What Should I Do If the System Forces Me To Copy Books?

Chapter 92 - \\\"Battle Shirt\\\" (thanks to the youth in the south for the reward)

Rolls Royce Ghost.

Looking at the sign of the Goddess of Victory with open arms in front of the front of the car, Li Chungang, who began to slowly understand the mysterious knowledge of cars, sports cars, etc., recognized at a glance that the car connecting him and Rowan at the airport was a Rolls-Royce!

If the Audi R7 I saw for the first time in Shanghai looked like a “suit thug”, then the Rolls-Royce in front of me looked like a dignified and elegant aristocratic gentleman.

What really surprised him was the driver who got out of the driver’s seat.

The suit and leather shoes are so straight that you can’t see the slightest wrinkle, a refreshing and capable head that is exactly one inch long and short, and a pair of white gloves that are very similar to those in TV dramas and movies. This posture, this style is really something I have never felt before. Li Chungang felt a little flattered.

Do you think rich people are really happy? Yes, you can’t imagine the happiness of rich people!

Seeing the arrival of Li Chungang and Luo Wen, the driver master bent a forty-five degree as if he had tried countless times, asked the two of them with the most standard etiquette, and said, “Dong Shao told me to pick it up directly. The two of you are going to the Cultural Convention and Exhibition Center, please get on the bus.”

Knowing that the time was short, the two of them did not delay. After getting on the Ghost, the driver stepped on the accelerator and went straight to the exhibition center.

“Are you guys so rich in Manjinghua Publishing Company? Official cars are all Rolls-Royce-level.”

“Mr. Li, you may have misunderstood. This Gust is actually Dong Shao’s personal car. It was because of the two of you that I specially ordered me to the airport today!”

“I see!”

This can be regarded as solving a little doubt in Li Chungang’s heart. If even the official car is a Rolls-Royce, he will consider whether to be ruthless when the next book is published by Manjinghua.” The lion opened his mouth,” and stroked the capitalist’s wool.

“Lao Luo, how are you talking about the new book with the publishing house?”

Having a rare chance to meet, Li Chungang wanted to know the progress of the copyright negotiation for his new book, “Kyushu: Misty Records”. It must be known that he has not been lazy at all. Even if the speed is slow, he has already completed “Kyushu: Misty Records” One-third of the first volume.

In addition, the manuscript fee in July gave him a lot of room for maneuvering, and the balance of 10 million is used as a foundation, and he can unlock the works he wants at any time.

At the current speed of the one-month release plan planned by Manjinghua Publishing House, it will soon be unable to meet Li Chungang’s coding speed.

“The general intention has been basically reached an agreement, but the improvement of the treatment is not satisfactory, so this time I came to Yanjing from the north, not only for a signing meeting, but also for everyone to sit down for an interview. “

“Okay, you can handle copyright matters as you see fit.”

In fact, it’s not that Li Chungang didn’t consider the idea of ​​serializing in the corresponding journals. Later, after careful consideration, he gave up. At least this method of serializing in journals is not suitable for him. The main problem is the word “slow”. Often only one journal is published a week or a month, and then a small portion of the content is published.

This kind of speed really can’t satisfy Li Chungang who wants to recommend more excellent works to everyone!

An open space less than 100 meters away from the entrance of the Cultural Exhibition Center.

About a dozen young people gathered together in a half-circle. The young people who gathered together had one thing in common – handsome men and women, all dressed in trendy fashion, and those who were surrounded by them in the center of the circle had one thing in common. It was a man and a woman, with two large cardboard boxes at their feet.

“There are clothes I have prepared for you in the box. You can choose any size. Girls can come to my car if they want to change clothes!”

The domineering leader, Sister E, finished speaking, and pointed her slender hand to the side of the road not far away. A domineering Hummer was parked on the side of the road, followed by the latest Lamborghini Poison. The two stopped one after the other. There is a stark contrast on the side of the road.

“Tsk tsk tsk~ As expected of Sister E, Lamborghinis are poisonous when they go out. There are more than 10 million that can’t be taken down, right?” There were still discerning people present, and they could see the extremely cool supercar at a glance.

It’s just that the person who spoke was proud of his eyesight, but he didn’t realize that Sister E rolled her eyes after listening, and said disdainfully, “Which of your eyes saw that the poison belongs to me, that Land Rover is mine? Only a **** would drive a supercar!”

Standing on the side, Gu Bei, who was so miserable, didn’t even have the strength to complain.

He and the “Sister E” in these people, that is, the Liu E family, are considered family friends. It is not an exaggeration to describe the relationship between the two as “childhood sweethearts”, but the two did not become a couple as written in the TV drama script. lovers, but became… buddies!

Yes, you heard that right, buddy! not siblings!

As for the reason, it can be easily seen from Sister E’s behavior and way of speaking that Liu E is definitely the type of person who gave birth to the wrong child. In her eyes, a real man should be open to a real man. Domineering cars such as Hummer and Land Rover are not supercars that can only sit in the car and listen to the roar of the engine.

For this problem, Gu Bei has tried to argue with Liu E since he got his first sports car~www.mtlnovel.com~. As for the result, you can see the Hummer parked on the side of the road.

“It’s going to start in less than half an hour. Hurry up and change your clothes. What are the big men doing?”

Seeing that after taking out the clothes from the cardboard boxes one by one, they spread them out to observe for a long time, but no one thought of changing clothes first, Liu E couldn’t help urging them. After finishing, he stabbed Gu Bei with his elbow and stared at him fiercely, with a terrifying expression clearly written on his face, “Why are you still waiting for this group leader?”

“I’ll change! I’ll change! I can’t change it!”

This box of clothes was printed by Gu Bei himself. It was not the strange and unacceptable clothes that ordinary people thought. On the contrary, it was the kind that couldn’t be simpler. The white T-shirt was written on the chest side. There are four imposing characters of “Zhi Chun Zhi Gang”.

The four characters “Zhichunzhigang” have also been specially designed by professionals. They are arranged in vertical version. The left Zhichun is slightly higher, and the right Zhigang is slightly lower. There is a pen and a keyboard between the two. It symbolizes the identity of the author of Li Chungang.

If you have one, you will have two, if you have two, you will have three.

Not long after, the group members who were present, under the leadership of the group leader Lonely Smoking Gun, Gu Bei, all changed into T-shirts euphemistically called “war robes”, stood in a pile in the open space and waited from all over the world. The group of friends who came to Yanjing and had not yet arrived, from time to time, had to accept the scorn of passing hostile supporters.

“Look at the group of second-hand people over there. They seem to be the most honest readers. They are stupid in that kind of clothes.”

“I also think, shouldn’t it be the author’s request? If so, I’m very lucky that I’m here to support Peach Blossom.”

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