What To Do if You’re the Villain and the Heroine Likes You

Chapter 94

“Good morning, Miss Chu.”

He Yunxiao greeted Chu Xiaoxiao rather warmly.

Chu Xiaoxiao, who was in Chu Chu’s state, gave him a cold look and didn’t say anything.

Although He Yunxiao himself knew that this was already considered Chu’s greeting to him, because if it were anyone else, Chu would not even look at them. However, the unfamiliar Fan Ziruo at the side obviously thought otherwise.

“Young Master He, we need to use a teaching set for today’s lesson, but Ziruo is too weak to carry it, so could you accompany me to get it? Miss Chu wait here for a moment, we’ll be right back.”

Helping a girl carry something was another good opportunity to increase favourability, so naturally He Yunxiao had no reason to shy away from it.

He decisively agreed and went out with Fan Ziruo.

The two of them headed towards Fan Ziruo’s room. Halfway there, Fan Ziruo saw that no one was around, so she called out to He Yunxiao.

“Young Master He, wait a minute.”

“What’s wrong, Ziruo?”

Fan Ziruo frowned as she said, “Young Master He, have you noticed that something is not quite right with Chu Xiaoxiao?”

He Yunxiao: !!!


He immediately looked around vigilantly, using his hearing to make sure that no one was around, and then deduced the distance between here and the study.

The distance was quite far, it was daytime, and with the layers of walls blocking it, there should be no chance of Chu Xiaoxiao hearing this.

So, he finally put his mind at ease.

Fan Ziruo frowned as she said, “Young Master He, in front of Chu Fan, Chu Xiaoxia gave me the impression that she was a 16-year-old innocent girl. But yesterday and today, when I was in the study, I always felt like Chu Xiaoxiao was a different person. I can’t say quite how different I felt, but I could clearly sense that she was different from the Chu Xiaoxia in front of Chu Fan.”

Of course it was different. Xiaoxiao and Chu Chu, one was a little witch and the other was a demoness. It would be a hell of a mess if they were the same.

He Yunxiao knew that, but he didn’t want to tell Fan Ziruo the secret of Chu Xiaoxiao’s dual personality.

This was Chu Xiaoxiao’s biggest secret, which only he knew at the moment. If he let Ziruo know about it as well, it would undoubtedly tie her to Chu Xiaoxiao’s chariot. The best case scenario would be being fed with Soul Devouring Pills and serving Chu Xiaoxiao, as she was now. The worst case scenario was to simply be killed by Chu Xiaoxia.

However, Fan Ziruo was so clever that she could not be fooled by ordinary deceptions and jokes.

Last time, using the excuse that Chu Xiaoxiao was not feeling well was already very forced, so I thought it must be impossible to use it again.


He Yunxiao slapped himself violently.

Why am I trying to cheat again! Think of Nanzhu, He Yunxiao!

Seeing that He Yunxiao had suddenly slapped himself, Fan Ziruo couldn’t care less about anything else and hurriedly hugged his arm, holding his hand down and saying with concern, “Young Master He? What’s wrong with you? If you have something to tell me, you can tell me. I’ll guarantee with my life that I will keep my mouth shut for you. I just hope that you will take care of your body and not hurt yourself.”

Feeling the soft pressure on his arm, He Yunxiao secretly exclaimed in his heart that a heroine was just a heroine he knew.

With the heroine’s aura, there were some areas that just didn’t make sense.

Fan Ziruo usually dressed on the conservative side, and the size of her figure, was not visible, and she was slender, with no hint of meaty feeling on places like her face and palms that could be seen. By definition, the body should be well balanced. The various departments have to work with each other and not stand out too much. But she was a female protagonist, no reasoning, and there was no ambiguity at all where she should be growing flesh.

He Yunxiao roughly estimated that it was at least on the same level as sister Du, and the probability was that she was a little richer than sister Du.

The author of “Girl, I Just Want to Cultivate” is truly divine. Fan Ziruo is obviously a serious and dignified character, but she is given the exact opposite body ……

Fan Ziruo hugged He Yunxiao’s arm without the intention of letting go, and even took advantage of He Yunxiao’s daze to praise the ’s author’s talent, rubbing up against him, using her hand to test the temperature of his forehead, and then her own.

When He Yunxiao saw her like this, he smiled gently and said, “Ziruo, I’m not sick.”

Due to the rise in favorability, Fan Ziruo now completely lost the ability to maintain calm emotions in front of He Yunxiao.

Every move He Yunxiao made caused her emotions to stir.

Just now, she was worried for He Yunxiao, but now that she saw that he was fine, she was relieved. Yet she was slightly upset because He Yunxiao said he was not sick.

“Why are you beating yourself up if you’re not sick?”

He Yunxiao didn’t want to lie to Fan Ziruo, but he didn’t know how to talk to her to round up the matter of Chu Xiaoxiao’s character. Moreover, right now Fan Ziruo’s favorability level was only 73, which was not yet at the passing line for raiding, and He Yunxiao wasn’t sure if he could tell her about Chu Xiaoxiao’s truth or not.

The most effective way to solve Chu Xiaoxiao’s character dilemma was to tell her everything, but it would also pull Fan Ziruo right into the fire of Chu Xiaoxiao.



“I don’t know if I should say something.”

“Does the Young Master He want to say it?”

“I want to, but once I say it, I’ll be hurting others.”

Fan Ziruo seemed to have forgotten to let go, and at this point, was still holding He Yunxiao’s arm. She pressed herself against He Yunxiao’s side, her big eyes curved like crescent moons, tilted her face up, and smiled, “This other person, does that mean me?”


Damn it!

She was obviously so pretty when she smiled, so why did she usually have to have that calm look!

At this time, Fan Ziruo let go of He Yunxiao’s arm and took a half step back, slightly separating herself from him.

“Ziruo knows.”

Although she didn’t say so explicitly, He Yunxiao knew that with her intelligence, she probably already understood that Chu Xiaoxiao couldn’t afford to be messed with even for the Marquis’ first son. As smart as she was, she must not ever touch anything concerning Chu Xiaoxiao again.

“Young Master, let’s continue walking.”


Under Fan Ziruo’s guidance, He Yunxiao followed her to the Fan family’s young lady’s bedroom.

A woman’s bedroom was very taboo for a man to enter.

Even in Sister Du’s and Sister Jiang’s bedroom, there was an inner door and a curtain to separate the real living place from the place for guests.

He Yunxiao always kept in mind the good virtues of “modesty”, “respect” and “decency”, so naturally he would not do something as obnoxious and silly as going in and out of Fan Ziruo’s room. If you do that, isn’t that the same as not wanting favorability?

Therefore, as soon as he reached the door, He Yunxiao stopped in his tracks and said politely, “Ziruo, it is not convenient for a man to enter or leave a woman’s room, so I will wait for you here.”

When Fan Ziruo saw how courteous He Yunxiao was, she was happy and a little sad.

“It’s alright. It’s just a place to get up and live. Besides, I can’t carry the teaching set, so please come inside and help me get it.”

“What kind of teaching set is it?”

Fan Ziruo said with some embarrassment, “It’s just a folding fan.”

He Yunxiao was a little confused, “How can you not be able to carry a folding fan?”

Fan Ziruo’s face darkened.

“Then, Young Master, wait at the door!”

Fan Ziruo entered the room by himself, then turned back and gave the door a strong close, leaving He Yunxiao facing the door and alone outside.

“Is she angry? Not good, let’s see if the favorability level has dropped!”

[Fan Ziruo’s Favorability Level Changed From 73 to 73]

Seeing that the favourability didn’t change. He Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief at last. It seemed that the respectful and courteous set was still very effective.

“It turns out that it’s okay, there is no change in Ziruo’s mood, it’s rather good. Ever since the favorability rating has become higher, it’s become more and more difficult to figure out what she’s thinking. Let’s take the same approach and make sure the favorability level doesn’t drop first, and then think of how to raise it.”

When it came to losing favorability, he naturally thought of Nanzhu again. He Yunxiao sighed, his spirit and even his physical body had sagged a bit. In particular, the guilt from deceiving Nanzhu kept overwhelming his heart.

“I must not be greedy for a temporary favorability and raise it up by fancy words. Otherwise although, it rises fast, it also falls down fast. The difficulty level also doubles several times at once, turning into ‘extremely difficult’.”

Thinking of Nanzhu’s smiling face. He Yunxiao made up his mind.

So what if it’s “extremely difficult”? Even if it’s “hell”, I have to coax Nanzhu back!

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