What to do if you find out that you are a cannon fodder in a cultivation novel?

Chapter 78: Continuing our little chat

I waved my hand to convey that it did not matter. 

“Anyway, as a young kid with no parents and an immortal ancestor, I was a good candidate so you bound to me early on but you stayed hidden until you found the perfect occasion to take over my body" I was not exactly sure when he hid part of him inside me but I had a suspicion it was when I was 10 years old or even younger

"When we met Wu ChengLiu, you felt a sliver of the Heavenly Dao on him. Absorbing him would make you regain a big part of your powers so you made me obsessed enough to fight him over and over again.

That, of course, failed. That artificial obsession made me into a bigger fool but I did not hate him genuinely to be willing to kill him. Let’s not forget the Heavenly Dao that increased the ‘protagonist luck’ to keep him alive"

The obsession I had toward the b*stard Wu ChengLiu was due to the evil immortal in front of me 

"When you saw my lack of murder intent after all those years, you created those fake tests in this cave and made me take them to try to get me to hate Wu ChengLiu for real but I still did not turn into the madman you hoped for. 

From then on, you made sure to torture me mentally and physically in that cave for 5 years then killed me when that did not work either. 

Afterward, you bonded with Wu ChengLi1Li-er who had a real hatred against his half brother. A small fragment of you stayed with me as a locator in my next reincarnation” This was why I kept my memories of my first life after I was reborn. 

“Wu ChengLi failed killing ChengLiu and you got hurt due to his heavenly body constitution so you tried to move back to me. You could not move to my plane, I assume even immortals, Evil or not, had certain restrictions on that but you were able to write a trashy novel and send it there”

Yep, the trashy author was the man in front of me.  As for how he made me read it, he must have manipulated my memories thinking my sister was the one who gave it to me. 

“That novel was supposed to make me hate and resent the protagonist enough to get revenge after I reincarnated back to this plane. I am not sure why you singled me out a 2nd time and went over all that trouble. I am not even sure how you made me go back in time” Maybe the reason he was soo weak now was because he used too much of his powers to turn back time 

“At my peak, I could use time and space abilities at will. I lost space abilities but kept part of the time abilities” The evil being was angry enough to be willing to talk now so I let him.

The longer the better. Where was Ji FangFang! I called her ages ago!

“Who let you be the descendant of that b*tch. If not for her and that Cheng b*stard I would not be in this situation now!” He shouted

So I was his target from the start. I smile with the thought of being an evil immortal obsession. I was a puppet in his hands for way too long

“That fragment after your death was not on purpose. Thankfully it helped in the end. When ChengLi died, I felt you so I used it to bring you back and I regressed time for one last try” said the evil immortal with a sneer. He truly lost his mind

“Who knew that my fragment dispersed after your rebirth? By the time my spies went to you, you were well protected. I could not even be bound to you anymore. You have better luck in this life” He finished with a pensive look

Uncle Huai and aunt Yan's spying when I was still at the Yu residence made fake aunt Liu back away. I owed them more than what I thought. They protected me in the shadow long enough for me to wear my mother’s heirloom.

My heart started beating fast at that implication. I should have worn the bracelet the first minute I returned... If the Huai couple did not get curious about me during that time, I would have been toast

“There is a good reason for my good luck but let me finish your part before telling you what you missed” I replied arrogantly

“You could not get me anymore because you mistook the heavenly protection bracelet for a common dimensional space nor could you monitor me as I was well protected but you knew I would return to this cave for the treasure and I did” He even dared to write on the book about the dimensional space. I should thank him, he made me use my mother’s heirloom - relatively - early on

“You used it again as a last ditch effort to get me. You were smart to make the first 4 tests easy enough to lower my guards. The last test was a hard one but I, again, failed you and kept my sanity” The hatred he wanted to create in me did not work.

He was bound to me in my first life but could not hear my thoughts. As an introvert, I never shared my feelings out loud so he mistook my true character from the beginning; I would never kill for revenge.

After repeated failures, the evil immortal understood it too late.

“You trying to get into my sea of knowledge this time is not to use me anymore. Isn’t it?

It is to destroy me by your hands as a retaliation against my ancestor. You already know that you utterly failed on your way to the top. Pun intended2The way to the top was his tr*shy novel title He was too weak to steal my body so he wanted to destroy the one who failed him too many times 

I expected him to explode with my bad pun but he surprisingly stayed calm. “What did I miss then?”

He was curious enough. Good, he thought he had one last chance to beat me

“You do not understand the laws of cause and effect.

The Heavenly Dao chose Wu ChengLiu and gave him a sliver of power because you targeted me. It was its plan to make you obsessed into killing ChengLiu and forget your original goal to use me to ascend. You played right into its hands”

This part I was sure about. Based on what Li-er told me, Wu ChengLiu luck ran out of luck very early. I, on the other hand, was very lucky. I pondered for a while as to why and I understood the reason moments ago.

In this life, ChengLiu did not get the luck of the protagonist because I was not possessed by the evil immortal in front of me. His eyes turned big and he muttered "How?"

“This cave might hide some of your activities from the Heavenly Dao but your minions’ activities were in the open. It was easy to find out your real purpose" His eyes moved slightly as if he was thinking hard about what his fragments have done over the years

“As for my new found luck, in this life you could not bound to me so of course I would get back my original fate” I finished

In our first life, ChengLiu, Li-er and myself were cannon fodders at the hand of higher beings. The Heavenly Dao had to modify our luck because of it. This time, it chose to return our original fate.

The evil immortal could not be bound to me anymore. Li-er and his half brother were far enough to not be affected by him. No one knew, except me, the reason Li-er had the memories of his past life was another evil fragment on him. His constitution and the divine necklace dispersed that fragment completely. If the man in front of me could be dealt with today, our fates would not deviate again and we could live our lives freely.    

“I acknowledge my mistakes. Now I have to kill you to fix it” said the man with an evil smile. Was he trying to scare me? Did he forget he wanted to kill me from the beginning? 

“Sure, go ahead,” I replied calmly. I was still slouched on the chair, acting like I was not feeling any danger

“You are not scared I see. Your artifacts protect your sea of knowledge but they don't stop me from killing you”

“I know,” I confirmed. He stood up and changed his hands into claws with black nails. His face turned grey with black lips - a truly frightening sight - then he rushed toward me with a roar. I stayed seated and displayed a look of interest. He looked like a ghost from a low budget horror movie

His black nails stopped a hair away from my forehead “You knew I could not kill you” he confirmed

“Yep, you do not have a body to do any physical harm. One of your minions could try though. Are they too far to come to you?” I asked

“Your guards are stronger than expected” 

“My uncle loves me enough to give me his best,” I replied. I made early preparations for the worse case scenario. It was just that I was expecting the b*stard Wu ChengLiu coming unexpectedly and not an evil immortal. 

“So we are at an impasse. You cannot go out and my minions cannot get in” said the evil being “I wonder how long your guards would stay around if you do not go out though?”

This was when I felt my bracelet’s energy fluctuation and I smiled.

“No impasse” His claw was so close to me that I moved my forehead to ‘touch’ him and I quickly transferred him to my bracelet.

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