What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 56: Sleep on a bed of flowers

After uncle Huai left, I set up an isolation and sound array and cried. I was expecting the news about my parents. Deep down, I hoped that the butterfly effect of my rebirth affected that outcome somehow and it did not.

I knew long ago that they chose cultivation over me.

I will not actively look for them like in my first life. I will let fate decide if we will meet in this life.

Instead of thinking about them, I prefer finding a way to send a message to my 2nd family. They deserve news about my wellbeing more than them.

With this conclusion, I left my room when I was sure my eyes were not red anymore.

I returned the map then had dinner on the ground floor. Now that the inn had only officials and city guards, it was less noisy and no one bothered me. I did not see brother Wen and a passing servant told me he was still settling newcomers.

I wanted to go out and play with children my age but it was almost dark, they should be at home with their parents...

In the end, I did what an adult me would have forbidden any child my age to do; I went to my bedroom, opened a bottle of green stone wine and got stupidly drunk. 

I actually got drunk after only one cup. I forgot to put an isolation array so uncle Hei came when he heard my laugh. I thought I was quiet, but again a quiet drunk does not exist.

Instead of scolding me, he drank the rest of the bottle with brother Wen. I passed out soon after.


The next day, I had to give away all the remaining wine to Official Hei. He insisted on it as soon as brother Wen was able to wake me up. He did not care that I was soaking wet and was experiencing the first hangover in this life. The worst was using the carriage while being hungover. The disgusting hangover soup did not help at all!

After stopping the carriage 3 times for me to get everything out of my system, brother Wen decided that a break was needed. We stopped near a lake surrounded by flowers and I took a nap there. It was the best sleep I had in ages.

When I woke up, I was alone and my stomach begged for food. I called for brother Wen, uncle Hei and the guards but no one answered. 


I remembered brother Wen putting a blanket on me before I fell asleep so he was with me until then. The green blanket was set aside while I was sleeping. I must have removed it because I felt too hot... but this was fall season!

How come there were so many flowers in Fall and why was it hot? It felt like summer. 

I removed my coat as I was sweating and called my entourage again. No answer.

I was hesitating if I should walk toward the road or wait here a bit. 

I decided to go toward the road. No carriage or guards. No f*cking one.

However, I saw a disturbed area not too far. Based on the crushed flowers, everyone went to the direction of the lake. I found traces on the wet sand along the lake. By the time I walked a quarter of it, I found them. They were all on their knees looking at a very ugly plant. I got closer and took out my analyzer; 

Giant Siren plant. Use of pheromones to attract prey. Use of tentacles to feed from prey. Prey: male species of any form

“@%&((&^#$#$%1A/N: the swearing was too bad to be written down. Use your imagination are you saying I am not a male!” I shouted to the analyzer while pointing it toward myself; 

8 Protection talismans. 3 artifacts. Do you want the detailed list?

Ah yes, my body was full of protection charms and artifacts. I still used the analyzer toward my male part to make sure it was real…It was. Good, it was time to wake everyone up.

I used my water root to create a big wave in the lake and pushed it toward everyone kneeling. I moved a bit further to avoid the cold wave. Due to previous anger the wave might have been a tiny bit too big... That was fun! 

They all stood up, soaking wet with funny faces. It was so funny that I laughed hard and had to lie down to catch my breath.

I used my finger to show them the plant and said “Siren plant. Pheromones. Watch out for tentacles” 

They quickly understood. All of them attacked at the same time. They were so angry that there was not a complete leaf at the end.

After the danger was out, brother Wen asked me “Are you hurt?” 

I shook my head to say no.

“This Siren plant, I never heard of it affecting people laugh” said uncle Hei in concern

“It was not the pheromones that made me laugh. It was your expressions after being drenched by cold water”  

It was then that they all looked at each other and found out they were wet. Wow, those pheromones were strong

“How come you are not affected?” asked brother Wen

“Do you know how many protection charms and artifacts I have on me? If all of you attacked me I would still be fine” I answered back proudly.

“And here I thought you could be a girl in disguise” teased uncle Hei

“Humm. Not since the last time I checked” which was a few minutes ago.

I thought a simple dry spell and everyone would be ready to head back but I was wrong “Why are you taking whatever is left of the plant? Is it useful?” I asked one of the guards who was crouching down to collect mutilated leaves

“Maybe it can be used as an aphrodisiac drug but in this instance we need to investigate why this was here”

Oh yeah, like I would believe you. My face must have shown my mind but the guard ignored me and continued with his task.

After collecting whatever was left, he dug at the base to get the roots and found a couple of skeletons, beast and human alike. Creepie.

“This is how we would have ended up if you did not wake us up” said uncle Hei

“You would not have been in danger if we did not stop because of me” I answered

“Then this plant would have taken more lives in the area until it would have been able to move by itself to find more prey”

“We need to stay here longer. Call in reinforcements and an investigation team. A giant dangerous plant this close to the road is not possible without valid cause. There might be more in the area” 

“If there are other Siren plants, you could get affected again” I warned

“Not if you use spiritual energy to purify the air you breathe. We were not ready for this so it caught us by surprise” answered one of the guards

Then I remembered “The area where I was sleeping was as warm as a summer day and had a lot of flowers. Could those flowers be...”   

AnEr ordered a guard to go there and bring a sample. The leaves reassembled the siren plant’s one but were much smaller. I used the analyzer; 

Immature Siren plant. Use of pheromones to attract prey. Prey; male insects

“Attendant Wen, it seems we let young master Bai sleep on a bed made of Siren Plants” Said uncle Hei… 

A bit of action today,

Don't ask why our MC did not think of removing the hangover with his ability. Who could think with a hangover?

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