When Beauty Meets Beasts

Chapter 143 - Holy Land

Chapter 143: Holy Land

Bai Di picked up the little female and smiled helplessly.

“It seems that I didn’t perform well just now. You saw through me immediately. If that’s the case, I’m sure the high priest knows that I’m guarding against him. What should I do?”

“No, you were very good just now. Your performance could be considered perfect.”

“Then why did you see through my front?”

Huanhuan said seriously, “Because sometimes, being too perfect is also a disguise.”

People who were really close to each other would not deliberately pay attention to whether they were perfect enough.

Bai Di couldn’t help but kiss her fair face. “Teacher Huanhuan, you’re right. I’ve learned something from you.”

Huanhuan’s face turned red. “Don’t call me that.”

‘That sounds strangely shameful!’

But Bai Di said, “Shuang Yun can call you that. Why can’t I?”

“When did he call me teacher…”

“In bed. He pestered you while calling you teacher and—”

Huanhuan quickly covered his mouth. “Stop it!”

Bai Di looked at her gently with his smiling blue eyes.

Huanhuan did not expect that her private affairs with Shuang Yun would be known by others, and they were even exposed to her face!

She was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a hole to hide in.

She would never be able to see anyone again!

Bai Di stuck out his tongue and licked her palm.

The wet and hot touch even carried a weak electric current.

Huanhuan immediately trembled from the electricity and quickly pulled her hand back.

She touched her tingling palm, afraid to look into Bai Di’s smiling eyes. “I’m tired. I want to rest.”

“Okay, I’ll take you back to rest.”

They stayed in Bai Di’s old house. The environment was much better than the inn, but it still looked a little shabby.

Fortunately, it was clean, and this was where Bai Di had lived. His scent was everywhere.

Huanhuan liked it here.

She rolled under the blanket and fell asleep.

While in a daze, Huanhuan felt as if she was being carried.

She opened her eyes immediately and realized that it was Bai Di who had picked her up. She then fell asleep again.

When she woke up again, she found herself in Bai Di’s arms.

They were sitting on a big tree.

Tall trees surrounded them, and red leaves drifted down like butterflies dancing.

Up ahead, she could see the rolling sea of clouds. The sun had yet to rise, and the dark night sky was like the finest silk satin that stretched endlessly to the end of the world.

Venus hung in the night, lonely and proud.

Huanhuan woke up instantly and looked around with wide eyes. Her dark eyes were as cute as a cat’s eyes.

Wasn’t she sleeping in the bedroom? Why did she wake up on the mountain?!

Bai Di looked down at her and smiled. “Do you like it here?”

His blue eyes were filled with tenderness that could drown anyone.

Huanhuan suddenly felt that the most beautiful scenery in the world could not compare to his smile.

She pressed herself against his chest, her heart filled with sweetness. “I do!”

The huge red sun rose in the east.

Like a ball of burning flames, it burned the entire sky red. The sea of clouds turned into a sea of fire. It was as gorgeous as a dream.

Bai Di stroked Huanhuan’s long hair. “Legend has it that Sun City was the place where the Sun God was born. You can see the most beautiful sunrise here.”

Huanhuan nodded. “It’s indeed beautiful.”

After watching the sunrise, Huanhuan couldn’t help but ask, “Where are we? Are we still in Sun City?”

“We’re at the top of the divine mountain. Of course, we’re still in Sun City.”

Huanhuan was very surprised. She looked at the flowers and trees around her. She couldn’t believe that this was the legendary divine mountain. It looked no different from an ordinary mountain!

She asked, “Are we standing on the divine mountain?”

“Yes, the top of the divine mountain is a forbidden area. Outsiders are usually not allowed to enter.”

Huanhuan was even more surprised. “Then why did you bring me up? What if someone finds out?”

“It doesn’t matter. No one can find us.” Bai Di smiled, his handsome face smug. “When I was young, I used to climb up and play. No one ever found me. This is my secret base.”

Huanhuan was caught between laughter and tears.

It turned out that Bai Di, who had always been gentle and calm, was a naughty child.

Bai Di kissed her cheek. “I’ve never brought anyone here. You’re the first.”

Huanhuan smiled. “I’m honored.”

“I want to share everything I like with you. I want you to be happy.”

Huanhuan’s heart skipped a beat.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.

Usually, it was her mates who kissed her. She rarely took the initiative to kiss her mates. She was actually very unfamiliar with this action.

Huanhuan’s kiss was a little clumsy. It didn’t feel very comfortable. She knocked her teeth several times.

Bai Di held her and patiently taught her what to do to be comfortable.

When the kiss ended, both of them were a little aroused.

Huanhuan felt the hard object and said with a red face, “Let’s go back?”

Although the scenery here was good, it was really not suitable to do embarrassing things here. The ground was filled with fallen leaves and branches, as well as a lot of scattered gravel. It would definitely be easy to get cut if one lay on it.

It was more comfortable to go home and lie in bed.

But Bai Di said, “I know a good place on this mountain.”

He hugged Huanhuan and jumped off the tree before walking deeper into the forest.

The leaves on the ground were getting thicker, and they made a crisp sound when he stepped on them.

Huanhuan moved her nose. She thought she smelled sulfur.

Could there be a hot spring nearby?

As if in response to her guess, Bai Di carried her around a huge bush and a steaming hot spring appeared in front of them.

The smell of sulfur in the air became stronger, but Huanhuan didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. She jumped to the ground excitedly and ran to the hot spring.

“There’s really a hot spring here?!”

She reached out and touched the water. It was quite warm.

Bai Di strolled over to her. “So this pool that can heat up is called a hot spring? The high priest said it’s a holy pool.”

Huanhuan thought of the holy water Bai Ming drank and couldn’t help but ask, “Could it be that the holy water was extracted from this pool?”

Holy water was equivalent to bathwater. Wasn’t this too terrifying?!

Fortunately, Bai Di denied it.

“The place to get the holy water is further upstream. It’s not far from here. I can show you later.”

Bai Di continued as he undressed.

“When I was playing on the mountain as a child, I saw that the high priest used to soak here. Later, I tried it twice. It’s quite comfortable.”

Soon, he was naked and revealing his slender body. His muscles were smooth and beautiful, but the hard and huge thing below was too distracting.

Bai Di’s skin was thick, and he was not afraid of heat. He soaked himself in the water without any adverse reaction.

Huanhuan didn’t dare to do the same. After taking off her clothes, she sat on the shore and poured hot water on herself first.

The water was very hot. She had to let her skin adapt to the temperature before entering the water.

Bai Di had swum over. He hugged Huanhuan and kissed her gently and meticulously…

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