When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?

Chapter 183

Chapter 178: Goddess Of The Underworld

Chapter 178 Goddess of the Underworld

The so-called heaven.

The so-called underworld.

Generally speaking, it is a metaphysical existence, a mystery that is different from the real dimension and is completely another dimension. Therefore, there is no heaven in the atmosphere, and no **** will be dug out in the depths of the earth. The world after death and the world in the sky are not far from reality. Not just physical distance.

However, this is the age of the gods now…

The underworld and the present world are connected by soil. This postmortem world does exist under the ground of Mesopotamia, an underground space unimaginable from a geological point of view.

Even according to Goddess Ishtar’s simple and rude method, to go to the underworld is to blast through the ground in one breath and just jump down.

All kinds of relevant information flashed through his thoughts. Gu Mo is like a ghost wandering in the dark night of the underworld. As an uninvited guest, he is wandering around other people’s houses under the cover of darkness, looking around, Look here, touch there.

The air in the world after death is gloomy and cold, even if he is standing here, he can’t help but feel an obvious coldness.

Once infected and saturated with the yin qi of this underworld, then it is estimated that it is equivalent to accepting death.

The space is dark and dim, but it is also dotted with a little soft light, and it spreads endlessly forward. In the chill filled with yin, there are ghost-like spiritual bodies drifting by from time to time in the distance… But according to Meisuo Not according to the mythology of Damia, these should be said to be Galula spirits?

The so-called messenger of the underworld is roughly equivalent to the ghost soldier in the underworld.

Gu Mo was thoughtful, but now he has his own breath blocking skills, which perfectly blends into the darkness, but he is not afraid of being discovered by these patrolling messengers from the underworld, as long as he does not make too much noise…

After estimating the time, he stepped forward. Although he appeared here, it was mainly for the purpose of further mastering and proficient in the power of the night wanderer, but also to familiarize himself with the environment of the underworld beforehand. As soon as he saw it, he immediately turned back.

Speaking of which, this is the afterlife world…

I used to be just an ordinary person every day, and I probably never thought that I would be able to step on the land of this concept one day.

Walking on the dark and cold Netherland step by step, Gu Mo had a strange feeling in his heart.

The underworld is still a threat to him, and the yin will also infect his body, but there is no way to directly take his life like killing an ordinary person, he can support it for a long time, and in this period Walk freely on the land of the underworld in time.

There are Garula spirits flying around in this dark space from time to time, but even if they pass by at a very close distance, they cannot detect the guests walking in the dark.

Night is the best ally.

Those little soft rays of light are the light source of this underground space. After getting close, you can see the whole picture clearly. Standing in front of a light source, Gu Mo looked up at this huge, slender, birdcage-like thing. It is placed in various places on the ground of the underworld, and it seems to be everywhere.

——There are countless light spots in the cage.

—those are souls.

This is the gun prison of Ereshkigal. According to myths and legends, the goddess will use the gun prison to imprison people’s souls and torture them for fun, even if the imprisoned soul will be frozen into ice because of the yin of the underworld. Blocks, so painful that they would rather disappear forever than be relieved.

However, according to Gu Mo’s careful observation at this moment, these gun cells actually seem to be “comfortable residences” in a sense, a protective shield for the soul.

Because even though those light spots are pure souls, he can still perceive their most basic emotions through mental induction. If he really feels pain because of being tortured, then the wavelength of the soul’s instinct is absolutely impossible. deceitful…

But at this moment, these souls are very peaceful and peaceful, as if they were asleep.

just matched the information he knew, so he observed and checked a few that were said to be gun cells, rather than the assigned housing in the underworld. Gu Mo nodded lightly and continued to move forward.

During this period, Cong Yunya around his waist seemed to be somewhat active and ready to move.

This demon sword, which symbolizes the underworld of the earth, is extremely evil. Now that it enters this space with home field advantage, it naturally becomes more energetic. However, the scabbard made by Mikamiki, as well as the spirit of the scabbard, as well as the multiple seals and enchantments set up before and after, are suppressing the somewhat restless ancient evil spirits.

Cong Yunya couldn’t do anything until he was unsheathed.

Gu Mo didn’t have a good way to do this either. Ever since he lost the possession blessing of the power of the Nine Tails, Cong Yunya seemed to have noticed something and began to become restless.

It was probably that ancient evil spirit who began to doubt the authenticity of his new master, and even doubted the authenticity of the super powerful demon power he showed before… So this demon sword has a tendency to be eager to try it now, no longer as it was before. tame.


It didn’t take long.

Wandering in the underworld, looking at the sprawling gun cells one by one, Gu Mo gradually found that the gun cells in front of him began to become empty. It was no longer like the ones he had seen before. There were countless souls in one gun cell. light spot.

And in the darkness at the far end, a narrow cliff road faintly appeared.

The steep cliff path is like a knife and axe, with bottomless and dark abysses on both sides, and there are seven stone gates on the winding cliff path…

He stopped and looked at it. So, the top of here is the surface of the city Kusa, right? Although Ereshkigal is the mistress of the underworld, she is also the patron saint of the city of Kusa, so the center of the underworld is her palace, which is located underground in the city of Kusa.

took a deep look into the distance, Gu Mo thought seriously.

But at this moment, a panicked voice sounded in front:

“Huh? Why are you…cough! No! Living beings who have entered the underworld, I ask why you came here?”

There was still some panic in the front, but the back seemed to have reacted immediately. Suddenly, the voice changed, and the tone became stable and dignified, as if unpredictable.


——Why did you come back so soon? !

Gu Mo was stunned for a moment. He took advantage of the lady goddess to sneak up on his sister’s account and ran to the ground curiously. He seized the gap and wandered to the underground underworld, but he didn’t expect it. The other party came back so fast.

Although it is indeed an angel of the underworld, it is also an existence with the highest authority in this system, and it is dedicated to the responsibility of the master of the underworld…

This is also the reason why he didn’t think about going to the underworld at first, because the risks do exist. Although this lady goddess is very kind, she is also very sincere. Good Gu Mo wants to fail the direct mission and exit the dungeon.

Just a glimpse of Tiamat’s figure in a dream, the Goddess of Creation even in a deep sleep, gave him an unimaginable sense of oppression and powerlessness…

He knew that he couldn’t avoid going to the underworld, so at this time, he took advantage of the opportunity of Ereshkigal to go out and arranged some insurance measures to enter the big hole in the ground and wanted to be first. touch the bottom…

It looks like he was caught by the owner who came home right now, which is a bit embarrassing.


Do you want to wake up directly?

His thoughts turned sharply, and Gu Mo finally made up his mind. It would be better to hit the sun if he chose a day. Anyway, he wanted to convince the goddess… Although objectively speaking, she is indeed very dangerous in the underworld, but because of some The reason – the advantage is mine!

“Since he came to the underworld, he naturally came here to meet Ereshkigal-sama.”

After thinking about this, he made up his mind. With a serious expression on his face, he just stood there and stared at the seven doors in front of him and said loudly. It was completely impossible to see that he actually had the intention of withdrawing just now, but it seemed that he had made a special trip to visit the mistress of the underworld.

“See, see me? You… how did you know of my existence?”

The voice seemed a bit gloomy, but the surprise in it could still be vaguely heard. After all, Ereshkigal believed that his existence was very secret, and he just talked to this person a few days ago, although he borrowed his own The body and name of the stupid sister.

But he hid himself well, no one found it.

Why did this person come directly to the underworld after only a few days?

“Uh, how else do you need to know about this kind of thing?” The man on the opposite side seemed to tilt his head in confusion, he stretched out a finger and scratched his cheek, and a strange smile appeared on his face, ” Isn’t that obvious?”

Something obvious… Could it be that he noticed the existence of the underworld and then discovered his own existence?

Well! That’s right! It must be so! Definitely not because you exposed yourself!

Lady Goddess suddenly panicked, but he still forced himself to calm down, ready to show a cold attitude and scare this guy by the way. This is the underworld, and the living must be killed. This guy hastily entered here… Is he trying to become her private property?

But at this time, the other side continued to speak slowly: “After all, we just talked once a few days ago, didn’t we, Lord Ereshkigal?”

A natural crit!

“Wh…wh…wh… woo!”

That voice opened her mouth, stammered and stammered, as if her whole body was startled, her mind went blank, and after a long while, she finally reacted and denied it with an extremely fierce attitude—

“Hu… What nonsense! We talked about it a few days ago, I, I, I, I have never seen you before!”

Lady Goddess was so panicked that she didn’t even care to maintain that way of speaking, but she still held a trace of luck deep in her heart.

She obviously secretly took the name of the stupid sister, and she came with Ishtar’s body!

“Impossible, it was in the valley of Mount Abiv, and everyone saw it…” Gu Mo put his hand on his chin, frowning in confusion, “When you were talking about the alliance of the three goddesses, you suddenly Replace the consciousness of Goddess Ishtar and come and talk to us—”

“Wow ah ah ah-!”

A sudden shout interrupted his words, and the owner of the voice no longer pretended to be mysterious, but was directly forced out by this terrible social death attack.

A blond girl appeared in the darkness ahead, staring at him with a flushed face, as if tears were in her eyes, and her hands were still waving randomly in front of her.

seems to be trying to resist his words by shouting and waving his hands like this, and prevent him from continuing to speak.

She is about to die of shame!

(end of this chapter)

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