When Beauty Meets Beasts

Chapter 146 - : Buy, Buy, Buy!

Chapter 146: Buy, Buy, Buy!

There was no chef in the palace. All beasts ate raw meat.

Bai Di opened a small kitchen beside his bedroom.

He simply made a small stove. After roasting the cleaned chickens, he cut the meat into thin slices, dipped them in a special sauce, and wrapped them in fresh vegetable leaves. When he took a bite, the fragrance spread in his mouth. It was delicious!

Huanhuan ate until her mouth was covered in grease. She was so happy!

Bai Di wiped the grease from her mouth. “Eat slowly. These are all yours. No one’s fighting you for them.”

Huanhuan brought the chicken to his mouth. “You eat too!”

Bai Di took one, then refused to eat any more.

As a true carnivore, he could not quite understand the allure of vegetables.

He had roasted a bigger chicken. It didn’t need to be sliced or wrapped in vegetables. He just tore it off and dipped it in the sauce. It tasted quite good!

Not long after the two of them finished eating and drinking, Bai Luo arrived.

As soon as Bai Luo entered the house, he smelled the fragrance of roasted meat and couldn’t help but sniff the air. “What were you eating just now? Why didn’t you ask me to join you?”

Bai Di said, “You’re too late.”

Bai Luo was also very regretful. “I should’ve come out to look for you earlier!”

Bai Di asked why he was here.

Bai Luo said, “It’s Huanhuan’s first time in Sun City. She must have never seen the sunrise here, right? The sunrise in Sun City is the most beautiful. I’ll take you to see it tomorrow morning!”

Huanhuan smiled sweetly. “I’ve already seen it.”

“Huh?” Bai Luo was stunned.

Huanhuan took Bai Di’s hand. “I saw the sunrise with Bai Di this morning. It’s indeed beautiful!”

Bai Luo’s invitation to watch the sunrise with Huanhuan failed.


Bai Luo took a step back. “Let me take you around Sun City. It’s rare for you to come here. It’s a pity not to take a look around!”


Huanhuan turned to Bai Di. “Can we go?”

Bai Di smiled. “Go if you want.”

Before going out, Huanhuan consciously wrapped herself in an animal hide cloak. Her petite body was tightly wrapped, only revealing her big watery eyes.

Bai Di stroked her head. “You don’t have to wrap yourself up so tightly in Sun City.”

This was his territory. He was confident he could keep Huanhuan safe.

Huanhuan said softly, “It doesn’t matter. Anyway, the weather has turned cold. It’s quite warm to keep myself wrapped in a cloak.”

Bai Di picked her up with one hand and sat her in the crook of his arm.

Huanhuan wrapped her arms around his neck and touched his long white hair. It was smooth and comfortable to touch!

So she couldn’t resist touching him again.

Bai Di looked at her helplessly, his words indulgent. “Naughty.”

Huanhuan smiled like a little hamster.


When Bai Luo saw the tacit interaction between the two of them, he smiled and teased, “You two look so close. I can’t help but be jealous.”

Huanhuan covered her mouth and smiled. “Hurry up and find a mate so you won’t be jealous.”

However, Bai Luo said, “You and Second Brother are indeed a couple. Even your words are the same.”


“Bai Di asked you to find a mate too?”

“Yes.” Bai Luo glanced at his elder brother. “Second Brother has already started to arrange a marriage for me.”

“Oh?” Huanhuan looked interested. “Is there someone suitable already?”

Bai Di said, “The family has chosen a good female for him, but he’s not willing.”

“I don’t like her!” Bai Luo looked at Huanhuan steadily. “I prefer a female like you.”

This should have been a very obvious hint, but Huanhuan did not understand the other party’s true intentions at all. She said regretfully, “Unfortunately, I don’t have any sisters. I can’t help you.”


Bai Luo was stumped.

He was indignant and wanted to be blunter, but Bai Di stopped him.

“Let’s go. We have to get back before the sun goes down.”

Bai Di carried Huanhuan out of the palace while Bai Luo walked beside them.

Behind them was a group of guards.

The group of three was here to play. Of course, Bai Luo would not bring Huanhuan to the slums of the outer city. They first walked around the palace, then went to the area where officials and nobles lived.

The houses here were neatly built. They were all courtyards of different sizes. There were tall walls outside the courtyard, so it was impossible to see what was going on inside.

However, from the specifications of these walls, one could tell that the living environment here was definitely much better than in Red Crystal City.

After passing through the living areas of the nobles, they arrived at the busiest place in the inner city—the business district.

The entire business district was divided into two parts—the trading market and the colosseum.

Bai Luo first brought Huanhuan to the market.

The variety and quantity of things traded here were very large. Huanhuan was overwhelmed by them. She even saw a very light gauze.

It felt very smooth, a little like silk, but thinner and more transparent than silk.

Seeing that Huanhuan was interested in such things, Bai Luo explained loudly.

“It’s a material made from imitation shark silk. It’s called snow silk. It’s easily torn. Its flexibility and durability are far inferior to shark silk, but it’s not cheap to make, so few beasts buy it.”

It was expensive and impractical. No wonder there were no customers.

But it was really quite beautiful.

Everyone loved beautiful things, and Huanhuan was no exception. She was a little tempted by these rolls of snow silk.

Even if she couldn’t make clothes with them, she should be able to make a veil or scarf.

Bai Di said slowly, “Buy it if you like it.”

Huanhuan hesitated. “But it’s very expensive…”

70 colorless crystals for a roll of useless snow silk. This price was a little beyond her budget.

While she hesitated, Bai Di took out two green crystals and bought two rolls of snow silk.

In front of everyone, it was not convenient for him to put the snow silk directly into his interspatial ring, so he handed them to the guards behind him to help carry.

Huanhuan was stunned by Bai Di’s wealth.

She asked blankly, “Are you that rich? Is your family filthy rich?!”

Bai Di stroked her head. “Aren’t you my family?”

After buying the snow silk, Bai Di bought a pair of moccasins for Huanhuan.

The black moccasins had delicate silver-gray patterns on the surface. There was also some shiny small gravel sewn at the foot of the boots. They looked a little like scraps of colorless crystals.

Bai Di touched the sole of the shoes. “It’s a little thin. I’ll sew another insole for you when we get back. It should be more comfortable.”

Huanhuan nodded vigorously. “Yes.”

Then, to Huanhuan’s surprise, she saw clay pots.

These clay pots were very old-fashioned. Most of them were round and fat. Occasionally, there were a few unique clay pots. They were relatively expensive.

Huanhuan thought to herself that it was rare for her to come here. She had bought snow silk and shoes anyway. Besides, she would always have a use for clay pots.

Hence, she waved her hand and bought 50 clay pots.

Seeing that she liked these things, Bai Di asked her in a low voice, “Do you want to buy the method of making clay pots?”


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