What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 30: Old lady Yu’s summon

This time, I was not tired enough to sleep right away. I had excess energy from the last spiritual stone recharge. I was wondering if I should do another round of training to get sleepy and let my body naturally recover overnight when I heard a soft knock on the door. 

“Come in” I said

“Master, sorry to bother you this late but your grandmother’s maid is asking to talk to you. She says it is important” said grandma Li

I turned on the light, put on the outer clothes carelessly and told her to bring the maid. I was not moving out of my bed.

“Young master Bai. Your servants sleep early. Old lady Yu is inviting you to have a night snack” said the maid

“Since when was it normal for a 10 year old to be awake at almost midnight? I was sleeping when you rudely woke me up” I lied arrogantly

“I beg mercy for my mistake young master but these are Old lady Yu's orders” said the maid without kneeling or faking being guilty. I wanted her to wipe off the arrogance from her face so I decided to do what I was not planning a minute earlier; get out of the dam*n bed to deal with her

“YOU do not look like someone who feels guilty for waking me up” I said with a deep and angry voice while taking one step toward her

“YOU do not have the right to comment about how MY servants behave in THIS courtyard” I said while taking more slow steps.

“YOU are still standing arrogantly instead of properly apologizing” I summoned lightning between my fingers and made it thick enough for everyone in the bedroom to see it and hear the buzzing sound. 

The maid opened her eyes big then knelt with her head touching the floor “I beg for mercy master Bai. Please have mercy, I will not comment on your servants again. I will not bother you again” Well I was not planning to hit her with that, just scare her which luckily worked.

“I will let you go only because I need you to give a message to old lady Yu for me” I said

“Tell her that I was sleeping as I always am at this time. I will always choose to sleep over a midnight snack. Which she already knows from her past summons” I said close to her

She stayed in a kneeling position but lifted her head. I got closer and asked

“Are you ever coming to this courtyard?”

“Never. Never master”

“Are you going to tell the old lady my message word by word without missing or adding anything extra?”

“Yes young master. I will only say what you told me, nothing missing. No extras”

“Good. Then standup and GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!” I roared. She ran like the devil was pursuing her. 

This was a young maid that was barely 16 years old. Her cultivation base was lower than mine. Her position as a servant was lower than mine but she still played the arrogant lady. In my last life, after I complained about her to my grandmother, she was killed without a thought in front of me. It was the first murder I saw. I was shocked and felt guilty that my words could get servants killed. From my point of view, being arrogant was not a good enough reason to kill someone.

After that day, I kept being arrogant toward the Yu family members but I never complained about servants anymore. I could not deal with having their life taken because of me. When the servants found out, they pushed me around and tried to get some money from me until I decided to beat them up personally. 

This time, I hoped this maid learned her lesson. From now on her life, or death, was not up to me. “Grandma Li, did she open the courtyard gate to enter?” I asked in a gentle voice

“No master. We locked the gate before going to sleep. She knocked for a long time until we heard her. She complained a bit about it but we just ignored it. It was late and she hurt no one”

“Good. Keep that door closed at all times. Let them knock if they want to enter. How are the boys?”

“They are both asleep. Don’t worry young master”

“Then good night. Ah and even if tomorrow is a day off, please wake me up early. I suspect the old lady to call me for breakfast but I want to eat here before dealing with her” 

“I will. Good night master”

After it was quiet again, I made a half meter lightning with a finger and half maximum thickness for over 5 minutes. With that, I was calm and tired enough to go to sleep. I suspect tomorrow to be harder than today

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