When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 153

Chapter 149: Accident…And Another Invitation

Chapter 149 Accident…and another invitation

Clone Pod…

Of course, this was Gu Mo’s name, and Xue Ji didn’t know what the thing itself was called. Although he didn’t know why he called it that way, and what was the meaning of this strange name, it was originally an irrelevant question. Therefore, there is no special correction.

Anyway, the whole Penglai Island belongs to this person after that. It is his right to change the name of whatever he wants to give to the island.

However, strictly speaking, Gu Mo’s name is somewhat related, although this clone warehouse is not realized through technology, but is left by the ancient immortals on Penglai Island, and it is the crystallization of the mysterious side of the cloning technology… It’s true It’s quite cutting-edge technology.

And this magic “Clone Barn”——

is the deepest part of the dense forest hidden on the other side of the island.

“… This is because we want to extract the power of wood spirits to grow hair, and use the vitality of the forest to breed new life. As for what kind of magic, I don’t know, it already belongs to a rather clever immortal. I just heard the teacher say that before.”

Saoji’s voice sounded softly, telling some brief information about the fairy technique “Cloning Warehouse”.

“It is said that this is the method used by the immortals on the island in ancient times to avoid catastrophe. Even if the body is destroyed due to some catastrophe, it can reshape the body. Even if there is only a drop of blood left, it can be reborn in Nirvana… But those few A demon who doesn’t understand the mystery, just wants to use it to achieve their ambitions, like a rumbling cauldron.”

During the conversation, two or three people have passed through the dense forest.

They walked along the quiet path in the forest, and followed Zouji’s guidance to a seemingly ordinary, nothing special forest clearing.

Of course, it seems to be nothing out of the ordinary. Gu Mo, relying on his own control of the island, can keenly and clearly feel that there is a special “island facility” hidden here, although it is not like a rumbling cauldron, which is connected to the huge The leyline magnetic field is the source of spiritual power for the entire island, but it is also the core of this vast forest.

In his induction, the forest is full of vitality, like a sea of pure vitality, and the essence of every drop of sea water is the vigorous power of all things.

And in this ocean, there is a vortex, or the absolute core like an eye of the sea, into which the power of growth flows and converges at one point—

is right here in front of you.

As soon as he thought about it, the layers of densely packed trees in front of him suddenly separated from the intricate and intertwined state of entanglement. It was like a wall of trees and thorns intertwined, retreating to both sides under the magical power.

It was a place where there was no road…

revealed the “Tree of Life” hidden behind it…

The giant plant looks like a big tree, but if you look closely, it will feel like a giant flower, or a combination of the two, like a huge bud growing on the tree, the petals are tightly closed, and it looks like It is a giant blister wrapped by a branch of thorns, and the surface is a thick-walled membrane like an amniotic membrane.

I couldn’t see anything in it, and even mental power couldn’t penetrate it, and it was easily blocked by some kind of power.

“That’s it…”

Satoji said softly.

“Just remodeling a new body usually takes one rotation. If the body to be remodeled is very powerful, it will take more time… And now it’s still a while before the last rotation, so It’s not finished yet, but Master Gu Mo, you can take the initiative to stimulate the forest’s anger to complete the form…”

The existence of this forest is for the tree of life in front of you.

Coupled with the fact that the area is large enough, the power of hair growth accumulated over the years is very majestic, and the manufacturing process is already nearing its end, and it is naturally harmless to consume a little life to speed up the process. The consumption of the vitality of the forest is only a drop in the bucket.

“Then let me try…”

Gu Mo nodded, this time the rotation is indeed not enough, and it is still a while before the normal opening time of Penglai Island.

It’s just that he used his master authority to remotely silence the Cauldron of Sound in advance, so that the enchantment of time disappeared, and the island reappeared in the world tonight.

It was precisely because of such a sudden attack without warning that the Four Dou Gods were caught off guard——

The Barrier of Time suddenly disappeared abnormally, the island reappeared in the world, and then the two dog brothers came directly to the door… It was enough to make them devastated when they were unprepared.

In the end, the new owner of the island unknowingly bypassed the battlefield. He didn’t even meet them at all, and he went straight to Zao Ji, cutting off their lifeline in one fell swoop, making them completely wiped out… Needless to say The doubtful thing is definitely the most embarrassed BOSS to die.



Time passes by every minute and every second.

The wind was blowing in the quiet forest, and the bright moonlight passed through the layers of gaps, casting a little silver-white light spot on the ground.

“It’s like… that’s it? Is this okay?” Gu Mo said with some uncertainty. He felt that he had done something, but nothing seemed to change, as if he had released his skills, but a little bit There is no performance effect and no feedback, so naturally I am a little less confident.

– Do I have to press skills?

——If I press it, why doesn’t it respond at all?

Possibly holding such doubts, he couldn’t help but look at the group of soul rays of light held by the witch next to him, then looked at the witch who kept her eyes lowered and brows silent, and then blinked.

Always feel…

It seemed that the atmosphere was not quite right from the beginning.

“It’s alright now, Master Gu Mo…” At this time, Xue Ji’s voice sounded softly in the quiet forest, like the cool breeze blowing by on a midsummer night, giving people just the right feeling of tenderness.” Next, just let it open, the form inside is really complete…”

“That’s it, okay…”

Gu Mo, who was thinking about something and seriously recalling everything that happened from just now to now, heard the words and nodded slightly subconsciously. Since Xue Ji said so, it should be no problem. Probably this is Xian Xian. The realm of respected art.

Return to the basics, the elephant is invisible, and the moisturizing is silent.

Therefore, there are no exaggerated and huge momentum and special effects, and there are no superficial light and shadow and special effects performance effects, but in fact everything has been achieved quietly.

“No, wait a minute, Master Gu Mo, there is one more thing—” At the next moment, Xue Ji seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly added a sentence behind her in a flustered tone.

But it’s too late…

The huge flower buds suddenly bloomed layer by layer, which was incomparably clear and steaming at the same time, as if it was a hot spring, but it poured down the warm water body like a dense and fresh forest atmosphere. emerges from it…

The long hair scattered under the body like black silk…

Wet because it was covered with water vapor, and tightly adhered to the fair skin like jade…

The slender collarbone, white and slender legs, and slender and naked feet form an extremely sharp contrast with the black, textured wet long hair…



The air completely solidified at this moment, and the scene became dead silent.

Gu Mo was stunned for a moment, then the moment he reacted, he felt a terrifying chill coming from the side, and when he subconsciously turned his head to look, it happened to match the icy eyes of the witch. Eye to eye… This time it doesn’t seem to be an illusion.


XixiXiXiSuoSuo’s dressing sound resounded in the forest.

Gu Mo squatted on an open field far away, holding a twig in his hand, and was drawing circles on the ground, surrounded by fireflies, perhaps because of his current status, he was not interested in the creatures on the island. Because of their strong affinity, they all gathered together before they knew it.

My thoughts are a little confused…

Gu Mo shook his head vigorously, followed by a long sigh, expelling all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and trying his best to think from an optimistic perspective… Well, I couldn’t be optimistic at all. The kind of ultra-low pressure emanating from it, just thinking about it makes people feel terrified…

“But… it’s alright…”

The tone belonging to Miss Sohime sounded in the forest. It was completely different from the previous voice, as if it was very unnatural.

Why so fast…

Gu Mo also twitched the corners of his mouth. He sighed again, stood up and threw away the twig in his hand, stretched out his hand and waved to disperse the surrounding fireflies, and then turned around, letting the restrained spirit meet with him. The perception spreads out again, and the road he used to travel back and forth.

In the forest, the huge plant that can breed vitality and reshape the body has been hidden again, the core of the forest protected by layers of illusions and enchantments… The witch stood quietly in place, hanging down her long eyelashes , without saying a word, and in front of her, there is a scene like a mirror upside down.

Exactly the same figure, exactly the same appearance, just wearing a heroic swordsman armor, with a cross star on his head…

This is the clothing that Gu Mo temporarily projected.

Although it is a fake copy based on his previous impression, it can at least solve the urgent need.

The air was a little quiet, and the two priestesses didn’t speak. Kikyo didn’t know what she was thinking, she kept her eyes down and her brows lowered. On the other hand, Zoji was obviously a little embarrassed, her cheeks were slightly rosy, and she didn’t know if she was embarrassed because of using a replica body based on Kikyo, or because of what happened just now…

“Cough, it’s all done… It’s pretty good…”

A soft cough sounded, and Gu Mo, who came over, tried his best to keep his tone natural enough, pretending that nothing happened just now.

“Yes… Mr. Gu Mo, I… I still want to thank you…”

Zouji looked in his direction, showing a sincere smile, and said it very gently and earnestly, but at the same time she didn’t know what she was thinking of, her eyes looked away unnaturally, and her eyes wandered away from him. Looking at each other, there was an embarrassing blush on the white face.



The    scene was quiet again, and there was a smell called embarrassment in the air.

Maybe it was because I remembered something temporarily, or maybe it was because I couldn’t bear the embarrassment, and desperately wanted to find an excuse to get rid of the current embarrassment, Xue Ji suddenly seemed to be shocked: “Yes, yes, that group Children…I’m going to see how those children are doing!”

“Hug, sorry! Excuse me for a while…”

She said in a panic, then turned around and walked quickly as if escaping the scene.



In the quiet forest clearing, there were only two people left, and the air returned to silence again.

“She must be very concerned about those children, but only when the rumbling cauldron is silent, her soul can leave the vicinity for a short time, let her go this night…”

Gu Mo watched Zou Ji’s back disappear on the quiet path, and said with a haha, Zou Ji’s soul is like an earthbound spirit bound by the rumbling cauldron, and the protection of her is also the same. The power that also bound her was naturally the power that belonged to the Cauldron of Sound.

So it’s not impossible to leave the vicinity of the Sounding Cauldron——

According to the external time, there is only one rotation every 50 years. According to the time of Penglai Island, it is only one day every year that the cauldron in the mountains will stop beeping and fall into silence. At this time, the power of the rumbling cauldron will also disappear, so the enchantment of time cannot be maintained.

And since the power of the tumbling cauldron will disappear in this short day, then Zaki’s soul will naturally be able to temporarily get rid of the bondage… So at this time, they can take Zaki’s soul to find new ones. body, and Zouji had to move more freely on the island at night.

is just—

As for Gu Mo’s speechless behavior, the witch didn’t seem to have any intention of paying attention.

She stood silently on the spot, hanging down her long eyelashes, and said nothing from the beginning.

“That… Kikyo, about what happened just now…” Gu Mo stood on the spot, took a deep breath, thought about it carefully, and felt that it was probably impossible to get around, so he spoke very seriously. said.

“…Stop talking, this matter has passed.”

Kikyo finally moved, looked up at him coldly, and said without a trace of ups and downs in his voice.

She subconsciously clenched the longbow behind her.

If she felt unhappy and upset just because she thought of something before…then now, she really has the urge to nail the other person to the tree with an arrow.


In the village by the lake.

“Really…Sister Koji?”

A group of half-demon children dressed as swordsmen in disbelief, wearing a cross star headband, their voice trembled inexplicably, and there was a faint hope in the bottom of their eyes. They were also fed up with this cruel day. , and now finally sees the dawn of hardship.

The Four Fighting Gods are gone, not to mention…

Even Saji-san, who died a long time ago to protect them, came back to life… Even with a change of body, there’s really nothing better than this…

“It’s true, I’m back… I’m sorry, everyone, it was I who couldn’t protect you.” There were tears in the corners of his eyes, and there were tears in Zaki’s smile. Looking at the remaining children, he Feeling heartbroken, I feel even more so when I look at the densely packed houses that line up around me.

When Penglai Island was prosperous, there were also villages with thousands of people…

It was only after the slaughter of those brutal demons, and now, only a dozen or so children are left alive on the island.


A very surprised voice came from a distance.

Zaoji looked at the entrance of the village subconsciously, and found a line of strangers standing there, a man and a woman at the head were staring at him in astonishment.

Naturally, it was Inuyasha and his party who fought wits and bravery with the air for a long time. After finding that Longluo was indeed completely evaporated, they rushed back in the direction of the village, and then happened to encounter this scene…



On the top of the hill farther away, quietly watching what happened in the village, Sesshomaru seemed to be rather bored and gave his evaluation, turned around and left, his long silver hair swaying gracefully in the night wind.

He really hated tonight’s unfolding. He originally came with the idea of being ashamed. As a result, the four fighting gods died so inexplicably. It doesn’t exist, which naturally made this noble man feel like he was punching cotton.

“Master Sesshomaru, wait for me…”

The little girl in a kimono hurried up with her little feet and followed closely.

Xie Jian also hurriedly took the reins of the two-headed dragon monster and followed quickly, and the figures of the group gradually drifted away in the darkness.


on the other side.

is still in the quiet forest, but the atmosphere has become quite subtle. Although it is cold and depressed, it is more of an awkward feeling.

“About the past…” Gu Mo said seriously.

“I told you to stop talking!” Kikyo frowned.

Gu Mo didn’t seem to hear it, or he didn’t care at all. He just thought about it carefully and organized the language to continue: “I can actually argue, no, I can actually explain…”

“Don’t talk about it!!” The witch frowned, staring coldly at this ignorant person. This matter has already passed, why does he keep talking over and over again… And before, it was obvious that He himself is very unnatural, and even wants to pretend that nothing happened.

As a result, he suddenly seems to have changed his personality, and he reiterates the old things without caring… Why can he become so cheeky in a short period of time!

This made her feel embarrassed, but she also felt quite powerless, and she didn’t know what to do with this person.

“I can’t help it, just tell you something else, Kikyo, you just ignore me…” Gu Mo then stopped, he looked straight into the witch’s eyes, spread his hands and said, “And only when you say When this happened, you only reacted a little bit, so naturally I can only say this.”

He also tried to say a lot of things just now, probably with the idea of “accounting for the future”, one after another.

From the Jade of the Four Souls to the Elixir of Undead, to all the information about that troublesome guy Naraku…

However, these seemed meaningless. The witch didn’t react at all. In the end, Gu Mo, who had been singing a one-man show by himself for a long time, finally reacted. After staring at her with a frown for a while, he simply changed the topic and started talking about it. the previous thing.

And then—that’s how it is now.

emmmmm, but it works…

isn’t it?

Kikyo stared at him coldly, and after a while, she sighed softly and lowered her eyes slightly: “I heard everything you just said… I will pay attention, you don’t need to be too Worrying…” She spoke slowly, as if every word required determination.

“As for anything else…you don’t have to…because pity me, and do something.”

After saying this, the shrine maiden turned her head slightly and stopped looking at him.

“This is not pitiful…” Gu Mo frowned, but was interrupted after just one sentence.

Kikyo’s words seemed to be buried in the falling snow, quietly blending into the darkness, as if whispering softly: “And I also want to thank you, during this time…I…you don’t need to leave if you want to leave. What a burden, anyway, what you want has been fulfilled, isn’t it?”

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

At this time, Kikyo hesitated for a while, and finally she added softly: “Be nice to Miss Naji…”



A brief silence.

He looked at the witch in front of him, as if he finally understood something, and suddenly laughed out: “Is it already fulfilled? I really don’t know… But if you say that, I will treat it as Kikyo, and you agree. .”


The shrine maiden was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at him in amazement.

I saw him stretch out his hand towards him, as if he was seriously sending out another invitation.

“Let’s go together.”

(end of this chapter)

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