When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Novice Village In Various Senses

Chapter 14 Novice Villages in Various Senses

Entered the book again…

And this time there was no prompt…

Habitually reaching out and picking out his ears, Gu Mo couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows. So far, he really doesn’t understand the mechanism and rules of the “dungeon”, but it seems that every time he enters and exits the book, there will be “reminders”. Here comes… That’s right, it’s the over-inductance that ran through the nerves of the brain, and the meaningless shattering noise that I thought was auditory hallucinations.

He didn’t understand it before, but now he naturally understands it, that is probably the prompt issued by the system when entering and exiting the “dungeon”.

It’s just like the display of garbled characters, unselectable options, and various bugs that still exist on the property panel. About this part of the system prompts also have problems similar to display confusion, which cannot be converted into he can receive them normally. information, it will always seem so tortured.

Of course, torture is torture, and if you don’t understand it, you don’t understand it. In fact, it’s the biggest difference between having it and not having it.

If there is this prompt, then even if he can’t understand the shattering noise at all, and can’t tell what the content is, as long as the harsh electric current sounds, it can serve as a reminder in advance. That’s the reason.

As a result, I don’t even have this now. I just didn’t understand it before, but now it’s good, I can’t hear it directly… It was still summer in the dog days, but Gu Mo felt shivering in the hot weather, cold sweat all over his body and cold hands and feet, this mental retardation system Can it be better? There is persecution everywhere. When will I truly stand up!

I thought it was a little better today, fixed some problems, at least it can be used normally to a certain extent, but I dared to fix the loneliness, one side is good and there is another problem.

Thinking of this, he felt a toothache. Gu Mo looked at the desolate mountains and ridges around him, and looked back subconsciously. Behind him was a lonely and desolate path. The gates at the entrance of the community and the duty room and other landmark buildings had disappeared. , of course there is no street and the opposite is also the existence of snack street.

He was so alone, standing alone on the path of the desolate mountain, under the silent night that became as ink as the stars and moon were covered by the lead-like dark clouds in the sky, surrounded by low soil slopes and Dense mountain forests, one side is swift and meandering rivers…

Under the whining of the evening wind, the woods on the soil **** rustled…

And in the dark night, the river not far from the side is like a thick inkstone, so deep that it can’t be melted…

In this contrasted tranquility, nature does not have the kind of quiet silence, nor the beauty of the original ecology. Instead, it is full of a primitive and eerie atmosphere, whether it is a dark mountain forest or darkness. The river surface is quite disturbing.

Gu Mo was also a little nervous, especially since he knew that this was no longer his chaotic hallucination, but an unknown “copy”. It was no longer a well-ordered real world that completely followed the laws of physics.

Who knows what monsters and monsters will appear.

“Sure enough, there is no way to go back…” Looking at the mountain trails that seemed to be indistinguishable from the front and the back, Gu Mo muttered to himself, obviously caught in a tangle. There is no one-click to abort the task and exit the settings of the current scene copy, which is really inhumane.

“Let me think…”

He calmed himself down, and carefully recalled his only two copying experiences so far. Gu Mo summed it up and thought that there should be two ways to quit the dungeon. One is conventional and the other is unconventional. The former is obedience. The theme rules of the scene, go through the process—

Well, it’s like a Kohei restaurant?

But frankly speaking, I don’t know how I lived. I can only guess that it is probably because the “dungeon” belongs to a peaceful plot, and the theme is about food. There is no rigid requirement to fight monsters and kill enemies. , so at that time, I happened to go up to order a meal by accident…

So that “copy” is completed?

Of course, this is just a guess based on limited clues. The truth is not necessarily the same thing. Gu Mo can only think about it for the time being. After all, there must be an idea to try to solve the problem… As for the unconventional method of refunding the principal , will not be considered for the time being.

Thinking of the previous experience of a sudden “black screen” and then waking up from the real world, Gu Mo decisively passed the second possibility.

turned around and looked at the dark night sky, and then looked at the dark path that stretched forward, he sighed, and walked forward without hesitation. Continuing to stay here is not a problem, since it is not so simple, you can go back the same way.

—Then let’s go and see what the “dungeon” looks like this time.

And it is undeniable that in addition to the inevitable apprehension and doubts in Gu Mo’s heart, there is also a trace of anticipation and excitement that he has also noticed, so that it completely overwhelms the lingering after waking up tonight. that tiredness…

After all, who is really willing to be stubborn in life and to face the unchanging daily life?

Human beings are creatures that yearn for safety and adventure. If they don’t need to face the pressure of reality and have the confidence to face risks, then everyone is willing to embark on an unknown adventure—maybe not gorgeous, but also very embarrassing. But it must have been an extraordinary experience.

Dissatisfaction with the status quo, thirst for growth, pursuit of self…

When everything has room for choice, there will naturally be more colors on the picture scroll of life.

The   mountain trails are rugged and winding, and seem to be opened along the angle between the river bank and the foot of the mountain.

The feeling of walking is very bad, and the road is really quite narrow, at most two adults can walk side by side… In addition, there is a dark river on the side, listening to the sound of rushing water in the night, it makes people feel A little worried.

A person who accidentally stumbles and falls into the water, in this barren mountain, does not need any monsters to emerge to be able to harvest people’s lives.

After walking forward, Gu Mo saw some traces of human life. It was a dilapidated wooden plank road built along the river bank. Half of the wreckage of the bridge seemed to be in disrepair, and the other side had been washed away.

And the bridge deck here is also half immersed in the water. I don’t know if the wood is already rotten, and the river surface is too dark to see clearly. He doesn’t want to be near the water in this situation. As close as possible to the inside…

looked back, Gu Mo frowned, seeing the breath of human life is indeed a good thing, but from the roads and bridges, you can see the economic development and craftsmanship of a place—

So this scene is far from the modern bustling, isolated place deep in the mountains?

Or… a backward ancient world?

With such doubts and expectations, Gu Mo continued to walk forward cautiously, neither slow nor fast, and tried to be a lot lighter. He is somewhat emboldened, but not to the level of unscrupulousness. When it is time to restrain himself, he must restrain himself.

After walking for a while, there were some strange and slight noises vaguely in front of him. He stopped and listened carefully for a long time. He was not very sure. Ye Feng was sent over.

He held his breath, and cautiously continued to walk forward for a while, rounding the corner of the mountain road, and suddenly a bright light suddenly appeared in front of him—

The ancient village is built around the river and sits on the high **** ahead.

Wooden gate and wooden fence, the two form the outer wall, but at this moment, the door is open wide, and you can clearly see the houses in the village, but they are all dilapidated wooden houses, it seems that even the windows Also papery…

—Really an ancient scene?

Although there was such an association just now, at this time, Gu Mo was still a little surprised. At the same time, he finally knew where the sound he heard before came from. His judgment was correct. There were fires faintly emitting from many directions in the village, and the houses built of wood were burning and collapsing in the flames.

Not only flames and coke, he just took two more steps forward, just as a night wind blew, and the strong smell of blood came oncoming.

‘s complexion changed slightly, Gu Mo froze in his heart, and immediately raised his vigilance by two levels again, and the nerves that had been tense all the time were now even more tense. It seems that this scene is more unfriendly than the previous one. The beginning is directly violent and **** elements smashing the face?

Swallowing his saliva cautiously, he looked back and considered whether there were more dangers hidden outside the village in the dark night. , and at the same time some strange thoughts popped up in my mind.

What are you doing? Why are you doing this kind of thing here?

When he was too nervous, some uncontrolled thoughts diverged in his mind, and his random thoughts were disturbing. He could only try his best to restrain himself. At the same time, he felt that he missed the self who couldn’t be sure of the truth yesterday.

Now that he has a clear idea of what is going on, it is difficult for him to have such a big heart.

“No one… Strange, they’ve all been killed?”

Walking into the gate of the village and walking slowly along the road along the river bank, Gu Mo, who was looking around, didn’t find anyone, and didn’t hear any voices. This is a pretty bad sign… It’s very likely that , There is no one alive in this village now.

So who is the culprit behind all this? In ancient times, if it was such a village again, could it be a horse bandit or bandit?

“Cherry blossoms…?”

He gently stretched out his hand to catch a bit of dark purple falling from the top of his head. Gu Mo raised his head and looked up. He realized with hindsight that it was probably because his initial attention was completely overwhelmed by the firelight and the smell of blood. Because of the attraction, I did not find that there are still many cherry trees in this village.

I don’t say it’s like a forest or something, but looking around, there are indeed many places…

At this time, the dark night cherry blossoms are falling, with a mysterious and mysterious sense of fantasy. If the background is not a burning village, and the air is filled with a strong smell of blood, the beauty of the cherry blossoms in full bloom would be breathtakingly beautiful. .

Gu Mo blinked, this scene seemed to be a bit of an instant sight, he seemed to have just recalled it not long ago…

He hesitated and continued to move forward. Before he went too far, he made a new discovery.

boom! boom! boom! …

There is a heavy behemoth walking not far away, and it seems to be dragging something equally heavy, scraping the ground.

Under the shadow of a night cherry tree, Gu Mo looked blankly at the direction from a distance. It seemed to be a low depression in the village, with raised soil slopes all around. In it, it is obviously a messy cemetery, with tombstones and grave bags everywhere.

A huge bull-headed monster stood up, covered in heavy armor like a samurai, with scarlet bloodthirsty eyes shining with bloodthirsty rays of light. Pacing back and forth in the field, as if patrolling his own death territory…

Sure enough, this is it!

Gu Mo covered his forehead, his eyes were blank, perhaps because the game was designed for gameplay, there must be some discrepancy with a real place, so he really didn’t get to see the village for the first time. Recognize where this is.

But when he saw Ye Sakura, the cemetery, and the Minotaur in the cemetery one after another, it was strange that he couldn’t react.

So does this scene belong to the world of the Nioh series…

This should be the Thirteen Cherry Blossoms Village. In the past, it was a prosperous village because it provided cattle, horses and post stations. However, in the chaotic world, it has not been able to escape the raging fire of war. In addition, in the war-torn world, a large number of desolate souls have grown up here. The monsters were avoided, and in the end the entire village was destroyed overnight.

“You’re going to die, how are you going to get through this…”

Gu Mo withdrew his gaze from the tauren in the distance, held his breath carefully, and did not dare to make any movement.

Even if you don’t say this, the final boss in the ancestral hall of Thirteen Cherry Blossoms is also a horse-headed ghost of the same level. Is this what he can beat now?

The wife he pinches in the game…cough, the beautiful lady who pinches can really show off the operation, easily destroy everything, and if he comes back later, it can even make the BOSS disappear directly.

But what about in the real world? Look at the bull-headed monster that is nearly three stories high and is covered in heavy armor. Gu Mo suspects that even if he increases his strength to 20 points, he may still not push the other side to drag the hammer on the ground with one hand. The strength of the iron rod…

The blood bar disappeared? Yes, it is true that the blood bar has disappeared, as for who it is, I will not say.

Having said that, did your plug-in go in the wrong direction of strengthening, and devote yourself to bringing a smooth gaming experience to the enemy while beating yourself? Otherwise, how do you explain that the functions provided to you are full of bugs and the services are incomplete, but when you refresh your own books, you only provide some scenes that are obviously not novice difficulty—

Especially this one in front of him, it’s really too **** for a newbie like him.

Although in the game, this is the novice village, but not to mention the game data of his wife, just in the setting, that is the first monster in the Warring States period, the most powerful person who can smash the wine and swallow the boy and kill Dayue Maru How can the novice stage of a strong half-demon be comparable to the novice stage of an ordinary person?

Just when Gu Mo’s face changed and he felt that he was in an absolutely unsolvable dead end, there were light footsteps suddenly heard behind him.

He turned his head subconsciously, and after being stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up for a moment—




On the path behind   , the girl with long black straight hair who covered her face with a face towel, wore a knife on her waist, and hung a bow and arrow behind her was obviously stunned.

It seems that there is still a living person in the village, but what is this person talking about?

(end of this chapter)

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