When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 166

Chapter 161: The Real Welcome Ceremony In Chapterylonia

Chapter 161 The real welcome to Babylonia

Covered the stopper of the gourd, Gu Mo looked up.

Just happened to see the arrow carrying the holy light and the aura of destroying the devil falling, turning all the beasts into flying ashes, the witch put down the bow in her hand, then turned to look into the distance, slightly raised it. Brows came: “There are more coming…”

The number of    is too much, to an unimaginable level.

Just entering the sensible range of her spiritual sense, there are hundreds of thousands of them, they are like tides, and there are more and more numbers coming from farther, I don’t know if they smell it. The **** smell of the companions, or the mutual sense of the same clan, rushed over to support.

This kind of demon that she didn’t understand seems to have become the absolute mainstream in this land. With such an amazing number, it is hard to imagine any town or village that can resist it. At least according to the limited experience of Kikyo, Not in the Warring States Period, not in the modern world, and in this world… probably not.

The terrifying number of beasts that spread across the land…

and the ruins of the now destroyed village…

has already explained a lot of problems.

“It seems that there are still some big guys, and their spirits are generally strong, but they are generally within an acceptable range…” Gu Mo said casually, he felt the red dots that appeared on the small map, and found the mental strength of the beasts. They are far from being comparable to humans, and there are some more tyrannical special individuals in them.

But fortunately, in the face of the basic spirit of 23 points as a whole, that is still not a big problem.

does not even need to use the dominion of the power of lies.

Of course, even if they can still effectively interfere with their minds, the consumption will naturally increase accordingly. He may not care much about the increased consumption affecting a single individual, but when the number of beasts increases to the point of madness, it cannot be ignored. I care.

Gu Mo sensed the spiritual body that appeared within his perception range, and quickly retrieved the target, which was the relatively rare tyrannical individuals.

His will is projected over, directly across space and distance, like invisible threads of intangible tentacles, tightly entangled in the spiritual bodies, the invisible spiritual tentacles hold the hearts tightly together. Wrapped up like a parasitic vine that entangles trees…

A winged bipedal snake…

A seven-headed snake with seven huge heads…

These two are entangled in the tide of the beasts, and the behemoths marching towards this side, those monsters like angry lions the size of bison, compared with these two giant beasts, their size and tonnage are like that of a sparrow and a cat. Similar to comparison.

But at this moment, the two giants that made the nearby ground rumble with a low muffled sound stopped moving at the same time. The snake’s seven heads seemed to show signs of being out of sync, with several heads roaring hostilely at the other.

However, after all, he couldn’t resist the huge spiritual power, especially when the power was overwhelmingly crushed—

When the only independent will of the remaining head collided, like light being swallowed by a black hole, like a mud ox entering the sea, it would never return, the result was already doomed.

has carved a mark, and life is not autonomous.


The sharp roar pierces through the stone, with unparalleled fury and arrogance!

The nearby group of beasts heard this terrifying sound wave and looked around, using their unique sensory perception to try to find possible enemies. The beast group has no commander, and basically acts on instinct and the mission given.

obliterates human beings.

Leave none of them, completely wiped out the traces of primates in this world from the surface of the planet!

“The human beings who will continue the history of the future will be eradicated here” – this is the mission for which they were created.

It’s just that although there is no commander, in the group operations again and again, they have basically formed their own set of experience summaries, that is, following the actions of those tyrannical individuals in the same kind, as they are now, they are aware of When a tyrannical individual of the same kind is about to launch an attack, he subconsciously believes that there is an enemy appearing.

However, they did not find the enemy’s location this time, and the next moment they noticed the strong wind whistling, like an invisible giant in the void swinging a long whip, hitting the ground, causing the ground to crack. Huge snake body!

The sweeping attack of the Iron Tail instantly emptied a large open space among the densely-packed beasts, showing a fan shape, and the ground was full of blood and blood. Compared with ordinary beasts, those were simply Beasts like copper skin and iron bones were crushed to death by this blow!

The blood was blurred, and it turned into a **** smear of blood on the ground, mixed with broken claws, heads, fragments of internal organs, and so on.

And those examples that were not crushed to death on the spot were not necessarily lucky. They were shot directly into the air, streaking through a parabola like an unloaded cannonball, and fell tens of meters away. There was no movement in the herd of beasts.

The long-winged bipedal snake roared terribly, and its huge wings slammed open, casting a shadow that shrouded a large number of nearby monsters.

The seven-headed snake, which was born with seven gigantic heads, ran rampantly, swallowing whatever it grabbed, ignoring that all the people around were its own kind.

The surrounding beasts were agitated, and they quickly reacted. Their eyes were red and they let out a hostile roar at the same time, regardless of the disparity in size and tonnage. Overlooking this scene from a high altitude, it was like an ant colony besieging a larger insect.

“Shows a certain wisdom, they seem to have a clear purpose, and they can easily distinguish the enemy’s camp…”

Gu Mo pinched his chin and thought about it. By the way, he stretched out his hand and gestured. The air in front of him was rippled like water waves, and the information he sensed was projected in it. It was like ripples of light and ripples on the water. The energy is intertwined and changed, showing different assigned colors according to the owner’s mind.

Like “pixels”, it combined a dynamic image that changed in real time, overlooking the **** scene that happened on the ground in the distance, which was the cannibalism of the beasts that were coming here.

The collection of information comes from the scanning feedback of Gu Mo’s mental thoughts, and after his processing, it is output, like a signal, presented in the form of projection on the light curtain where the energy is intertwined, and the scenes that are happening in the distance are broadcast in real time. , so that the witch can clearly see what happened.

Kikyo pondered seriously.

The white-haired witcher girl swallowed her saliva with difficulty. She watched the real-time broadcast on the light screen, and then looked at the tragic scene around, passing the arrow of the witch, and the exchange of beasts. The slaughter, the monsters in this ruins have basically been cleaned up.

But from the high-altitude bird’s-eye view displayed on the light curtain, the land in the distance is densely packed with those monsters, and their density is extremely amazing.

Obviously, this piece of land has been reduced to the lair of monsters.

But what happened to this world to encounter such a terrible disaster?

“This village is out of help, let’s leave first… There are too many monsters, even if it is delayed a little, but the smell of blood will come from other directions, and the ants will kill the elephants. Although the individuals I manipulated Among them, the strength is strong, but it can’t resist so many numbers…”

Gu Mo opened his mouth and suggested.

More and more magical beasts entered his range of perception, like the red dots on the small map becoming extremely dense, and the two individuals he manipulated were fierce, powerful, and lost their independence. Consciousness has also become not afraid of pain and death, and can fight frantically.

However, in front of the monsters that swarmed like a tidal wave, the number of which was as large as an ant colony, they obviously couldn’t support it for too long. In just a moment, they were covered in bruises, the sturdy scales and skins were torn apart, and hot blood was spilled from them out…

Although they were still fighting frantically, Gu Mo could feel that their breath was rapidly weakening, and it was estimated that they would be completely submerged and torn apart by the ant colony in a short while.

“Then let’s go, get out of here first…” The witch nodded lightly and looked around.

Since there is no one alive anymore, there is no point in staying. If conditions permit, she would like to purify the souls of the dead, but it seems unrealistic at present, so she will naturally not insist on these innocence. meaningful action.

The most urgent task is to find out the situation…

See if there is still salvation in this world, maybe there are people in need in other places, instead of staying here and wasting time.

“Hey, don’t be stunned, get in the car…”

The dead soul worm summoned by the shrine maiden, who was familiar with the road, Gu Mo informed the witcher girl who was a little dazed below, so that the latter quickly returned to reality.

Immediately afterwards, he also pointed to a certain direction in the sky, and said his previous discovery: “Let’s go to the direction over there and see, there seems to be a human defense line that resists the herd, but it is far, far away. the place, through a large forest.”

The distance is not the problem, the problem is that the sky is not safe.

Although it is not like the magical beasts on the ground, it can gather into a dense torrent, but it is obviously a more powerful individual that dominates the sky, and it may be attacked when flying in the air… I can only hope for the witch’s enchantment and his The mental intervention is powerful enough, and that can save a lot of trouble.

Dead Soul Worm is not convenient enough after all, it is not a good choice for air combat…

But there is no other way, there is no other choice at the moment, Gu Mo thought about the faint smell of medicine around him.

Swordsmanship can actually be done. The two demon swords around his waist are also psychic weapons, and it is not difficult to act as a flying sword. However, his skill level is not high, so he can only bring one person with Yujian… There are two people, so they can’t leave Ciri behind.

Carefully riding on the Death Soul Worm, she found that she could be supported by some kind of force and flew into the distance, the witcher girl breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately after, her mind was relaxed, and she finally focused on other aspects, so she naturally looked at the ground below with some unease.

The village was in ruins, and a large area of the surrounding land was turned into scorched earth.

In some places it was as pitch black as if it had been scorched by flames, and in some places it seemed as if it had been dissolved by some violent toxin, which killed the vitality of vegetation and soil, turning the land into a deep, ominous brown.

The corpses of monsters are everywhere, and at the far end of the horizon, there are more ferocious figures of monsters rushing towards this side, seeming to smell the blood of their companions…

“What are you going to do?”

Hesitating for a while, Ciri asked, this should be a strange and irrelevant world, even if they suffered a disaster, it had nothing to do with them.

“Look at the situation first and see what can be done…”

Gu Mo replied very calmly, unlike Kikyo’s kindness, he still had an attitude towards the copy, and his thoughts were taken for granted, but in the eyes of Ciri who didn’t know the inside story, it was completely is another interpretation.

It seems that my previous decision should not be wrong…

The witcher girl took a deep breath. She has experienced a lot of things, and she can’t say that she has become unkind, but it is not as simple as before, and she understands some things more or less, so I feel more about the performance of these two people. It is really invaluable.

Maybe it’s really trustworthy…

After hesitating for a while, Ciri said again: “If there is something wrong, I can open the door to go back immediately.”

Although inexplicably felt a lot more at ease, the witcher girl also felt the need to face up to reality, and just remembered her latest discovery, so she quickly reminded her.

“Of course we will do what we can… Wait, can you open the portal directly?” Gu Mo replied, and then he grasped the key point. He turned his head almost immediately, his eyes were very strangely tight He stared at the white-haired girl.

“I, I didn’t lie to you before…” Ciri explained with some guilty conscience, “I still can’t fully control my abilities, I don’t know what world is opposite the opened portal, and I don’t know how to get back. The world before, but this time is different, I don’t know what’s going on…”

Anyway, I suddenly felt that I could do it.

I can feel the world on the other side coming from there.

“Is it the change that just happened…”

Gu Mo couldn’t help raising his eyebrows. He suspected that it was the influence of the mental retardation system, but there was no evidence to prove it was the case.

But if you think about it seriously, this is actually a good thing?

Perhaps from now on, if you want to quit the dungeon, you don’t have to be so troublesome?

“Something is approaching…” At this moment, an ethereal voice sounded, but the shrine maiden who was always quiet next to her spoke up. She frowned and looked at the distant sky.

A small black dot appeared at the end of the sky.

The speed is very fast, and in just a moment, it has gone from a faint black dot to a closer distance that can be vaguely seen clearly—

Black hair fluttering in the wind, dressed in elegant and gorgeous and bold clothes, driving a huge bow-like flying boat, the figure galloping lightly in the sky is full of a sense of publicity charm, the delicate and beautiful face is filled with a cheerful smile, it seems Very happy look.

This figure that seems to be the manifestation of the concept of beauty is like a meteor streaking across the sky, and it has already whizzed past in an instant!

Because it didn’t happen to happen by coincidence, it just passed by far away, so this beautiful figure soaring in the sky didn’t seem to notice anyone here, so it flew away directly, and all of a sudden there was only one left. A small black spot on the horizon in the distance, and then even the black spot disappeared.



The atmosphere became quiet again. Ciri had already clenched the hilt of the silver sword nervously. Although she felt that she might not be able to exert much force, she could not do nothing.

I just didn’t expect anything to happen, and it just passed.

Gu Mo, who was prepared immediately because of Kikyo’s reminder, also had a complicated expression on his face. After all, the unit that can attract the attention of the witch is naturally not a mess, but there is no conflict, or even no encounter at all, and the other party is not directed here. Came here in a hurry.

And even though it was only a glimpse from afar, he also recognized who the figure was…

“It doesn’t seem to be a demon, and the breath on his body is also inclined to the efficacious power of gods and Buddhas…”

Bellflower raised her delicate eyebrows slightly. Could it be the incarnation of the walking of the gods? Qiu Shui’s eyes looked at someone beside him, wanting to hear the other person’s opinion, but he happened to find that Gu Mozheng had a very complicated look on his face, and he was still looking at the direction of the sky.

“Someone you know?” The witch frowned slightly.



“It can be said to know… She is Ishtar. In Mesopotamian mythology, she is the goddess of beauty, harvest, and battle. Now she is probably in the form of a pseudo-servant.” Gu Mo Nodding his head, he slowly retracted his gaze, and said in a somewhat inexplicable tone, “I basically know the situation in this world.”

Ishtar, Mesopotamia, Pseudo-Servants…

These terms,   , were somewhat unfamiliar to witches and witcher girls, but they were generally able to understand the meaning. The witch was fine, but the witcher girl couldn’t help but widen her eyes. Was that person in the past an incarnation of a god?

At this time, Kikyo nodded thoughtfully, but she still stared into Gu Mo’s eyes: “Is there any entanglement?”

That complicated expression on the other side just now…

made her a little concerned.

“No, how could it be? I’ve only heard the name of this lady goddess, but I haven’t had any encounters before.” Gu Mo shook his head decisively and directly denied this statement. What kind of entanglement could there be, but It’s just that he didn’t pull the goddess out of the card pool.

But there is no need to say things like drawing cards and sinking ships, so as not to be embarrassed…

Speaking of which, can this lady goddess return the stone she drew?

Kikyo withdrew her gaze, her eyes drooping slightly: “So that’s the case, just heard of it… Then, what’s the situation in this world?” She seemed to believe this statement, and her ethereal voice was still flat, gently passing it over. On this topic, another question was directly asked.

“This is the age of 2600 BC, the land of ancient Mesopotamia. The surface of the world is still close to the mystery, the world of the end of the age of the gods…”

Gu Mo looked up at the blue sky and seemed to feel the purity of the planet at this time, and took a deep breath.

“But at this time, the world will probably be destroyed…”

At the same time as he said that, he stood up from the dead soul worm, facing the strong wind above the sky and looking at the distant horizon, the fortified city wall that seemed to have no end and was boundless—

and the wave of monsters swaying in front of the city wall.

His line of sight followed the direction of the beast horde and looked in the other direction. The beast swarms marched continuously from there, like a tide, coming in waves towards that line of defense… But no matter what, at least it means that the beast nest is likely to be in that direction, so there are constant riots.

The slender and powerful palms lightly grasped the hilt at the waist.

The top of the hilt is inlaid with beads that shimmer with bright purple light, as if with a strange attraction that can devour people’s souls.

“Our group’s existence will be very conspicuous in this world, and acting low-key will probably be seen as a sign of weakness, so let’s be more high-profile, and we will also hold a welcome ceremony for this world…” He seemed to be talking to himself , And as if to explain the reason for doing this, Ciri watched as he pulled out the quaint straight knife.

Kikyo pursed his lips and said nothing.

The raised magic sword swayed in the air, as if stirring the atmosphere, the evil energy visible to the naked eye whistled, and the faint dragon of **** seemed to rise from the ancient abyss, surrounding Gu Mo’s body and making a silent sound towards the front. The roar, a dim red sun appeared in the interweaving of evil.

The next moment, he definitely swung down the magic sword.

The distant future.

Located in Chaldea, Antarctica, the surviving human beings, the tenacious staff, and the last Master of the Human Security Agency are intensively conducting the final Holy Grail exploration.

“The anti-summoning system is activated, and the spiritual transformation begins.”

“There are 3, 2, 1 left until the start of the spiritual transfer…”

“Complete the whole project: Clear. Start the actual verification of the seventh GrandOrder…”

With the silence of the broadcast voice, the existence of the two people who entered the cage had already been transferred to the world of 2600 BC through the spiritual transfer. The staff in the control room nervously waited for the results of the feedback, and they all subconsciously. Hold your breath.

(end of this chapter)

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