What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 40: Validation and preparations

I woke up with part of the bed sheet on my mouth, I was that hungry. Li Yao who was sleeping on a chair next to me woke up as soon as I moved a bit, then went out running like he was chased by the devil. He came back soon after with a bowl of steaming porridge. Bless his heart. I was on my 2nd spoon when Li Bo then grandma Li came running.

I woke up in the morning all by myself. Joking, that was the morning on the following day. I slept for more than a day and woke up 2 levels higher. I felt refreshed and full of energy and I was now at level 5 of Qi condensation. This was another reason to sleep in! Waking up naturally increased my cultivation naturally. I should call this technique; the Heavenly Sloth Technique.

Joking, I fainted because of enlightenment, trying to delay it to convince uncle Huai was not a good idea for my age but it was worth it. Still I felt fine thanks to the purity of my spiritual energy. I wanted to know about what happened during my sleep but food was my priority right now.  

I was attacking the second serving of porridge with a steamed bun when aunt Yan came to see me. She told me that she took leave from school for 3 days for me. Officially, I was sick so I was not allowed to go out. 

“Unless you want to make me a liar in front of the school” Warned aunt Yan. 

My third serving was fried noodles with vegetable and beast meat. It was only after I finished it that I felt full.   

Aunt Yan then explained to me what I missed so far. The beast horde theory was already proven correct by many. She could not fathom how historians missed that for thousands of years. The city history books were summarized every one to two thousand years based on the amount of historical data and the last city historian did it 1500 years ago. There was enough information to release the 7th volume and a draft was already available so it was easy to check my theories.

The teachers selected by the dean, and some scholars were trying to validate my first theory. For now they only validated all the extreme weather and beast attack’s dates from the book. It took a whole day for that…really… They were now having issues with the equation as it was too long for them and was written in Arabic numbers. Good thing I defined each number below the equation. I expect them to go faster soon... unless they were taking the time to rewrite the equation with ancient numbers. Whatever works for them…     

Uncle Huai found two array masters for the validation. One of them had to be called out from seclusion. They were using the equation to validate the dates first as the result was more important than the methodology for now. I had more faith in them.

Aunt Yan told me that no one, except for the initial three, knew that I was the one who wrote the papers to avoid the information not being taken seriously. They were planning to announce my contribution much later but I really didn’t care. I would rather keep it secret for as long as possible. The priority was to start preparing for the catastrophe because that was coming soon. So far, no one except for uncle Huai and his team really understood the implication of the results.

I considered the remaining 2 days off as training. After aunt Yan rejected my request to get the 7th book for final check, I chose to do the next best thing; meditate and create the meridian’s path. 

That was what I was doing until I was called for dinner by my aunt. Uncle Huai had an update and invited himself to eat with us at my courtyard. Grandma Li was the one cooking with the help of the Li boys and 2 aunt Yan’s maid.

Uncle Huai, started complaining without greeting us “Can you believe those useless scholars! After 2 days they were proud to confirm that the dates written on the papers were correct up to the 6th volume…6th volume! What were they doing all this time? They said they had to read the books word by word to not miss anything. One book per person in two days!”1It might be confusing: at this point they cross checked the dates mentioned in the papers with the history books. Nothing more

“They are scholars, what did you expect? The sage told you to contact array masters not scholars” answered aunt Yan

“Well if more people confirmed all or part of the theory, it would be easier for everyone to accept the results. Right now we need results” I said. Validation was important as everyone's acceptance could help raise enough resources.

“Xiao Shin, those scholars are paid daily. The more time they take to validate the better for their pockets. They cannot abuse it often to not affect their reputation, but they still delay here and there” added aunt Yan. Not all scholars were like that and I understood the concept. 

“I hope they will let you know they cannot validate the equation early if that is the case” I didn’t believe that someone known for his or her poetry would help much. 

“I am scary enough for them to not dare play around for too long” Uncle Huai said proudly

“How about the array masters?” I asked. I had more faith in them. 

“They are smart. They had trouble in the beginning with your weird numbers but they got faster as soon as they got used to it. They validated half the dates with your equation and I expect them to finish by tomorrow. So far I gave no one the 7th volume, I want a non biased result”

“Good!” I answered back

“Mmmm … this pit-zah is really good. New topping?” asked uncle Huai

“One of the maid must have tried new flavors” answered aunt Yan 

“Nope this is all me. Goat cheese and basil” I replied. Training was not the only thing I did last week.

“Cheese?” asked uncle Huai

“You really don’t want to know,” answered aunt Yan.

I already told her what cheese was. I was even trying to age a bit of cheese I made from milk of a beast that looked like a cow. The goat milk was her bottom line though. An adult taking dairy in any form was not popular in this city.

Hello everyone, 

I had a hard time editing this chapter. If you find any mistakes please let me know.

Disclaimer: This author had nothing against scholars!

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