When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: New Day…Probably

Chapter 11 A new day…probably

“Yes, damn…”

Just as Gu Mo was thinking about it, the battlefield below changed again, but it was the knotweed that was scurrying around like a monkey before.

I just heard the whistling wind in my ears, and a black shadow that was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye flashed past, followed by a tight feeling around the waist, and the huge palm like a python grabbed him directly around the waist, a powerful force. Taking his entire body into the air.

Huzhang was flustered in his heart, struggling subconsciously, trying to pull away the giant hand that was entangled in him, punching and kicking, but to no avail…

And at this moment, the huge palm suddenly exerted force!


The expression on the face of the knotweed instantly froze, making a painful sound, not a scream, but the sound of the air in almost the entire chest and abdomen being squeezed out in an instant without any precautions, so violent, almost To make him lose consciousness and consciousness directly.

It’s like the method of the python to strangle the enemy, but it is different from the method of slowly strangling the prey. Instead, it broke out in an instant, and almost broke the boy directly in the middle, as if it was as simple as squeezing an empty can. neat.

“Huzhang!” Fu Heihui exclaimed, but then found that his situation was not much better.

The giant resentful spirit stretched out another bloated arm that was deformed to the point of being deformed, picked up Fu Heihui on the ground, grabbed him back, and slowly approached the direction of his own **** mouth.

The farce is over, and it is the final winner. As long as you swallow the super-class curse on this little bug, you will be able to obtain extremely powerful magic power and go further in the path of resentment.

“It actually ended like this?”

Gu Mo, who was watching condescendingly from above, raised his brows, and immediately denied the possibility. No matter how he looked at it, it was not so simple, and there must be a turning point in the future.

Although he actually knows that he is standing here like this, it seems a bit inappropriate to do this, and this approach is not too authentic, but if you think about it, he doesn’t seem to be able to do anything, and he can’t. Can you help call the police?


At this moment, the corners of his eyes with divergent thinking swept a tinge of red, so he raised his eyes slightly, and the focus of his vision accurately captured an unknown ID moving rapidly in the dark under the night—

“???” followed by a bright blood bar.

—Is it the unknown ID I saw before?

Gu Mo’s mind quickly turned, and his face couldn’t help but become solemn. They all said that the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. Is it possible that the current development is also the same script? In the dark night, there are more powerful unknown monsters hidden, waiting for the opportunity?

At the same time, as he looked over, the marker with the unknown ID and health bar that was rapidly moving and approaching also suddenly stopped suddenly.

Huh? what happened?

Gu Mo was a little surprised, but at the next moment, as if to echo the judgment he made, the situation on the field below did change again.

Gu Mo was instantly refreshed, and he quickly concentrated his attention, dispelling all kinds of strange thoughts in his mind, and continued to look down seriously. I saw that the situation that seemed to have no suspense and was one-sided, was just revitalized by the boy named Tiger Cane!

Time goes back a little bit.

“You! What are you doing! Are you crazy!”

Fu Heihui was caught by the huge resentful spirit and sent to his mouth, he knew what fate he might usher in next, but what he didn’t expect was that when his body passed by the side of the knotweed, it seemed that he was dying and weak. The latter suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth, biting the curse in his hand.

“let go…”

raised his head diligently, tightly biting the dry finger in Fu Heihui’s hand above, and the knotweed made a vague sound.

He tried his best not to think of any disgusting things. After all, this was a dry and dehydrated finger. Not only was it mummified, but it also seemed to be some kind of monster.

Well, having said that, it would be even more disgusting if it were a human finger, right?

“…Didn’t you say that those monsters want to eat this thing…to get powerful spells?”

The knotweed said vaguely and with difficulty, at the same time twitching his mouth and shaking his head, trying to pull the biting finger off the other’s clenched hand.

“Then if I eat it… I can get that magic power too!”

On the way when he came, he asked Fu Heihui and knew this, and the experience and powerlessness of hitting a stone with an egg just made him deeply understand that what the latter said was not unreasonable, Ordinary people without magical powers cannot fight against such non-conscious fields, and they cannot even be seen under normal circumstances.

Only curses can fight against curses!

So, this is the only chance for survival at the moment. If he can eat this finger before the monster, can he also gain powerful magic power? At that time, was there a chance to fight against this monster and save the two of them?

“You’re crazy! How are people and resentful spirits the same…”

Fu Heihui angrily scolded that the resentful spirit can directly devour cursed objects, and the reason for obtaining powerful curse power is because they are essentially the same source, and they are all a collection of curses.

But people are different, especially since this is a super cursed item “Fingers of Two-faced Sunuo”, which is highly poisonous. If you eat it directly, let alone gain powerful magic power, death is probably the only end…

However, before he could finish his words, he suddenly felt that his hand was empty, probably because he lost too much blood and his injuries were too severe, resulting in a serious loss of physical strength. The object’s finger was bitten by the opponent and pulled off.

Knowing that there is not much time left, so the knotweed did not hesitate, just looked up and swallowed this disgusting dry finger!

All this is long with books, short without books. The whole process takes only a few seconds, but it means that the originally one-sided situation has suddenly changed.

The giant resentful spirit didn’t know what was going on at all, and suddenly noticed that the breath of the curse had disappeared, and was obviously stunned. It burst out, and the whole arm dissipated, like the salt water evaporated in the high temperature!

evaporated along with the other body parts that came close, as if the pencil writing had been rubbed with an eraser, and disappeared on the paper.

“Cough! Cough cough—”

He fell from the air and hit the ground heavily. Fu Heihui coughed loudly and spit out a mouthful of blood. This time he hit gold stars in his eyes, and his eyes went black. It was not a big impact in the past. At this moment, it almost became the last straw that broke the camel’s back.

For a moment, he almost thought he was leaving this beautiful world.

The blackness in front of him, he tried his best to widen his eyes. In the field of vision that was red due to the congestion of the eyeballs, he happened to see the moonlight pouring down through the dark clouds at night, and shone on the huge resentful spirit like a hill, giving it to it. The last ray of light in the ignorant and chaotic consciousness.

The next moment, along with the strong wave of the arm of the “Kindaw Cane” in mid-air, the entire outline and existence of the huge resentful spirit was silently erased from the world!


The pupils shrunk to the limit suddenly, and Fukuguro knew that the worst had happened.

The figure of “Huzhang” gently fell to the ground. Under the cold moonlight, the skin on his cheek, which was only an inch below his eyes, suddenly cracked, but his two slender eyes were opened again. It looks creepy and terrifying, and it looks chilling.

is no longer human…

But some kind of weirdness in human skin.


The corners of his mouth slowly opened, and a slow and deep laughter came out of “his” mouth, and it became louder and louder—

“Hahahahahaha… Moonlight really feels the most exciting!”

The excited “he” stretched out his hands that had become sharp like claws before he knew it, tore his shirt to pieces, exposing his upper body, his muscles were knotted, and his skin was full of weird lines like tiger stripes, just like a head. The werewolf standing upright laughed wildly at the moonlight.

Under the moonlight, the madness scattered, this scene is probably enough to call it a nightmare.

“The flesh of the curse spirit is too boring, what about human beings! Where is the woman! Where is it!”

“He” turned his head and looked around, the four eyes on his face were shining like a hungry wolf, and the words he said were extremely frightening. It turns out that this is definitely not a joke, but is really understating what you want to do.

Immediately afterwards, “his”‘s gaze moved upwards, just to meet the pair of eyes above the teaching building.

The prey appeared!

The two-faced Su Nuo, who has a cruel and ruthless personality and is fond of killing, suddenly became excited. Whether it was a curse spirit or a human being, it was nothing but a beast to be killed. It was to celebrate his return.

That’s right, Liangmian Su Nuo has always followed the only survival guideline of whether he is happy or not, and now it is no exception.

Even if it is only one twentieth of “he”, the essence will not change.


Both sides of Su Nuo’s legs flexed slightly, and then suddenly exerted force, leaving a blurred phantom of a visual afterimage directly on the spot.

At the same time, Gu Mo, who was standing above and watching the whole process, frowned. Unlike the ghosts and gods with two faces and four hands that he imagined, is that boy with more tiger stripes?

Well, well, there is an extra pair of eyes, but in general, from the skin painting to the modeling, the overall change is not big.

Just as he was thinking so, it seemed that the electric currents and harsh noises rang out in his mind.

“Zizi…%¥#…Ren…Zi…Exiting the current vice $#%&…”

The indistinguishable fragmented and harsh noise made Gu Mo subconsciously frown, and at the same time he felt that suddenly… um, a black screen.

After a long time, he realized that he seemed to have closed his eyes, so he slowly opened his eyes in confusion, his eyes a little blank.

He looked at the dimly lit room, stunned for a moment, then turned to look in the direction of the bedside table, only to see the fluorescent light of the electronic clock flickering faintly in the dim environment, and the time displayed was—


After several seconds, the ability to think slowly returned.

He realized that it seemed like he had woken up from sleep, and a new day had begun…

and many more…

Something doesn’t seem right?

“Huh? Run away?”

In the smoke and dust, Su Nuo, which occupies both sides of the high school student’s body, uttered a suspicious syllable. “He” frowned and looked around, and found that the target just now had disappeared without a trace.

“He” looked at his palm, and there was a hint of doubt in his four eyes.

Did you hit just now?

Seems like the question is moot, because that’s what it turns out to be.

Recalling the scene he saw at the last moment when he raided the opponent a few seconds ago, the indifferent eyes and unwavering expression, the two sides Su Nuo suddenly felt that he understood something—

Actually, it was because it was too fast, too sudden, and the person involved had no idea what was going on, so the expression in his eyes was always the same.

—but the same thing can be interpreted quite differently in different situations.

In line with the current situation, the two sides took it for granted that the “calm” expression was actually the other party’s contempt and mockery of their own self-control.

‘s face slowly darkened, “he” also slowly clenched his fists, and laughed loudly at the night sky: “Hahahahahaha! Well, I remember you, no one has ever been so bold…”

The next moment, the angry laughter stopped abruptly, and Su Nuo suddenly turned his head and looked down.


Fuhei Hui’s weak but surprised voice sounded, his unreliable teacher finally came over at the last minute, he thought that the other party might have gone somewhere for supper.

“Still didn’t catch up…” A man with striking white hair and a height of more than 1.9 meters stood in front of the bruised student, looked up at the boy on the upper floor, and couldn’t help but feel a little annoyed: “Could this be that person? The idea?”

He could actually come over just now, but when he approached the school, the mysterious man immediately noticed it and cast a “cold” look.

After all, it is a completely invisible existence that is rare for him, and his students are right under the eyes of the other party, so naturally he will not be reckless and rush over regardless of any threats, but choose to stop cautiously, to be ready for whatever may happen next.

However, what he didn’t expect was that the mysterious man didn’t make a move or **** the super curse, but watched the ghost’s finger be swallowed by the boy, and then he was indistinguishable between the enemy and me. Under the attack, he quietly pulled away in a way that no one could understand.

Could it be that the other party’s plan was like this from the beginning?

Looking at the boy above who was possessed by the two-faced nuo, the man also felt a little headache.

(end of this chapter)

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