, Evans naturally knew everything and said everything.

“You want to invite Ridley Scott to shoot the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, so have you contacted him? Has he agreed to you?”

Evans thought that the other party would ask some particularly tricky questions, but he did not expect such a simple question, “Don’t worry…”

Just as soon as he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by He Miao by the side: “If the other party doesn’t agree, what do you think the share you have in your hand is, didn’t you ask knowingly.”


After reacting quickly, Li Chungang also realized what a stupid question he asked just now. He didn’t look at the information at the end of the document, and the director’s fee of US$12 million was clearly marked. would like to direct the film.

The only question now before everyone is whether Ridley Scott, who is over 80 years old, can still keep shooting! ?

If something goes wrong in the middle of filming, then the problem is called Dafa, because if you find another director to take over, you will face severe situations such as re-shooting, waste of previous investment, etc. The two directors continued to film the question of whether people were willing or not, and said that if two different styles from two different directors were combined in one movie, wouldn’t it violate the harmony?

Li Chungang was still moved by Evans’ proposal, but he planned to learn more about Ridley Scott to see if it was suitable!

Ridley Scott really has a lot of good works. In another plane time and space that Li Chungang doesn’t know about, he is actually the director of the sequel “Hannibal” of “Silence of the Lambs”.

It’s just that there is no such thing in this plane of his own.

In addition, from the unlocked personal autobiography books, Li Chungang also learned that——

Ridley Scott is really related to Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings, because he has worked with three Aragorns.

For example, Ray didn’t start making movies until he was forty years old, and the actor Robert Stephens in his first work “The Duelist” once played Aragorn in a BBC radio drama.

In his famous work “Alien”, John Hurt, who had a wonderful performance, once played Aragorn in the stage play.

And the most popular Aragon must be the actor Viggo Mortensen in the “Lord of the Rings” movie trilogy. s work.

This is simply having a direct kiss with Aragorn. If this is not love, what is?

After Li Chungang saw these contents recorded in his personal autobiography, the whole person would laugh in his heart. In another plane, Mr. Ridley Scott, who lost the opportunity to shoot “The Lord of the Rings”, is in this plane. Is it possible to get what you want for your own sake?

There are quite a few active old directors in Hollywood. For example, the old Eastwood Clint Eastwood is 7 years older than Mr. Ray. Movies like “Red Dead Redemption” are famous in film history, and they are now close to 90 years old. , directing and acting are still the same.

Your uncle is your uncle after all~www.mtlnovel.com~ is not affected by age at all!

Of course, the achievements of the past are only the past after all, and one cannot always lie on the credits of the past.

If Ridley Scott’s shooting plan and design can’t achieve the desired effect, then Li Chungang still can’t give him “The Lord of the Rings”.

What this series needs is not excellence, but excellence!

“Hey, Lee. How are you thinking?”

At this time, Li Chungang was immersed in the [Literature Encyclopedia System]. On the surface, he seemed to be leaning on the sofa and closing his eyes, but he didn’t hear Evans’ words at all.

And Evans thought that Li Chungang was a big deal and needed to think about it, so he didn’t speak again, and planned to let the young man think for a while.

Universal Pictures has been investigating for more than three months since it won the adaptation rights of the “Lord of the Rings” series. This time is actually nothing for the preparation of the film. Many of them have gone from selling the adaptation rights to being actually filmed. Movies can take years or even decades!

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