What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 635 - Eat melons with peace of mind


The meeting room suddenly fell into a strange silence…

Li Chungang was thinking about the pros and cons of Ridley Scott’s directing of “The Lord of the Rings”, and at the same time, he also had the idea of ​​sitting on the Diaoyutai Station and waiting for the price. After all, this was a suggestion made by Evans. At this time, the other party should take the initiative and take the lead in promoting the whole event.

If possible, it would be better to minimize his personal influence as much as possible!

“Why don’t I invite Ridley Scott to the conference room to meet everyone, and then we can talk and make a decision?” Evans, who hesitated for a long time, finally didn’t have the nerve to speak up and break the deadlock on the scene. , put forward his own ideas, in his opinion, as long as Li Chungang and Ridley Scott meet and have a deeper understanding of the latter, they will naturally get on the same boat.

“Yes! Just do it.”

Next, the two began to “separately” to do their own things, and Evans did not shy away from directly calling the contact number of Ridley Scott’s agency in front of Li Chungang in the conference room.

First, he confessed to the other party that he wanted to invite Ridley Scott to direct the filming of “The Lord of the Rings”, and then mentioned that the author of “The Lord of the Rings” also expressed his desire to meet Mr. Lei in person at the company…

The entire call should be no more than three minutes. Anyway, Evans didn’t need to say it. Li Chungang already knew the answer from his face, and the brokerage company must have agreed.


It happened that the mobile phone WeChat alert sounded. I didn’t expect to ask Lin Meng to help check the information of Ridley Scott. There was news so soon. Looking at the size of this document, a total of “10.7M”, if it is pure The text data is not too small, but if it is the kind of pictures and texts, it is not bad.

However, considering the limited time, it is not easy to collect this level.

This is also due to the fact that Ridley Scott is well-known internationally. If you want to find most of the information about him, you only need to search on Du Niang. The content recorded on Wikipedia is already very detailed. , plus some achievements in the film, reputation and the evaluation of people in the circle, etc., all add up to this “10.7M” file.

It will definitely take a while to wait for Ridley Scott’s arrival, so I can take a good look at this information and have a match with “Ridley Scott” from another plane in my memory. certificate.

Meanwhile at Ridley Scott’s home.

After receiving the invitation from Evans, the agency immediately made a call to Jordan Scott, the daughter of Ridley Scott, who is currently idle at home, and detailed the content on the phone. Inform, the attitude of the whole process is how respectful and how respectful.

In fact, for the agency, a big director like Ridley Scott, whose personal reputation and the benefits created by filming are irresistible, must be careful when holding them in the palm of their hands. to please the object.

Therefore, how could Mr. Lei refuse the small request that Mr. Lei wanted his daughter to enter the brokerage company and become his agent.

It is said that “knowing the son is more like the mother, and knowing the daughter is more than the daughter”.

Jordan Scott knows better than anyone how much his father really wanted to be able to direct the “Lord of the Rings” movies, from the fact that his father would hold this book whenever he was free. It can be seen by writing and drawing on his own notebook while watching.

It’s a pity…Hollywood film circles say that it is not big or small, and it is almost difficult to hide from the caring people if there is a little trouble.

For example, there is no news of Ridley Scott on the list of three candidate directors selected by Universal Pictures after final negotiation, and it cannot be hidden at all.

Originally, Jordan Scott had already figured out how to tell his father the news and comfort him. Who knew that things would suddenly turn around because of a phone call from the agency.

Because Evans, the producer and project leader of the “Lord of the Rings” series, and Li Chungang, the author of the book, expressed their desire to invite Ridley Scott to talk to Universal.

And this talk is exactly what they want to hear the most. What they are most afraid of is that the other party refuses to even give the opportunity to talk as before. As long as they are willing to talk, it means there is still hope, and can fight!

“This may be the last chance to win!”

With this thought in mind, Jordan Scott told his father what happened, and at the same time the two quickly prepared and drove to the Universal company.

“Making a movie is like a free-spirited child in a toy box. It is only when I make a movie that I have such a child-like romantic feeling and naive enthusiasm. I just like making movies. After so many years, I have come to an important point. The conclusion is that making a movie doesn’t require any planning, just make it if you want.”

Ridley Scott looks much older and stronger than everyone thinks, and is still active among Hollywood’s first-line directors. Even in his 80s, he still maintains a high production rate of one film a year, which is faster than many young directors. much faster!

The sincerity of film is probably the most important reason why he is still making films at such a young age.

After listening to him say this, Evans replied with a smile: “I have always liked your style, can you please briefly talk about how you plan to shoot “The Lord of the Rings”?”

“I plan to make it a majestic war epic in the age of cold weapons. I don’t want to show the movie in a harsh style and fast-paced narrative, but plan to tell the story slowly. The appearance of heroes is always linked to the big era. of.”

Li Chungang couldn’t stop nodding beside him. As the saying goes, heroes create the times, and the times create heroes. When the world is quiet for too long, major events will happen naturally.

The world of “The Lord of the Rings” was originally supposed to be a high-magic world, but it has become a low-magic world for various reasons. When Bilbo Baggins was young, he could still see the last dragon in Middle-earth, but at the time of Frodo Only the pseudo-dragon rode by the Nazgul remains.

“I have to give a compliment, The Lord of the Rings is definitely the best book I have ever read in my life, every word and every sentence in the book is quite fascinating, which is inexplicable to me. The familiarity of the film is full of realism and romanticism, and I have to show these scenes that I have conceived in my head!”

Ridley Scott is a native of Eagle Country, and he may naturally feel the original intention of Tolkien, who was also a native of Eagle Country, to create a new and unique mythology for his country.

The so-called realism means that the abilities of the characters in the Lord of the Rings have not expanded unlimitedly, and the magic has gradually declined. Without a single magic in the cool article, a large area of ​​enemies will be harvested like wheat, whether it is war or the life described is actually It is easy to resonate with the protagonist of the book.

The classic civilian hero route, Frodo did not fight monsters and upgrade to become a great person, this is the difference between Frodo and Harry Potter.

Of course, only realism is impossible to become an epic. With pure realism, there is only one ending to The Lord of the Rings, that is, Frodo and other so-called Fellowship of the Ring teams all died tragically, and the Lord of the Rings finally returned to the biggest villain, Boss Sauron hands.

At this time, it was romanticism’s turn to appear. When these heroes were swept away by the current situation, Li Chungang abruptly completed the impossible task under the condition that the Fellowship of the Ring was fragmented.

When it comes to major decisions in Middle-earth, these positive characters tend to be sentimental, knowing that the road ahead is extremely rough, the members of the Fellowship of the Ring still hold their heads high; knowing that Frodo and Sam are weak, but Aragorn is still Decided to rescue Merry and Pippin; Helm’s Deep was trapped and waited for rescue, but he also asked the undead to fulfill their promise, and finally assembled the entire army.

Personal ability is limited, but human willpower is unlimited. It can affect everyone around you. This kind of feeling can make all readers and audiences become **** and excited!

“This is a simple demo version made by my special effects company Mill-Film a few days ago. The actors may be a little inappropriate. They are actors I randomly selected from Hollywood, mainly for the battle scenes I made to make you You can take a look.”

As a film company, the most indispensable thing in the conference room is playback equipment, and when this video appeared, Li Chungang was really amazed.

It is very simple. The gray-robed wizard and the white-robed wizard appear in the picture. The acting skills and demeanor of the two cover up the lack of makeup, hair and clothing.

“I have to admit that in this type of movie, there should be no one stronger than you, Mr. Lei.” Li Chungang broke the silence and seized the opportunity to express his attitude.

Evans quietly glanced at Li Chungang, and at this time, he already knew something.

If he was still worried a second ago, how can he completely convince Li Chungang to come with him to the company’s leadership to let Mr. Lei direct the “Lord of the Rings” series of movies, then from this sentence, from this There is no need to worry from the beginning of the second, because it has become obvious by now.

Moreover, compared to the three directors on the shortlist that the two met before, this meeting with Ridley Scott is obviously more enjoyable, and it looks like a semi-finished product taken from the other party. When the video came out, the sincerity shown couldn’t be more obvious!

Before I was not sure whether I could direct the filming, I had already asked the special effects company to make a sample video regardless of the cost and time. The reason for this was that Ridley Scott was really optimistic about the “Lord of the Rings” movie from the bottom of his heart. And want to shoot in person, Li Chungang and Evans can’t think of a second reason.

In addition, after seeing Ridley Scott in person, the mental outlook and physical status displayed by the other party can be said to dispel their last worries.

With his current physical health and mental state, there must be no problem in insisting on finishing the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy.

That being the case, what else is there to consider! ?

“I can now be sure that Ridley Scott is the director we have been looking for! Let’s talk about the contract. After the contract is finalized, we will start the script writing and the construction of the behind-the-scenes team. There is still a lot of work to be done.”

The $12 million remuneration is also considered the highest among Hollywood first-tier directors, and this is just one remuneration.

Although the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy was shot together, the remuneration has to be calculated separately, which means that Ridley will take a full $36 million from Universal Pictures just for the remuneration, not counting box office dividends!

At this time, it is the turn of the agent and the producer to fight each other and negotiate the price. Li Chungang is not an investor. He has no right to speak at this time. He can be a handsome melon eater. .

Even though Ridley Scott’s box office performance fluctuated greatly, the agent still received 5% of the global box office dividend, without any threshold, and it was almost a guaranteed profit!

But in another place, they had a huge disagreement.

In Hollywood, the producer-centered system is often implemented. During the production process of a film, the producer controls the whole process, from investment to script supervision, from the shooting cycle to the final editing of the film, to release, issued.

The producer has the most power in the entire crew, and at the same time is very familiar with the market, capital, and resources. For commercial considerations, he often uses scissors for movies!

The reason why the producer has the final editing right is due to several considerations. One is the length of the movie, which is generally one and a half to two hours. The extent of urine is limited). The other is for the consideration of grading. The grading of movies in Hollywood is enough to affect the box office. PG-13 is completely different from R.

For example, the release version of Peter Jackson’s “The Lord of the Rings” is 178 minutes long, and the director’s cut version on the disc is a full 228 minutes.

There are certain risks involved in letting producers master scissors, which can be a commercial success, but it can also ruin an original masterpiece.

Ridley Scott, who is sitting opposite Li Chungang, is the biggest victim. The original plan of “Kingdom of Heaven” was 3 hours and 14 minutes~www.mtlnovel.com~ But the producer, 20th Century Fox, felt that it was too long. Well, there are still 2 hours and 25 minutes left to cut directly.

The director’s cut version is not as simple as simply adding 50 minutes, and the experience of watching the movie is completely different. Many people say that if the version edited by Ridley Scott is released, I am afraid that the box office will be doubled!

This situation abounds in Hollywood, and it is often seen that the advertisements of various movies when they are released on DVD or Blu-ray discs are the gimmicks of the director’s cut version.

In addition to “Kingdom of Heaven”, Lao Lei’s “Blade Runner”, “Gladiator” and “The Martian” have all released director’s cuts.

It is conceivable that the release version is served by “scissors”.

Of course, not all Director’s Cuts are good and can be bloated.

For example, the edited version of the Justice League of Zadao released some time ago, the movie duration of 4 hours and 02 minutes is definitely a huge test for the audience.

Li Chungang didn’t know what other people felt when they looked at it. Anyway, the “→” key on the keyboard never stopped when he looked at it!

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