What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 30: You've Been Fooled, Miss Chu Chu

That said, just now, Yang Zhe sent a message to Li Jin as he left.

Yang Zhe was in first place among the several contestants, sitting at the front, while Li Jin was in the middle of the pack.

The two were separated by several competitors, among whom Liu Feiyun, Tie Weiqi and Shen Kuan all had martial arts skills. Liu Feiyun and Shen Kuan’s martial arts skills were not high, but Tie Weiqi’s cultivation was at the peak of the eighth rank, so he was already a master.

However, Yang Zhe had no qualms about transmitting his voice. There was no other reason for this: he was relying on his own cultivation level of the peak of the ninth rank.

There were only a few Master realm martial artists in the world, and all of them had famous names.

Except for the big names in the Master realm, Yang Zhe was able to walk around everywhere with his cultivation. Therefore, he naturally had no worries when he transmitted his voice.

It was just that he could not have imagined that Chu Xiaoxiao, the highest martial artist in this realm, was sitting quietly not far from him. Therefore, his voice transmission to Li Jin was heard by Chu Xiaoxiao in perfect clarity.

In fact, Chu Xiaoxiao had also heard all of He Yunxiao’s careful voice transmission before, but Chu Xiaoxiao was not interested in bothering with He Yunxiao.

Now, hearing the key words “Du Yinyun” and “Chu Family Army” in the transmission, Chu Xiaoxiao became interested.

She said to He Yunxiao, “Just now, Yang Zhe sent a voice to Li Jin.”

As soon as He Yunxiao heard Chu Xiaoxiao’s half-spoken words, he knew that this girl’s little belly was filled with mischief again.

He deliberately said, “What did he say?”

Chu Xiaoxiao said, “If you want to know, then chop off a palm in exchange for me.”

Crap, this little brat is still holding a grudge against me for biting her.

He Yunxiao transmitted his voice, “Chu chu, are you holding a grudge?”

Chu Xiaoxiao said, “This venerable never holds grudges, also, no calling this venerable Chu Chu.”

Clearly holding a grudge, right ……

He Yunxiao said, “Chu Chu, I already know what Yang Zhe said.”

Chu Xiaoxiao said, “You can also hear his voice transmission? Don’t call me Chu Chu.”

He Yunxiao said, “Chu Chu, I can’t hear it. But Chu Chu, I can guess.”

Chu Xiaoxiao said, “I don’t believe you. Don’t call me Chu Chu.”

He Yunxiao said, “How about this, Chu Chu, how about we make a bet?”

Chu Xiaoxiao said, “What do you want to bet on?”

This time there was no retort, hooray!

Seeing that Chu Xiaoxiao was getting used to being called “Chu Chu”, He Yunxiao felt quite proud of himself and had a feeling of ” defeating” the best in the world.

He Yunxiao said, “Let’s bet on whether I can guess what Yang Zhe is saying in his voice. If I can’t guess, I will give you a palm, if I can guess, you will do something for me.”

Chu Xiaoxiao said, ” Sure. Aren’t you afraid that I won’t admit it?”

After the last incident where Chu Xiaoxiao gave the antidote directly, He Yunxiao had already understood this girl’s character of saying one thing and doing what she said.

Someone who dared to give me the antidote directly, will I be afraid that you won’t admit it?

Seeing Chu Xiaoxiao agree, He Yunxiao inwardly exclaimed: Hehehe, you’ve fallen for it, Miss Chu Chu.

He Yunxiao said, “Master Chu Chu is a person of honor, so naturally she doesn’t care to make such small gains.”

He Yunxiao watched as Chu Xiaoxiao faintly curled the corners of her mouth.

She was only in a half “Chu Chu” state as she was now competing on the stage for poetry, only managing to be expressionless, but without the aura of indifference to the world. Even so, when she smiled at this moment, she was completely different from her usual smiling “Xiaoxiao”.

When Chu Chu smiled now, it was like a crimson, thorny, poisonous rose in full bloom. Beautiful, stunning and dangerous.

He Yunxiao was dumbfounded.

Only for a moment, of course.

Chu Xiaoxiao said, “Speak.”

He Yunxiao said, “Yang Zhe must have said: about letting Li Jin compete for Du Yinyun and thus control the Chu Family Army.”

Chu Xiaoxiao remained suddenly silent.

She raised her eyes to look at He Yunxiao, a mere eighth-ranked dude who could “hear” the words of ninth-ranked Yang Zhe. Even if it was a guess, it was still very unbelievable.

In the beginning, she only wanted to use He Yunxiao to deal with the woman who approached Chu Fan. Now, this man named He Yunxiao is not only tough, but also capable, with his poetry and scheming, which seems more and more mystifying.

However, Chu Xiaoxiao was true to her word and had no intention of going back on it.

“What do you want me to do?”

He Yunxiao laughed loudly in his heart.

What if she’s number one in the world? In the end, she was still a sixteen-year-old girl, not yet aware of the treacherous nature of the world, and was really too young.

He Yunxiao had already thought of what to ask, but not now, but later.

The next female protagonist, Fan Ziwei, was not a frugal person, and by then, in case the strategy did not go well, this opportunity could just be used to curry favor with Chu Xiaoxiao, so that she would let him off the hook or give him more time.

“I haven’t thought about it yet, I’ll tell you when I do.”

I thought that would be the end of this little chit-chat, but I didn’t expect Chu Xiaoxiao to speak again, “Just now you called me ‘Chu Chu’ a total of five times, so I won’t bother with you. Tomorrow, at midnight, you will receive five moves from me.”

‘I never holds grudges’, ‘I’m not going to bother you’.

The corners of He Yunxiao’s mouth twitched, did that mean taking five hits from you?

That is purely taking a beating.

He was afraid that Chu Xiaoxiao might beat him too much, so he hurriedly recalled his words, and counted. Six times he had called out “Chu Chu”.

But he was not going to righteously correct Chu Xiaoxiao.

He instead made excuse and said, “I have something to do tomorrow …….”

This was true, He Yunxiao planned to find the Soul Devouring Pill antidote during the day tomorrow and ask Sister Jiang for silver at night. It was another fulfilling day.

Chu Xiaoxiao said, “Don’t come if you want to die.”

He Yunxiao: “__”

He Yunxiao: “I’ll definitely be there tomorrow!”


Chu Fan did not regret that he did not get to go on stage to compete in the poem. He didn’t even regret that he had lost the opportunity, to meet Du Yinyun, either.

He was different from Yang Zhe.

In fact, Chu Fan did not have these desires for fame and fortune. He only wanted to practice his sword and avenge his father’s death, and then practice his sword thoroughly.

However, after Yang Zhe had spoken that kind of poem on stage, Chu Fan became somewhat moved by the poetry. Because Yang Zhe and he were both at the peak of the ninth rank, at that time, when Yang Zhe stood on the stage and spoke the poems with a resounding voice, Chu Fan could feel a glimpse of sword ideology as well.

He was very close to the threshold of the Grandmaster realm. After hearing Yang Zhe’s poem, Chu Fan clearly felt that he was one step closer.

Even the killing, intent and sharpness in his poems contained a hidden sword’s meaning.

After he no longer confined his “sword” to a piece of iron, Chu Fan felt that his mind had been enlightened. Even though he did not cultivate, his inner strength had been purified and increased.

In the way of martial arts training, the lower one cultivates the body, while the upper one trains the mind.

It was only when Chu Xiaoxiao stood up to speak about poetry that Chu Fan’s originally good mood was ruined to the point of no return.

No one would deliberately keep an eye on the air between He Yunxiao and Chu Xiaoxiao, but Chu Fan would.

Chu Fan had already seen He Yunxiao transmitting his voice to Chu Xiaoxiao once before, and now, this scene was repeated.

What made Chu Fan even more surprised was that Chu Xiaoxiao had uttered words like that.

“Flowers drifting in and out of water, a kind of love for each other, two places of idle sorrow. There is no way to dispel this feeling, it is only when the eyebrows are lowered that it goes to the heart.”

Even if Chu Fan did not know poetry, how could he not know the meaning of such straightforward words?

Chu Fan knew that Chu Xiaoxiao knew a little bit of poetry, and that was all. If one said that Chu Xiaoxia could write such words and phrases, Chu Fan would not believe it.

In combination with Chu Xiaoxiao’s internal voice transmission before he spoke, Chu Fan immediately understood what was going on. Chu Fan then instantly understood the full picture of what had happened.

This straightforward poem about lovesickness was clearly written by He Yunxiao to Xiaoxiao!

Afterwards, when He Yunxiao revealed his poetic talent of “flowers blooming like fire”, Chu Fan’s heart sank.

Brother He’s poetic talent was unparalleled, and that poem was really his way of telling Xiaoxiao what was on his heart.

After that, Chu Xiaoxiao and He Yunxiao’s frequent voice transmission to each other because of Yang Zhe’s affair was all in Chu Fan’s eyes.

Due to the distance, Chu Fan could not hear what his sister and He Yunxiao were saying, but that did not affect his judgment.

He knew his own sister well enough.

Chu Xiaoxiao’s character was typically “hot on the outside but cold on the inside”, that is, she seemed to be polite and courteous to everyone, but she didn’t care about anyone.

When she first joined the master’s school, she was told by her master that Chu Xiaoxiao seemed to be dedicated to her work. but she did not care about her martial arts achievements, and even though she had good talent, she just stopped at the end. So by now, while he himself was at the peak of the ninth rank, Xiaoxiao was not even at the sixth rank.

It is just that such a Xiaoxiao, who doesn’t care about anything at all, is chatting passionately with He Yunxiao. I am worried.

Chu Fan felt that he had to find time to have a proper talk with his sister.

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