What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 52

“You you you, me me me ……”

Meng Qingrou’s whole body was shaking and her mouth began to stammer madly.

When He Yunxiao saw her like this, he was startled.

He hurriedly said with concern, “Nanzhu, what’s wrong with you?”

Tears gradually filled her beautiful, clear eyes, then, as if breaking the dam, they then flowed over her jade-like face.

He Yunxiao’s mood fell to the bottom as her tears slid down.

Even though he did not understand what was happening at this moment, he felt the same way when he saw Nanzhu’s sadness.

Meng Qingrou sobbed and cried, hitting He Yunxiao’s body with her little fist that held the roasted fish, not using much force for fear of knocking it off.

Not content with that, she used her little feet, which were wearing embroidered shoes, to kick at He Yunxiao’s body one after another.

“Xiao Yun, you bastard! You big bad, stinking scoundrel!”

Faced with such punches and kicks from Nanzhu, He Yunxiao was puzzled while enjoying it.

“What’s wrong?”

Meng Qingrou stopped and stopped punching. But because she was crying so hard, her shoulders were still twitching.

He Yunxiao waited quietly for her to finish crying.

Nanzhu stopped crying and stared at He Yunxiao angrily.

Like an angry, cute, super fierce kitten.

She pointed her finger at He Yunxiao’s lips and then at her own mouth, where the fish had just been stained.

She broke down and said, “You’re cheating! How else can I choose when you’re like this!”

He Yunxiao finally understood what Nanzhu meant.

Although eating the food around one’ s mouth was a relatively romantic thing in modern times, this kind of behavior was not at all like this in ancient times, in the eyes of the Eldest Princess Nanzhu.

This kind of excessively intimate action was not even possible for the average couple who advocated respect for each other. Now that He Yunxiao, in the guise of Xiao Yun, had made such a move towards her, there was no way she could not choose Xiao Yun.

When He Yunxiao understood Nanzhu’s thoughts, he was moved and amused at the same time.

“Then you can choose me, since you were going to choose me anyway.”

Meng Qingrou’s expression at this moment showed all the savagery of a little girl, as she turned her face away, not looking at He Yunxiao as if she was angry. “I won’t choose! Nanzhu won’t marry anyone!”

He Yunxiao scoundrel-like, brought his face closer and said, “If you don’t choose me, I’ll eat again.”

“Don’t! Don’t!”

“Choose me?”

“Nanzhu …… has to discuss with her sister and the mother.”

“That’s more like it.”

“Don’t be too happy, my sister and mother definitely prefer He Yunxiao.”

He Yunxiao took Nanzhu’s wife’s hand and tugged her into his arms.

He said, “It doesn’t matter who your sister or your mother likes, as long as you like me.”

These words of affection directly caused Meng Qingrou’s face to blush brightly. She had never heard such emotionally laden words before. Before that, not to mention love words, having lived in the palace, she had never heard of even a few sound men.

“Who, who said I like you. You’re only, only a little bit better than He Yunxiao.”

He Yunxiao wanted to hug his lovely Nanzhu wife and warm her up a little longer, but not far away, then came the shout of a maid.

“Princess! Your Highness, where are you?”

“It’s Xing’er.” Meng Qingrou said as she looked at He Yunxiao. “Let go of me, you mustn’t be seen by others.”

He Yunxiao also knew it was time to leave, although he hadn’t asked for the solution to the Soul Devouring Pill yet, but there was no hurry in the future, now that his wife was in his hands.

He let go of Nanzhu’s hand, lifted his shoes, and said, “I’ll come back another day to ask you about the Soul Devouring Pill, so I’ll leave for now!”

Meng Qingrou called out, “Hey, you ……”

He Yunxiao immediately turned around and asked with concern, “What’s wrong?”

She said, not too kindly, “It’s getting dark, you …… walk carefully.”

He Yunxiao smiled and waved at her, saying, “Don’t worry, wait for me to marry you.”

Then he left.


What He Yunxiao didn’t expect was that when he went around and around and finally got out of the palace, the He family carriage that had brought him here at noon was still there.

Could it be that Auntie hadn’t taken the carriage back?

With such a doubt, He Yunxiao approached the carriage and found that although the carriage was still the same, the coachman was no longer the coachman from noon. Instead, it had been replaced by He Yunxiao’s royal coachman, the one who had sent He Yunxiao home that night at Spring Breeze Mansion.

This coachman had a Chinese face and looked simple and honest, but was very gossipy.

“Young master, you’ve come out. Are you going home? Or are you going to the Spring Breeze Mansion?”

He Yunxiao praised him as he stepped onto the carriage, “You’re quite skilled in your business.”

The coachman said, “Hahaha, I love what I do. I don’t have any special hobbies, I just like to ride and drive.”

He Yunxiao said, “I also like to ride horses.”

The coachman said, “I can’t believe that young master and I are the same!”

He Yunxiao said, “We are not well educated, so don’t use idioms indiscriminately, okay?”

The muffler said, “Young master, where do you want to go tonight?”

He Yunxiao asked, “What is the name of the river in Yinjing City?”

The coachman thought for a moment, “Moxi.”

“Yes, it’s Moxi, walk along it and come to a small courtyard with two willow trees planted at the entrance and call me down.”

The coachman didn’t know what He Yunxiao was up to, but he was used to it. This young master never did anything serious, anyway, and this time he was looking for a small courtyard with willow trees, so he guessed it was the residence of another lover.

He Yunxiao sat peacefully in the carriage.

Yesterday, although he hadn’t agreed with Chu Xiaoxiao exactly when to go to her house in the evening. But after having pigeoned her once, He Yunxiao did not want to pigeon her a second time.

So as soon as he left the palace, he immediately went to look for her.

It was better to arrive a little early and wait for her to give orders than to arrive late and be retaliated by her.

The experiences of the past few days have made He Yunxiao feel a lot of emotions.

I never thought that I would have come into contact with so many female characters in just a few days after crossing over.

Among them, the only two characters who were really considered female protagonists in the original book were Du Yinyun and Chu Xiaoxiao. Jiang Wuyou and Meng Qingrou, on the other hand, don’t actually appear in either of the original books.

The next confirmed female protagonists that I will almost certainly come into contact with are Fan Ziruo and Meng Qingqian.

I haven’t met these two yet, but I can tell just by looking at the difficulty of Sister Du and Chu Chu that these two are no slouches either.

One of them is on “Intermediate” difficulty and the other is on “Hell” difficulty. Jiang Wuyou and Meng Qingrou, who were not in the original book, are both on “Easy” difficulty.

Why is there such a big difference in difficulty?

There is reason to suspect that the author is deliberately messing things up.

What’s the point of writing a with so much drama?

All of them should be like Nanzhu’s wife, how wonderful, holding hands, hugging, kissing the face, then you can just marry her.

Doesn’t that sound good? Isn’t my Nanzhu’s wife fragrant?


He Yunxiao sighed.

Being a villain, it’s just a bad fate!

The protagonist starts with 70 favorable levels and on the other hand, I start with 30 favorable levels. Who can I reason with about this?

I don’t know how long the carriage had been going, but it was so shaky that it made He Yunxiao, who had no appetite, hungry.

Finally, the coachman called out, “Young master! I’ve found the courtyard with two willow trees at the entrance!”

He Yunxiao was delighted and hurriedly came down to look.

Only to see that the coachman had rather thoughtfully parked the carriage at the entrance to the small courtyard.

Damn it!

Don’t shout so loudly if you’re fucking parked at the main entrance of the protagonist’s house!

I’m a villain, your young master!

Do you know what a villain is?

“You leave, and find a place to wait for me.”

He Yunxiao hurriedly chased away the poor coachman.

After He Yunxiao finished chasing away the coachman, he turned around and found that Chu Xiaoxiao had already opened the door.

“He Yunxiao, do you want to die?”

Chu Chu said coldly.

He Yunxiao scratched his head in a rather embarrassed manner.

They said that the villain’s little brother was unreliable. I didn’t believe it, but when I crossed into the book myself, I found that it was true.

“Let’s go inside, isn’t Chu Fan at home?”

“Not at all.”

The main character wasn’t there?

He Yunxiao instantly got the gist.

He followed Chu Chu into the door, neither in a hurry to taste the antidote nor to see outside, and said directly, “Chu Chu, is there any food, I’m hungry.”

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