What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 135

Regarding having children, the traditional thinking in Qi is to have as many children as possible. The Marquis, a powerful family, had wealth and many servants, such as nannies and maids, all of whom were available.

He Yunxiao, as the first son of the Marquis, was the only child in his family, and he could be as unrestrained in this regard as he was in his reputation. He could just marry and have as many children as he wanted. Rather If he had few, he would be scolded instead, but only if he had many would he be admired, and his family be at peace.

But this is what the people of Qi think.

He Yunxiao, a young man who had crossed over from the modern era, certainly did not think so this way.

His idea was that each female protagonist should have one, so that when he was not at home, the female protagonists could conveniently raise each other’s children to relieve their boredom. The idea of having five children, like Fan Zirou, was something He Yunxiao would definitely not allow.

The matter of having children is all about participation, not results.

This kind of thinking of having five children is very dangerous and must be corrected.

He Yunxiao said seriously: “Zirou, your story is very well written, but I don’t understand one thing. That is, why did Fan Zi want to give birth to five children to He Xiao?”

Even when a modern girl mentions having children, it’s hard to have a face that doesn’t change, let alone Fan Zirou who is quite reserved in this regard.

He Yunxiao only saw Zirou sister’s cheeks blush as she stammered, “It doesn’t, it doesn’t have to be five. I just want Fan Zi to give He Xiao more children. To make He Xiao happier.”

After Fan Zirou finished her sentence, she stole a glance at He Yunxiao to see what he thought in this regard.

Would it be too little to have only five? If he wanted more children, then Zirou …… No No No! Then Fan Zi could also give He Xiao a few more children.

He Yunxiao composed his words and said, “The matter of having children has to be done according to one’s ability. If the wife exhausts her body in order to have a child, I think the husband will not be happy either. Besides, having a baby is a lot of trouble, pain and exhaustion, and it can easily lead to illness. It’s better to have fewer babies and spend your mind on teaching them.”

Fan Zirou tilted her head, gently, puzzled, “Young Master, giving birth to a child is tiring, but how can you give up just because of that?”

He Yunxiao was speechless.

This Zirou sister, who clearly didn’t even know how to give birth to a child, how could she think about giving birth every day?

He simply said, “Zirou, are you very fond of children?”

Fan Zirou’s face reddened at that moment at He Yunxiao’s question.

A man directly asking a woman if she likes children ……

However, Fan Zirou then looked at He Yunxiao’s face, which had no teasing intent, coupled with his slightly serious look, so she roughly guessed that He Yunxiao was probably just asking a simple question and meant nothing else.

Fan Zirou put aside her strange thoughts and answered the question honestly, “Zirou doesn’t actually like children very much.”

This time it was He Yunxiao’s turn to be surprised. She didn’t like them, and she still wanted to have so many?

He hastily asked, “Why?”

Fan Zirou said, “Children are too energetic and too noisy.”

Sister Zirou had never liked noise, and this answer from her was indeed unexpected and reasonable.

He Yunxiao then asked, “If you don’t like it, why do you still want to have several?”

Fan Zirou glanced at He Yunxiao and immediately blushed, then immediately looked elsewhere, and after finding nowhere else to put her eyes, she had to settle back on He Yunxiao’s body.

“It is only right for a woman to marry a man and bear and raise children for him. If in the future Zirou marries someone else and Zirou’s husband wants Zirou to have more children, of course Zirou is willing to do so.”

When He Yunxiao heard this, he finally came to understand.

No wonder sister Zirou didn’t like children, yet she was always thinking of having more. It turned out to be that she actually did like her husband, and then though that men liked children, and she herself wanted to make her husband happy. So, with her brainstorming, she got the idea of having more children as a matter of course.

He Yunxiao said helplessly, “Zirou, to tell you the truth, I don’t like children either, so don’t keep thinking about having more children.”

[Fan Zirou’s favorability level changed from 75 to 75]

[Fan Zirou’s favorability level changed from 75 to 76]

[Fan Zirou’s favorability level changed from 76 to 76]

He Yunxiao: ?

What the hell? What’s happening? Sister Zirou’s favorability level went up a bit?

He Yunxiao thought about it, but he couldn’t figure out why suddenly, Fan Zirou’s favorability rating had increased by a little. Didn’t he say he had a knot in his heart? Could it be that the knot had been released?

As soon as he looked at the woman across from him, he saw her watery eyes and her blushing face.

Ah what the…… Hell is wrong with this?

He Yunxiao cautiously asked, “Zirou, what happened to you suddenly?”

Fan Zirou was red-faced, and even the top of her head seemed to be smoking hot.

She screamed, “Don’t talk nonsense, Young Master, Zirou hasn’t married yet.”

He Yunxiao couldn’t understand a bit. He hastily thought back on what he had just said to see if he had not paid attention to which sentence he had said wrong.

As soon as he did so, he realised that something was wrong.

At first, she said, “If in the future Zirou marries someone else and Zirou’s husband wants Zirou to have more children, of course Zirou is willing to do so.”, and then he subconsciously said, “I don’t like children either, so don’t keep thinking about having more children.”

Bad, very bad, a big mistake!

Because of the favorability system, I had known that she would definitely marry me because she couldn’t run away, so I subconsciously took on the role of her husband!

No wonder Zirou sister reacted so strongly suddenly, and even her favorability level went up a little!

This action of his was no less than a direct marriage proposal to her, who was good at brainstorming!

He Yunxiao wanted to explain right away that he had said it mistakenly. However, he immediately thought, if he could break the knot by proposing to Fan Zirou and get her favorability level up to 80, then why not propose to her?

Anyway, it had been stuck for a long time, so no matter how you calculate it, you should have broken 80 by now, and it was only a matter of time before marriage.

With this in mind, He Yunxiao did not intend on explaining his misspoken words and simply reinforced the idea that she thought he was proposing.

So when Fan Zirou said, “Don’t talk nonsense, Young Master. Zirou hasn’t married yet.” He Yunxiao then said in response, “Sooner or later, sister Zirou will have to get married.”

As expected, when Fan Zirou heard He Yunxiao’s words, she immediately read the deeper meaning of his words: You will have to marry someone sooner or later, so why not just marry me?

[Fan Zirou’s favorability level changed from 76 to 76]


The favorability level is stuck again!

There was something wrong.

He Yunxiao understood that this knot in her heart was not simple, at least not something that could be broken by simply proposing to her and simply saying words of love.

Fan Zirou knew what He Yunxiao meant, but she couldn’t give He Yunxiao a positive answer, at least not with 76 favorability levels.

At 76, it could break her stable emotions, but it could not break the ideology she had always kept.

Her father was still alive, and the matter of marriage was still up to him.

So Fan Zirou had to say politely, “Marriage is a matter of choice of parents, so Zirou can’t make the decision on her own.”

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